Merge the dart:uri library into dart:core and update the Uri class

This merges the dart:uri library into dart:core removing the dart:uri library. Besides moving the library the Url class has been changed.

* Removed existing Uri constructor as it was equivalent with Uri.parse
* Remamed constructor Uri.fromComponents to Uri
* Moved toplevel function encodeUriComponent to static method Uri.encodeComponent
* Moved toplevel function decodeUriComponent to static method Uri.decodeComponent
* Moved toplevel function encodeUri to static method Uri.encodeFull
* Moved toplevel function decodeUri to static method Uri.decodeFull
* Rename domain to host
* Added static methods Uri.encodeQueryComponent and Uri.decodeQueryComponent
* Added support for path generation and splitting
* Added support for query generation and splitting
* Added some level of normalization,,,

Review URL:

git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
5 files changed
tree: b4be0f081722950cf907bf831b997ddcd5724316
  1. lib/
  2. test/
  3. pubspec.yaml

This library provides the ability to parse, inspect, and manipulate stack traces produced by the underlying Dart implementation. It also provides functions to produce string representations of stack traces in a more readable format than the native StackTrace implementation.

Traces can be parsed from native StackTraces using Trace.from, or captured using Trace.current. Native StackTraces can also be directly converted to human-readable strings using Trace.format.

Here's an example native stack trace from debugging this library:

#0      Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch:1884:25)
#1      Trace.terse.<anonymous closure> (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dart/dart/pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart:47:21)
#2      IterableMixinWorkaround.reduce (dart:collection:29:29)
#3      List.reduce (dart:core-patch:1247:42)
#4      Trace.terse (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dart/dart/pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart:40:35)
#5      format (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dart/dart/pkg/stack_trace/lib/stack_trace.dart:24:28)
#6      main.<anonymous closure> (file:///usr/local/google-old/home/goog/dart/dart/test.dart:21:29)
#7      _CatchErrorFuture._sendError (dart:async:525:24)
#8      _FutureImpl._setErrorWithoutAsyncTrace (dart:async:393:26)
#9      _FutureImpl._setError (dart:async:378:31)
#10     _ThenFuture._sendValue (dart:async:490:16)
#11     _FutureImpl._handleValue.<anonymous closure> (dart:async:349:28)
#12<anonymous closure> (dart:async:2402:21)
#13     Timer.Timer.<anonymous closure> (dart:async-patch:15:15)

and its human-readable representation:

dart:core-patch                             Object.noSuchMethod
pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 47:21    Trace.terse.<fn>
dart:collection                             IterableMixinWorkaround.reduce
dart:core-patch                             List.reduce
pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 40:35    Trace.terse
pkg/stack_trace/lib/stack_trace.dart 24:28  format
test.dart 21:29                             main.<fn>
dart:async                                  _CatchErrorFuture._sendError
dart:async                                  _FutureImpl._setErrorWithoutAsyncTrace
dart:async                                  _FutureImpl._setError
dart:async                                  _ThenFuture._sendValue
dart:async                                  _FutureImpl._handleValue.<fn>
dart:async                        <fn>
dart:async-patch                            Timer.Timer.<fn>

You can further clean up the stack trace using Trace.terse. This folds together multiple stack frames from the Dart core libraries, so that only the core library method that was directly called from user code is visible. For example:

dart:core                                   Object.noSuchMethod
pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 47:21    Trace.terse.<fn>
dart:core                                   List.reduce
pkg/stack_trace/lib/src/trace.dart 40:35    Trace.terse
pkg/stack_trace/lib/stack_trace.dart 24:28  format
test.dart 21:29                             main.<fn>
dart:async                                  Timer.Timer.<fn>