blob: 1b2ca97f50c5ae17a464d82776bf95245f62884b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'descriptor.dart';
import 'file_descriptor.dart';
import 'sandbox.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A descriptor describing a directory that may contain nested descriptors.
/// In addition to the normal descriptor methods, this has a [load] method that
/// allows it to be used as a virtual filesystem.
/// This may be extended outside this package.
class DirectoryDescriptor extends Descriptor {
/// Descriptors for entries in this directory.
/// This may be modified.
final List<Descriptor> contents;
DirectoryDescriptor(String name, Iterable<Descriptor> contents)
: contents = contents.toList(),
/// Creates a directory descriptor named [name] that describes the physical
/// directory at [path].
factory DirectoryDescriptor.fromFilesystem(String name, String path) {
return new DirectoryDescriptor(name,
new Directory(path).listSync().map((entity) {
// Ignore hidden files.
if (p.basename(entity.path).startsWith(".")) return null;
if (entity is Directory) {
return new DirectoryDescriptor.fromFilesystem(
p.basename(entity.path), entity.path);
} else if (entity is File) {
return new FileDescriptor(
p.basename(entity.path), entity.readAsBytesSync());
// Ignore broken symlinks.
}).where((path) => path != null));
Future create([String parent]) async {
var fullPath = p.join(parent ?? sandbox, name);
await new Directory(fullPath).create(recursive: true);
await Future.wait( => entry.create(fullPath)));
Future validate([String parent]) async {
var fullPath = p.join(parent ?? sandbox, name);
if (!(await new Directory(fullPath).exists())) {
fail('Directory not found: "${prettyPath(fullPath)}".');
await waitAndReportErrors( => entry.validate(fullPath)));
/// Treats this descriptor as a virtual filesystem and loads the binary
/// contents of the [FileDescriptor] at the given relative [url], which may be
/// a [Uri] or a [String].
/// The [parent] parameter should only be passed by subclasses of
/// [DirectoryDescriptor] that are recursively calling [load]. It's the
/// URL-format path of the directories that have been loaded so far.
Stream<List<int>> load(url, [String parents]) {
String path;
if (url is String) {
path = url;
} else if (url is Uri) {
path = url.toString();
} else {
throw new ArgumentError.value(url, "url", "must be a Uri or a String.");
if (!p.url.isWithin('.', path)) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(
url, "url", "must be relative and beneath the base URL.");
return StreamCompleter.fromFuture(new Future.sync(() {
var split = p.url.split(p.url.normalize(path));
var file = split.length == 1;
var matchingEntries = contents.where((entry) {
return == split.first &&
? entry is FileDescriptor
: entry is DirectoryDescriptor;
var type = file ? 'file' : 'directory';
var parentsAndSelf = parents == null ? name : p.url.join(parents, name);
if (matchingEntries.isEmpty) {
fail('Couldn\'t find a $type descriptor named "${split.first}" within '
} else if (matchingEntries.length > 1) {
fail('Found multiple $type descriptors named "${split.first}" within '
} else {
var remainingPath = split.sublist(1);
if (remainingPath.isEmpty) {
return (matchingEntries.first as FileDescriptor).readAsBytes();
} else {
return (matchingEntries.first as DirectoryDescriptor)
.load(p.url.joinAll(remainingPath), parentsAndSelf);
String describe() {
if (contents.isEmpty) return name;
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (var entry in contents.take(contents.length - 1)) {
var entryString = prefixLines(
entry.describe(), '${glyph.verticalLine} ',
first: '${glyph.teeRight}${glyph.horizontalLine}'
'${glyph.horizontalLine} ');
var lastEntryString = prefixLines(contents.last.describe(), ' ',
first: '${glyph.bottomLeftCorner}${glyph.horizontalLine}'
'${glyph.horizontalLine} ');
return buffer.toString();