blob: 855cc99e804fc52a634d6a53ebb8e3e870fd68cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'config_handler.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'enums.dart';
import 'ga_client.dart';
import 'initializer.dart';
import 'log_handler.dart';
import 'session.dart';
import 'user_property.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
abstract class Analytics {
/// The default factory constructor that will return an implementation
/// of the [Analytics] abstract class using the [LocalFileSystem]
factory Analytics({
required DashTool tool,
required String dartVersion,
String? flutterChannel,
String? flutterVersion,
}) {
// Create the instance of the file system so clients don't need
// resolve on their own
const FileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem();
// Resolve the OS using dart:io
final DevicePlatform platform;
if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'linux') {
platform = DevicePlatform.linux;
} else if (io.Platform.operatingSystem == 'macos') {
platform = DevicePlatform.macos;
} else {
platform =;
// Create the instance of the GA Client which will create
// an [http.Client] to send requests
final GAClient gaClient = GAClient(
measurementId: kGoogleAnalyticsMeasurementId,
apiSecret: kGoogleAnalyticsApiSecret,
return AnalyticsImpl(
tool: tool.label,
homeDirectory: getHomeDirectory(fs),
measurementId: kGoogleAnalyticsMeasurementId,
apiSecret: kGoogleAnalyticsApiSecret,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
platform: platform,
toolsMessage: kToolsMessage,
toolsMessageVersion: kToolsMessageVersion,
fs: fs,
gaClient: gaClient,
/// Factory constructor to return the [AnalyticsImpl] class with a
/// [MemoryFileSystem] to use for testing
factory Analytics.test({
required String tool,
required Directory homeDirectory,
required String measurementId,
required String apiSecret,
String? flutterChannel,
String? flutterVersion,
required String dartVersion,
int toolsMessageVersion = kToolsMessageVersion,
String toolsMessage = kToolsMessage,
FileSystem? fs,
required DevicePlatform platform,
}) =>
tool: tool,
homeDirectory: homeDirectory,
measurementId: measurementId,
apiSecret: apiSecret,
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
platform: platform,
fs: fs ??
style: io.Platform.isWindows
: FileSystemStyle.posix,
gaClient: FakeGAClient(),
/// Returns a map object with all of the tools that have been parsed
/// out of the configuration file
Map<String, ToolInfo> get parsedTools;
/// Boolean that lets the client know if they should display the message
bool get shouldShowMessage;
/// Boolean indicating whether or not telemetry is enabled
bool get telemetryEnabled;
/// Returns the message that should be displayed to the users if
/// [shouldShowMessage] returns true
String get toolsMessage;
/// Returns a map representation of the [UserProperty] for the [Analytics] instance
/// This is what will get sent to Google Analytics with every request
Map<String, Map<String, Object?>> get userPropertyMap;
/// Call this method when the tool using this package is closed
/// Prevents the tool from hanging when if there are still requests
/// that need to be sent off
void close();
/// Query the persisted event data stored on the user's machine
/// Returns null if there are no persisted logs
LogFileStats? logFileStats();
/// API to send events to Google Analytics to track usage
Future<Response>? sendEvent({
required DashEvent eventName,
Map<String, Object?> eventData = const {},
/// Pass a boolean to either enable or disable telemetry and make
/// the necessary changes in the persisted configuration file
/// Setting the telemetry status will also send an event to GA
/// indicating the latest status of the telemetry from [reportingBool]
Future<void> setTelemetry(bool reportingBool);
class AnalyticsImpl implements Analytics {
final FileSystem fs;
late final ConfigHandler _configHandler;
late bool _showMessage;
final GAClient _gaClient;
late final String _clientId;
late final UserProperty userProperty;
late final LogHandler _logHandler;
final String toolsMessage;
required String tool,
required Directory homeDirectory,
required String measurementId,
required String apiSecret,
String? flutterChannel,
String? flutterVersion,
required String dartVersion,
required DevicePlatform platform,
required this.toolsMessage,
required int toolsMessageVersion,
required this.fs,
required gaClient,
}) : _gaClient = gaClient {
// This initializer class will let the instance know
// if it was the first run; if it is, nothing will be sent
// on the first run
final Initializer initializer = Initializer(
fs: fs,
tool: tool,
homeDirectory: homeDirectory,
toolsMessageVersion: toolsMessageVersion,
toolsMessage: toolsMessage,
_showMessage = initializer.firstRun;
// Create the config handler that will parse the config file
_configHandler = ConfigHandler(
fs: fs,
homeDirectory: homeDirectory,
initializer: initializer,
// Initialize the config handler class and check if the
// tool message and version have been updated from what
// is in the current file; if there is a new message version
// make the necessary updates
if (!_configHandler.parsedTools.containsKey(tool)) {
_configHandler.addTool(tool: tool);
_showMessage = true;
if (_configHandler.parsedTools[tool]!.versionNumber < toolsMessageVersion) {
_configHandler.incrementToolVersion(tool: tool);
_showMessage = true;
_clientId = fs
homeDirectory.path, kDartToolDirectoryName, kClientIdFileName))
// Initialize the user property class that will be attached to
// each event that is sent to Google Analytics -- it will be responsible
// for getting the session id or rolling the session if the duration
// exceeds [kSessionDurationMinutes]
userProperty = UserProperty(
session: Session(homeDirectory: homeDirectory, fs: fs),
flutterChannel: flutterChannel,
host: platform.label,
flutterVersion: flutterVersion,
dartVersion: dartVersion,
tool: tool,
// Initialize the log handler to persist events that are being sent
_logHandler = LogHandler(fs: fs, homeDirectory: homeDirectory);
Map<String, ToolInfo> get parsedTools => _configHandler.parsedTools;
bool get shouldShowMessage => _showMessage;
bool get telemetryEnabled => _configHandler.telemetryEnabled;
Map<String, Map<String, Object?>> get userPropertyMap =>
void close() => _gaClient.close();
LogFileStats? logFileStats() => _logHandler.logFileStats();
Future<Response>? sendEvent({
required DashEvent eventName,
Map<String, Object?> eventData = const {},
}) {
// Checking the [telemetryEnabled] boolean reflects what the
// config file reflects
// Checking the [_showMessage] boolean indicates if this the first
// time the tool is using analytics or if there has been an update
// the messaging found in constants.dart - in both cases, analytics
// will not be sent until the second time the tool is used
if (!telemetryEnabled || _showMessage) return null;
// Construct the body of the request
final Map<String, Object?> body = generateRequestBody(
clientId: _clientId,
eventName: eventName,
eventData: eventData,
userProperty: userProperty,
); body);
// Pass to the google analytics client to send
return _gaClient.sendData(body);
Future<void> setTelemetry(bool reportingBool) {
// Construct the body of the request to signal
// telemetry status toggling
// We use don't use the sendEvent method because it may
// be blocked by the [telemetryEnabled] getter
final Map<String, Object?> body = generateRequestBody(
clientId: _clientId,
eventName: DashEvent.analyticsCollectionEnabled,
eventData: {'status': reportingBool},
userProperty: userProperty,
); body);
// Pass to the google analytics client to send
return _gaClient.sendData(body);
/// This class extends [AnalyticsImpl] and subs out any methods that
/// are not suitable for tests; the following have been altered from the
/// default implementation. All other methods are included
/// - `sendEvent(...)` has been altered to prevent data from being sent to GA
/// during testing
class TestAnalytics extends AnalyticsImpl {
required super.tool,
required super.homeDirectory,
required super.measurementId,
required super.apiSecret,
required super.dartVersion,
required super.platform,
required super.toolsMessage,
required super.toolsMessageVersion,
required super.fs,
required super.gaClient,
Future<Response>? sendEvent({
required DashEvent eventName,
Map<String, Object?> eventData = const {},
}) {
if (!telemetryEnabled || _showMessage) return null;
// Calling the [generateRequestBody] method will ensure that the
// session file is getting updated without actually making any
// POST requests to Google Analytics
final Map<String, Object?> body = generateRequestBody(
clientId: _clientId,
eventName: eventName,
eventData: eventData,
userProperty: userProperty,
); body);
return null;