blob: f3a21cfff1aedce83eabf48ce14568cdf04c323d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import '../backend/compiler.dart';
import '../backend/group.dart';
import '../backend/operating_system.dart';
import '../backend/suite.dart';
import '../backend/test.dart';
import '../backend/test_platform.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'configuration/suite.dart';
import 'environment.dart';
/// A suite produced and consumed by the test runner that has runner-specific
/// logic and lifecycle management.
/// This is separated from [Suite] because the backend library (which will
/// eventually become its own package) is primarily for test code itself to use,
/// for which the [RunnerSuite] APIs don't make sense.
/// A [RunnerSuite] can be produced and controlled using a
/// [RunnerSuiteController].
class RunnerSuite extends Suite {
final RunnerSuiteController _controller;
/// The environment in which this suite runs.
Environment get environment => _controller._environment;
/// The configuration for this suite.
SuiteConfiguration get config => _controller._config;
/// Whether the suite is paused for debugging.
/// When using a dev inspector, this may also mean that the entire browser is
/// paused.
bool get isDebugging => _controller._isDebugging;
/// A broadcast stream that emits an event whenever the suite is paused for
/// debugging or resumed afterwards.
/// The event is `true` when debugging starts and `false` when it ends.
Stream<bool> get onDebugging =>;
/// A shortcut constructor for creating a [RunnerSuite] that never goes into
/// debugging mode.
factory RunnerSuite(
Environment environment, SuiteConfiguration config, Group group,
{String path,
TestPlatform platform,
OperatingSystem os,
Compiler compiler,
AsyncFunction onClose}) {
var controller = new RunnerSuiteController(environment, config, group,
path: path,
platform: platform,
os: os,
compiler: compiler,
onClose: onClose);
return controller.suite;
RunnerSuite._(this._controller, Group group, String path,
TestPlatform platform, OperatingSystem os, Compiler compiler)
: super(group,
path: path, platform: platform, os: os, compiler: compiler);
RunnerSuite filter(bool callback(Test test)) {
var filtered = group.filter(callback);
filtered ??= new Group.root([], metadata: metadata);
return new RunnerSuite._(
_controller, filtered, path, platform, os, compiler);
/// Closes the suite and releases any resources associated with it.
Future close() => _controller._close();
/// A class that exposes and controls a [RunnerSuite].
class RunnerSuiteController {
/// The suite controlled by this controller.
RunnerSuite get suite => _suite;
RunnerSuite _suite;
/// The backing value for [suite.environment].
final Environment _environment;
/// The configuration for this suite.
final SuiteConfiguration _config;
/// The function to call when the suite is closed.
final AsyncFunction _onClose;
/// The backing value for [suite.isDebugging].
bool _isDebugging = false;
/// The controller for [suite.onDebugging].
final _onDebuggingController = new StreamController<bool>.broadcast();
RunnerSuiteController(this._environment, this._config, Group group,
{String path,
TestPlatform platform,
OperatingSystem os,
Compiler compiler,
AsyncFunction onClose})
: _onClose = onClose {
_suite = new RunnerSuite._(this, group, path, platform, os, compiler);
/// Sets whether the suite is paused for debugging.
/// If this is different than [suite.isDebugging], this will automatically
/// send out an event along [suite.onDebugging].
void setDebugging(bool debugging) {
if (debugging == _isDebugging) return;
_isDebugging = debugging;
/// The backing function for [suite.close].
Future _close() => _closeMemo.runOnce(() async {
if (_onClose != null) await _onClose();
final _closeMemo = new AsyncMemoizer();