blob: bc6ad3348f7bf5fcdec468105204fdb7f795b56d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Don't modify this file by hand! It's generated by tool/generate.dart.
import 'glyph_set.dart';
/// A [GlyphSet] that includes only Unicode glyphs.
class UnicodeGlyphSet implements GlyphSet {
const UnicodeGlyphSet();
/// Returns [glyph] if [this] supports Unicode glyphs and [alternative]
/// otherwise.
String glyphOrAscii(String glyph, String alternative) => glyph;
/// A bullet point.
/// Always '•' for [this].
String get bullet => '•';
/// A left-pointing arrow.
/// Note that the Unicode arrow glyphs may overlap with adjacent characters in some
/// terminal fonts, and should generally be surrounding by spaces.
/// Always '←' for [this].
String get leftArrow => '←';
/// A right-pointing arrow.
/// Note that the Unicode arrow glyphs may overlap with adjacent characters in some
/// terminal fonts, and should generally be surrounding by spaces.
/// Always '→' for [this].
String get rightArrow => '→';
/// An upwards-pointing arrow.
/// Always '↑' for [this].
String get upArrow => '↑';
/// A downwards-pointing arrow.
/// Always '↓' for [this].
String get downArrow => '↓';
/// A two-character left-pointing arrow.
/// Always '◀━' for [this].
String get longLeftArrow => '◀━';
/// A two-character right-pointing arrow.
/// Always '━▶' for [this].
String get longRightArrow => '━▶';
/// A horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '─' for [this].
String get horizontalLine => '─';
/// A vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '│' for [this].
String get verticalLine => '│';
/// The upper left-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┌' for [this].
String get topLeftCorner => '┌';
/// The upper right-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┐' for [this].
String get topRightCorner => '┐';
/// The lower left-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '└' for [this].
String get bottomLeftCorner => '└';
/// The lower right-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┘' for [this].
String get bottomRightCorner => '┘';
/// An intersection of vertical and horizontal box lines.
/// Always '┼' for [this].
String get cross => '┼';
/// A horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
/// Always '┴' for [this].
String get teeUp => '┴';
/// A horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
/// Always '┬' for [this].
String get teeDown => '┬';
/// A vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
/// Always '┤' for [this].
String get teeLeft => '┤';
/// A vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
/// Always '├' for [this].
String get teeRight => '├';
/// The top half of a vertical box line.
/// Always '╵' for [this].
String get upEnd => '╵';
/// The bottom half of a vertical box line.
/// Always '╷' for [this].
String get downEnd => '╷';
/// The left half of a horizontal box line.
/// Always '╴' for [this].
String get leftEnd => '╴';
/// The right half of a horizontal box line.
/// Always '╶' for [this].
String get rightEnd => '╶';
/// A bold horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '━' for [this].
String get horizontalLineBold => '━';
/// A bold vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┃' for [this].
String get verticalLineBold => '┃';
/// The bold upper left-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┏' for [this].
String get topLeftCornerBold => '┏';
/// The bold upper right-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┓' for [this].
String get topRightCornerBold => '┓';
/// The bold lower left-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┗' for [this].
String get bottomLeftCornerBold => '┗';
/// The bold lower right-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '┛' for [this].
String get bottomRightCornerBold => '┛';
/// An intersection of bold vertical and horizontal box lines.
/// Always '╋' for [this].
String get crossBold => '╋';
/// A bold horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
/// Always '┻' for [this].
String get teeUpBold => '┻';
/// A bold horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
/// Always '┳' for [this].
String get teeDownBold => '┳';
/// A bold vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
/// Always '┫' for [this].
String get teeLeftBold => '┫';
/// A bold vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
/// Always '┣' for [this].
String get teeRightBold => '┣';
/// The top half of a bold vertical box line.
/// Always '╹' for [this].
String get upEndBold => '╹';
/// The bottom half of a bold vertical box line.
/// Always '╻' for [this].
String get downEndBold => '╻';
/// The left half of a bold horizontal box line.
/// Always '╸' for [this].
String get leftEndBold => '╸';
/// The right half of a bold horizontal box line.
/// Always '╺' for [this].
String get rightEndBold => '╺';
/// A double horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '═' for [this].
String get horizontalLineDouble => '═';
/// A double vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '║' for [this].
String get verticalLineDouble => '║';
/// The double upper left-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '╔' for [this].
String get topLeftCornerDouble => '╔';
/// The double upper right-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '╗' for [this].
String get topRightCornerDouble => '╗';
/// The double lower left-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '╚' for [this].
String get bottomLeftCornerDouble => '╚';
/// The double lower right-hand corner of a box.
/// Always '╝' for [this].
String get bottomRightCornerDouble => '╝';
/// An intersection of double vertical and horizontal box lines.
/// Always '╬' for [this].
String get crossDouble => '╬';
/// A double horizontal box line with a vertical line going up from the middle.
/// Always '╩' for [this].
String get teeUpDouble => '╩';
/// A double horizontal box line with a vertical line going down from the middle.
/// Always '╦' for [this].
String get teeDownDouble => '╦';
/// A double vertical box line with a horizontal line going left from the middle.
/// Always '╣' for [this].
String get teeLeftDouble => '╣';
/// A double vertical box line with a horizontal line going right from the middle.
/// Always '╠' for [this].
String get teeRightDouble => '╠';
/// A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '╌' for [this].
String get horizontalLineDoubleDash => '╌';
/// A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '╍' for [this].
String get horizontalLineDoubleDashBold => '╍';
/// A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '╎' for [this].
String get verticalLineDoubleDash => '╎';
/// A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '╏' for [this].
String get verticalLineDoubleDashBold => '╏';
/// A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┄' for [this].
String get horizontalLineTripleDash => '┄';
/// A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┅' for [this].
String get horizontalLineTripleDashBold => '┅';
/// A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┆' for [this].
String get verticalLineTripleDash => '┆';
/// A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┇' for [this].
String get verticalLineTripleDashBold => '┇';
/// A dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┈' for [this].
String get horizontalLineQuadrupleDash => '┈';
/// A bold dashed horizontal line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┉' for [this].
String get horizontalLineQuadrupleDashBold => '┉';
/// A dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┊' for [this].
String get verticalLineQuadrupleDash => '┊';
/// A bold dashed vertical line that can be used to draw a box.
/// Always '┋' for [this].
String get verticalLineQuadrupleDashBold => '┋';