blob: fe27f76c05c2098653d9b759ada3c4f3d720c2d6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.printer_test;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/printer.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart';
import 'common.dart';
main() {
test('printer', () {
var printer = new Printer('output.dart');
printer..add('var ')
..add('x = 3;\n')
..add('y) => ')
..add('x + y;\n');
expect(printer.text, OUTPUT);
expect(, JSON.encode(EXPECTED_MAP));
test('printer projecting marks', () {
var out = INPUT.replaceAll('long', '_s');
var printer = new Printer('output2.dart');
var segments = INPUT.split('long');
expect(segments.length, 6);
printer..mark(ispan(0, 0))
..add(segments[0], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[1], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[2], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[3], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[4], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[5], projectMarks: true);
expect(printer.text, out);
// 8 new lines in the source map:
expect(';').length, 8);
asFixed(Span s) => new FixedSpan(s.sourceUrl,
s.start.offset, s.start.line, s.start.column,
text: s.text, isIdentifier: s.isIdentifier);
// The result is the same if we use fixed positions
var printer2 = new Printer('output2.dart');
printer2..mark(new FixedSpan('input.dart', 0, 0, 0))
..add(segments[0], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[1], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[2], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[3], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[4], projectMarks: true)
..add(segments[5], projectMarks: true);
expect(printer2.text, out);
group('nested printer', () {
test('simple use', () {
var printer = new NestedPrinter();
printer..add('var ')
..add('x = 3;\n', span: inputVar1)
..add('f(', span: inputFunction)
..add('y) => ', span: inputVar2)
..add('x + y;\n', span: inputExpr)'output.dart');
expect(printer.text, OUTPUT);
expect(, JSON.encode(EXPECTED_MAP));
test('nested use', () {
var printer = new NestedPrinter();
printer..add('var ')
..add(new NestedPrinter()..add('x = 3;\n', span: inputVar1))
..add('f(', span: inputFunction)
..add(new NestedPrinter()..add('y) => ', span: inputVar2))
..add('x + y;\n', span: inputExpr)'output.dart');
expect(printer.text, OUTPUT);
expect(, JSON.encode(EXPECTED_MAP));
test('add indentation', () {
var out = INPUT.replaceAll('long', '_s');
var lines = INPUT.trim().split('\n');
expect(lines.length, 7);
var printer = new NestedPrinter();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (i == 5) printer.indent++;
printer.addLine(lines[i].replaceAll('long', '_s').trim());
if (i == 5) printer.indent--;
expect(printer.text, out);