blob: 638f9dc5b4b1115e0c0f468041daf82e154536e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart';
import 'package:shelf/src/message.dart';
import 'test_util.dart';
void main() {
group('Request', () {
_testChange(({body, headers, context}) {
return new Request('GET', LOCALHOST_URI, body: body,
headers: headers, context: context);
group('Response', () {
_testChange(({body, headers, context}) {
return new Response.ok(body, headers: headers, context: context);
/// Shared test method used by [Request] and [Response] tests to validate
/// the behavior of `change` with different `headers` and `context` values.
void _testChange(Message factory(
{body, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> context})) {
group('body', () {
test('with String', () async {
var request = factory(body: 'Hello, world');
var copy = request.change(body: 'Goodbye, world');
var newBody = await copy.readAsString();
expect(newBody, equals('Goodbye, world'));
test('with Stream', () async {
var request = factory(body: 'Hello, world');
var copy = request.change(
body: new Stream.fromIterable(['Goodbye, world'])
var newBody = await copy.readAsString();
expect(newBody, equals('Goodbye, world'));
test('with empty headers returns identical instance', () {
var request = factory(headers: {'header1': 'header value 1'});
var copy = request.change(headers: {});
expect(copy.headers, same(request.headers));
test('with empty context returns identical instance', () {
var request = factory(context: {'context1': 'context value 1'});
var copy = request.change(context: {});
expect(copy.context, same(request.context));
test('new header values are added', () {
var request = factory(headers: {'test': 'test value'});
var copy = request.change(headers: {'test2': 'test2 value'});
expect(copy.headers, {
'test': 'test value',
'test2': 'test2 value',
'content-length': '0'
test('existing header values are overwritten', () {
var request = factory(headers: {'test': 'test value'});
var copy = request.change(headers: {'test': 'new test value'});
expect(copy.headers, {'test': 'new test value', 'content-length': '0'});
test('new context values are added', () {
var request = factory(context: {'test': 'test value'});
var copy = request.change(context: {'test2': 'test2 value'});
expect(copy.context, {'test': 'test value', 'test2': 'test2 value'});
test('existing context values are overwritten', () {
var request = factory(context: {'test': 'test value'});
var copy = request.change(context: {'test': 'new test value'});
expect(copy.context, {'test': 'new test value'});