blob: 2ae1dbfaa8221d168c3f99b8cf1ac23a8aebdec7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
test('adds chunked encoding with no transfer-encoding header', () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(
expect(response.headers, containsPair('transfer-encoding', 'chunked'));
expect(response.readAsString(), completion(equals("2\r\nhi\r\n0\r\n\r\n")));
test('adds chunked encoding with transfer-encoding: identity', () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response.ok(
headers: {'transfer-encoding': 'identity'}));
expect(response.headers, containsPair('transfer-encoding', 'chunked'));
expect(response.readAsString(), completion(equals("2\r\nhi\r\n0\r\n\r\n")));
test("doesn't add chunked encoding with content length", () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response.ok("hi"));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains('transfer-encoding')));
expect(response.readAsString(), completion(equals("hi")));
test("doesn't add chunked encoding with status 1xx", () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response(123, body: Stream.empty()));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains('transfer-encoding')));
expect(, completion(isEmpty));
test("doesn't add chunked encoding with status 204", () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response(204, body: Stream.empty()));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains('transfer-encoding')));
expect(, completion(isEmpty));
test("doesn't add chunked encoding with status 304", () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response(204, body: Stream.empty()));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains('transfer-encoding')));
expect(, completion(isEmpty));
test("doesn't add chunked encoding with status 204", () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response(204, body: Stream.empty()));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains('transfer-encoding')));
expect(, completion(isEmpty));
test("doesn't add chunked encoding with status 204", () async {
var response = await _chunkResponse(Response(204, body: Stream.empty()));
expect(response.headers, isNot(contains('transfer-encoding')));
expect(, completion(isEmpty));
FutureOr<Response> _chunkResponse(Response response) =>
addChunkedEncoding((_) => response)(null);