blob: 5ea958a98be34c29a41e2d43394a591a554f9b24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.end2end_test;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'common.dart';
main() {
test('end-to-end setup', () {
expect(inputVar1.text, 'longVar1');
expect(inputFunction.text, 'longName');
expect(inputVar2.text, 'longVar2');
expect(inputExpr.text, 'longVar1 + longVar2');
expect(outputVar1.text, 'x');
expect(outputFunction.text, 'f');
expect(outputVar2.text, 'y');
expect(outputExpr.text, 'x + y');
test('build + parse', () {
var map = (new SourceMapBuilder()
..addSpan(inputVar1, outputVar1)
..addSpan(inputFunction, outputFunction)
..addSpan(inputVar2, outputVar2)
..addSpan(inputExpr, outputExpr))
var mapping = parseJson(map);
check(outputVar1, mapping, inputVar1, false);
check(outputVar2, mapping, inputVar2, false);
check(outputFunction, mapping, inputFunction, false);
check(outputExpr, mapping, inputExpr, false);
test('build + parse with file', () {
var json = (new SourceMapBuilder()
..addSpan(inputVar1, outputVar1)
..addSpan(inputFunction, outputFunction)
..addSpan(inputVar2, outputVar2)
..addSpan(inputExpr, outputExpr))
var mapping = parse(json);
check(outputVar1, mapping, inputVar1, true);
check(outputVar2, mapping, inputVar2, true);
check(outputFunction, mapping, inputFunction, true);
check(outputExpr, mapping, inputExpr, true);
test('printer projecting marks + parse', () {
var out = INPUT.replaceAll('long', '_s');
var file = new SourceFile.text('output2.dart', out);
var printer = new Printer('output2.dart');
printer.mark(ispan(0, 0));
bool first = true;
var segments = INPUT.split('long');
expect(segments.length, 6);
printer.add(segments[0], projectMarks: true);
printer.add(segments[1], projectMarks: true);
printer.add(segments[2], projectMarks: true);
printer.add(segments[3], projectMarks: true);
printer.add(segments[4], projectMarks: true);
printer.add(segments[5], projectMarks: true);
expect(printer.text, out);
var mapping = parse(;
checkHelper(Span inputSpan, int adjustment) {
var start = inputSpan.start.offset - adjustment;
var end = (inputSpan.end.offset - adjustment) - 2;
var span = new FileSpan(file, start, end, inputSpan.isIdentifier);
check(span, mapping, inputSpan, true);
checkHelper(inputVar1, 0);
checkHelper(inputFunction, 2);
checkHelper(inputVar2, 4);
checkHelper(inputExpr, 6);
// We projected correctly lines that have no mappings
check(new FileSpan(file, 66, 66, false), mapping, ispan(45, 45), true);
check(new FileSpan(file, 63, 64, false), mapping, ispan(45, 45), true);
check(new FileSpan(file, 68, 68, false), mapping, ispan(70, 70), true);
check(new FileSpan(file, 71, 71, false), mapping, ispan(70, 70), true);
// Start of the last line
var oOffset = out.length - 2;
var iOffset = INPUT.length - 2;
check(new FileSpan(file, oOffset, oOffset, false), mapping,
ispan(iOffset, iOffset), true);
check(new FileSpan(file, oOffset + 1, oOffset + 1, false), mapping,
ispan(iOffset, iOffset), true);