blob: c95494ad65080537ec72b9d712b4e5b948c7550c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:boolean_selector/boolean_selector.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/metadata.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/platform_selector.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/suite_platform.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/runtime.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:test_api/src/frontend/timeout.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'runtime_selection.dart';
/// Suite-level configuration.
/// This tracks configuration that can differ from suite to suite.
class SuiteConfiguration {
/// Empty configuration with only default values.
/// Using this is slightly more efficient than manually constructing a new
/// configuration with no arguments.
static final empty = SuiteConfiguration._();
/// Whether JavaScript stack traces should be left as-is or converted to
/// Dart-like traces.
bool get jsTrace => _jsTrace ?? false;
final bool _jsTrace;
/// Whether skipped tests should be run.
bool get runSkipped => _runSkipped ?? false;
final bool _runSkipped;
/// The path to a mirror of this package containing HTML that points to
/// precompiled JS.
/// This is used by the internal Google test runner so that test compilation
/// can more effectively make use of Google's build tools.
final String precompiledPath;
/// Additional arguments to pass to dart2js.
/// Note that this if multiple suites run the same JavaScript on different
/// runtimes, and they have different [dart2jsArgs], only one (undefined)
/// suite's arguments will be used.
final List<String> dart2jsArgs;
/// The patterns to match against test names to decide which to run, or `null`
/// if all tests should be run.
/// All patterns must match in order for a test to be run.
final Set<Pattern> patterns;
/// The set of runtimes on which to run tests.
List<String> get runtimes => _runtimes == null
? const ['vm']
: List.unmodifiable( =>;
final List<RuntimeSelection> _runtimes;
/// Only run tests whose tags match this selector.
/// When [merge]d, this is intersected with the other configuration's included
/// tags.
final BooleanSelector includeTags;
/// Do not run tests whose tags match this selector.
/// When [merge]d, this is unioned with the other configuration's
/// excluded tags.
final BooleanSelector excludeTags;
/// Configuration for particular tags.
/// The keys are tag selectors, and the values are configurations for tests
/// whose tags match those selectors.
final Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration> tags;
/// Configuration for particular platforms.
/// The keys are platform selectors, and the values are configurations for
/// those platforms. These configuration should only contain test-level
/// configuration fields, but that isn't enforced.
final Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration> onPlatform;
/// The seed with which to shuffle the test order.
/// Default value is null if not provided and will not change the test order.
/// The same seed will shuffle the tests in the same way every time.
final int testRandomizeOrderingSeed;
/// The global test metadata derived from this configuration.
Metadata get metadata {
if (tags.isEmpty && onPlatform.isEmpty) return _metadata;
return _metadata.change(
forTag:, config) => MapEntry(key, config.metadata)),
onPlatform:, config) => MapEntry(key, config.metadata)));
final Metadata _metadata;
/// The set of tags that have been declared in any way in this configuration.
Set<String> get knownTags {
if (_knownTags != null) return _knownTags;
var known = includeTags.variables.toSet()
for (var selector in tags.keys) {
for (var configuration in _children) {
_knownTags = UnmodifiableSetView(known);
return _knownTags;
Set<String> _knownTags;
/// All child configurations of [this] that may be selected under various
/// circumstances.
Iterable<SuiteConfiguration> get _children sync* {
yield* tags.values;
yield* onPlatform.values;
factory SuiteConfiguration(
{bool jsTrace,
bool runSkipped,
Iterable<String> dart2jsArgs,
String precompiledPath,
Iterable<Pattern> patterns,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection> runtimes,
BooleanSelector includeTags,
BooleanSelector excludeTags,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration> tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration> onPlatform,
int testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
// Test-level configuration
Timeout timeout,
bool verboseTrace,
bool chainStackTraces,
bool skip,
int retry,
String skipReason,
PlatformSelector testOn,
Iterable<String> addTags}) {
var config = SuiteConfiguration._(
jsTrace: jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath,
patterns: patterns,
runtimes: runtimes,
includeTags: includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags,
tags: tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed: testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
metadata: Metadata(
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
tags: addTags));
return config._resolveTags();
/// Creates new SuiteConfiguration.
/// Unlike [new SuiteConfiguration], this assumes [tags] is already
/// resolved.
{bool jsTrace,
bool runSkipped,
Iterable<String> dart2jsArgs,
Iterable<Pattern> patterns,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection> runtimes,
BooleanSelector includeTags,
BooleanSelector excludeTags,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration> tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration> onPlatform,
int testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
Metadata metadata})
: _jsTrace = jsTrace,
_runSkipped = runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs = _list(dart2jsArgs) ?? const [],
patterns = UnmodifiableSetView(patterns?.toSet() ?? {}),
_runtimes = _list(runtimes),
includeTags = includeTags ?? BooleanSelector.all,
excludeTags = excludeTags ?? BooleanSelector.none,
tags = _map(tags),
onPlatform = _map(onPlatform),
testRandomizeOrderingSeed = testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
_metadata = metadata ?? Metadata.empty;
/// Creates a new [SuiteConfiguration] that takes its configuration from
/// [metadata].
factory SuiteConfiguration.fromMetadata(Metadata metadata) =>
tags:, child) =>
MapEntry(key, SuiteConfiguration.fromMetadata(child))),
onPlatform:, child) =>
MapEntry(key, SuiteConfiguration.fromMetadata(child))),
metadata: metadata.change(forTag: {}, onPlatform: {}));
/// Returns an unmodifiable copy of [input].
/// If [input] is `null` or empty, this returns `null`.
static List<T> _list<T>(Iterable<T> input) {
if (input == null) return null;
var list = List<T>.unmodifiable(input);
if (list.isEmpty) return null;
return list;
/// Returns an unmodifiable copy of [input] or an empty unmodifiable map.
static Map<K, V> _map<K, V>(Map<K, V> input) {
if (input == null || input.isEmpty) return const {};
return Map.unmodifiable(input);
/// Merges this with [other].
/// For most fields, if both configurations have values set, [other]'s value
/// takes precedence. However, certain fields are merged together instead.
/// This is indicated in those fields' documentation.
SuiteConfiguration merge(SuiteConfiguration other) {
if (this == SuiteConfiguration.empty) return other;
if (other == SuiteConfiguration.empty) return this;
var config = SuiteConfiguration._(
jsTrace: other._jsTrace ?? _jsTrace,
runSkipped: other._runSkipped ?? _runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs.toList()..addAll(other.dart2jsArgs),
precompiledPath: other.precompiledPath ?? precompiledPath,
patterns: patterns.union(other.patterns),
runtimes: other._runtimes ?? _runtimes,
includeTags: includeTags.intersection(other.includeTags),
excludeTags: excludeTags.union(other.excludeTags),
tags: _mergeConfigMaps(tags, other.tags),
onPlatform: _mergeConfigMaps(onPlatform, other.onPlatform),
other.testRandomizeOrderingSeed ?? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
metadata: metadata.merge(other.metadata));
return config._resolveTags();
/// Returns a copy of this configuration with the given fields updated.
/// Note that unlike [merge], this has no merging behavior—the old value is
/// always replaced by the new one.
SuiteConfiguration change(
{bool jsTrace,
bool runSkipped,
Iterable<String> dart2jsArgs,
String precompiledPath,
Iterable<Pattern> patterns,
Iterable<RuntimeSelection> runtimes,
BooleanSelector includeTags,
BooleanSelector excludeTags,
Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration> tags,
Map<PlatformSelector, SuiteConfiguration> onPlatform,
int testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
// Test-level configuration
Timeout timeout,
bool verboseTrace,
bool chainStackTraces,
bool skip,
int retry,
String skipReason,
PlatformSelector testOn,
Iterable<String> addTags}) {
var config = SuiteConfiguration._(
jsTrace: jsTrace ?? _jsTrace,
runSkipped: runSkipped ?? _runSkipped,
dart2jsArgs: dart2jsArgs?.toList() ?? this.dart2jsArgs,
precompiledPath: precompiledPath ?? this.precompiledPath,
patterns: patterns ?? this.patterns,
runtimes: runtimes ?? _runtimes,
includeTags: includeTags ?? this.includeTags,
excludeTags: excludeTags ?? this.excludeTags,
tags: tags ?? this.tags,
onPlatform: onPlatform ?? this.onPlatform,
testRandomizeOrderingSeed ?? testRandomizeOrderingSeed,
metadata: _metadata.change(
timeout: timeout,
verboseTrace: verboseTrace,
chainStackTraces: chainStackTraces,
skip: skip,
retry: retry,
skipReason: skipReason,
testOn: testOn,
tags: addTags?.toSet()));
return config._resolveTags();
/// Throws a [FormatException] if [this] refers to any undefined runtimes.
void validateRuntimes(List<Runtime> allRuntimes) {
var validVariables = => runtime.identifier).toSet();
if (_runtimes != null) {
for (var selection in _runtimes) {
if (!allRuntimes
.any((runtime) => runtime.identifier == {
if (selection.span != null) {
throw SourceSpanFormatException(
'Unknown platform "${}".', selection.span);
} else {
throw FormatException('Unknown platform "${}".');
onPlatform.forEach((selector, config) {
/// Returns a copy of [this] with all platform-specific configuration from
/// [onPlatform] resolved.
SuiteConfiguration forPlatform(SuitePlatform platform) {
if (onPlatform.isEmpty) return this;
var config = this;
onPlatform.forEach((platformSelector, platformConfig) {
if (!platformSelector.evaluate(platform)) return;
config = config.merge(platformConfig);
return config.change(onPlatform: {});
/// Merges two maps whose values are [SuiteConfiguration]s.
/// Any overlapping keys in the maps have their configurations merged in the
/// returned map.
Map<T, SuiteConfiguration> _mergeConfigMaps<T>(
Map<T, SuiteConfiguration> map1, Map<T, SuiteConfiguration> map2) =>
mergeMaps(map1, map2,
value: (config1, config2) => config1.merge(config2));
SuiteConfiguration _resolveTags() {
// If there's no tag-specific configuration, or if none of it applies, just
// return the configuration as-is.
if (_metadata.tags.isEmpty || tags.isEmpty) return this;
// Otherwise, resolve the tag-specific components.
var newTags = Map<BooleanSelector, SuiteConfiguration>.from(tags);
var merged = tags.keys.fold(empty, (SuiteConfiguration merged, selector) {
if (!selector.evaluate(_metadata.tags.contains)) return merged;
return merged.merge(newTags.remove(selector));
if (merged == empty) return this;
return change(tags: newTags).merge(merged);