blob: 21e1f34e6d47d63a0fe6eb806b4989da7103ce4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http/testing.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:shelf/shelf_io.dart' as shelf_io;
import 'package:shelf_proxy/shelf_proxy.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// The URI of the server the current proxy server is proxying to.
Uri targetUri;
/// The URI of the current proxy server.
Uri proxyUri;
void main() {
group("forwarding", () {
test("forwards request method", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
expect(request.method, equals('DELETE'));
return shelf.Response.ok(':)');
await http.delete(proxyUri);
test("forwards request headers", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
expect(request.headers, containsPair('foo', 'bar'));
expect(request.headers, containsPair('accept', '*/*'));
return shelf.Response.ok(':)');
await get(headers: {'foo': 'bar', 'accept': '*/*'});
test("forwards request body", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
expect(request.readAsString(), completion(equals('hello, server')));
return shelf.Response.ok(':)');
await, body: 'hello, server');
test("forwards response status", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response(567);
var response = await get();
expect(response.statusCode, equals(567));
test("forwards response headers", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response.ok(':)',
headers: {'foo': 'bar', 'accept': '*/*'});
var response = await get();
expect(response.headers, containsPair('foo', 'bar'));
expect(response.headers, containsPair('accept', '*/*'));
test("forwards response body", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response.ok('hello, client');
expect(await, equals('hello, client'));
test("adjusts the Host header for the target server", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
expect(request.headers, containsPair('host', targetUri.authority));
return shelf.Response.ok(':)');
await get();
group("via", () {
test("adds a Via header to the request", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
expect(request.headers, containsPair('via', '1.1 shelf_proxy'));
return shelf.Response.ok(':)');
await get();
test("adds to a request's existing Via header", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
containsPair('via', '1.0 something, 1.1 shelf_proxy'));
return shelf.Response.ok(':)');
await get(headers: {'via': '1.0 something'});
test("adds a Via header to the response", () async {
await createProxy((request) => shelf.Response.ok(':)'));
var response = await get();
expect(response.headers, containsPair('via', '1.1 shelf_proxy'));
test("adds to a response's existing Via header", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response.ok(':)', headers: {'via': '1.0 something'});
var response = await get();
containsPair('via', '1.0 something, 1.1 shelf_proxy'));
group("redirects", () {
test("doesn't modify a Location for a foreign server", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response.found('');
var response = await get();
expect(response.headers, containsPair('location', ''));
test("relativizes a reachable root-relative Location", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response.found('/foo/bar');
}, targetPath: '/foo');
var response = await get();
expect(response.headers, containsPair('location', '/bar'));
test("absolutizes an unreachable root-relative Location", () async {
await createProxy((request) {
return shelf.Response.found('/baz');
}, targetPath: '/foo');
var response = await get();
containsPair('location', targetUri.resolve('/baz').toString()));
test("removes a transfer-encoding header", () async {
var handler = mockHandler((request) {
return http.Response('', 200, headers: {'transfer-encoding': 'chunked'});
var response =
await handler(shelf.Request('GET', Uri.parse('http://localhost/')));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains("transfer-encoding")));
test("removes content-length and content-encoding for a gzipped response",
() async {
var handler = mockHandler((request) {
return http.Response('', 200,
headers: {'content-encoding': 'gzip', 'content-length': '1234'});
var response =
await handler(shelf.Request('GET', Uri.parse('http://localhost/')));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains("content-encoding")));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains("content-length")));
containsPair('warning', '214 shelf_proxy "GZIP decoded"'));
/// Creates a proxy server proxying to a server running [handler].
/// [targetPath] is the root-relative path on the target server to proxy to. It
/// defaults to `/`.
Future createProxy(shelf.Handler handler, {String targetPath}) async {
handler = expectAsync1(handler, reason: 'target server handler');
var targetServer = await shelf_io.serve(handler, 'localhost', 0);
targetUri = Uri.parse('http://localhost:${targetServer.port}');
if (targetPath != null) targetUri = targetUri.resolve(targetPath);
var proxyServerHandler =
expectAsync1(proxyHandler(targetUri), reason: 'proxy server handler');
var proxyServer = await shelf_io.serve(proxyServerHandler, 'localhost', 0);
proxyUri = Uri.parse('http://localhost:${proxyServer.port}');
addTearDown(() {
proxyServer.close(force: true);
targetServer.close(force: true);
/// Creates a [shelf.Handler] that's backed by a [MockClient] running
/// [callback].
shelf.Handler mockHandler(
FutureOr<http.Response> Function(http.Request) callback) {
var client = MockClient((request) async => await callback(request));
return proxyHandler('', client: client);
/// Schedules a GET request with [headers] to the proxy server.
Future<http.Response> get({Map<String, String> headers}) {
var uri = proxyUri;
var request = http.Request('GET', uri);
if (headers != null) request.headers.addAll(headers);
request.followRedirects = false;
return request.send().then(http.Response.fromStream);