blob: e4950baf7a332c4b31c108940ff184d965c34947 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/os.h"
#include "vm/zone.h"
namespace dart {
static constexpr int8_t kDataBitsPerByte = 7;
static constexpr int8_t kByteMask = (1 << kDataBitsPerByte) - 1;
static constexpr int8_t kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte = kByteMask;
static constexpr int8_t kMinDataPerByte = -(1 << (kDataBitsPerByte - 1));
static constexpr int8_t kMaxDataPerByte =
(~kMinDataPerByte & kByteMask); // NOLINT
static constexpr uint8_t kEndByteMarker = (255 - kMaxDataPerByte);
static constexpr uint8_t kEndUnsignedByteMarker =
(255 - kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte);
struct LEB128Constants : AllStatic {
// Convenience template for ensuring non-signed types trigger SFINAE.
template <typename T, typename S>
using only_if_signed =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_signed<T>::value, S>::type;
// Convenience template for ensuring signed types trigger SFINAE.
template <typename T, typename S>
using only_if_unsigned =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T>::value, S>::type;
// (S)LEB128 encodes 7 bits of data per byte (hence 128).
static constexpr uint8_t kDataBitsPerByte = 7;
static constexpr uint8_t kDataByteMask = (1 << kDataBitsPerByte) - 1;
// If more data follows a given data byte, the high bit is set.
static constexpr uint8_t kMoreDataMask = (1 << kDataBitsPerByte);
// For SLEB128, the high bit in the data of the last byte is the sign bit.
static constexpr uint8_t kSignMask = (1 << (kDataBitsPerByte - 1));
class NonStreamingWriteStream;
// Stream for reading various types from a buffer.
class ReadStream : public ValueObject {
ReadStream(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t size)
: buffer_(buffer), current_(buffer), end_(buffer + size) {}
// Creates a ReadStream that starts at a given position in the buffer.
ReadStream(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t size, intptr_t pos)
: ReadStream(buffer, size) {
template <int N, typename T>
class Raw {};
template <typename T>
class Raw<1, T> {
static T Read(ReadStream* st) { return bit_cast<T>(st->ReadByte()); }
template <typename T>
class Raw<2, T> {
static T Read(ReadStream* st) { return bit_cast<T>(st->Read16()); }
template <typename T>
class Raw<4, T> {
static T Read(ReadStream* st) { return bit_cast<T>(st->Read32()); }
template <typename T>
class Raw<8, T> {
static T Read(ReadStream* st) { return bit_cast<T>(st->Read64()); }
// Reads 'len' bytes from the stream.
void ReadBytes(void* addr, intptr_t len) {
ASSERT((end_ - current_) >= len);
if (len != 0) {
memmove(addr, current_, len);
current_ += len;
template <typename T = intptr_t>
T ReadUnsigned() {
return Read<T>(kEndUnsignedByteMarker);
intptr_t ReadRefId() {
const int8_t* cursor = reinterpret_cast<const int8_t*>(current_);
intptr_t result = 0;
intptr_t byte;
// clang-format off
#define STAGE \
byte = *cursor++; /* ldrsb byte, [result], 1 */ \
result = byte + (result << 7); /* add result, byte, result lsl 7 */ \
if (byte < 0) goto done; /* tbnz byte, 63, done */
STAGE // 0-7
STAGE // 8-14
STAGE // 15-21
STAGE // 22-28
#undef STAGE
ASSERT(byte < 0); // 256MB is enough for anyone...
// clang-format on
current_ = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(cursor);
// With big-endian order and the has-more marker being 0, the correction
// factor to remove the last-byte marker is a constant, which can be folded
// into subsequent load offsets.
return result + 128;
intptr_t Position() const { return current_ - buffer_; }
void SetPosition(intptr_t value) {
ASSERT((end_ - buffer_) >= value);
current_ = buffer_ + value;
void Align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset = 0) {
intptr_t position_before = Position();
intptr_t position_after =
Utils::RoundUp(position_before, alignment, offset);
Advance(position_after - position_before);
const uint8_t* AddressOfCurrentPosition() const { return current_; }
void Advance(intptr_t value) {
ASSERT((end_ - current_) >= value);
current_ = current_ + value;
intptr_t PendingBytes() const {
ASSERT(end_ >= current_);
return (end_ - current_);
template <typename T>
T Read() {
return Read<T>(kEndByteMarker);
uword ReadWordWith32BitReads() {
constexpr intptr_t kNumRead32PerWord = kBitsPerWord / kBitsPerInt32;
uword value = 0;
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < kNumRead32PerWord; j++) {
const auto partial_value = Raw<kInt32Size, uint32_t>::Read(this);
value |= (static_cast<uword>(partial_value) << (j * kBitsPerInt32));
return value;
using C = LEB128Constants;
template <typename T = uintptr_t>
C::only_if_unsigned<T, T> ReadLEB128() {
constexpr intptr_t kBitsPerT = kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T);
T r = 0;
uint8_t s = 0;
uint8_t b;
do {
ASSERT(s < kBitsPerT);
b = ReadByte();
r |= static_cast<T>(b & C::kDataByteMask) << s;
s += C::kDataBitsPerByte;
} while ((b & C::kMoreDataMask) != 0);
ASSERT(s < C::kDataBitsPerByte + kBitsPerT);
return r;
template <typename T>
C::only_if_signed<T, T> ReadLEB128() {
return bit_cast<T>(ReadLEB128<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>());
template <typename T>
C::only_if_unsigned<T, T> ReadSLEB128() {
constexpr intptr_t kBitsPerT = kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T);
T r = 0;
uint8_t s = 0;
uint8_t b;
do {
ASSERT(s < kBitsPerT);
b = ReadByte();
r |= static_cast<T>(b & C::kDataByteMask) << s;
s += C::kDataBitsPerByte;
} while ((b & C::kMoreDataMask) != 0);
ASSERT(s < C::kDataBitsPerByte + kBitsPerT);
// At this point, [s] contains how many data bits have made it into the
// value. If the value is negative and the count of data bits is less than
// the size of the value, then we need to extend the sign by setting the
// remaining (unset) most significant bits (MSBs).
T sign_bits = 0;
if ((b & C::kSignMask) != 0 && s < kBitsPerT) {
// Create a bitmask for the current data bits and invert it.
sign_bits = ~((static_cast<T>(1) << s) - 1);
return r | sign_bits;
template <typename T = intptr_t>
C::only_if_signed<T, T> ReadSLEB128() {
return bit_cast<T>(ReadSLEB128<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>());
uint16_t Read16() { return Read16(kEndByteMarker); }
uint32_t Read32() { return Read32(kEndByteMarker); }
uint64_t Read64() { return Read64(kEndByteMarker); }
template <typename T>
T Read(uint8_t end_byte_marker) {
using Unsigned = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
Unsigned b = ReadByte();
if (b > kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
return b - end_byte_marker;
T r = 0;
uint8_t s = 0;
do {
r |= static_cast<Unsigned>(b) << s;
s += kDataBitsPerByte;
b = ReadByte();
} while (b <= kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte);
return r | (static_cast<Unsigned>(b - end_byte_marker) << s);
// Setting up needed variables for the unrolled loop sections below.
#define UNROLLED_INIT() \
using Unsigned = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type; \
Unsigned b = ReadByte(); \
if (b > kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte) { \
return b - end_byte_marker; \
} \
T r = b;
// Part of the unrolled loop where the loop may stop, having read the last part,
// or continue reading.
#define UNROLLED_BODY(bit_start) \
static_assert(bit_start % kDataBitsPerByte == 0, \
"Bit start must be a multiple of the data bits per byte"); \
static_assert(bit_start >= 0 && bit_start < kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T), \
"Starting unrolled body at invalid bit position"); \
static_assert(bit_start + kDataBitsPerByte < kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T), \
"Unrolled body should not contain final bits in value"); \
b = ReadByte(); \
if (b > kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte) { \
return r | (static_cast<T>(b - end_byte_marker) << bit_start); \
} \
r |= b << bit_start;
// The end of the unrolled loop.
#define UNROLLED_END(bit_start) \
static_assert(bit_start % kDataBitsPerByte == 0, \
"Bit start must be a multiple of the data bits per byte"); \
static_assert(bit_start >= 0 && bit_start < kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T), \
"Starting unrolled end at invalid bit position"); \
static_assert(bit_start + kDataBitsPerByte >= kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T), \
"Unrolled end does not contain final bits in value"); \
b = ReadByte(); \
ASSERT(b > kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte); \
return r | (static_cast<T>(b - end_byte_marker) << bit_start);
uint16_t Read16(uint8_t end_byte_marker) {
using T = uint16_t;
uint32_t Read32(uint8_t end_byte_marker) {
using T = uint32_t;
uint64_t Read64(uint8_t end_byte_marker) {
using T = uint64_t;
DART_FORCE_INLINE uint8_t ReadByte() {
ASSERT(current_ < end_);
return *current_++;
ReadStream(const uint8_t* buffer, const uint8_t* current, const uint8_t* end)
: buffer_(buffer), current_(current), end_(end) {}
const uint8_t* buffer_;
const uint8_t* current_;
const uint8_t* end_;
friend class Deserializer;
// Base class for streams that writing various types into a buffer, possibly
// flushing data out periodically to a more permanent store.
class BaseWriteStream : public ValueObject {
explicit BaseWriteStream(intptr_t initial_size)
: initial_size_(Utils::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(initial_size)) {}
virtual ~BaseWriteStream() {}
DART_FORCE_INLINE intptr_t bytes_written() const { return Position(); }
virtual intptr_t Position() const { return current_ - buffer_; }
intptr_t Align(intptr_t alignment, intptr_t offset = 0) {
const intptr_t position_before = Position();
const intptr_t position_after =
Utils::RoundUp(position_before, alignment, offset);
const intptr_t length = position_after - position_before;
if (length != 0) {
memset(current_, 0, length);
return length;
template <int N, typename T>
class Raw {};
template <typename T>
class Raw<1, T> {
static void Write(BaseWriteStream* st, T value) {
template <typename T>
class Raw<2, T> {
static void Write(BaseWriteStream* st, T value) {
template <typename T>
class Raw<4, T> {
static void Write(BaseWriteStream* st, T value) {
template <typename T>
class Raw<8, T> {
static void Write(BaseWriteStream* st, T value) {
void WriteWordWith32BitWrites(uword value) {
constexpr intptr_t kNumWrite32PerWord = kBitsPerWord / kBitsPerInt32;
const uint32_t mask = Utils::NBitMask(kBitsPerInt32);
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < kNumWrite32PerWord; j++) {
const uint32_t shifted_value = (value >> (j * kBitsPerInt32));
Raw<kInt32Size, uint32_t>::Write(this, shifted_value & mask);
template <typename T>
void WriteUnsigned(T value) {
ASSERT(value >= 0);
while (value > kMaxUnsignedDataPerByte) {
WriteByte(static_cast<uint8_t>(value & kByteMask));
value = value >> kDataBitsPerByte;
WriteByte(static_cast<uint8_t>(value + kEndUnsignedByteMarker));
void WriteRefId(intptr_t value) {
ASSERT(Utils::IsUint(28, value)); // 256MB is enough for anyone...
if ((value >> 21) != 0) {
*current_++ = (value >> 21) & 127;
if ((value >> 14) != 0) {
*current_++ = (value >> 14) & 127;
if ((value >> 7) != 0) {
*current_++ = (value >> 7) & 127;
*current_++ = ((value >> 0) & 127) | 128;
void WriteBytes(const void* addr, intptr_t len) {
if (len != 0) {
memmove(current_, addr, len);
current_ += len;
void WriteWord(uword value) { WriteFixed(value); }
void WriteTargetWord(word value);
void Printf(const char* format, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2, 3) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
VPrintf(format, args);
void VPrintf(const char* format, va_list args) {
// Measure.
va_list measure_args;
va_copy(measure_args, args);
intptr_t len = Utils::VSNPrint(nullptr, 0, format, measure_args);
// Alloc.
EnsureSpace(len + 1);
// Print.
va_list print_args;
va_copy(print_args, args);
Utils::VSNPrint(reinterpret_cast<char*>(current_), len + 1, format,
current_ += len; // Not len + 1 to swallow the terminating NUL.
template <typename T>
void Write(T value) {
T v = value;
while (v < kMinDataPerByte || v > kMaxDataPerByte) {
WriteByte(static_cast<uint8_t>(v & kByteMask));
v = v >> kDataBitsPerByte;
WriteByte(static_cast<uint8_t>(v + kEndByteMarker));
template <typename T>
void WriteFixed(T value) {
WriteBytes(&value, sizeof(value));
DART_FORCE_INLINE void WriteByte(uint8_t value) {
*current_++ = value;
void WriteString(const char* cstr) { WriteBytes(cstr, strlen(cstr)); }
using C = LEB128Constants;
template <typename T>
C::only_if_unsigned<T, void> WriteLEB128(T value) {
T remainder = value;
bool is_last_part;
do {
uint8_t part = static_cast<uint8_t>(remainder & C::kDataByteMask);
remainder >>= C::kDataBitsPerByte;
// For unsigned types, we're done when the remainder has no bits set.
is_last_part = remainder == static_cast<T>(0);
if (!is_last_part) {
// Mark this part as a non-final part for this value.
part |= C::kMoreDataMask;
} while (!is_last_part);
template <typename T>
C::only_if_signed<T, void> WriteLEB128(T value) {
// If we're trying to LEB128 encode a negative value, chances are we should
// be using SLEB128 instead.
ASSERT(value >= 0);
return WriteLEB128(bit_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type>(value));
template <typename T>
C::only_if_signed<T, void> WriteSLEB128(T value) {
constexpr intptr_t kBitsPerT = kBitsPerByte * sizeof(T);
using Unsigned = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
// Record whether the original value was negative.
const bool is_negative = value < 0;
T remainder = value;
bool is_last_part;
do {
uint8_t part = static_cast<uint8_t>(remainder & C::kDataByteMask);
remainder >>= C::kDataBitsPerByte;
// For signed types, we're done when either:
// - the remainder has all bits set and the part's sign bit is set
// for negative values, or
// - the remainder has no bits set and the part's sign bit is unset for
// non-negative values.
// If the remainder matches but the sign bit does not, we need one more
// part to set the sign bit correctly when decoding.
if (is_negative) {
// Right shifts of negative values in C are not guaranteed to be
// arithmetic. For negative values, set the [kDataBitsPerByte] most
// significant bits after shifting to ensure the value stays negative.
constexpr intptr_t preserved_bits = kBitsPerT - C::kDataBitsPerByte;
// The sign extension mask is the inverse of the preserved bits mask.
constexpr T sign_extend =
~static_cast<T>((static_cast<Unsigned>(1) << preserved_bits) - 1);
// Sign extend for negative values just in case a non-arithmetic right
// shift is used by the compiler.
remainder |= sign_extend;
ASSERT(remainder < 0); // Remainder should still be negative.
is_last_part =
remainder == ~static_cast<T>(0) && (part & C::kSignMask) != 0;
} else {
ASSERT(remainder >= 0); // Remainder should still be non-negative.
is_last_part =
(remainder == static_cast<T>(0) && (part & C::kSignMask) == 0);
if (!is_last_part) {
// Mark this part as a non-final part for this value.
part |= C::kMoreDataMask;
} while (!is_last_part);
template <typename T>
C::only_if_unsigned<T, void> WriteSLEB128(T value) {
return WriteSLEB128(bit_cast<typename std::make_signed<T>::type>(value));
void EnsureSpace(intptr_t size_needed) {
if (Remaining() >= size_needed) return;
intptr_t increment_size = capacity_;
if (size_needed > increment_size) {
increment_size = Utils::RoundUp(size_needed, initial_size_);
intptr_t new_size = capacity_ + increment_size;
ASSERT(new_size > capacity_);
if (buffer_ == nullptr) {
ASSERT(Remaining() >= size_needed);
virtual void SetPosition(intptr_t value) {
EnsureSpace(value - BaseWriteStream::Position());
current_ = buffer_ + value;
DART_FORCE_INLINE intptr_t Remaining() const {
return capacity_ - BaseWriteStream::Position();
// Resizes the internal buffer to the requested new capacity. Should set
// buffer_, capacity_, and current_ appropriately.
// Instead of templating over an Allocator (which would then cause users
// of the templated class to need to be templated, etc.), we just add an
// Realloc method to override appropriately in subclasses. Less flexible,
// but requires less changes throughout the codebase.
virtual void Realloc(intptr_t new_capacity) = 0;
const intptr_t initial_size_;
uint8_t* buffer_ = nullptr;
uint8_t* current_ = nullptr;
intptr_t capacity_ = 0;
// A base class for non-streaming write streams. Since these streams are
// not flushed periodically, the internal buffer contains all written data
// and can be retrieved via buffer(). NonStreamingWriteStream also provides
// SetPosition as part of its public API for non-sequential writing.
class NonStreamingWriteStream : public BaseWriteStream {
explicit NonStreamingWriteStream(intptr_t initial_size)
: BaseWriteStream(initial_size) {}
uint8_t* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
// Sets the position of the buffer
DART_FORCE_INLINE void SetPosition(intptr_t value) {
// A non-streaming write stream that uses realloc for reallocation, and frees
// the buffer when destructed unless ownership is transferred using Steal().
class MallocWriteStream : public NonStreamingWriteStream {
explicit MallocWriteStream(intptr_t initial_size)
: NonStreamingWriteStream(initial_size) {}
// Resets the stream and returns the original buffer, which is now considered
// owned by the caller. Sets [*length] to the length of the returned buffer.
uint8_t* Steal(intptr_t* length) {
ASSERT(length != nullptr);
*length = bytes_written();
uint8_t* const old_buffer = buffer_;
// We don't immediately reallocate a new space just in case this steal
// is the last use of this stream.
current_ = buffer_ = nullptr;
capacity_ = 0;
return old_buffer;
virtual void Realloc(intptr_t new_size);
// A non-streaming write stream that uses a zone for reallocation.
class ZoneWriteStream : public NonStreamingWriteStream {
ZoneWriteStream(Zone* zone, intptr_t initial_size)
: NonStreamingWriteStream(initial_size), zone_(zone) {}
virtual void Realloc(intptr_t new_size);
Zone* const zone_;
// A streaming write stream that uses the internal buffer only for non-flushed
// data. Like MallocWriteStream, uses realloc for reallocation, and flushes and
// frees the internal buffer when destructed. Since part or all of the written
// data may be flushed and no longer in the internal buffer, it does not provide
// a way to retrieve the written contents.
class StreamingWriteStream : public BaseWriteStream {
explicit StreamingWriteStream(intptr_t initial_capacity,
Dart_StreamingWriteCallback callback,
void* callback_data)
: BaseWriteStream(initial_capacity),
callback_data_(callback_data) {}
// Flushes any unflushed data to callback_data and resets the internal
// buffer. Changes current_ and flushed_size_ accordingly.
virtual void Flush();
virtual void Realloc(intptr_t new_size);
virtual intptr_t Position() const {
return flushed_size_ + BaseWriteStream::Position();
virtual void SetPosition(intptr_t value) {
// Make sure we're not trying to set the position to already-flushed data.
ASSERT(value >= flushed_size_);
BaseWriteStream::SetPosition(value - flushed_size_);
const Dart_StreamingWriteCallback callback_;
void* const callback_data_;
intptr_t flushed_size_ = 0;
} // namespace dart