blob: f21399dc760e774bc7ec6603a27e6e792d04e600 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:term_glyph/term_glyph.dart' as glyph;
/// Indent each line in [string] by [first.length] spaces.
/// [first] is used in place of the first line's indentation.
String indent(String text, {required String first}) {
final prefix = ' ' * first.length;
var lines = text.split('\n');
if (lines.length == 1) return '$first$text';
var buffer = StringBuffer('$first${lines.first}\n');
// Write out all but the first and last lines with [prefix].
for (var line in lines.skip(1).take(lines.length - 2)) {
return buffer.toString();
/// Returns a pretty-printed representation of [value].
/// The matcher package doesn't expose its pretty-print function directly, but
/// we can use it through StringDescription.
String prettyPrint(value) =>
/// Indents [text], and adds a bullet at the beginning.
String addBullet(String text) => indent(text, first: '${glyph.bullet} ');
/// Converts [strings] to a bulleted list.
String bullet(Iterable<String> strings) =>'\n');
/// Returns [name] if [number] is 1, or the plural of [name] otherwise.
/// By default, this just adds "s" to the end of [name] to get the plural. If
/// [plural] is passed, that's used instead.
String pluralize(String name, int number, {String? plural}) {
if (number == 1) return name;
if (plural != null) return plural;
return '${name}s';