blob: 1eedec43a14e3d74412ff23e7163925c0144ebda [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
main() {
var location;
setUp(() {
location = new SourceLocation(15,
line: 2, column: 6, sourceUrl: "foo.dart");
group('errors', () {
group('for new SourceLocation()', () {
test('offset may not be negative', () {
expect(() => new SourceLocation(-1), throwsRangeError);
test('line may not be negative', () {
expect(() => new SourceLocation(0, line: -1), throwsRangeError);
test('column may not be negative', () {
expect(() => new SourceLocation(0, column: -1), throwsRangeError);
test('for distance() source URLs must match', () {
expect(() => location.distance(new SourceLocation(0)),
test('for compareTo() source URLs must match', () {
expect(() => location.compareTo(new SourceLocation(0)),
test('fields work correctly', () {
expect(location.sourceUrl, equals(Uri.parse("foo.dart")));
expect(location.offset, equals(15));
expect(location.line, equals(2));
expect(location.column, equals(6));
group('toolString', () {
test('returns a computer-readable representation', () {
expect(location.toolString, equals('foo.dart:3:7'));
test('gracefully handles a missing source URL', () {
var location = new SourceLocation(15, line: 2, column: 6);
expect(location.toolString, equals('unknown source:3:7'));
test("distance returns the absolute distance between locations", () {
var other = new SourceLocation(10, sourceUrl: "foo.dart");
expect(location.distance(other), equals(5));
expect(other.distance(location), equals(5));
test("pointSpan returns an empty span at location", () {
var span = location.pointSpan();
expect(span.start, equals(location));
expect(span.end, equals(location));
expect(span.text, isEmpty);
group("compareTo()", () {
test("sorts by offset", () {
var other = new SourceLocation(20, sourceUrl: "foo.dart");
expect(location.compareTo(other), lessThan(0));
expect(other.compareTo(location), greaterThan(0));
test("considers equal locations equal", () {
expect(location.compareTo(location), equals(0));
group("equality", () {
test("two locations with the same offset and source are equal", () {
var other = new SourceLocation(15, sourceUrl: "foo.dart");
expect(location, equals(other));
test("a different offset isn't equal", () {
var other = new SourceLocation(10, sourceUrl: "foo.dart");
expect(location, isNot(equals(other)));
test("a different source isn't equal", () {
var other = new SourceLocation(15, sourceUrl: "bar.dart");
expect(location, isNot(equals(other)));