blob: accd7160bc40ef790020c30156c906f0f949bfff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "vm/isolate.h"
#include "vm/lockers.h"
#include "vm/message.h"
#include "vm/os_thread.h"
#include "vm/port_set.h"
#include "vm/thread_pool.h"
namespace dart {
// A MessageHandler is an entity capable of accepting messages.
class MessageHandler {
enum MessageStatus {
kOK, // We successfully handled a message.
kError, // We encountered an error handling a message.
kShutdown, // The VM is shutting down.
static const char* MessageStatusString(MessageStatus status);
virtual ~MessageHandler();
// Allow subclasses to provide a handler name.
virtual const char* name() const;
typedef uword CallbackData;
typedef MessageStatus (*StartCallback)(CallbackData data);
typedef void (*EndCallback)(CallbackData data);
// Runs this message handler on the thread pool.
// Before processing messages, the optional StartFunction is run.
// A message handler will run until it terminates either normally or
// abnormally. Normal termination occurs when the message handler
// no longer has any live ports. Abnormal termination occurs when
// HandleMessage() indicates that an error has occurred during
// message processing.
// Returns false if the handler terminated abnormally, otherwise it
// returns true.
bool Run(ThreadPool* pool,
StartCallback start_callback,
EndCallback end_callback,
CallbackData data);
// Handles the next message for this message handler. Should only
// be used when not running the handler on the thread pool (via Run
// or RunBlocking).
// Returns true on success.
MessageStatus HandleNextMessage();
// Handles any OOB messages for this message handler. Can be used
// even if the message handler is running on the thread pool.
// Returns true on success.
MessageStatus HandleOOBMessages();
// Returns true if there are pending OOB messages for this message
// handler.
bool HasOOBMessages();
#if defined(TESTING)
std::unique_ptr<Message> StealOOBMessage();
// Returns true if there are pending normal messages for this message
// handler.
bool HasMessages();
// Whether to keep this message handler alive or whether it should shutdown.
virtual bool KeepAliveLocked() {
// By default we keep alive until the message handler was asked to shutdown
// via [RequestDeletion].
return !delete_me_;
// Requests deletion of this message handler when the next task
// completes.
void RequestDeletion();
bool paused() const { return paused_ > 0; }
void increment_paused() { paused_++; }
void decrement_paused() {
ASSERT(paused_ > 0);
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
void DebugDump();
bool should_pause_on_start() const { return should_pause_on_start_; }
void set_should_pause_on_start(bool should_pause_on_start) {
should_pause_on_start_ = should_pause_on_start;
bool is_paused_on_start() const { return is_paused_on_start_; }
bool should_pause_on_exit() const { return should_pause_on_exit_; }
void set_should_pause_on_exit(bool should_pause_on_exit) {
should_pause_on_exit_ = should_pause_on_exit;
bool is_paused_on_exit() const { return is_paused_on_exit_; }
// Timestamp of the paused on start or paused on exit.
int64_t paused_timestamp() const { return paused_timestamp_; }
bool ShouldPauseOnStart(MessageStatus status) const;
bool ShouldPauseOnExit(MessageStatus status) const;
void PausedOnStart(bool paused);
void PausedOnExit(bool paused);
// Gives temporary ownership of |queue| and |oob_queue|. Using this object
// has the side effect that no OOB messages will be handled if a stack
// overflow interrupt is delivered.
class AcquiredQueues : public ValueObject {
explicit AcquiredQueues(MessageHandler* handler);
MessageQueue* queue() {
if (handler_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return handler_->queue_;
MessageQueue* oob_queue() {
if (handler_ == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return handler_->oob_queue_;
MessageHandler* handler_;
SafepointMonitorLocker ml_;
friend class MessageHandler;
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Check that it is safe to access this message handler.
// For example, if this MessageHandler is an isolate, then it is
// only safe to access it when the MessageHandler is the current
// isolate.
virtual void CheckAccess() const;
// ------------ START PortMap API ------------
// These functions should only be called from the PortMap.
// Does this message handler correspond to the current isolate?
virtual bool IsCurrentIsolate() const { return false; }
// Return Isolate to which this message handler corresponds to.
virtual Isolate* isolate() const { return nullptr; }
// Posts a message on this handler's message queue.
// If before_events is true, then the message is enqueued before any pending
// events, but after any pending isolate library events.
void PostMessage(std::unique_ptr<Message> message,
bool before_events = false);
// Notifies this handler that a port is being closed.
void ClosePort(Dart_Port port);
// Notifies this handler that all ports are being closed.
void CloseAllPorts();
// ------------ END PortMap API ------------
// Custom message notification. Optionally provided by subclass.
virtual void MessageNotify(Message::Priority priority);
// Handles a single message. Provided by subclass.
// Returns true on success.
virtual MessageStatus HandleMessage(std::unique_ptr<Message> message) = 0;
virtual void NotifyPauseOnStart() {}
virtual void NotifyPauseOnExit() {}
// TODO(iposva): Set a local field before entering MessageHandler methods.
Thread* thread() const { return Thread::Current(); }
template <typename GCVisitorType>
friend void MournFinalizerEntry(GCVisitorType*, FinalizerEntryPtr);
friend class PortMap;
friend class MessageHandlerTestPeer;
friend class MessageHandlerTask;
struct PortSetEntry : public PortSet<PortSetEntry>::Entry {};
// Called by MessageHandlerTask to process our task queue.
void TaskCallback();
// Checks if we have a slot for idle task execution, if we have a slot
// for idle task execution it is scheduled immediately or we wait for
// idle expiration and then attempt to schedule the idle task.
// Returns true if their is scope for idle task execution so that we
// can loop back to handle more messages or false if idle tasks are not
// scheduled.
bool CheckIfIdleLocked(MonitorLocker* ml);
// Triggers a run of the idle task.
void RunIdleTaskLocked(MonitorLocker* ml);
// NOTE: These two functions release and reacquire the monitor, you may
// need to call HandleMessages to ensure all pending messages are handled.
void PausedOnStartLocked(MonitorLocker* ml, bool paused);
void PausedOnExitLocked(MonitorLocker* ml, bool paused);
// Dequeue the next message. Prefer messages from the oob_queue_ to
// messages from the queue_.
std::unique_ptr<Message> DequeueMessage(Message::Priority min_priority);
void ClearOOBQueue();
// Handles any pending messages.
MessageStatus HandleMessages(MonitorLocker* ml,
bool allow_normal_messages,
bool allow_multiple_normal_messages);
Monitor monitor_; // Protects all fields in MessageHandler.
MessageQueue* queue_;
MessageQueue* oob_queue_;
// This flag is not thread safe and can only reliably be accessed on a single
// thread.
bool oob_message_handling_allowed_;
bool paused_for_messages_;
ports_; // Only accessed by [PortMap], protected by [PortMap]s lock.
intptr_t paused_; // The number of pause messages received.
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
bool should_pause_on_start_;
bool should_pause_on_exit_;
bool is_paused_on_start_;
bool is_paused_on_exit_;
// When isolate gets paused, remember the status of the message being
// processed so that we can resume correctly(into potentially not-OK status).
MessageStatus remembered_paused_on_exit_status_;
int64_t paused_timestamp_;
bool task_running_;
bool delete_me_;
ThreadPool* pool_;
StartCallback start_callback_;
EndCallback end_callback_;
CallbackData callback_data_;
} // namespace dart