blob: 463c731c4f8be6be5ff263790295f43a095a2944 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'directory_listing.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// The default resolver for MIME types based on file extensions.
final _defaultMimeTypeResolver = MimeTypeResolver();
// TODO option to exclude hidden files?
/// Creates a Shelf [Handler] that serves files from the provided
/// [fileSystemPath].
/// Accessing a path containing symbolic links will succeed only if the resolved
/// path is within [fileSystemPath]. To allow access to paths outside of
/// [fileSystemPath], set [serveFilesOutsidePath] to `true`.
/// When a existing directory is requested and a [defaultDocument] is specified
/// the directory is checked for a file with that name. If it exists, it is
/// served.
/// If no [defaultDocument] is found and [listDirectories] is true, then the
/// handler produces a listing of the directory.
/// If [useHeaderBytesForContentType] is `true`, the contents of the
/// file will be used along with the file path to determine the content type.
/// Specify a custom [contentTypeResolver] to customize automatic content type
/// detection.
Handler createStaticHandler(String fileSystemPath,
{bool serveFilesOutsidePath = false,
String? defaultDocument,
bool listDirectories = false,
bool useHeaderBytesForContentType = false,
MimeTypeResolver? contentTypeResolver}) {
final rootDir = Directory(fileSystemPath);
if (!rootDir.existsSync()) {
throw ArgumentError('A directory corresponding to fileSystemPath '
'"$fileSystemPath" could not be found');
fileSystemPath = rootDir.resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
if (defaultDocument != null) {
if (defaultDocument != p.basename(defaultDocument)) {
throw ArgumentError('defaultDocument must be a file name.');
final mimeResolver = contentTypeResolver ?? _defaultMimeTypeResolver;
return (Request request) {
final segs = [fileSystemPath, ...request.url.pathSegments];
final fsPath = p.joinAll(segs);
final entityType = FileSystemEntity.typeSync(fsPath);
File? fileFound;
if (entityType == FileSystemEntityType.file) {
fileFound = File(fsPath);
} else if (entityType == {
fileFound = _tryDefaultFile(fsPath, defaultDocument);
if (fileFound == null && listDirectories) {
final uri = request.requestedUri;
if (!uri.path.endsWith('/')) return _redirectToAddTrailingSlash(uri);
return listDirectory(fileSystemPath, fsPath);
if (fileFound == null) {
return Response.notFound('Not Found');
final file = fileFound;
if (!serveFilesOutsidePath) {
final resolvedPath = file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
// Do not serve a file outside of the original fileSystemPath
if (!p.isWithin(fileSystemPath, resolvedPath)) {
return Response.notFound('Not Found');
// when serving the default document for a directory, if the requested
// path doesn't end with '/', redirect to the path with a trailing '/'
final uri = request.requestedUri;
if (entityType == &&
!uri.path.endsWith('/')) {
return _redirectToAddTrailingSlash(uri);
return _handleFile(request, file, () async {
if (useHeaderBytesForContentType) {
final length =
math.min(mimeResolver.magicNumbersMaxLength, file.lengthSync());
final byteSink = ByteAccumulatorSink();
await file.openRead(0, length).listen(byteSink.add).asFuture();
return mimeResolver.lookup(file.path, headerBytes: byteSink.bytes);
} else {
return mimeResolver.lookup(file.path);
Response _redirectToAddTrailingSlash(Uri uri) {
final location = Uri(
scheme: uri.scheme,
userInfo: uri.userInfo,
port: uri.port,
path: '${uri.path}/',
query: uri.query);
return Response.movedPermanently(location.toString());
File? _tryDefaultFile(String dirPath, String? defaultFile) {
if (defaultFile == null) return null;
final filePath = p.join(dirPath, defaultFile);
final file = File(filePath);
if (file.existsSync()) {
return file;
return null;
/// Creates a shelf [Handler] that serves the file at [path].
/// This returns a 404 response for any requests whose [Request.url] doesn't
/// match [url]. The [url] defaults to the basename of [path].
/// This uses the given [contentType] for the Content-Type header. It defaults
/// to looking up a content type based on [path]'s file extension, and failing
/// that doesn't sent a [contentType] header at all.
Handler createFileHandler(String path, {String? url, String? contentType}) {
final file = File(path);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
throw ArgumentError.value(path, 'path', 'does not exist.');
} else if (url != null && !p.url.isRelative(url)) {
throw ArgumentError.value(url, 'url', 'must be relative.');
final mimeType = contentType ?? _defaultMimeTypeResolver.lookup(path);
url ??= p.toUri(p.basename(path)).toString();
return (request) {
if (request.url.path != url) return Response.notFound('Not Found');
return _handleFile(request, file, () => mimeType);
/// Serves the contents of [file] in response to [request].
/// This handles caching, and sends a 304 Not Modified response if the request
/// indicates that it has the latest version of a file. Otherwise, it calls
/// [getContentType] and uses it to populate the Content-Type header.
Future<Response> _handleFile(Request request, File file,
FutureOr<String?> Function() getContentType) async {
final stat = file.statSync();
final ifModifiedSince = request.ifModifiedSince;
if (ifModifiedSince != null) {
final fileChangeAtSecResolution = toSecondResolution(stat.modified);
if (!fileChangeAtSecResolution.isAfter(ifModifiedSince)) {
return Response.notModified();
final contentType = await getContentType();
final headers = {
HttpHeaders.lastModifiedHeader: formatHttpDate(stat.modified),
HttpHeaders.acceptRangesHeader: 'bytes',
if (contentType != null) HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: contentType,
return _fileRangeResponse(request, file, headers) ??
request.method == 'HEAD' ? null : file.openRead(),
headers: headers..[HttpHeaders.contentLengthHeader] = '${stat.size}',
/// Serves a range of [file], if [request] is valid 'bytes' range request.
/// If the request does not specify a range, specifies a range of the wrong
/// type, or has a syntactic error the range is ignored and `null` is returned.
/// If the range request is valid but the file is not long enough to include the
/// start of the range a range not satisfiable response is returned.
/// Ranges that end past the end of the file are truncated.
Response? _fileRangeResponse(
Request request, File file, Map<String, Object> headers) {
final range = request.headers[HttpHeaders.rangeHeader];
if (range == null) return null;
final matches = RegExp(r'^bytes=(\d*)\-(\d*)$').firstMatch(range);
// Ignore ranges other than bytes
if (matches == null) return null;
final actualLength = file.lengthSync();
final startMatch = matches[1]!;
final endMatch = matches[2]!;
if (startMatch.isEmpty && endMatch.isEmpty) return null;
int start; // First byte position - inclusive.
int end; // Last byte position - inclusive.
if (startMatch.isEmpty) {
start = actualLength - int.parse(endMatch);
if (start < 0) start = 0;
end = actualLength - 1;
} else {
start = int.parse(startMatch);
end = endMatch.isEmpty ? actualLength - 1 : int.parse(endMatch);
// If the range is syntactically invalid the Range header
// MUST be ignored (RFC 2616 section 14.35.1).
if (start > end) return null;
if (end >= actualLength) {
end = actualLength - 1;
if (start >= actualLength) {
return Response(
headers: headers,
return Response(
body: request.method == 'HEAD' ? null : file.openRead(start, end + 1),
headers: headers
..[HttpHeaders.contentLengthHeader] = (end - start + 1).toString()
..[HttpHeaders.contentRangeHeader] = 'bytes $start-$end/$actualLength',