blob: 3ccf78c2d4bc9c1a925a84f1323eb95e54ebcb9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/assembler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/stub_code_compiler.h"
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
namespace dart {
class TypeTestingStubNamer {
// Simple helper for stringifying a [type] and prefix it with the type
// testing
// (only during dart_bootstrap).
const char* StubNameForType(const AbstractType& type) const;
void WriteStubNameForTypeTo(BaseTextBuffer* buffer,
const AbstractType& type) const;
void StringifyTypeTo(BaseTextBuffer* buffer, const AbstractType& type) const;
// Converts the contents of the buffer to an assembly-safe name.
static void MakeNameAssemblerSafe(BaseTextBuffer* buffer);
Library& lib_;
Class& klass_;
AbstractType& type_;
String& string_;
mutable intptr_t nonce_ = 0;
class TypeTestingStubGenerator {
// During bootstrapping it will return `null` for |void| and |dynamic| types,
// otherwise it will return a default stub which tail-calls
// subtypingtest/runtime code.
static CodePtr DefaultCodeForType(const AbstractType& type,
bool lazy_specialize = true);
static CodePtr SpecializeStubFor(Thread* thread, const AbstractType& type);
// Creates new stub for [type] (and registers the tuple in object store
// array) or returns default stub.
CodePtr OptimizedCodeForType(const AbstractType& type);
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
CodePtr BuildCodeForType(const AbstractType& type);
static void BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls,
const Code& slow_type_test_stub,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const AbstractType& type);
static void BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const AbstractType& type);
static bool BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(compiler::Assembler* assembler,
const CidRangeVector& ranges,
Register class_id_reg,
compiler::Label* check_succeeded,
compiler::Label* check_failed);
static void BuildOptimizedSubclassRangeCheckWithTypeArguments(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class);
static void BuildOptimizedRecordSubtypeRangeCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const RecordType& type);
// Returns whether any cid ranges require type argument checking.
// If any do, then returns from the stub if any checks that do not need
// type argument checking succeed, falls through or jumps to load_succeeded if
// loading the type arguments succeeds, and otherwise jumps to load_failed.
// That is, code that uses the type arguments should follow immediately.
// If none do, then falls through or jumps to load_failed if the checks fail,
// else returns from the stub if the checks are successful. That is, code
// that handles the failure case (like calling the slow stub) should follow.
static bool BuildLoadInstanceTypeArguments(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class,
const Register class_id_reg,
const Register instance_type_args_reg,
compiler::Label* load_succeeded,
compiler::Label* load_failed);
static void BuildOptimizedTypeParameterArgumentValueCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const TypeParameter& type_param,
intptr_t type_param_value_offset_i,
compiler::Label* check_failed);
static void BuildOptimizedTypeArgumentValueCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
intptr_t type_param_value_offset_i,
compiler::Label* check_failed);
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
#endif // !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
TypeTestingStubNamer namer_;
ObjectStore* object_store_;
template <typename T>
class ReusableHandleStack {
explicit ReusableHandleStack(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone), handles_count_(0) {}
T* Obtain() {
T* handle;
if (handles_count_ < handles_.length()) {
handle = handles_[handles_count_];
} else {
handle = &T::ZoneHandle(zone_);
return handle;
void Release(T* handle) {
ASSERT(handles_count_ >= 0);
ASSERT(handles_[handles_count_] == handle);
Zone* zone_;
intptr_t handles_count_;
MallocGrowableArray<T*> handles_;
template <typename U>
friend class ScopedHandle;
template <typename T>
class ScopedHandle {
explicit ScopedHandle(ReusableHandleStack<T>* stack)
: stack_(stack), handle_(stack_->Obtain()) {}
~ScopedHandle() { stack_->Release(handle_); }
T& operator*() { return *handle_; }
T* operator->() { return handle_; }
ReusableHandleStack<T>* stack_;
T* handle_;
// Collects data on how [Type] objects are used in generated code.
class TypeUsageInfo : public ThreadStackResource {
explicit TypeUsageInfo(Thread* thread);
void UseTypeInAssertAssignable(const AbstractType& type);
void UseTypeArgumentsInInstanceCreation(const Class& klass,
const TypeArguments& ta);
// Finalize the collected type usage information.
void BuildTypeUsageInformation();
// Query if [type] is very likely used in a type test (can give
// false-positives and false-negatives, but tries to make a very good guess)
bool IsUsedInTypeTest(const AbstractType& type);
template <typename T>
class ObjectSetTrait {
// Typedefs needed for the DirectChainedHashMap template.
typedef const T* Key;
typedef const T* Value;
typedef const T* Pair;
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
static inline uword Hash(Key key) { return key->Hash(); }
class TypeSetTrait : public ObjectSetTrait<const AbstractType> {
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(const AbstractType* pair,
const AbstractType* key) {
return pair->Equals(*key);
class TypeArgumentsSetTrait : public ObjectSetTrait<const TypeArguments> {
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(const TypeArguments* pair,
const TypeArguments* key) {
return pair->ptr() == key->ptr();
class TypeParameterSetTrait : public ObjectSetTrait<const TypeParameter> {
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(const TypeParameter* pair,
const TypeParameter* key) {
return pair->ptr() == key->ptr();
typedef DirectChainedHashMap<TypeSetTrait> TypeSet;
typedef DirectChainedHashMap<TypeArgumentsSetTrait> TypeArgumentsSet;
typedef DirectChainedHashMap<TypeParameterSetTrait> TypeParameterSet;
// Collects all type parameters we are doing assert assignable checks against.
void CollectTypeParametersUsedInAssertAssignable(TypeParameterSet* set);
// All types which flow into any of the type parameters in [set] will be added
// to the set of types we test against.
void UpdateAssertAssignableTypes(ClassTable* class_table,
intptr_t cid_count,
TypeParameterSet* set);
void AddToSetIfParameter(TypeParameterSet* set,
const AbstractType* type,
TypeParameter* param);
void AddTypeToSet(TypeSet* set, const AbstractType* type);
Zone* zone_;
TypeSet assert_assignable_types_;
TypeArgumentsSet* instance_creation_arguments_;
Class& klass_;
void RegisterTypeArgumentsUse(const Function& function,
TypeUsageInfo* type_usage_info,
const Class& klass,
Definition* type_arguments);
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
void DeoptimizeTypeTestingStubs();
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
} // namespace dart