blob: d1c954e97d7a4a30ab88d48f3d5c330d4ef8ada9 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Building Flutter apps with newest Engine & newest Dart
## Modify the Flutter tools
Clone This repo contains the `flutter`
command line tool used to build Flutter apps. For building web apps it's using
the `dart compile wasm` command from the Dart SDK. We ensure it uses the Dart
SDK we built by patching the usages of the `dart` binary:
<flutter> % git diff
diff --git a/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/artifacts.dart b/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/artifacts.dart
index ba3703b86e..e0fb968fab 100644
--- a/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/artifacts.dart
+++ b/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/artifacts.dart
@@ -1174,6 +1174,7 @@ class CachedLocalEngineArtifacts implements Artifacts {
String _getDartSdkPath() {
+ return _dartSdkPath();
final String builtPath = _fileSystem.path.join(_hostEngineOutPath, 'dart-sdk');
if (_fileSystem.isDirectorySync(_fileSystem.path.join(builtPath, 'bin'))) {
return builtPath;
@@ -1404,6 +1405,7 @@ class CachedLocalWebSdkArtifacts implements Artifacts {
String _getDartSdkPath() {
+ return _dartSdkPath();
// If we couldn't find a built dart sdk, let's look for a prebuilt one.
final String prebuiltPath = _fileSystem.path.join(_getFlutterPrebuiltsPath(), _getPrebuiltTarget(), 'dart-sdk');
if (_fileSystem.isDirectorySync(prebuiltPath)) {
@@ -1522,8 +1524,9 @@ class OverrideArtifacts implements Artifacts {
/// Locate the Dart SDK.
String _dartSdkPath(Cache cache) {
- return cache.getRoot().childDirectory('dart-sdk').path;
+ return '<path-to-dart-sdk-checkout>/out/ReleaseX64/dart-sdk';
class _TestArtifacts implements Artifacts {
We then ensure the Flutter tool is re-built via
<flutter> % rm bin/cache/flutter_tools.snapshot
=> Next time one runs `flutter` it will re-build the Flutter command line tool.
## Modify the Flutter engine
Building Flutter apps requires not only the dart2wasm compiler but also the
platform file. As there may be dependencies (e.g. adding a member in core
libraries that the compiler has an intrinsic for) we also need to ensure the
core libraries are compiled with the same Dart version (resulting in a correct
`dart2wasm_platform.dill` file that also includes the `dart:ui` Flutter
### Build it
Create an engine checkout with:
% mkdir engine
% cd engine
<engine> % fetch flutter
Edit `.gclient` to add the `download_emsdk` custom variable:
solutions = [
"custom_deps": {},
"deps_file": "DEPS",
"managed": False,
"name": "src/flutter",
"safesync_url": "",
"url": "",
"custom_vars" : {
"download_emsdk": True,
Sync dependencies and download emsdk:
<src> % gclient sync -D
Then checkout the Dart version we want. If the commit is available in the Dart
checkout from `<src>/flutter/third_party/dart` then one may
<src> % vim flutter/DEPS
<...update Dart revision hash...>
<src> % gclient sync -D
but for local development one may just
<src> % cd flutter/third_party/dart
<src>/flutter/third_party/dart % git checkout ...
Now we have to make some modification to ensure that the build of the platform
file doesn't use the downloaded prebuilt SDK but the one in
`<src>/flutter/third_party/dart`, we do that by applying the following patch:
<src>/flutter % git diff
diff --git a/web_sdk/ b/web_sdk/
index f1383ae321..caa8aac8f1 100644
--- a/web_sdk/
+++ b/web_sdk/
@@ -266,17 +266,21 @@ template("_compile_platform") {
- if (flutter_prebuilt_dart_sdk) {
- args += [
- "--multi-root",
- "file:///" + rebase_path("$host_prebuilt_dart_sdk/.."),
- ]
- } else {
- args += [
- "--multi-root",
- "file:///" + rebase_path("$root_out_dir"),
- ]
- }
+ args += [
+ "--multi-root",
+ "file:///<path-to-your-dart-sdk>/out/ReleaseX64",
+ ]
Then build the release web engine via
<src> % flutter/lib/web_ui/dev/felt build
NOTE: If you modify the Dart sources, the incremental build may not work
correctly. You man want to `rm -rf <src>/out/wasm_release/flutter_web_sdk` or
`rm -rf <src>/out`.
## Build the Dart SDK
Build the normal Dart SDK in the same version as used in Flutter engine via
`tools/ -mrelease create_sdk`
NOTE: You can (after syncing dependencies with `gclient sync -D`) make
`<src>/flutter/third_party/dart` a symlink to the normal Dart SDK you work on. That
avoids the need to keep the two in sync.
## Building a Flutter app (e.g. Wonderous)
<path-to-flutter-app> % flutter \
--local-engine-src-path=<path-to-flutter-engine-src> \
--local-web-sdk=wasm_release \
build web --wasm
=> This will now use the `flutter` tools with our custom `dart compile wasm` with a
custom `dart2wasm_platform.dill` file.