blob: f93cc02d7c5d989755a67c07fc51b4443b2f812d [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 0.33.0
* Support handling 'class C with M', with extends missing.
* Further support and bugfixes for Dart 2.1-style mixin declarations.
* Fixes for int2double support.
* Performance improvements for analysis and summary generation.
* Allow "yield" as a label, and "operator" as a static method name (#33672,
## 0.33.0-alpha.0
* Switch to using the parser from front_end.
* Start implementing the new mixin syntax.
## 0.32.4
* Updated SDK constraint to <3.0.0.
* Updated to be compatible with Dart 2 void usage semantics.
* Deprecate the `AnalysisOptions.strongMode` flag. This is now hard-coded to
always return true.
## 0.32.3
* Pull fix in kernel package where non-executable util.dart was moved out of bin/.
## 0.32.2
* Improved const evaluation analysis (new errors for `const A(B())` if `B` is non-const).
* Parser recovery improvements.
## 0.32.1
* The Parser() class now by default will parse with optional new or const. This
affects many APIs, for instance, `analyzer.dart`'s `parseCompilationUnit()`.
* Add the ability to specify a pathContext when creating a ContextRoot (not part
of the officially supported API, but needed by some clients).
* AnalysisSession now exports resourceProvider.
* Function type parameters are now invariant. (#29014)
* New logic to find source files generated by package:build when that build
system is detected.
* Data stored by FileDataStore is now checked using CRC32.
* Add ability for the angular plugin to set ErrorVerifier.enclosingClass.
## 0.32.0
* Allow annotations on enum constants.
* Analyzer fully supports being run on the VM with --preview-dart-2.
* Fix heap usage regression by not storing bytes in the file cache.
* Add AnalysisSessionHelper.getTopLevelPropertyAccessor().
* Don't infer types when there's an irreconcilable type mismatch (#32305)
* Many fasta parser improvements.
* Use @isTest and @isTestGroup to understand executable element as a
test/group. To use, add `@isTest` annotations (from package:meta)
to the methods in their package which define a test.
void myMagicTest(String name, FutureOr Function() body) {
test(name, body);
When subscribed to [notifications for outlines of a test file](,
they will include elements for UNIT_TEST_GROUP and UNIT_TEST_TEST.
* Improve guess for type name identifier. (#32765)
* Fix LineInfo.getOffsetOfLineAfter().
* Remove some flutter specific analysis code.
* Fix resolution tests when run locally.
## 0.31.2-alpha.2
* Refactoring to make element model logic sharable with
linker. (#32525, #32674)
* Gracefully handle an invalid packages file. (#32560)
* Fix silent inconsistency in top level inference. (#32394)
* Fix test to determine whether a library is in the SDK. (#32707)
* Fix for type inference from instance creation arguments.
* Make GenericFunctionTypeElementForLink implement
GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl (#32708)
* Check for missing required libraries dart:core and dart:async. (#32686)
* Add callable object support. (#32156, #32157, #32426)
* Avoid putting libraries of all analyzed units in the current
session. (too expensive)
* Deprecate the option to enable using a URI in a part-of directive.
* Support implicit call() invocation in top-level inference. (#32740)
* Don't emit errors for lint rule names.
* Allow empty flutter: sections in pubspec files.
* Remove the special casing of 'packages' files from the analyzer and analysis
* Initial implementation of API to build analysis contexts (replacing
* Fix regression in Analyzer callable function support. (#32769)
* Several performance enhancements, including:
* Add a shared cache of FileState contents (making flutter repo analysis
~12% faster).
* Replace SourceFactory.resolveUri() with resolveRelativeUri() in
resynthesizer. (10% faster flutter repo analysis)
* Optimize computing exported namespaces in FileState.
* Optimize computing exported namespaces in prelinker. (8% faster
flutter repo analysis)
* Add NodeLintRule and UnitLintRule that replace AstVisitor in lints.
(6% faster flutter repo analysis)
* Remove fuzzy arrow support from analyzer. (#31637)
* More fixes for running the analyzer with Dart 2.
* Add isXYZ accessors to ParameterElementForLink_VariableSetter. (#32896)
* Deprecated/removed some unused classes and libraries from the public API.
* Instantiate bounds to bounds.
* Use package:path instead of AbsolutePathContext.
* Check that argument is assignable to parameter in call() (#27098)
* preview-dart-2 is now the default for the command line analyzer, also
implying strong. Use --no-strong and --no-preview-dart-2 to handle
Dart 1 code.
* Export SyntheticBeginToken and SyntheticToken from the analyzer for
* Improve error messages for annotations involving undefined names (#27788)
* Add support for getting parse results synchronously.
* Change linter subscriptions from functions to AstVisitor(s).
## 0.31.2-alpha.1
* Don't expect type arguments for class type parameters of static methods.
* Beginnings of changes to make analyzer code --preview-dart-2 safe, though
this version is not vetted for that.
* Infer type arguments in constructor redirections (#30855)
* Report errors on "as void" and "is void".
* Fix instantiating typedefs to bounds (#32114)
* preview-dart-2 implies strong-mode now and other preview-dart-2 fixes.
* Store method invocation arguments in summaries when needed for inference (partial fix for #32394)
* Fix top-level inference and implicit creation (#32397)
* Do not hint when only a responsive asset exists (#32250)
* Do not hint when using a deprecated parameter in the defining function
* Fix parsing of super expressions (#32393)
* Disable conflicting generics test in the task model (#32421)
* Change how we find analysis roots (#31343, #31344)
* Fix problem with AST re-writing interacting poorly with inference (#32342)
* Disallow if a class inconsistently implements a generic interface.
* Infer void for operator[]= return in task mode for DDC (#32241)
* Finish and improve mixin type inference in the analyzer (#32146, #32353, #32372)
* Many enhancements to getElementDeclarations() (#29510, #32495)
* Remove hint when there's no return from a Future<void> and async method.
* Add a code range to ElementDeclaration (#29510)
* Many, many fasta parser changes and improvements.
* Add missing void annotation (#32161)
* Add more null-aware hints (#32239)
* Fix implicit new/const computation (#32221)
* Treat invocations on dynamic as unknown, except for return type of == (#32173)
* Fix crash in generic function type argument of unresolved class (#32162)
* Fix path formatting on windows (#32095)
* front_end implementation of mixin type inference (#31984)
* analysis_options no longer breaks some properties (#31345)
## 0.31.2-alpha.0
* front_end handling of callable classes (#32064)
* Improve fasta parser error reporting.
* Check for unresolved imports to improve handling of optional new/const (#32150).
* Changes to front_end handling of callable classes.
* Normalize Windows drive letters to uppercase for analysis (#32095, #32042, #28895).
* Relax void errors: no error assigning void to void variable.
* Keep unresolved import/export directives for task based analysis
* Promote `TOP_LEVEL_CYCLE` to an error.
* Code cleanups.
## 0.31.1
* Update to reflect that `_InternalLinkedHashMap` is not a subtype of `HashMap`
in sdk 2.0.0-dev.22.0.
## 0.31.0+1
* Update SDK constraint to require Dart v2-dev release.
## 0.31.0
* **NOTE** This release was pulled from the package site due to an invalid SDK
constraint that was fixed in `0.31.0+1`.
* A number of updates, including support for the new Function syntax.
## 0.30.0-alpha.0
* Changed the API for creating BazelWorkspace. It should now be constructed using BazelWorkspace.find(). Note that this might return `null` in the event that the given path is not part of a BazelWorkspace.
* Added an AST structure to support asserts in constructor initializers (AssertInitializer). AstVisitor classes must now implement visitAssertInitializer().
* Changed the API for creating PartOfDirective. It now accepts a StringLiteral URI, to accommodate "part of" declarations with a URI string rather than a library name.
* Removed AST constructors. AST nodes should now be created using `astFactory`, located in `package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart`.
## 0.29.0-alpha.0
* Removed `Element.docRange`.
## 0.28.2-alpha.0
* Corresponds with the analyzer/server in the `1.20.0-dev.1.0` SDK.
## 0.28.0-alpha.2
* Fixed PubSummaryManager linking when a listed package does not have the unlinked bundle.
## 0.27.4-alpha.19
* Added support for running the dev compiler in the browser.
## 0.27.4-alpha.18
* Support for references to operators in doc comments (#26929).
## 0.27.4-alpha.17
* Support for trailing commas in parameter and argument lists (#26647).
* Strong mode breaking change: can now infer generic type arguments from the constructor invocation arguments (#25220).
## 0.27.4-alpha.16
* (Internal) Corresponds with the analyzer/server in the `1.18.0-dev.4.0` SDK.
## 0.27.4-alpha.9
* Restore EmbedderUriResolver API.
## 0.27.4-alpha.8
* Ignore processing performance improvements.
* EmbedderUriResolver API updates.
## 0.27.4
* Added support for 'analysis_options.yaml' files as an alternative to '.analysis_options' files.
## 0.27.1
* Moved the public and private API's for the element model into their proper places.
* Added back support for auto-processing of plugins.
## 0.27.0
* Support for DEP 37 (Assert with optional message).
* Lexical support for DEP 40 (Interface libraries). This does not include any semantic checking to ensure that the
implementation libraries are compatible with the interface library.
* Cleaned up the initialization of plugins. Clients are now required to initialize plugins, possibly using the utility
method AnalysisEngine.processRequiredPlugins().
* Removed the old task model and code that supported it. None of the removed code was intended to be public API, but
might be in use anyway.
* Removed previously deprecated API's (marked with the @deprecated annotation).
## 0.26.4
* Options processing API updated to accept untyped options maps (#25126).
## 0.26.3
* (Internal) Support for `_embedder.yaml` discovery and processing.
## 0.26.2
* Add code generation utilities for use in both analyzer and analysis server.
## 0.26.1+17
* (Internal) Introduced context configuration logic (`configureContext()` extracted from server).
## 0.26.1+16
* (Internal) Options validation plugin API update.
## 0.26.1+15
* (Internal) Provisional options validation plugin API.
## 0.26.1+13
* (Internal) Plugin processing fixes.
## 0.26.1+11
* Fixes to address lint registry memory leaking.
## 0.26.1+10
* New `AnalysisContext` API for associating configuration data with contexts
(`setConfigurationData()` and `getConfigurationData()`).
## 0.26.1+9
* `OptionsProcessor` extension point API changed to pass associated
`AnalysisContext` instance into the `optionsProcessed` call-back.
## 0.26.1+6
* Provisional (internal) plugin manifest parsing.
## 0.26.1+5
* Plugin configuration `ErrorHandler` typedef API fix.
## 0.26.1+4
* Provisional (internal) support for plugin configuration via `.analysis_options`.
## 0.26.1+2
* Extension point for WorkManagerFactory(s).
* Resolve enum documentation comments.
* Fix display of parameter lists in servers Element structure (issue 24194)
* Band-aid fix for issue #24191.
## 0.26.1+1
* Removed a warning about importing unnamed libraries
* Fix handling of empty URIs in `.packages` files (issue 24126)
## 0.26.1
* Fix line starts in multiline comments (issue 23919).
* Various small fixes to Windows path handling.
* Update LineInfo computation during incremental resolution.
* Make exclude list apply to contexts (issue 23941).
* Fix type propagation for asynchronous for-in statements.
* Fix ToStringVisitor for external functions (issue 23968).
* Fix sorting of compilation unit members.
* Add forwarding for DefaultFormalParameter metadata.
* Fix most implementations of UriResolver.restoreAbsolute.
* Disable dart2js hints by default.
* Support older SDKs (Dart 1.11).
## 0.26.0
* Add hook for listening to implicitly analyzed files
* Add a PathFilter and AnalysisOptionsProvider utility classes to aid
clients in excluding files from analysis when directed to do so by an
options file.
* API change: `UriResolver.resolveUri(..)` now takes an optional `actualUri`.
* Change `ResolutionCopier.visitAwaitExpression` to copy *Type fields.
* Fix highlight range for missing enum constant in switch (issue 23904).
* Fix analyzer's treatment of `ClassName?.staticMember` to match spec.
* Implement DEP 34 (less restricted mixins).
* Fix some implementations of `UriResolver.resolveUri(..)` that did not
properly handle the new `actualUri` argument.
## 0.25.2
* Requires Dart SDK 1.12-dev or greater
* Enable null-aware operators (DEP 9) by default.
* Generic method support in the element model.
## 0.25.2-alpha.1
* `dart:sdk` extension `.sdkext` changed to `_sdkext` (to play nicer with pub).
## 0.25.2-alpha.0
* Initial support for analyzing `dart:sdk` extensions from `.sdkext`.
## 0.25.1
* (Internal) code reorganization to address analysis warnings due to SDK reorg.
* First steps towards `.packages` support.
## 0.25.0
* Commandline interface moved to dedicated `analyzer_cli` package. Files moved:
* `bin/analyzer.dart`
* `lib/options.dart`
* `lib/src/analyzer_impl.dart`
* `lib/src/error_formatter.dart`
* Removed dependency on the `args` package.
## 0.22.1
* Changes in the async/await support.
## 0.22.0
New API:
* `Source.uri` added.
Breaking changes:
* `DartSdk.fromEncoding` replaced with `fromFileUri`.
* `Source.resolveRelative` replaced with `resolveRelativeUri`.