Unsubscribe from messages after port is received

This prevents leaking subscriptions if the test is ever hot restarted.
This is especially important because the transferred message port's stream
is single subscription, and will throw if multiple active subscriptions
attempt to subscribe.
1 file changed
tree: 79acffe4251b49b9481c951ae1bf9a032bfbdf2c
  1. pkgs/
  2. tool/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .travis.yml
  5. analysis_options.yaml
  6. codereview.settings
  8. mono_repo.yaml
  9. README.md

Test Mono Repository

This repository contains packages for writing and running Dart tests.


A full featured packaged for writing and running Dart tests on various platforms, e.g. VM, Chrome, Node etc.


A minimal package for writing tests. This package is used by package:test and package:test_core.


A minimal package for writing and running tests. It also contains extensions for implementing a custom test runner. This package is used by package:test.