blob: b659654f04693f1b339472675699b95fe604381f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Contains the top-level function to parse source maps version 3.
library source_maps.parser;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'builder.dart' as builder;
import 'src/source_map_span.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
import 'src/vlq.dart';
/// Parses a source map directly from a json string.
/// [mapUrl], which may be either a [String] or a [Uri], indicates the URL of
/// the source map file itself. If it's passed, any URLs in the source
/// map will be interpreted as relative to this URL when generating spans.
// TODO(sigmund): evaluate whether other maps should have the json parsed, or
// the string represenation.
// TODO(tjblasi): Ignore the first line of [jsonMap] if the JSON safety string
// `)]}'` begins the string representation of the map.
Mapping parse(String jsonMap, {Map<String, Map> otherMaps, mapUrl}) =>
parseJson(JSON.decode(jsonMap), otherMaps: otherMaps, mapUrl: mapUrl);
/// Parses a source map directly from a json map object.
/// [mapUrl], which may be either a [String] or a [Uri], indicates the URL of
/// the source map file itself. If it's passed, any URLs in the source
/// map will be interpreted as relative to this URL when generating spans.
Mapping parseJson(Map map, {Map<String, Map> otherMaps, mapUrl}) {
if (map['version'] != 3) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'unexpected source map version: ${map["version"]}. '
'Only version 3 is supported.');
if (map.containsKey('sections')) {
if (map.containsKey('mappings') || map.containsKey('sources') ||
map.containsKey('names')) {
throw new FormatException('map containing "sections" '
'cannot contain "mappings", "sources", or "names".');
return new MultiSectionMapping.fromJson(map['sections'], otherMaps,
mapUrl: mapUrl);
return new SingleMapping.fromJson(map, mapUrl: mapUrl);
/// A mapping parsed out of a source map.
abstract class Mapping {
/// Returns the span associated with [line] and [column].
SourceMapSpan spanFor(int line, int column, {Map<String, SourceFile> files});
/// Returns the span associated with [location].
SourceMapSpan spanForLocation(SourceLocation location,
{Map<String, SourceFile> files}) {
return spanFor(location.line, location.column, files: files);
/// A meta-level map containing sections.
class MultiSectionMapping extends Mapping {
/// For each section, the start line offset.
final List<int> _lineStart = <int>[];
/// For each section, the start column offset.
final List<int> _columnStart = <int>[];
/// For each section, the actual source map information, which is not adjusted
/// for offsets.
final List<Mapping> _maps = <Mapping>[];
/// Creates a section mapping from json.
MultiSectionMapping.fromJson(List sections, Map<String, Map> otherMaps,
{mapUrl}) {
for (var section in sections) {
var offset = section['offset'];
if (offset == null) throw new FormatException('section missing offset');
var line = section['offset']['line'];
if (line == null) throw new FormatException('offset missing line');
var column = section['offset']['column'];
if (column == null) throw new FormatException('offset missing column');
var url = section['url'];
var map = section['map'];
if (url != null && map != null) {
throw new FormatException("section can't use both url and map entries");
} else if (url != null) {
if (otherMaps == null || otherMaps[url] == null) {
throw new FormatException(
'section contains refers to $url, but no map was '
'given for it. Make sure a map is passed in "otherMaps"');
_maps.add(parseJson(otherMaps[url], otherMaps: otherMaps, mapUrl: url));
} else if (map != null) {
_maps.add(parseJson(map, otherMaps: otherMaps, mapUrl: mapUrl));
} else {
throw new FormatException('section missing url or map');
if (_lineStart.length == 0) {
throw new FormatException('expected at least one section');
int _indexFor(line, column) {
for(int i = 0; i < _lineStart.length; i++) {
if (line < _lineStart[i]) return i - 1;
if (line == _lineStart[i] && column < _columnStart[i]) return i - 1;
return _lineStart.length - 1;
SourceMapSpan spanFor(int line, int column, {Map<String, SourceFile> files}) {
int index = _indexFor(line, column);
return _maps[index].spanFor(
line - _lineStart[index], column - _columnStart[index], files: files);
String toString() {
var buff = new StringBuffer("$runtimeType : [");
for (int i = 0; i < _lineStart.length; i++) {
return buff.toString();
/// A map containing direct source mappings.
class SingleMapping extends Mapping {
/// Source urls used in the mapping, indexed by id.
final List<String> urls;
/// Source names used in the mapping, indexed by id.
final List<String> names;
/// Entries indicating the beginning of each span.
final List<TargetLineEntry> lines;
/// Url of the target file.
String targetUrl;
/// Source root prepended to all entries in [urls].
String sourceRoot;
final Uri _mapUrl;
SingleMapping._(this.targetUrl, this.urls, this.names, this.lines)
: _mapUrl = null;
factory SingleMapping.fromEntries(
Iterable<builder.Entry> entries, [String fileUrl]) {
// The entries needs to be sorted by the target offsets.
var sourceEntries = new List.from(entries)..sort();
var lines = <TargetLineEntry>[];
// Indices associated with file urls that will be part of the source map. We
// use a linked hash-map so that `_urls.keys[_urls[u]] == u`
var urls = new LinkedHashMap<String, int>();
// Indices associated with identifiers that will be part of the source map.
// We use a linked hash-map so that `_names.keys[_names[n]] == n`
var names = new LinkedHashMap<String, int>();
var lineNum;
List<TargetEntry> targetEntries;
for (var sourceEntry in sourceEntries) {
if (lineNum == null || > lineNum) {
lineNum =;
targetEntries = <TargetEntry>[];
lines.add(new TargetLineEntry(lineNum, targetEntries));
if (sourceEntry.source == null) {
targetEntries.add(new TargetEntry(;
} else {
var sourceUrl = sourceEntry.source.sourceUrl;
var urlId = urls.putIfAbsent(
sourceUrl == null ? '' : sourceUrl.toString(), () => urls.length);
var srcNameId = sourceEntry.identifierName == null ? null :
names.putIfAbsent(sourceEntry.identifierName, () => names.length);
targetEntries.add(new TargetEntry(,
return new SingleMapping._(
fileUrl, urls.keys.toList(), names.keys.toList(), lines);
SingleMapping.fromJson(Map map, {mapUrl})
: targetUrl = map['file'],
urls = new List<String>.from(map['sources']),
names = new List<String>.from(map['names']),
sourceRoot = map['sourceRoot'],
lines = <TargetLineEntry>[],
_mapUrl = mapUrl is String ? Uri.parse(mapUrl) : mapUrl {
int line = 0;
int column = 0;
int srcUrlId = 0;
int srcLine = 0;
int srcColumn = 0;
int srcNameId = 0;
var tokenizer = new _MappingTokenizer(map['mappings']);
var entries = <TargetEntry>[];
while (tokenizer.hasTokens) {
if (tokenizer.nextKind.isNewLine) {
if (!entries.isEmpty) {
lines.add(new TargetLineEntry(line, entries));
entries = <TargetEntry>[];
column = 0;
// Decode the next entry, using the previous encountered values to
// decode the relative values.
// We expect 1, 4, or 5 values. If present, values are expected in the
// following order:
// 0: the starting column in the current line of the generated file
// 1: the id of the original source file
// 2: the starting line in the original source
// 3: the starting column in the original source
// 4: the id of the original symbol name
// The values are relative to the previous encountered values.
if (tokenizer.nextKind.isNewSegment) throw _segmentError(0, line);
column += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) {
entries.add(new TargetEntry(column));
} else {
srcUrlId += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (srcUrlId >= urls.length) {
throw new StateError(
'Invalid source url id. $targetUrl, $line, $srcUrlId');
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) throw _segmentError(2, line);
srcLine += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) throw _segmentError(3, line);
srcColumn += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (!tokenizer.nextKind.isValue) {
entries.add(new TargetEntry(column, srcUrlId, srcLine, srcColumn));
} else {
srcNameId += tokenizer._consumeValue();
if (srcNameId >= names.length) {
throw new StateError(
'Invalid name id: $targetUrl, $line, $srcNameId');
entries.add(new TargetEntry(column, srcUrlId, srcLine, srcColumn,
if (tokenizer.nextKind.isNewSegment) tokenizer._consumeNewSegment();
if (!entries.isEmpty) {
lines.add(new TargetLineEntry(line, entries));
/// Encodes the Mapping mappings as a json map.
Map toJson() {
var buff = new StringBuffer();
var line = 0;
var column = 0;
var srcLine = 0;
var srcColumn = 0;
var srcUrlId = 0;
var srcNameId = 0;
var first = true;
for (var entry in lines) {
int nextLine = entry.line;
if (nextLine > line) {
for (int i = line; i < nextLine; ++i) {
line = nextLine;
column = 0;
first = true;
for (var segment in entry.entries) {
if (!first) buff.write(',');
first = false;
column = _append(buff, column, segment.column);
// Encoding can be just the column offset if there is no source
// information.
var newUrlId = segment.sourceUrlId;
if (newUrlId == null) continue;
srcUrlId = _append(buff, srcUrlId, newUrlId);
srcLine = _append(buff, srcLine, segment.sourceLine);
srcColumn = _append(buff, srcColumn, segment.sourceColumn);
if (segment.sourceNameId == null) continue;
srcNameId = _append(buff, srcNameId, segment.sourceNameId);
var result = {
'version': 3,
'sourceRoot': sourceRoot == null ? '' : sourceRoot,
'sources': urls,
'names' : names,
'mappings' : buff.toString()
if (targetUrl != null) {
result['file'] = targetUrl;
return result;
/// Appends to [buff] a VLQ encoding of [newValue] using the difference
/// between [oldValue] and [newValue]
static int _append(StringBuffer buff, int oldValue, int newValue) {
buff.writeAll(encodeVlq(newValue - oldValue));
return newValue;
_segmentError(int seen, int line) => new StateError(
'Invalid entry in sourcemap, expected 1, 4, or 5'
' values, but got $seen.\ntargeturl: $targetUrl, line: $line');
/// Returns [TargetLineEntry] which includes the location in the target [line]
/// number. In particular, the resulting entry is the last entry whose line
/// number is lower or equal to [line].
TargetLineEntry _findLine(int line) {
int index = binarySearch(lines, (e) => e.line > line);
return (index <= 0) ? null : lines[index - 1];
/// Returns [TargetEntry] which includes the location denoted by
/// [line], [column]. If [lineEntry] corresponds to [line], then this will be
/// the last entry whose column is lower or equal than [column]. If
/// [lineEntry] corresponds to a line prior to [line], then the result will be
/// the very last entry on that line.
TargetEntry _findColumn(int line, int column, TargetLineEntry lineEntry) {
if (lineEntry == null || lineEntry.entries.length == 0) return null;
if (lineEntry.line != line) return lineEntry.entries.last;
var entries = lineEntry.entries;
int index = binarySearch(entries, (e) => e.column > column);
return (index <= 0) ? null : entries[index - 1];
SourceMapSpan spanFor(int line, int column, {Map<String, SourceFile> files}) {
var entry = _findColumn(line, column, _findLine(line));
if (entry == null || entry.sourceUrlId == null) return null;
var url = urls[entry.sourceUrlId];
if (sourceRoot != null) {
url = '${sourceRoot}${url}';
if (files != null && files[url] != null) {
var file = files[url];
var start = file.getOffset(entry.sourceLine, entry.sourceColumn);
if (entry.sourceNameId != null) {
var text = names[entry.sourceNameId];
return new SourceMapFileSpan(
files[url].span(start, start + text.length),
isIdentifier: true);
} else {
return new SourceMapFileSpan(files[url].location(start).pointSpan());
} else {
var start = new SourceLocation(0,
sourceUrl: _mapUrl == null ? url : _mapUrl.resolve(url),
line: entry.sourceLine,
column: entry.sourceColumn);
// Offset and other context is not available.
if (entry.sourceNameId != null) {
return new SourceMapSpan.identifier(start, names[entry.sourceNameId]);
} else {
return new SourceMapSpan(start, start, '');
String toString() {
return (new StringBuffer("$runtimeType : [")
..write('targetUrl: ')
..write(', sourceRoot: ')
..write(', urls: ')
..write(', names: ')
..write(', lines: ')
String get debugString {
var buff = new StringBuffer();
for (var lineEntry in lines) {
var line = lineEntry.line;
for (var entry in lineEntry.entries) {
..write(': ')
if (entry.sourceUrlId != null) {
buff..write(' --> ')
..write(': ')
if (entry.sourceNameId != null) {
buff..write(' (')
return buff.toString();
/// A line entry read from a source map.
class TargetLineEntry {
final int line;
List<TargetEntry> entries;
TargetLineEntry(this.line, this.entries);
String toString() => '$runtimeType: $line $entries';
/// A target segment entry read from a source map
class TargetEntry {
final int column;
final int sourceUrlId;
final int sourceLine;
final int sourceColumn;
final int sourceNameId;
TargetEntry(this.column, [this.sourceUrlId, this.sourceLine,
this.sourceColumn, this.sourceNameId]);
String toString() => '$runtimeType: '
'($column, $sourceUrlId, $sourceLine, $sourceColumn, $sourceNameId)';
/** A character iterator over a string that can peek one character ahead. */
class _MappingTokenizer implements Iterator<String> {
final String _internal;
final int _length;
int index = -1;
_MappingTokenizer(String internal)
: _internal = internal,
_length = internal.length;
// Iterator API is used by decodeVlq to consume VLQ entries.
bool moveNext() => ++index < _length;
String get current =>
(index >= 0 && index < _length) ? _internal[index] : null;
bool get hasTokens => index < _length - 1 && _length > 0;
_TokenKind get nextKind {
if (!hasTokens) return _TokenKind.EOF;
var next = _internal[index + 1];
if (next == ';') return _TokenKind.LINE;
if (next == ',') return _TokenKind.SEGMENT;
return _TokenKind.VALUE;
int _consumeValue() => decodeVlq(this);
void _consumeNewLine() { ++index; }
void _consumeNewSegment() { ++index; }
// Print the state of the iterator, with colors indicating the current
// position.
String toString() {
var buff = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
buff.write(current == null ? '' : current);
for (int i = index + 1; i < _internal.length; i++) {
buff.write(' ($index)');
return buff.toString();
class _TokenKind {
static const _TokenKind LINE = const _TokenKind(isNewLine: true);
static const _TokenKind SEGMENT = const _TokenKind(isNewSegment: true);
static const _TokenKind EOF = const _TokenKind(isEof: true);
static const _TokenKind VALUE = const _TokenKind();
final bool isNewLine;
final bool isNewSegment;
final bool isEof;
bool get isValue => !isNewLine && !isNewSegment && !isEof;
const _TokenKind(
{this.isNewLine: false, this.isNewSegment: false, this.isEof: false});