blob: bae38befaa7a8b45ce2abb2de806ca86159d2ff8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'location.dart';
import 'span.dart';
// Note: this class duplicates a lot of functionality of [SourceLocation]. This
// is because in order for SourceLocation to use SourceLocationMixin,
// SourceLocationMixin couldn't implement SourceLocation. In SourceSpan we
// handle this by making the class itself non-extensible, but that would be a
// breaking change for SourceLocation. So until we want to endure the pain of
// cutting a release with breaking changes, we duplicate the code here.
/// A mixin for easily implementing [SourceLocation].
abstract class SourceLocationMixin implements SourceLocation {
String get toolString {
final source = sourceUrl ?? 'unknown source';
return '$source:${line + 1}:${column + 1}';
int distance(SourceLocation other) {
if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) {
throw ArgumentError('Source URLs "$sourceUrl" and '
"\"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match.");
return (offset - other.offset).abs();
SourceSpan pointSpan() => SourceSpan(this, this, '');
int compareTo(SourceLocation other) {
if (sourceUrl != other.sourceUrl) {
throw ArgumentError('Source URLs "$sourceUrl" and '
"\"${other.sourceUrl}\" don't match.");
return offset - other.offset;
bool operator ==(other) =>
other is SourceLocation &&
sourceUrl == other.sourceUrl &&
offset == other.offset;
int get hashCode => (sourceUrl?.hashCode ?? 0) + offset;
String toString() => '<$runtimeType: $offset $toolString>';