blob: c9e74594a6f5a7ee08f53e0c59adaba7e82c21c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library string_scanner.string_scanner;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'exception.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// When compiled to JS, forward slashes are always escaped in [RegExp.pattern].
/// See issue 17998.
final _slashAutoEscape = new RegExp("/").pattern == "\\/";
/// A class that scans through a string using [Pattern]s.
class StringScanner {
/// The URL of the source of the string being scanned.
/// This is used for error reporting. It may be `null`, indicating that the
/// source URL is unknown or unavailable.
final Uri sourceUrl;
/// The string being scanned through.
final String string;
/// The current position of the scanner in the string, in characters.
int get position => _position;
set position(int position) {
if (position < 0 || position > string.length) {
throw new ArgumentError("Invalid position $position");
_position = position;
int _position = 0;
/// The data about the previous match made by the scanner.
/// If the last match failed, this will be `null`.
Match get lastMatch => _lastMatch;
Match _lastMatch;
/// The portion of the string that hasn't yet been scanned.
String get rest => string.substring(position);
/// Whether the scanner has completely consumed [string].
bool get isDone => position == string.length;
/// Creates a new [StringScanner] that starts scanning from [position].
/// [position] defaults to 0, the beginning of the string. [sourceUrl] is the
/// URL of the source of the string being scanned, if available. It can be
/// either a [String] or a [Uri].
StringScanner(this.string, {sourceUrl, int position})
: sourceUrl = sourceUrl is String ? Uri.parse(sourceUrl) : sourceUrl {
if (position != null) this.position = position;
/// Consumes a single character and returns its character code.
/// This throws a [FormatException] if the string has been fully consumed. It
/// doesn't affect [lastMatch].
int readChar() {
if (isDone) _fail("more input");
return string.codeUnitAt(_position++);
/// Returns the character code of the character [offset] away from [position].
/// [offset] defaults to zero, and may be negative to inspect already-consumed
/// characters.
/// This returns `null` if [offset] points outside the string. It doesn't
/// affect [lastMatch].
int peekChar([int offset]) {
if (offset == null) offset = 0;
var index = position + offset;
if (index < 0 || index >= string.length) return null;
return string.codeUnitAt(index);
/// If [pattern] matches at the current position of the string, scans forward
/// until the end of the match.
/// Returns whether or not [pattern] matched.
bool scan(Pattern pattern) {
var success = matches(pattern);
if (success) _position = _lastMatch.end;
return success;
/// If [pattern] matches at the current position of the string, scans forward
/// until the end of the match.
/// If [pattern] did not match, throws a [FormatException] describing the
/// position of the failure. [name] is used in this error as the expected name
/// of the pattern being matched; if it's `null`, the pattern itself is used
/// instead.
void expect(Pattern pattern, {String name}) {
if (scan(pattern)) return;
if (name == null) {
if (pattern is RegExp) {
var source = pattern.pattern;
if (!_slashAutoEscape) source = source.replaceAll("/", "\\/");
name = "/$source/";
} else {
name = pattern.toString()
.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\").replaceAll('"', '\\"');
name = '"$name"';
/// If the string has not been fully consumed, this throws a
/// [FormatException].
void expectDone() {
if (isDone) return;
_fail("no more input");
/// Returns whether or not [pattern] matches at the current position of the
/// string.
/// This doesn't move the scan pointer forward.
bool matches(Pattern pattern) {
_lastMatch = pattern.matchAsPrefix(string, position);
return _lastMatch != null;
/// Throws a [FormatException] with [message] as well as a detailed
/// description of the location of the error in the string.
/// [match] is the match information for the span of the string with which the
/// error is associated. This should be a match returned by this scanner's
/// [lastMatch] property. By default, the error is associated with the last
/// match.
/// If [position] and/or [length] are passed, they are used as the error span
/// instead. If only [length] is passed, [position] defaults to the current
/// position; if only [position] is passed, [length] defaults to 1.
/// It's an error to pass [match] at the same time as [position] or [length].
void error(String message, {Match match, int position, int length}) {
validateErrorArgs(string, match, position, length);
if (match == null && position == null && length == null) match = lastMatch;
if (position == null) {
position = match == null ? this.position : match.start;
if (length == null) length = match == null ? 1 : match.end - match.start;
var url = sourceUrl == null ? null : sourceUrl.toString();
var sourceFile = new SourceFile.text(url, string);
var span = sourceFile.span(position, position + length);
throw new StringScannerException(message, string, sourceUrl, span);
// TODO(nweiz): Make this handle long lines more gracefully.
/// Throws a [FormatException] describing that [name] is expected at the
/// current position in the string.
void _fail(String name) {
error("expected $name.", position: this.position, length: 0);