blob: e580845d5cfe5453609ba3810ca61ff93c84b744 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:test_api/src/backend/live_test.dart'; // ignore: implementation_imports
import 'runner_suite.dart';
/// A view of the execution of a test suite.
/// This is distinct from [Suite] because it represents the progress of running
/// a suite rather than the suite's contents. It provides events and collections
/// that give the caller a view into the suite's current state.
abstract class LiveSuite {
/// The suite that's being run.
RunnerSuite get suite;
/// Whether the suite has completed.
/// Note that even if this returns `true`, the suite may still be running code
/// asynchronously. A suite is considered complete once all of its tests are
/// complete, but it's possible for a test to continue running even after it's
/// been marked complete—see [LiveTest.isComplete] for details.
/// The [isClosed] getter can be used to determine whether the suite and its
/// tests are guaranteed to emit no more events.
bool get isComplete;
/// A [Future] that completes once the suite is complete.
/// Note that even once this completes, the suite may still be running code
/// asynchronously. A suite is considered complete once all of its tests are
/// complete, but it's possible for a test to continue running even after it's
/// been marked complete—see [LiveTest.isComplete] for details.
/// The [onClose] future can be used to determine when the suite and its tests
/// are guaranteed to emit no more events.
Future get onComplete;
/// Whether the suite has been closed.
/// If this is `true`, no code is running for the suite or any of its tests.
/// At this point, the caller can be sure that the suites' tests are all in
/// fixed states that will not change in the future.
bool get isClosed;
/// A [Future] that completes when the suite has been closed.
/// Once this completes, no code is running for the suite or any of its tests.
/// At this point, the caller can be sure that the suites' tests are all in
/// fixed states that will not change in the future.
Future get onClose;
/// All the currently-known tests in this suite that have run or are running.
/// This is guaranteed to contain the same tests as the union of [passed],
/// [skipped], [failed], and [active].
Set<LiveTest> get liveTests => UnionSet.from([
if (active != null) {active}
/// A stream that emits each [LiveTest] in this suite as it's about to start
/// running.
/// This is guaranteed to fire before [LiveTest.onStateChange] first fires. It
/// will close once all tests the user has selected are run.
Stream<LiveTest> get onTestStarted;
/// The set of tests in this suite that have completed and been marked as
/// passing.
Set<LiveTest> get passed;
/// The set of tests in this suite that have completed and been marked as
/// skipped.
Set<LiveTest> get skipped;
/// The set of tests in this suite that have completed and been marked as
/// failing or error.
Set<LiveTest> get failed;
/// The currently running test in this suite, or `null` if no test is running.
LiveTest get active;