blob: 17b217c96912fa1cd97022011ec5b2f93cd3311e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../utils.dart';
void main() {
group('[throwsArgumentError]', () {
test('passes when a ArgumentError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw ArgumentError(''), throwsArgumentError);
test('fails when a non-ArgumentError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsArgumentError);
startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'ArgumentError'>"));
group('[throwsConcurrentModificationError]', () {
test('passes when a ConcurrentModificationError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw ConcurrentModificationError(''),
test('fails when a non-ConcurrentModificationError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsConcurrentModificationError);
"Expected: throws <Instance of 'ConcurrentModificationError'>"));
group('[throwsCyclicInitializationError]', () {
test('passes when a CyclicInitializationError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw CyclicInitializationError(''),
test('fails when a non-CyclicInitializationError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsCyclicInitializationError);
"Expected: throws <Instance of 'CyclicInitializationError'>"));
group('[throwsException]', () {
test('passes when a Exception is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw Exception(''), throwsException);
test('fails when a non-Exception is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw 'oh no', throwsException);
liveTest, startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'Exception'>"));
group('[throwsFormatException]', () {
test('passes when a FormatException is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw FormatException(''), throwsFormatException);
test('fails when a non-FormatException is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsFormatException);
startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'FormatException'>"));
group('[throwsNoSuchMethodError]', () {
test('passes when a NoSuchMethodError is thrown', () {
expect(() {
(1 as dynamic).notAMethodOnInt();
}, throwsNoSuchMethodError);
test('fails when a non-NoSuchMethodError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsNoSuchMethodError);
startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'NoSuchMethodError'>"));
group('[throwsNullThrownError]', () {
test('passes when a NullThrownError is thrown', () {
// Throwing null is no longer allowed with NNBD, but we do want to allow
// it from legacy code and should be able to catch those errors.
expect(() => throw NullThrownError(), throwsNullThrownError);
test('fails when a non-NullThrownError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsNullThrownError);
startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of '$NullThrownError'>"));
group('[throwsRangeError]', () {
test('passes when a RangeError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw RangeError(''), throwsRangeError);
test('fails when a non-RangeError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsRangeError);
liveTest, startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'RangeError'>"));
group('[throwsStateError]', () {
test('passes when a StateError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw StateError(''), throwsStateError);
test('fails when a non-StateError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsStateError);
liveTest, startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'StateError'>"));
group('[throwsUnimplementedError]', () {
test('passes when a UnimplementedError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw UnimplementedError(''), throwsUnimplementedError);
test('fails when a non-UnimplementedError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsUnimplementedError);
startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'UnimplementedError'>"));
group('[throwsUnsupportedError]', () {
test('passes when a UnsupportedError is thrown', () {
expect(() => throw UnsupportedError(''), throwsUnsupportedError);
test('fails when a non-UnsupportedError is thrown', () async {
var liveTest = await runTestBody(() {
expect(() => throw Exception(), throwsUnsupportedError);
startsWith("Expected: throws <Instance of 'UnsupportedError'>"));