blob: 5d0abf1e25f8f83016b4f583ea9ae72a1ccc43f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer.test.refactor_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/refactor.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/parser.dart' show parse, Mapping;
main() {
group('conflict detection', () {
var original = "0123456789abcdefghij";
var file = new SourceFile.text('', original);
test('no conflict, in order', () {
var txn = new TextEditTransaction(original, file);
txn.edit(2, 4, '.');
txn.edit(5, 5, '|');
txn.edit(6, 6, '-');
txn.edit(6, 7, '_');
expect((txn.commit()'')).text, "01.4|5-_789abcdefghij");
test('no conflict, out of order', () {
var txn = new TextEditTransaction(original, file);
txn.edit(2, 4, '.');
txn.edit(5, 5, '|');
// Regresion test for issue #404: there is no conflict/overlap for edits
// that don't remove any of the original code.
txn.edit(6, 7, '_');
txn.edit(6, 6, '-');
expect((txn.commit()'')).text, "01.4|5-_789abcdefghij");
test('conflict', () {
var txn = new TextEditTransaction(original, file);
txn.edit(2, 4, '.');
txn.edit(3, 3, '-');
expect(() => txn.commit(), throwsA(predicate(
(e) => e.toString().contains('overlapping edits'))));
test('generated source maps', () {
var original =
var file = new SourceFile.text('', original);
var txn = new TextEditTransaction(original, file);
txn.edit(27, 29, '__\n ');
txn.edit(34, 35, '___');
var printer = (txn.commit()''));
var output = printer.text;
var map = parse(;
"0123456789\n0*23456789\n01*34__\n 789\na___cdefghij\nabcd*fghij\n");
// Line 1 and 2 are unmodified: mapping any column returns the beginning
// of the corresponding line:
expect(_span(1, 1, map, file), "line 1, column 1 of .: \n0123456789");
expect(_span(1, 5, map, file), "line 1, column 1 of .: \n0123456789");
expect(_span(2, 1, map, file), "line 2, column 1 of .: \n0*23456789");
expect(_span(2, 8, map, file), "line 2, column 1 of .: \n0*23456789");
// Line 3 is modified part way: mappings before the edits have the right
// mapping, after the edits the mapping is null.
expect(_span(3, 1, map, file), "line 3, column 1 of .: \n01*3456789");
expect(_span(3, 5, map, file), "line 3, column 1 of .: \n01*3456789");
// Start of edits map to beginning of the edit secion:
expect(_span(3, 6, map, file), "line 3, column 6 of .: \n01*3456789");
expect(_span(3, 7, map, file), "line 3, column 6 of .: \n01*3456789");
// Lines added have no mapping (they should inherit the last mapping),
// but the end of the edit region continues were we left off:
expect(_span(4, 1, map, file), isNull);
expect(_span(4, 5, map, file), "line 3, column 8 of .: \n01*3456789");
// Subsequent lines are still mapped correctly:
// a (in a___cd...)
expect(_span(5, 1, map, file), "line 4, column 1 of .: \nabcdefghij");
// _ (in a___cd...)
expect(_span(5, 2, map, file), "line 4, column 2 of .: \nabcdefghij");
// _ (in a___cd...)
expect(_span(5, 3, map, file), "line 4, column 2 of .: \nabcdefghij");
// _ (in a___cd...)
expect(_span(5, 4, map, file), "line 4, column 2 of .: \nabcdefghij");
// c (in a___cd...)
expect(_span(5, 5, map, file), "line 4, column 3 of .: \nabcdefghij");
expect(_span(6, 1, map, file), "line 5, column 1 of .: \nabcd*fghij");
expect(_span(6, 8, map, file), "line 5, column 1 of .: \nabcd*fghij");
String _span(int line, int column, Mapping map, SourceFile file) {
var span = map.spanFor(line - 1, column - 1, files: {'': file});
return span == null ? null : span.getLocationMessage('').trim();