blob: 0327499c7d6c5a52c8188c522105228f6a00f85f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart';
import 'package:string_scanner/string_scanner.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('with an empty string', () {
late StringScanner scanner;
setUp(() {
scanner = StringScanner('');
test('is done', () {
expect(scanner.isDone, isTrue);
expect(scanner.expectDone, isNot(throwsFormatException));
test('rest is empty', () {
expect(, isEmpty);
test('lastMatch is null', () {
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
test('position is zero', () {
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("readChar fails and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.readChar, throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("peekChar returns null and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.peekChar(), isNull);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("scanChar returns false and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.scanChar($f), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("expectChar fails and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(() => scanner.expectChar($f), throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("scan returns false and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('.')), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("expect throws a FormatException and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(() => scanner.expect(RegExp('.')), throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test("matches returns false and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.matches(RegExp('.')), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test('substring returns the empty string', () {
expect(scanner.substring(0), isEmpty);
test('setting position to 1 throws an ArgumentError', () {
expect(() {
scanner.position = 1;
}, throwsArgumentError);
test('setting position to -1 throws an ArgumentError', () {
expect(() {
scanner.position = -1;
}, throwsArgumentError);
group('at the beginning of a string', () {
late StringScanner scanner;
setUp(() {
scanner = StringScanner('foo bar');
test('is not done', () {
expect(scanner.isDone, isFalse);
expect(scanner.expectDone, throwsFormatException);
test('rest is the whole string', () {
expect(, equals('foo bar'));
test('lastMatch is null', () {
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
test('position is zero', () {
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test('readChar returns the first character and moves forward', () {
expect(scanner.readChar(), equals(0x66));
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(1));
test('peekChar returns the first character', () {
expect(scanner.peekChar(), equals(0x66));
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test('peekChar with an argument returns the nth character', () {
expect(scanner.peekChar(4), equals(0x62));
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test('a matching scanChar returns true moves forward', () {
expect(scanner.scanChar($f), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(1));
test('a non-matching scanChar returns false and does nothing', () {
expect(scanner.scanChar($x), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test('a matching expectChar moves forward', () {
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(1));
test('a non-matching expectChar fails', () {
expect(() => scanner.expectChar($x), throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
test('a matching scan returns true and changes the state', () {
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('f(..)')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![1], equals('oo'));
expect(scanner.position, equals(3));
expect(, equals(' bar'));
test('a non-matching scan returns false and sets lastMatch to null', () {
expect(scanner.matches(RegExp('f(..)')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNotNull);
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('b(..)')), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
expect(, equals('foo bar'));
test('a matching expect changes the state', () {
expect(scanner.lastMatch![1], equals('oo'));
expect(scanner.position, equals(3));
expect(, equals(' bar'));
'a non-matching expect throws a FormatException and sets lastMatch to '
'null', () {
expect(scanner.matches(RegExp('f(..)')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNotNull);
expect(() => scanner.expect(RegExp('b(..)')), throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
expect(, equals('foo bar'));
test('a matching matches returns true and only changes lastMatch', () {
expect(scanner.matches(RegExp('f(..)')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![1], equals('oo'));
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
expect(, equals('foo bar'));
test("a non-matching matches returns false and doesn't change the state",
() {
expect(scanner.matches(RegExp('b(..)')), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(0));
expect(, equals('foo bar'));
test('substring from the beginning returns the empty string', () {
expect(scanner.substring(0), isEmpty);
test('substring with a custom end returns the substring', () {
expect(scanner.substring(0, 3), equals('foo'));
test('substring with the string length returns the whole string', () {
expect(scanner.substring(0, 7), equals('foo bar'));
test('setting position to 1 moves the cursor forward', () {
scanner.position = 1;
expect(scanner.position, equals(1));
expect(, equals('oo bar'));
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('oo.')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![0], equals('oo '));
expect(scanner.position, equals(4));
expect(, equals('bar'));
test('setting position beyond the string throws an ArgumentError', () {
expect(() {
scanner.position = 8;
}, throwsArgumentError);
test('setting position to -1 throws an ArgumentError', () {
expect(() {
scanner.position = -1;
}, throwsArgumentError);
test('scan accepts any Pattern', () {
expect(scanner.scan('foo'), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![0], equals('foo'));
expect(scanner.position, equals(3));
expect(, equals(' bar'));
test('scans multiple times', () {
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('f(..)')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![1], equals('oo'));
expect(scanner.position, equals(3));
expect(, equals(' bar'));
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp(' b(..)')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![1], equals('ar'));
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
expect(, equals(''));
expect(scanner.isDone, isTrue);
expect(scanner.expectDone, isNot(throwsFormatException));
group('after a scan', () {
late StringScanner scanner;
setUp(() {
scanner = StringScanner('foo bar');
expect(scanner.scan('foo'), isTrue);
test('readChar returns the first character and unsets the last match', () {
expect(scanner.readChar(), equals($space));
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(4));
test('a matching scanChar returns true and unsets the last match', () {
expect(scanner.scanChar($space), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(4));
test('a matching expectChar returns true and unsets the last match', () {
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(4));
group('at the end of a string', () {
late StringScanner scanner;
setUp(() {
scanner = StringScanner('foo bar');
expect(scanner.scan('foo bar'), isTrue);
test('is done', () {
expect(scanner.isDone, isTrue);
expect(scanner.expectDone, isNot(throwsFormatException));
test('rest is empty', () {
expect(, isEmpty);
test('position is zero', () {
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test("readChar fails and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.readChar, throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNotNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test("peekChar returns null and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.peekChar(), isNull);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNotNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test("scanChar returns false and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(scanner.scanChar($f), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNotNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test("expectChar fails and doesn't change the state", () {
expect(() => scanner.expectChar($f), throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNotNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test('scan returns false and sets lastMatch to null', () {
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('.')), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test('expect throws a FormatException and sets lastMatch to null', () {
expect(() => scanner.expect(RegExp('.')), throwsFormatException);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test('matches returns false sets lastMatch to null', () {
expect(scanner.matches(RegExp('.')), isFalse);
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
expect(scanner.position, equals(7));
test('substring from the beginning returns the whole string', () {
expect(scanner.substring(0), equals('foo bar'));
test('substring with a custom start returns a substring from there', () {
expect(scanner.substring(4), equals('bar'));
test('substring with a custom start and end returns that substring', () {
expect(scanner.substring(3, 5), equals(' b'));
test('setting position to 1 moves the cursor backward', () {
scanner.position = 1;
expect(scanner.position, equals(1));
expect(, equals('oo bar'));
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('oo.')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![0], equals('oo '));
expect(scanner.position, equals(4));
expect(, equals('bar'));
test('setting and resetting position clears lastMatch', () {
final oldPosition = scanner.position;
scanner.position = 1;
scanner.position = oldPosition;
expect(scanner.lastMatch, isNull);
test('setting position beyond the string throws an ArgumentError', () {
expect(() {
scanner.position = 8;
}, throwsArgumentError);
test('setting position to -1 throws an ArgumentError', () {
expect(() {
scanner.position = -1;
}, throwsArgumentError);
group('a scanner constructed with a custom position', () {
test('starts scanning from that position', () {
final scanner = StringScanner('foo bar', position: 1);
expect(scanner.position, equals(1));
expect(, equals('oo bar'));
expect(scanner.scan(RegExp('oo.')), isTrue);
expect(scanner.lastMatch![0], equals('oo '));
expect(scanner.position, equals(4));
expect(, equals('bar'));
test('throws an ArgumentError if the position is -1', () {
expect(() => StringScanner('foo bar', position: -1), throwsArgumentError);
test('throws an ArgumentError if the position is beyond the string', () {
expect(() => StringScanner('foo bar', position: 8), throwsArgumentError);