Add a centralized platform import (#1341)

Towards #962

Make it easier to import the necessary things for writing a custom
platform. This does not expose `executable` so a custom test runner
would need to import at a minimum this and the executable. The symbols
exported here are the ones used by `flutter_tools` in
`flutter_platform`, `flutter_web_platform`, and `test_wrapper`, if other
platforms need other symbols we may need to expand this some.

The import remains a `src` import since these are not yet stable enough
to be fully public. Centralizing and adding `show` clauses will make it
easier to know what is used and for which intent.
2 files changed
tree: 01bfdc9e4b9ea61ae3f213c73f20e83a652134c5
  1. pkgs/
  2. tool/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .travis.yml
  5. analysis_options.yaml
  7. mono_repo.yaml

Test Mono Repository

This repository contains packages for writing and running Dart tests.


A full featured packaged for writing and running Dart tests on various platforms, e.g. VM, Chrome, Node etc.


A minimal package for writing tests. This package is used by package:test and package:test_core.


A minimal package for writing and running tests. It also contains extensions for implementing a custom test runner. This package is used by package:test.