This package is intended to be used on Dart and Flutter related tooling only. It provides APIs to send events to Google Analytics using the Measurement Protocol.


To get started using this package, import at the entrypoint dart file and initialize with the required parameters

import 'unified_analytics/unified_analytics.dart';

// Constants that should be resolved by the client using package
final DashTool tool = DashTool.flutterTools; // Restricted to enum provided by package
final String measurementId = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'; // To be provided to client
final String apiSecret = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'; // To be provided to client

// Values that need to be provided by the client that may
// need to be calculated
final String branch = ...;
final String flutterVersion = ...;
final String dartVersion = ...;

// Initialize the [Analytics] class with the required parameters;
// preferably outside of the [main] method
final Analytics analytics = Analytics(
  tool: tool,
  measurementId: measurementId,
  apiSecret: apiSecret,
  branch: branch,
  flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
  dartVersion: dartVersion,

// Timing a process and sending the event
void main() {
    DateTime start =;
    int count = 0;

    // Example of long running process
    for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        count += i;
    // Calculate the metric to send
    final int runTime =;

    // Generate the body for the event data
    final Map<String, int> eventData = {
      'time_ns': runTime,

    // Choose one of the enum values for [DashEvent] which should
    // have all possible events; if not there, open an issue for the
    // team to add
    final DashEvent eventName = ...; // Select appropriate DashEvent enum value

    // Make a call to the [Analytics] api to send the data
      eventName: eventName,
      eventData: eventData,

    // Close the client connection on exit

Opting In and Out of Analytics Collection

It will be important for each tool to expose a trivial method to disabling or enabling analytics collection. Based on how the user interacts with the tool, this can be done through the CLI, IDE, etc. The tool will then pass a boolean to an API exposed by the package as shown below

// Begin by initializing the class
final Analytics analytics = Analytics(...);

// The boolean below simulates the user deciding to opt-out
// of Analytics collection
final bool status = false;

// Call the method to pass the boolean

Informing Users About Analytics Opt-In Status

When a user first uses any tool with this package enabled, they will be enrolled into Analytics collection. It will be the responsiblity of the tool using this package to display the proper Analytics messaging and inform them on how to Opt-Out of Analytics collection if they wish. The package will expose APIs that will make it easy to configure Opt-In status.

// Begin by initializing the class
final Analytics analytics = Analytics(...);

// This should be performed every time the tool starts up
if (analytics.shouldShowMessage) {

  // How each tool displays the message will be unique,
  // print statement used for trivial usage example

Checking User Opt-In Status

Some tools may need to know if the user has opted in for Analytics collection in order to enable additional functionality. The example below shows how to check the status

// Begin by initializing the class
final Analytics analytics = Analytics(...);

// This getter will return a boolean showing the status;
// print statement used for trivial usage example
print('This user's status: ${analytics.telemetryEnabled}');  // true if opted-in

Developing Within package:unified_analytics

When contributing to this package, if the developer needs to verify that events have been sent, the following credentials should be used in lib/src/constants.dart to point to a separate Google Analytics endpoint

const String kGoogleAnalyticsApiSecret = '4yT8__oER3Cd84dtx6r-_A';
const String kGoogleAnalyticsMeasurementId = 'G-N1NXG28J5B';

Reach out to maintainers to get access to the test Google Analytics endpoint.

Advanced Usage: Querying Locally Persisted Logs

This package enables tools to persist the events that have been sent to Google Analytics for logging by default. This can be very helpful if tools would like to understand the user's activity level across all related tooling. For example, if querying the locally persisted logs shows that the user has not been active for N number of days, a tool that works within an IDE can prompt the user with a survey to understand why their level of activity has dropped.

The snippet below shows how to invoke the query and a sample response

// Begin by initializing the class
final Analytics analytics = Analytics(...);

// Printing the query results returns json formatted
// string to view; data can also be accessed through
// [LogFileStats] getters

// Prints out the below
// {
//     "startDateTime": "2023-02-08 15:07:10.293728",
//     "endDateTime": "2023-02-08 15:07:10.299678",
//     "sessionCount": 1,
//     "flutterChannelCount": 1,
//     "toolCount": 1
// }

Explanation of the each key above

  • startDateTime: the earliest event that was sent
  • endDateTime: the latest, most recent event that was sent
  • sessionCount: count of sessions; sessions have a minimum time of 30 minutes
  • flutterChannelCount: count of flutter channels (can be 0 if developer is a Dart dev only)
  • toolCount: count of the Dart and Flutter tools sending analytics