blob: 318925230404420c69fbde098b0f3911ab73a2e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/call_specializer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/inliner.h"
#include "vm/compiler/cha.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_state.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_timings.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
namespace dart {
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, enable_simd_inline);
// Quick access to the current isolate and zone.
#define IG (isolate_group())
#define Z (zone())
static void RefineUseTypes(Definition* instr) {
CompileType* new_type = instr->Type();
for (Value::Iterator it(instr->input_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
static bool ShouldInlineSimd() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedSimd128();
static bool CanConvertInt64ToDouble() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::CanConvertInt64ToDouble();
static bool IsNumberCid(intptr_t cid) {
return (cid == kSmiCid) || (cid == kDoubleCid);
static bool ShouldSpecializeForDouble(const BinaryFeedback& binary_feedback) {
// Unboxed double operation can't handle case of two smis.
if (binary_feedback.IncludesOperands(kSmiCid)) {
return false;
// Check that the call site has seen only smis and doubles.
return binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrDouble();
// Optimize instance calls using ICData.
void CallSpecializer::ApplyICData() {
// Optimize instance calls using cid. This is called after optimizer
// converted instance calls to instructions. Any remaining
// instance calls are either megamorphic calls, cannot be optimized or
// have no runtime type feedback collected.
// Attempts to convert an instance call (IC call) using propagated class-ids,
// e.g., receiver class id, guarded-cid, or by guessing cid-s.
void CallSpecializer::ApplyClassIds() {
ASSERT(current_iterator_ == nullptr);
for (BlockIterator block_it = flow_graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current());
current_iterator_ = ⁢
for (; !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instr = it.Current();
if (instr->IsInstanceCall()) {
InstanceCallInstr* call = instr->AsInstanceCall();
if (call->HasICData()) {
if (TryCreateICData(call)) {
} else if (auto static_call = instr->AsStaticCall()) {
// If TFA devirtualized instance calls to static calls we also want to
// process them here.
} else if (instr->IsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
current_iterator_ = nullptr;
bool CallSpecializer::TryCreateICData(InstanceCallInstr* call) {
if (call->Targets().length() > 0) {
// This occurs when an instance call has too many checks, will be converted
// to megamorphic call.
return false;
const intptr_t receiver_index = call->FirstArgIndex();
GrowableArray<intptr_t> class_ids(call->ic_data()->NumArgsTested());
ASSERT(call->ic_data()->NumArgsTested() <=
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < call->ic_data()->NumArgsTested(); i++) {
class_ids.Add(call->ArgumentValueAt(receiver_index + i)->Type()->ToCid());
const Token::Kind op_kind = call->token_kind();
if (FLAG_guess_icdata_cid && !CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
if (Token::IsRelationalOperator(op_kind) ||
Token::IsEqualityOperator(op_kind) ||
Token::IsBinaryOperator(op_kind)) {
// Guess cid: if one of the inputs is a number assume that the other
// is a number of same type, unless the interface target tells us this
// is impossible.
if (call->CanReceiverBeSmiBasedOnInterfaceTarget(zone())) {
const intptr_t cid_0 = class_ids[0];
const intptr_t cid_1 = class_ids[1];
if ((cid_0 == kDynamicCid) && (IsNumberCid(cid_1))) {
class_ids[0] = cid_1;
} else if (IsNumberCid(cid_0) && (cid_1 == kDynamicCid)) {
class_ids[1] = cid_0;
bool all_cids_known = true;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < class_ids.length(); i++) {
if (class_ids[i] == kDynamicCid) {
// Not all cid-s known.
all_cids_known = false;
if (all_cids_known) {
const intptr_t receiver_cid = class_ids[0];
if (receiver_cid == kSentinelCid) {
// Unreachable call.
return false;
const Class& receiver_class =
Class::Handle(Z, IG->class_table()->At(receiver_cid));
if (!receiver_class.is_finalized()) {
// Do not eagerly finalize classes. ResolveDynamicForReceiverClass can
// cause class finalization, since callee's receiver class may not be
// finalized yet.
return false;
const Function& function = Function::Handle(
Z, call->ResolveForReceiverClass(receiver_class, /*allow_add=*/false));
if (function.IsNull()) {
return false;
// Update the CallTargets attached to the instruction with our speculative
// target. The next round of CallSpecializer::VisitInstanceCall will make
// use of this.
call->SetTargets(CallTargets::CreateMonomorphic(Z, class_ids[0], function));
if (class_ids.length() == 2) {
BinaryFeedback::CreateMonomorphic(Z, class_ids[0], class_ids[1]));
return true;
return false;
void CallSpecializer::SpecializePolymorphicInstanceCall(
PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call) {
if (!FLAG_polymorphic_with_deopt) {
// Specialization adds receiver checks which can lead to deoptimization.
const intptr_t receiver_cid = call->Receiver()->Type()->ToCid();
if (receiver_cid == kDynamicCid) {
return; // No information about receiver was inferred.
const ICData& ic_data = *call->ic_data();
const CallTargets* targets =
receiver_cid, String::Handle(zone(), ic_data.target_name()),
Array::Handle(zone(), ic_data.arguments_descriptor()));
if (targets == nullptr) {
// No specialization.
const Function& target = targets->FirstTarget();
StaticCallInstr* specialized =
StaticCallInstr::FromCall(Z, call, target, targets->AggregateCallCount());
call->ReplaceWith(specialized, current_iterator());
void CallSpecializer::ReplaceCallWithResult(Definition* call,
Instruction* replacement,
Definition* result) {
if (result == nullptr) {
call->ReplaceWith(replacement->AsDefinition(), current_iterator());
} else {
call->ReplaceWithResult(replacement, result, current_iterator());
void CallSpecializer::ReplaceCall(Definition* call, Definition* replacement) {
ReplaceCallWithResult(call, replacement, nullptr);
void CallSpecializer::AddCheckSmi(Definition* to_check,
intptr_t deopt_id,
Environment* deopt_environment,
Instruction* insert_before) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): check reaching type instead of definition type
if (to_check->Type()->ToCid() != kSmiCid) {
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(to_check), deopt_id,
deopt_environment, FlowGraph::kEffect);
void CallSpecializer::AddCheckClass(Definition* to_check,
const Cids& cids,
intptr_t deopt_id,
Environment* deopt_environment,
Instruction* insert_before) {
// Type propagation has not run yet, we cannot eliminate the check.
Instruction* check = flow_graph_->CreateCheckClass(to_check, cids, deopt_id,
InsertBefore(insert_before, check, deopt_environment, FlowGraph::kEffect);
void CallSpecializer::AddChecksForArgNr(InstanceCallInstr* call,
Definition* argument,
int argument_number) {
const Cids* cids =
Cids::CreateForArgument(zone(), call->BinaryFeedback(), argument_number);
AddCheckClass(argument, *cids, call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
void CallSpecializer::AddCheckNull(Value* to_check,
const String& function_name,
intptr_t deopt_id,
Environment* deopt_environment,
Instruction* insert_before) {
if (to_check->Type()->is_nullable()) {
CheckNullInstr* check_null =
new (Z) CheckNullInstr(to_check->CopyWithType(Z), function_name,
deopt_id, insert_before->source());
if (FLAG_trace_strong_mode_types) {
THR_Print("[Strong mode] Inserted %s\n", check_null->ToCString());
InsertBefore(insert_before, check_null, deopt_environment,
// Return true if d is a string of length one (a constant or result from
// from string-from-char-code instruction.
static bool IsLengthOneString(Definition* d) {
if (d->IsConstant()) {
const Object& obj = d->AsConstant()->value();
if (obj.IsString()) {
return String::Cast(obj).Length() == 1;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return d->IsOneByteStringFromCharCode();
// Returns true if the string comparison was converted into char-code
// comparison. Conversion is only possible for strings of length one.
// E.g., detect str[x] == "x"; and use an integer comparison of char-codes.
bool CallSpecializer::TryStringLengthOneEquality(InstanceCallInstr* call,
Token::Kind op_kind) {
// Check that left and right are length one strings (either string constants
// or results of string-from-char-code.
Definition* left = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
Value* left_val = nullptr;
Definition* to_remove_left = nullptr;
if (IsLengthOneString(right)) {
// Swap, since we know that both arguments are strings
Definition* temp = left;
left = right;
right = temp;
if (IsLengthOneString(left)) {
// Optimize if left is a string with length one (either constant or
// result of string-from-char-code.
if (left->IsConstant()) {
ConstantInstr* left_const = left->AsConstant();
const String& str = String::Cast(left_const->value());
ASSERT(str.Length() == 1);
ConstantInstr* char_code_left = flow_graph()->GetConstant(
Smi::ZoneHandle(Z, Smi::New(static_cast<intptr_t>(str.CharAt(0)))));
left_val = new (Z) Value(char_code_left);
} else if (left->IsOneByteStringFromCharCode()) {
// Use input of string-from-charcode as left value.
OneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr* instr =
left_val = new (Z) Value(instr->char_code()->definition());
to_remove_left = instr;
} else {
// IsLengthOneString(left) should have been false.
Definition* to_remove_right = nullptr;
Value* right_val = nullptr;
if (right->IsOneByteStringFromCharCode()) {
// Skip string-from-char-code, and use its input as right value.
OneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr* right_instr =
right_val = new (Z) Value(right_instr->char_code()->definition());
to_remove_right = right_instr;
} else {
AddChecksForArgNr(call, right, /* arg_number = */ 1);
// String-to-char-code instructions returns -1 (illegal charcode) if
// string is not of length one.
StringToCharCodeInstr* char_code_right = new (Z)
StringToCharCodeInstr(new (Z) Value(right), kOneByteStringCid);
InsertBefore(call, char_code_right, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
right_val = new (Z) Value(char_code_right);
// Comparing char-codes instead of strings.
EqualityCompareInstr* comp =
new (Z) EqualityCompareInstr(call->source(), op_kind, left_val,
right_val, kSmiCid, call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, comp);
// Remove dead instructions.
if ((to_remove_left != nullptr) &&
(to_remove_left->input_use_list() == nullptr)) {
if ((to_remove_right != nullptr) &&
(to_remove_right->input_use_list() == nullptr)) {
return true;
return false;
static bool SmiFitsInDouble() {
return compiler::target::kSmiBits < 53;
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceWithEqualityOp(InstanceCallInstr* call,
Token::Kind op_kind) {
const BinaryFeedback& binary_feedback = call->BinaryFeedback();
ASSERT(call->type_args_len() == 0);
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() == 2);
Definition* const left = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* const right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
intptr_t cid = kIllegalCid;
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kOneByteStringCid)) {
return TryStringLengthOneEquality(call, op_kind);
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(left), call->deopt_id(),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id(),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
cid = kSmiCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrMint()) {
cid = kMintCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrDouble()) {
// Use double comparison.
if (SmiFitsInDouble()) {
cid = kDoubleCid;
} else {
if (binary_feedback.IncludesOperands(kSmiCid)) {
// We cannot use double comparison on two smis. Need polymorphic
// call.
return false;
} else {
new (Z) CheckEitherNonSmiInstr(
new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id()),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
cid = kDoubleCid;
} else {
// Check if ICDData contains checks with Smi/Null combinations. In that case
// we can still emit the optimized Smi equality operation but need to add
// checks for null or Smi.
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrNull()) {
AddChecksForArgNr(call, left, /* arg_number = */ 0);
AddChecksForArgNr(call, right, /* arg_number = */ 1);
cid = kSmiCid;
} else {
// Shortcut for equality with null.
// TODO(vegorov): this optimization is not speculative and should
// be hoisted out of this function.
ConstantInstr* right_const = right->AsConstant();
ConstantInstr* left_const = left->AsConstant();
if ((right_const != nullptr && right_const->value().IsNull()) ||
(left_const != nullptr && left_const->value().IsNull())) {
StrictCompareInstr* comp = new (Z)
StrictCompareInstr(call->source(), Token::kEQ_STRICT,
new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right),
/* number_check = */ false, DeoptId::kNone);
ReplaceCall(call, comp);
return true;
return false;
ASSERT(cid != kIllegalCid);
EqualityCompareInstr* comp =
new (Z) EqualityCompareInstr(call->source(), op_kind, new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(right), cid, call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, comp);
return true;
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceWithRelationalOp(InstanceCallInstr* call,
Token::Kind op_kind) {
ASSERT(call->type_args_len() == 0);
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() == 2);
const BinaryFeedback& binary_feedback = call->BinaryFeedback();
Definition* left = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
intptr_t cid = kIllegalCid;
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(left), call->deopt_id(),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id(),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
cid = kSmiCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrMint()) {
cid = kMintCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrDouble()) {
// Use double comparison.
if (SmiFitsInDouble()) {
cid = kDoubleCid;
} else {
if (binary_feedback.IncludesOperands(kSmiCid)) {
// We cannot use double comparison on two smis. Need polymorphic
// call.
return false;
} else {
new (Z) CheckEitherNonSmiInstr(
new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id()),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
cid = kDoubleCid;
} else {
return false;
ASSERT(cid != kIllegalCid);
RelationalOpInstr* comp =
new (Z) RelationalOpInstr(call->source(), op_kind, new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(right), cid, call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, comp);
return true;
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceWithBinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call,
Token::Kind op_kind) {
intptr_t operands_type = kIllegalCid;
const BinaryFeedback& binary_feedback = call->BinaryFeedback();
switch (op_kind) {
case Token::kADD:
case Token::kSUB:
case Token::kMUL:
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
// Don't generate smi code if the IC data is marked because
// of an overflow.
operands_type =
? kMintCid
: kSmiCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrMint()) {
// Don't generate mint code if the IC data is marked because of an
// overflow.
if (call->ic_data()->HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptBinaryInt64Op))
return false;
operands_type = kMintCid;
} else if (ShouldSpecializeForDouble(binary_feedback)) {
operands_type = kDoubleCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kFloat32x4Cid)) {
operands_type = kFloat32x4Cid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kInt32x4Cid)) {
ASSERT(op_kind != Token::kMUL); // Int32x4 doesn't have a multiply op.
operands_type = kInt32x4Cid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kFloat64x2Cid)) {
operands_type = kFloat64x2Cid;
} else {
return false;
case Token::kDIV:
if (ShouldSpecializeForDouble(binary_feedback) ||
binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
operands_type = kDoubleCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kFloat32x4Cid)) {
operands_type = kFloat32x4Cid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kFloat64x2Cid)) {
operands_type = kFloat64x2Cid;
} else {
return false;
case Token::kBIT_AND:
case Token::kBIT_OR:
case Token::kBIT_XOR:
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
operands_type = kSmiCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrMint()) {
operands_type = kMintCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kInt32x4Cid)) {
operands_type = kInt32x4Cid;
} else {
return false;
case Token::kSHL:
case Token::kSHR:
case Token::kUSHR:
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
// Left shift may overflow from smi into mint.
// Don't generate smi code if the IC data is marked because
// of an overflow.
if (call->ic_data()->HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptBinaryInt64Op)) {
return false;
operands_type =
? kMintCid
: kSmiCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.OperandsAreSmiOrMint() &&
binary_feedback.ArgumentIs(kSmiCid)) {
// Don't generate mint code if the IC data is marked because of an
// overflow.
if (call->ic_data()->HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptBinaryInt64Op)) {
return false;
// Check for smi/mint << smi or smi/mint >> smi.
operands_type = kMintCid;
} else {
return false;
case Token::kMOD:
case Token::kTRUNCDIV:
if (binary_feedback.OperandsAre(kSmiCid)) {
if (call->ic_data()->HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptBinarySmiOp)) {
return false;
operands_type = kSmiCid;
} else {
return false;
ASSERT(call->type_args_len() == 0);
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() == 2);
Definition* left = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
if (operands_type == kDoubleCid) {
// Check that either left or right are not a smi. Result of a
// binary operation with two smis is a smi not a double, except '/' which
// returns a double for two smis.
if (op_kind != Token::kDIV) {
new (Z) CheckEitherNonSmiInstr(
new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id()),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
BinaryDoubleOpInstr* double_bin_op = new (Z)
BinaryDoubleOpInstr(op_kind, new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
ReplaceCall(call, double_bin_op);
} else if (operands_type == kMintCid) {
if ((op_kind == Token::kSHL) || (op_kind == Token::kSHR) ||
(op_kind == Token::kUSHR)) {
SpeculativeShiftInt64OpInstr* shift_op = new (Z)
SpeculativeShiftInt64OpInstr(op_kind, new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, shift_op);
} else {
BinaryInt64OpInstr* bin_op = new (Z) BinaryInt64OpInstr(
op_kind, new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, bin_op);
} else if ((operands_type == kFloat32x4Cid) ||
(operands_type == kInt32x4Cid) ||
(operands_type == kFloat64x2Cid)) {
return InlineSimdBinaryOp(call, operands_type, op_kind);
} else if (op_kind == Token::kMOD) {
ASSERT(operands_type == kSmiCid);
if (right->IsConstant()) {
const Object& obj = right->AsConstant()->value();
if (obj.IsSmi() && Utils::IsPowerOfTwo(Smi::Cast(obj).Value())) {
// Insert smi check and attach a copy of the original environment
// because the smi operation can still deoptimize.
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(left),
call->deopt_id(), call->source()),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
ConstantInstr* constant = flow_graph()->GetConstant(
Smi::Handle(Z, Smi::New(Smi::Cast(obj).Value() - 1)));
BinarySmiOpInstr* bin_op =
new (Z) BinarySmiOpInstr(Token::kBIT_AND, new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(constant), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, bin_op);
return true;
// Insert two smi checks and attach a copy of the original
// environment because the smi operation can still deoptimize.
AddCheckSmi(left, call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
AddCheckSmi(right, call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
BinarySmiOpInstr* bin_op = new (Z) BinarySmiOpInstr(
op_kind, new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, bin_op);
} else {
ASSERT(operands_type == kSmiCid);
// Insert two smi checks and attach a copy of the original
// environment because the smi operation can still deoptimize.
AddCheckSmi(left, call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
AddCheckSmi(right, call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
if (left->IsConstant() &&
((op_kind == Token::kADD) || (op_kind == Token::kMUL))) {
// Constant should be on the right side.
Definition* temp = left;
left = right;
right = temp;
BinarySmiOpInstr* bin_op = new (Z) BinarySmiOpInstr(
op_kind, new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, bin_op);
return true;
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceWithUnaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call,
Token::Kind op_kind) {
ASSERT(call->type_args_len() == 0);
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() == 1);
Definition* input = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* unary_op = nullptr;
if (call->Targets().ReceiverIs(kSmiCid)) {
new (Z) CheckSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(input), call->deopt_id(),
call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
unary_op = new (Z)
UnarySmiOpInstr(op_kind, new (Z) Value(input), call->deopt_id());
} else if ((op_kind == Token::kBIT_NOT) &&
call->Targets().ReceiverIsSmiOrMint()) {
unary_op = new (Z)
UnaryInt64OpInstr(op_kind, new (Z) Value(input), call->deopt_id());
} else if (call->Targets().ReceiverIs(kDoubleCid) &&
(op_kind == Token::kNEGATE)) {
unary_op = new (Z) UnaryDoubleOpInstr(Token::kNEGATE, new (Z) Value(input),
} else {
return false;
ASSERT(unary_op != nullptr);
ReplaceCall(call, unary_op);
return true;
bool CallSpecializer::TryInlineImplicitInstanceGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call) {
const CallTargets& targets = call->Targets();
// Inline implicit instance getter.
Field& field = Field::ZoneHandle(Z, targets.FirstTarget().accessor_field());
if (field.needs_load_guard()) {
return false;
if (should_clone_fields_) {
field = field.CloneFromOriginal();
switch (flow_graph()->CheckForInstanceCall(
call, UntaggedFunction::kImplicitGetter)) {
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckNull:
AddCheckNull(call->Receiver(), call->function_name(), call->deopt_id(),
call->env(), call);
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckCid:
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
return false; // AOT cannot class check
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck:
InlineImplicitInstanceGetter(call, field);
return true;
void CallSpecializer::InlineImplicitInstanceGetter(Definition* call,
const Field& field) {
Definition* receiver = call->ArgumentAt(0);
const bool calls_initializer = field.NeedsInitializationCheckOnLoad();
const Slot& slot = Slot::Get(field, &flow_graph()->parsed_function());
LoadFieldInstr* load = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(receiver), slot, call->source(), calls_initializer,
calls_initializer ? call->deopt_id() : DeoptId::kNone);
// Note that this is a case of LoadField -> InstanceCall lazy deopt.
// Which means that we don't need to remove arguments from the environment
// because normal getter call expects receiver pushed (unlike the case
// of LoadField -> LoadField deoptimization handled by
// FlowGraph::AttachEnvironment).
if (!calls_initializer) {
// If we don't call initializer then we don't need an environment.
ReplaceCall(call, load);
if (load->slot().type().ToNullableCid() != kDynamicCid) {
// Reset value types if we know concrete cid.
for (Value::Iterator it(load->input_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
bool CallSpecializer::TryInlineInstanceSetter(InstanceCallInstr* instr) {
const CallTargets& targets = instr->Targets();
if (!targets.HasSingleTarget()) {
// Polymorphic sites are inlined like normal method calls by conventional
// inlining.
return false;
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
if (target.kind() != UntaggedFunction::kImplicitSetter) {
// Non-implicit setter are inlined like normal method calls.
return false;
if (!CompilerState::Current().is_aot() && !target.WasCompiled()) {
return false;
Field& field = Field::ZoneHandle(Z, target.accessor_field());
if (should_clone_fields_) {
field = field.CloneFromOriginal();
if (field.is_late() && field.is_final()) {
return false;
switch (flow_graph()->CheckForInstanceCall(
instr, UntaggedFunction::kImplicitSetter)) {
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckNull:
AddCheckNull(instr->Receiver(), instr->function_name(), instr->deopt_id(),
instr->env(), instr);
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckCid:
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
return false; // AOT cannot class check
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck:
// True if we can use unchecked entry into the setter.
bool is_unchecked_call = false;
if (!CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
if (targets.IsMonomorphic() && targets.MonomorphicExactness().IsExact()) {
if (targets.MonomorphicExactness().IsTriviallyExact()) {
is_unchecked_call = true;
if (IG->use_field_guards()) {
if (field.guarded_cid() != kDynamicCid) {
new (Z) GuardFieldClassInstr(new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(1)),
field, instr->deopt_id()),
instr->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
if (field.needs_length_check()) {
new (Z) GuardFieldLengthInstr(new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(1)),
field, instr->deopt_id()),
instr->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
if (field.static_type_exactness_state().NeedsFieldGuard()) {
new (Z) GuardFieldTypeInstr(new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(1)),
field, instr->deopt_id()),
instr->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
// Build an AssertAssignable if necessary.
const AbstractType& dst_type = AbstractType::ZoneHandle(zone(), field.type());
if (!dst_type.IsTopTypeForSubtyping()) {
// Compute if we need to type check the value. Always type check if
// at a dynamic invocation.
bool needs_check = true;
if (!instr->interface_target().IsNull()) {
if (field.is_covariant()) {
// Always type check covariant fields.
needs_check = true;
} else if (field.is_generic_covariant_impl()) {
// If field is generic covariant then we don't need to check it
// if the invocation was marked as unchecked (e.g. receiver of
// the invocation is also the receiver of the surrounding method).
// Note: we can't use flow_graph()->IsReceiver() for this optimization
// because strong mode only gives static guarantees at the AST level
// not at the SSA level.
needs_check = !(is_unchecked_call ||
(instr->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked));
} else {
// The rest of the stores are checked statically (we are not at
// a dynamic invocation).
needs_check = false;
if (needs_check) {
Definition* instantiator_type_args = flow_graph_->constant_null();
Definition* function_type_args = flow_graph_->constant_null();
if (!dst_type.IsInstantiated()) {
const Class& owner = Class::Handle(Z, field.Owner());
if (owner.NumTypeArguments() > 0) {
instantiator_type_args = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(0)),
Slot::GetTypeArgumentsSlotFor(thread(), owner), instr->source());
InsertSpeculativeBefore(instr, instantiator_type_args, instr->env(),
auto assert_assignable = new (Z) AssertAssignableInstr(
instr->source(), new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(1)),
new (Z) Value(flow_graph_->GetConstant(dst_type)),
new (Z) Value(instantiator_type_args),
new (Z) Value(function_type_args),
String::ZoneHandle(zone(),, instr->deopt_id());
InsertSpeculativeBefore(instr, assert_assignable, instr->env(),
// Field guard was detached.
ASSERT(instr->FirstArgIndex() == 0);
StoreFieldInstr* store = new (Z)
StoreFieldInstr(field, new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(0)),
new (Z) Value(instr->ArgumentAt(1)), kEmitStoreBarrier,
instr->source(), &flow_graph()->parsed_function());
// Discard the environment from the original instruction because the store
// can't deoptimize.
ReplaceCallWithResult(instr, store, flow_graph()->constant_null());
return true;
bool CallSpecializer::InlineSimdBinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call,
intptr_t cid,
Token::Kind op_kind) {
if (!ShouldInlineSimd()) {
return false;
ASSERT(call->type_args_len() == 0);
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() == 2);
Definition* const left = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* const right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
// Type check left and right.
AddChecksForArgNr(call, left, /* arg_number = */ 0);
AddChecksForArgNr(call, right, /* arg_number = */ 1);
// Replace call.
SimdOpInstr* op = SimdOpInstr::Create(
SimdOpInstr::KindForOperator(cid, op_kind), new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(right), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, op);
return true;
// Only unique implicit instance getters can be currently handled.
bool CallSpecializer::TryInlineInstanceGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call) {
const CallTargets& targets = call->Targets();
if (!targets.HasSingleTarget()) {
// Polymorphic sites are inlined like normal methods by conventional
// inlining in FlowGraphInliner.
return false;
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
if (target.kind() != UntaggedFunction::kImplicitGetter) {
// Non-implicit getters are inlined like normal methods by conventional
// inlining in FlowGraphInliner.
return false;
if (!CompilerState::Current().is_aot() && !target.WasCompiled()) {
return false;
return TryInlineImplicitInstanceGetter(call);
// Inline only simple, frequently called core library methods.
bool CallSpecializer::TryInlineInstanceMethod(InstanceCallInstr* call) {
const CallTargets& targets = call->Targets();
if (!targets.IsMonomorphic()) {
// No type feedback collected or multiple receivers/targets found.
return false;
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
intptr_t receiver_cid = targets.MonomorphicReceiverCid();
MethodRecognizer::Kind recognized_kind = target.recognized_kind();
if (recognized_kind == MethodRecognizer::kIntegerToDouble) {
if (receiver_cid == kSmiCid) {
new (Z) SmiToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(0)),
return true;
} else if ((receiver_cid == kMintCid) && CanConvertInt64ToDouble()) {
new (Z) Int64ToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(0)),
return true;
if (receiver_cid == kDoubleCid) {
switch (recognized_kind) {
case MethodRecognizer::kDoubleToInteger: {
const ICData& ic_data = *call->ic_data();
Definition* input = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* d2i_instr = nullptr;
if (ic_data.HasDeoptReason(ICData::kDeoptDoubleToSmi)) {
// Do not repeatedly deoptimize because result didn't fit into Smi.
d2i_instr = new (Z) DoubleToIntegerInstr(
new (Z) Value(input), recognized_kind, call->deopt_id());
} else {
// Optimistically assume result fits into Smi.
d2i_instr =
new (Z) DoubleToSmiInstr(new (Z) Value(input), call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, d2i_instr);
return true;
return TryReplaceInstanceCallWithInline(flow_graph_, current_iterator(), call,
// If type tests specified by 'ic_data' do not depend on type arguments,
// return mapping cid->result in 'results' (i : cid; i + 1: result).
// If all tests yield the same result, return it otherwise return Bool::null.
// If no mapping is possible, 'results' has less than
// (ic_data.NumberOfChecks() * 2) entries
// An instance-of test returning all same results can be converted to a class
// check.
BoolPtr CallSpecializer::InstanceOfAsBool(
const ICData& ic_data,
const AbstractType& type,
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* results) const {
ASSERT(ic_data.NumArgsTested() == 1); // Unary checks only.
if (type.IsFunctionType() || type.IsDartFunctionType() ||
type.IsRecordType() || !type.IsInstantiated()) {
return Bool::null();
const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(Z, type.type_class());
const intptr_t num_type_args = type_class.NumTypeArguments();
if (num_type_args > 0) {
// Only raw types can be directly compared, thus disregarding type
// arguments.
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
TypeArguments::Handle(Z, Type::Cast(type).arguments());
const bool is_raw_type = type_arguments.IsNull() ||
type_arguments.IsRaw(0, type_arguments.Length());
if (!is_raw_type) {
// Unknown result.
return Bool::null();
const ClassTable& class_table = *IG->class_table();
Bool& prev = Bool::Handle(Z);
Class& cls = Class::Handle(Z);
bool results_differ = false;
const intptr_t number_of_checks = ic_data.NumberOfChecks();
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_checks; i++) {
cls = class_table.At(ic_data.GetReceiverClassIdAt(i));
if (cls.NumTypeArguments() > 0) {
return Bool::null();
bool is_subtype = false;
if (cls.IsNullClass()) {
// 'null' is an instance of Null, Object*, Never*, void, and dynamic.
// In addition, 'null' is an instance of any nullable type.
// It is also an instance of FutureOr<T> if it is an instance of T.
const AbstractType& unwrapped_type =
is_subtype = unwrapped_type.IsTopTypeForInstanceOf() ||
} else {
is_subtype =
Class::IsSubtypeOf(cls, Object::null_type_arguments(),
Nullability::kNonNullable, type, Heap::kOld);
if (prev.IsNull()) {
prev = Bool::Get(is_subtype).ptr();
} else {
if (is_subtype != prev.value()) {
results_differ = true;
return results_differ ? Bool::null() : prev.ptr();
// Returns true if checking against this type is a direct class id comparison.
bool CallSpecializer::TypeCheckAsClassEquality(const AbstractType& type,
intptr_t* type_cid) {
*type_cid = kIllegalCid;
// Requires CHA.
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) return false;
// Function and record types have different type checking rules.
if (type.IsFunctionType() || type.IsRecordType()) return false;
const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(type.type_class());
if (!CHA::HasSingleConcreteImplementation(type_class, type_cid)) {
return false;
const intptr_t num_type_args = type_class.NumTypeArguments();
if (num_type_args > 0) {
// Only raw types can be directly compared, thus disregarding type
// arguments.
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
const bool is_raw_type = type_arguments.IsNull() ||
type_arguments.IsRaw(0, type_arguments.Length());
if (!is_raw_type) {
return false;
if (type.IsNullable() || type.IsTopTypeForInstanceOf() ||
type.IsNeverType()) {
// A class id check is not sufficient, since a null instance also satisfies
// the test against a nullable type.
// TODO(regis): Add a null check in addition to the class id check?
return false;
return true;
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceInstanceOfWithRangeCheck(
InstanceCallInstr* call,
const AbstractType& type) {
// TODO( does this optimization make sense in JIT?
return false;
bool CallSpecializer::TryOptimizeInstanceOfUsingStaticTypes(
InstanceCallInstr* call,
const AbstractType& type) {
if (!type.IsInstantiated()) {
return false;
Value* left_value = call->Receiver();
if (left_value->Type()->IsInstanceOf(type)) {
ConstantInstr* replacement = flow_graph()->GetConstant(Bool::True());
ASSERT(current_iterator()->Current() == call);
return true;
// The goal is to emit code that will determine the result of 'x is type'
// depending solely on the fact that x == null or not.
// Checking whether the receiver is null can only help if the tested type is
// non-nullable or legacy (including Never*) or the Null type.
// Also, testing receiver for null cannot help with FutureOr.
if ((type.IsNullable() && !type.IsNullType()) || type.IsFutureOrType()) {
return false;
// If type is Null or the static type of the receiver is a
// subtype of the tested type, replace 'receiver is type' with
// - 'receiver == null' if type is Null,
// - 'receiver != null' otherwise.
if (type.IsNullType() || left_value->Type()->IsSubtypeOf(type)) {
Definition* replacement = new (Z) StrictCompareInstr(
type.IsNullType() ? Token::kEQ_STRICT : Token::kNE_STRICT,
new (Z) Value(flow_graph()->constant_null()),
/* number_check = */ false, DeoptId::kNone);
if (FLAG_trace_strong_mode_types) {
THR_Print("[Strong mode] replacing %s with %s (%s < %s)\n",
call->ToCString(), replacement->ToCString(),
ReplaceCall(call, replacement);
return true;
return false;
void CallSpecializer::ReplaceWithInstanceOf(InstanceCallInstr* call) {
Definition* left = call->ArgumentAt(0);
Definition* instantiator_type_args = nullptr;
Definition* function_type_args = nullptr;
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z);
ASSERT(call->type_args_len() == 0);
if (call->ArgumentCount() == 2) {
instantiator_type_args = flow_graph()->constant_null();
function_type_args = flow_graph()->constant_null();
type = AbstractType::Cast(call->ArgumentAt(1)->AsConstant()->value()).ptr();
} else {
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() == 4);
instantiator_type_args = call->ArgumentAt(1);
function_type_args = call->ArgumentAt(2);
type = AbstractType::Cast(call->ArgumentAt(3)->AsConstant()->value()).ptr();
if (TryOptimizeInstanceOfUsingStaticTypes(call, type)) {
intptr_t type_cid;
if (TypeCheckAsClassEquality(type, &type_cid)) {
LoadClassIdInstr* load_cid =
new (Z) LoadClassIdInstr(new (Z) Value(left), kUnboxedUword);
InsertBefore(call, load_cid, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
ConstantInstr* constant_cid = flow_graph()->GetConstant(
Smi::Handle(Z, Smi::New(type_cid)), kUnboxedUword);
EqualityCompareInstr* check_cid = new (Z) EqualityCompareInstr(
call->source(), Token::kEQ, new Value(load_cid),
new Value(constant_cid), kIntegerCid, DeoptId::kNone, false,
ReplaceCall(call, check_cid);
if (TryReplaceInstanceOfWithRangeCheck(call, type)) {
const ICData& unary_checks =
ICData::ZoneHandle(Z, call->ic_data()->AsUnaryClassChecks());
const intptr_t number_of_checks = unary_checks.NumberOfChecks();
if (number_of_checks > 0 && number_of_checks <= FLAG_max_polymorphic_checks) {
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* results =
new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>(number_of_checks * 2);
const Bool& as_bool =
Bool::ZoneHandle(Z, InstanceOfAsBool(unary_checks, type, results));
if (as_bool.IsNull() || CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
if (results->length() == number_of_checks * 2) {
const bool can_deopt = SpecializeTestCidsForNumericTypes(results, type);
if (can_deopt &&
!speculative_policy_->IsAllowedForInlining(call->deopt_id())) {
// Guard against repeated speculative inlining.
TestCidsInstr* test_cids = new (Z) TestCidsInstr(
call->source(), Token::kIS, new (Z) Value(left), *results,
can_deopt ? call->deopt_id() : DeoptId::kNone);
// Remove type.
ReplaceCall(call, test_cids);
} else {
// One result only.
ConstantInstr* bool_const = flow_graph()->GetConstant(as_bool);
ASSERT(current_iterator()->Current() == call);
InstanceOfInstr* instance_of = new (Z) InstanceOfInstr(
call->source(), new (Z) Value(left),
new (Z) Value(instantiator_type_args), new (Z) Value(function_type_args),
type, call->deopt_id());
ReplaceCall(call, instance_of);
void CallSpecializer::VisitStaticCall(StaticCallInstr* call) {
if (TryReplaceStaticCallWithInline(flow_graph_, current_iterator(), call,
speculative_policy_)) {
if (speculative_policy_->IsAllowedForInlining(call->deopt_id())) {
// Only if speculative inlining is enabled.
MethodRecognizer::Kind recognized_kind = call->function().recognized_kind();
const CallTargets& targets = call->Targets();
const BinaryFeedback& binary_feedback = call->BinaryFeedback();
switch (recognized_kind) {
case MethodRecognizer::kMathMin:
case MethodRecognizer::kMathMax: {
// We can handle only monomorphic min/max call sites with both arguments
// being either doubles or smis.
if (targets.IsMonomorphic() && (call->FirstArgIndex() == 0)) {
intptr_t result_cid = kIllegalCid;
if (binary_feedback.IncludesOperands(kDoubleCid)) {
result_cid = kDoubleCid;
} else if (binary_feedback.IncludesOperands(kSmiCid)) {
result_cid = kSmiCid;
if (result_cid != kIllegalCid) {
MathMinMaxInstr* min_max = new (Z) MathMinMaxInstr(
recognized_kind, new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(0)),
new (Z) Value(call->ArgumentAt(1)), call->deopt_id(),
const Cids* cids = Cids::CreateMonomorphic(Z, result_cid);
AddCheckClass(min_max->left()->definition(), *cids,
call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
AddCheckClass(min_max->right()->definition(), *cids,
call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
ReplaceCall(call, min_max);
case MethodRecognizer::kDoubleFromInteger: {
if (call->HasICData() && targets.IsMonomorphic() &&
(call->FirstArgIndex() == 0)) {
if (binary_feedback.ArgumentIs(kSmiCid)) {
Definition* arg = call->ArgumentAt(1);
AddCheckSmi(arg, call->deopt_id(), call->env(), call);
ReplaceCall(call, new (Z) SmiToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(arg),
} else if (binary_feedback.ArgumentIs(kMintCid) &&
CanConvertInt64ToDouble()) {
Definition* arg = call->ArgumentAt(1);
ReplaceCall(call, new (Z) Int64ToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(arg),
if (TryOptimizeStaticCallUsingStaticTypes(call)) {
void CallSpecializer::VisitLoadCodeUnits(LoadCodeUnitsInstr* instr) {
// TODO(zerny): Use kUnboxedUint32 once it is fully supported/optimized.
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32) || defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
if (!instr->can_pack_into_smi()) instr->set_representation(kUnboxedInt64);
static bool CidTestResultsContains(const ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>& results,
intptr_t test_cid) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < results.length(); i += 2) {
if (results[i] == test_cid) return true;
return false;
static void TryAddTest(ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* results,
intptr_t test_cid,
bool result) {
if (!CidTestResultsContains(*results, test_cid)) {
// Used when we only need the positive result because we return false by
// default.
static void PurgeNegativeTestCidsEntries(ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* results) {
// We can't purge the Smi entry at the beginning since it is used in the
// Smi check before the Cid is loaded.
int dest = 2;
for (intptr_t i = 2; i < results->length(); i += 2) {
if (results->At(i + 1) != 0) {
(*results)[dest++] = results->At(i);
(*results)[dest++] = results->At(i + 1);
bool CallSpecializer::SpecializeTestCidsForNumericTypes(
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* results,
const AbstractType& type) {
ASSERT(results->length() >= 2); // At least on entry.
const ClassTable& class_table = *IsolateGroup::Current()->class_table();
if ((*results)[0] != kSmiCid) {
const Class& smi_class = Class::Handle(class_table.At(kSmiCid));
const bool smi_is_subtype =
Class::IsSubtypeOf(smi_class, Object::null_type_arguments(),
Nullability::kNonNullable, type, Heap::kOld);
results->Add((*results)[results->length() - 2]);
results->Add((*results)[results->length() - 2]);
for (intptr_t i = results->length() - 3; i > 1; --i) {
(*results)[i] = (*results)[i - 2];
(*results)[0] = kSmiCid;
(*results)[1] = static_cast<intptr_t>(smi_is_subtype);
ASSERT(results->length() >= 2);
if (type.IsSmiType()) {
ASSERT((*results)[0] == kSmiCid);
return false;
} else if (type.IsIntType()) {
ASSERT((*results)[0] == kSmiCid);
TryAddTest(results, kMintCid, true);
// Cannot deoptimize since all tests returning true have been added.
return false;
} else if (type.IsNumberType()) {
ASSERT((*results)[0] == kSmiCid);
TryAddTest(results, kMintCid, true);
TryAddTest(results, kDoubleCid, true);
return false;
} else if (type.IsDoubleType()) {
ASSERT((*results)[0] == kSmiCid);
TryAddTest(results, kDoubleCid, true);
return false;
return true; // May deoptimize since we have not identified all 'true' tests.
void TypedDataSpecializer::Optimize(FlowGraph* flow_graph) {
TypedDataSpecializer optimizer(flow_graph);
void TypedDataSpecializer::EnsureIsInitialized() {
if (initialized_) return;
initialized_ = true;
int_type_ = Type::IntType();
double_type_ = Type::Double();
float32x4_type_ = Type::Float32x4();
int32x4_type_ = Type::Int32x4();
float64x2_type_ = Type::Float64x2();
const auto& typed_data = Library::Handle(
Z, Library::LookupLibrary(thread_, Symbols::DartTypedData()));
auto& td_class = Class::Handle(Z);
auto& direct_implementors = GrowableObjectArray::Handle(Z);
SafepointReadRwLocker ml(thread_, thread_->isolate_group()->program_lock());
#define INIT_HANDLE(iface, type, cid) \
td_class = typed_data.LookupClass(Symbols::iface()); \
ASSERT(!td_class.IsNull()); \
direct_implementors = td_class.direct_implementors(); \
typed_data_variants_[k##iface##Index].array_type = td_class.RareType(); \
typed_data_variants_[k##iface##Index].array_cid = cid; \
typed_data_variants_[k##iface##Index].element_type = type.ptr();
void TypedDataSpecializer::VisitInstanceCall(InstanceCallInstr* call) {
void TypedDataSpecializer::VisitStaticCall(StaticCallInstr* call) {
const Function& function = call->function();
if (!function.is_static()) {
ASSERT(call->ArgumentCount() > 0);
void TypedDataSpecializer::TryInlineCall(TemplateDartCall<0>* call) {
const bool is_length_getter = call->Selector() == Symbols::GetLength().ptr();
const bool is_index_get = call->Selector() == Symbols::IndexToken().ptr();
const bool is_index_set =
call->Selector() == Symbols::AssignIndexToken().ptr();
if (!(is_length_getter || is_index_get || is_index_set)) {
const intptr_t receiver_index = call->FirstArgIndex();
CompileType* receiver_type =
call->ArgumentValueAt(receiver_index + 0)->Type();
CompileType* index_type = nullptr;
if (is_index_get || is_index_set) {
index_type = call->ArgumentValueAt(receiver_index + 1)->Type();
CompileType* value_type = nullptr;
if (is_index_set) {
value_type = call->ArgumentValueAt(receiver_index + 2)->Type();
auto& type_class = Class::Handle(zone_);
for (auto& variant : typed_data_variants_) {
if (!receiver_type->IsAssignableTo(variant.array_type)) {
if (is_length_getter) {
type_class = variant.array_type.type_class();
auto const rep =
const bool is_simd_access = rep == kUnboxedInt32x4 ||
rep == kUnboxedFloat32x4 ||
rep == kUnboxedFloat64x2;
if (is_simd_access && !FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedSimd128()) {
if (!index_type->IsNullableInt()) {
if (is_index_get) {
type_class = variant.array_type.type_class();
ReplaceWithIndexGet(call, variant.array_cid);
} else {
if (!value_type->IsAssignableTo(variant.element_type)) {
type_class = variant.array_type.type_class();
ReplaceWithIndexSet(call, variant.array_cid);
void TypedDataSpecializer::ReplaceWithLengthGetter(TemplateDartCall<0>* call) {
const intptr_t receiver_idx = call->FirstArgIndex();
auto array = call->ArgumentAt(receiver_idx + 0);
if (array->Type()->is_nullable()) {
AppendNullCheck(call, &array);
Definition* length = AppendLoadLength(call, array);
flow_graph_->ReplaceCurrentInstruction(current_iterator(), call, length);
void TypedDataSpecializer::ReplaceWithIndexGet(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
classid_t cid) {
const intptr_t receiver_idx = call->FirstArgIndex();
auto array = call->ArgumentAt(receiver_idx + 0);
auto index = call->ArgumentAt(receiver_idx + 1);
if (array->Type()->is_nullable()) {
AppendNullCheck(call, &array);
if (index->Type()->is_nullable()) {
AppendNullCheck(call, &index);
AppendBoundsCheck(call, array, &index);
Definition* value = AppendLoadIndexed(call, array, index, cid);
flow_graph_->ReplaceCurrentInstruction(current_iterator(), call, value);
void TypedDataSpecializer::ReplaceWithIndexSet(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
classid_t cid) {
const intptr_t receiver_idx = call->FirstArgIndex();
auto array = call->ArgumentAt(receiver_idx + 0);
auto index = call->ArgumentAt(receiver_idx + 1);
auto value = call->ArgumentAt(receiver_idx + 2);
if (array->Type()->is_nullable()) {
AppendNullCheck(call, &array);
if (index->Type()->is_nullable()) {
AppendNullCheck(call, &index);
if (value->Type()->is_nullable()) {
AppendNullCheck(call, &value);
AppendMutableCheck(call, &array);
AppendBoundsCheck(call, array, &index);
AppendStoreIndexed(call, array, index, value, cid);
flow_graph_->ReplaceCurrentInstruction(current_iterator(), call, nullptr);
void TypedDataSpecializer::AppendNullCheck(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
Definition** value) {
auto check =
new (Z) CheckNullInstr(new (Z) Value(*value), Symbols::OptimizedOut(),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, check, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
// Use data dependency as control dependency.
*value = check;
void TypedDataSpecializer::AppendMutableCheck(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
Definition** value) {
auto check = new (Z) CheckWritableInstr(new (Z) Value(*value),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, check, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
// Use data dependency as control dependency.
*value = check;
void TypedDataSpecializer::AppendBoundsCheck(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
Definition* array,
Definition** index) {
auto length = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), Slot::TypedDataBase_length(), call->source());
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, length, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
auto check = new (Z) GenericCheckBoundInstr(
new (Z) Value(length), new (Z) Value(*index), DeoptId::kNone);
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, check, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
// Use data dependency as control dependency.
*index = check;
Definition* TypedDataSpecializer::AppendLoadLength(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
Definition* array) {
auto length = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), Slot::TypedDataBase_length(), call->source());
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, length, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
return length;
Definition* TypedDataSpecializer::AppendLoadIndexed(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
Definition* array,
Definition* index,
classid_t cid) {
const intptr_t element_size = TypedDataBase::ElementSizeFor(cid);
const intptr_t index_scale = element_size;
auto const rep = LoadIndexedInstr::ReturnRepresentation(cid);
Definition* load = new (Z) LoadIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index), /*index_unboxed=*/false,
index_scale, cid, kAlignedAccess, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, load, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
if (rep == kUnboxedFloat) {
load = new (Z) FloatToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(load), call->deopt_id());
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, load, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
return load;
void TypedDataSpecializer::AppendStoreIndexed(TemplateDartCall<0>* call,
Definition* array,
Definition* index,
Definition* value,
classid_t cid) {
const intptr_t element_size = TypedDataBase::ElementSizeFor(cid);
const intptr_t index_scale = element_size;
auto const rep = StoreIndexedInstr::ValueRepresentation(cid);
const auto deopt_id = call->deopt_id();
if (RepresentationUtils::IsUnboxedInteger(rep)) {
// Insert explicit unboxing instructions with truncation to avoid relying
// on [SelectRepresentations] which doesn't mark them as truncating.
value = UnboxInstr::Create(rep, new (Z) Value(value), deopt_id,
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, value, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
} else if (rep == kUnboxedFloat) {
value = new (Z) DoubleToFloatInstr(new (Z) Value(value), deopt_id,
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, value, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
auto store = new (Z) StoreIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index), new (Z) Value(value),
kNoStoreBarrier, /*index_unboxed=*/false, index_scale, cid,
kAlignedAccess, DeoptId::kNone, call->source(),
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(call, store, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
void CallSpecializer::ReplaceInstanceCallsWithDispatchTableCalls() {
// Only implemented for AOT.
// Test and obtain Smi value.
static bool IsSmiValue(Value* val, intptr_t* int_val) {
if (val->BindsToConstant() && val->BoundConstant().IsSmi()) {
*int_val = Smi::Cast(val->BoundConstant()).Value();
return true;
return false;
// Helper to get result type from call (or nullptr otherwise).
static CompileType* ResultType(Definition* call) {
if (auto static_call = call->AsStaticCall()) {
return static_call->result_type();
} else if (auto instance_call = call->AsInstanceCall()) {
return instance_call->result_type();
return nullptr;
// Quick access to the current one.
#undef Z
#define Z (flow_graph->zone())
static bool InlineTypedDataIndexCheck(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result,
const String& symbol) {
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
Instruction* cursor = *entry;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
Definition* length = call->ArgumentAt(2);
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
// Add a null-check in case the index argument is known to be compatible
// but possibly nullable. We don't need to do the same for length
// because all callers in typed_data_patch.dart retrieve the length
// from the typed data object.
auto* const null_check =
new (Z) CheckNullInstr(new (Z) Value(index), symbol, call->deopt_id(),
call->source(), CheckNullInstr::kArgumentError);
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, null_check, call->env(),
index = flow_graph->CreateCheckBound(length, index, call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, index, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = cursor;
*result = index;
return true;
static intptr_t PrepareInlineIndexedOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
intptr_t array_cid,
Definition** array,
Definition** index,
Instruction** cursor) {
// Insert array length load and bounds check.
LoadFieldInstr* length = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(*array), Slot::GetLengthFieldForArrayCid(array_cid),
*cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, length, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*index = flow_graph->CreateCheckBound(length, *index, call->deopt_id());
*cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, *index, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
if (array_cid == kGrowableObjectArrayCid) {
// Insert data elements load.
LoadFieldInstr* elements = new (Z)
LoadFieldInstr(new (Z) Value(*array), Slot::GrowableObjectArray_data(),
*cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, elements, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
// Load from the data from backing store which is a fixed-length array.
*array = elements;
array_cid = kArrayCid;
} else if (IsExternalTypedDataClassId(array_cid)) {
auto* const elements = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(*array), Slot::PointerBase_data(),
InnerPointerAccess::kCannotBeInnerPointer, call->source());
*cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(*cursor, elements, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*array = elements;
return array_cid;
static bool InlineGetIndexed(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
bool can_speculate,
bool is_dynamic_call,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
Definition* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
intptr_t array_cid = MethodRecognizer::MethodKindToReceiverCid(kind);
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
if (!can_speculate && is_dynamic_call && !index->Type()->IsInt()) {
return false;
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = *entry;
array_cid =
PrepareInlineIndexedOp(flow_graph, call, array_cid, &array, &index, last);
// Array load and return.
intptr_t index_scale = compiler::target::Instance::ElementSizeFor(array_cid);
*result = new (Z) LoadIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index),
/*index_unboxed=*/false, index_scale, array_cid, kAlignedAccess,
call->deopt_id(), call->source(), ResultType(call));
*last = flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, *result, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
if (LoadIndexedInstr::ReturnRepresentation(array_cid) == kUnboxedFloat) {
*result =
new (Z) FloatToDoubleInstr(new (Z) Value(*result), call->deopt_id());
*last =
flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, *result, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
return true;
static bool InlineSetIndexed(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
const Function& target,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
const InstructionSource& source,
CallSpecializer::ExactnessInfo* exactness,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
intptr_t array_cid = MethodRecognizer::MethodKindToReceiverCid(kind);
auto const rep = StoreIndexedInstr::ValueRepresentation(array_cid);
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
Definition* stored_value = call->ArgumentAt(2);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = *entry;
bool is_unchecked_call = false;
if (StaticCallInstr* static_call = call->AsStaticCall()) {
is_unchecked_call =
static_call->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked;
} else if (InstanceCallInstr* instance_call = call->AsInstanceCall()) {
is_unchecked_call =
instance_call->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked;
} else if (PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* instance_call =
call->AsPolymorphicInstanceCall()) {
is_unchecked_call =
instance_call->entry_kind() == Code::EntryKind::kUnchecked;
if (!is_unchecked_call &&
(kind != MethodRecognizer::kObjectArraySetIndexedUnchecked &&
kind != MethodRecognizer::kGrowableArraySetIndexedUnchecked)) {
// Only type check for the value. A type check for the index is not
// needed here because we insert a deoptimizing smi-check for the case
// the index is not a smi.
const AbstractType& value_type =
AbstractType::ZoneHandle(Z, target.ParameterTypeAt(2));
Definition* type_args = nullptr;
if (rep == kTagged) {
const Class& instantiator_class = Class::Handle(Z, target.Owner());
LoadFieldInstr* load_type_args =
new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(new (Z) Value(array),
flow_graph->thread(), instantiator_class),
*last = flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, load_type_args, call->env(),
type_args = load_type_args;
} else if (!RepresentationUtils::IsUnboxed(rep)) {
} else {
type_args = flow_graph->constant_null();
#if defined(DEBUG)
if (rep == kUnboxedFloat || rep == kUnboxedDouble) {
} else if (rep == kUnboxedFloat32x4) {
} else if (rep == kUnboxedInt32x4) {
} else if (rep == kUnboxedFloat64x2) {
} else {
if (exactness != nullptr && exactness->is_exact) {
exactness->emit_exactness_guard = true;
} else {
auto const function_type_args = flow_graph->constant_null();
auto const dst_type = flow_graph->GetConstant(value_type);
AssertAssignableInstr* assert_value = new (Z) AssertAssignableInstr(
source, new (Z) Value(stored_value), new (Z) Value(dst_type),
new (Z) Value(type_args), new (Z) Value(function_type_args),
Symbols::Value(), call->deopt_id());
*last = flow_graph->AppendSpeculativeTo(*last, assert_value, call->env(),
array_cid =
PrepareInlineIndexedOp(flow_graph, call, array_cid, &array, &index, last);
const bool is_typed_data_store = IsTypedDataBaseClassId(array_cid);
// Check if store barrier is needed. Byte arrays don't need a store barrier.
StoreBarrierType needs_store_barrier =
is_typed_data_store ? kNoStoreBarrier : kEmitStoreBarrier;
if (rep == kUnboxedFloat) {
stored_value = new (Z)
DoubleToFloatInstr(new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id());
*last = flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, stored_value, call->env(),
} else if (RepresentationUtils::IsUnboxedInteger(rep)) {
// Insert explicit unboxing instructions with truncation to avoid relying
// on [SelectRepresentations] which doesn't mark them as truncating.
stored_value =
UnboxInstr::Create(rep, new (Z) Value(stored_value), call->deopt_id(),
*last = flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, stored_value, call->env(),
const intptr_t index_scale =
auto* const store = new (Z) StoreIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(index), new (Z) Value(stored_value),
needs_store_barrier, /*index_unboxed=*/false, index_scale, array_cid,
kAlignedAccess, call->deopt_id(), call->source());
*last = flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, store, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
// We need a return value to replace uses of the original definition. However,
// the final instruction is a use of 'void operator[]=()', so we use null.
*result = flow_graph->constant_null();
return true;
static bool InlineDoubleOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Token::Kind op_kind,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
Definition* left = receiver;
Definition* right = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// Arguments are checked. No need for class check.
BinaryDoubleOpInstr* double_bin_op = new (Z)
BinaryDoubleOpInstr(op_kind, new (Z) Value(left), new (Z) Value(right),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, double_bin_op, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = double_bin_op;
*result = double_bin_op->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineDoubleTestOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
MethodRecognizer::Kind kind,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// Arguments are checked. No need for class check.
DoubleTestOpInstr* double_test_op = new (Z) DoubleTestOpInstr(
kind, new (Z) Value(receiver), call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, double_test_op, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = double_test_op;
*result = double_test_op->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineGrowableArraySetter(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
const Slot& field,
StoreBarrierType store_barrier_type,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
Definition* array = receiver;
Definition* value = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
// This is an internal method, no need to check argument types.
StoreFieldInstr* store =
new (Z) StoreFieldInstr(field, new (Z) Value(array), new (Z) Value(value),
store_barrier_type, call->source());
flow_graph->AppendTo(*entry, store, call->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
*last = store;
// We need a return value to replace uses of the original definition. However,
// the last instruction is a field setter, which returns void, so we use null.
*result = flow_graph->constant_null();
return true;
static bool InlineLoadClassId(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
auto load_cid =
new (Z) LoadClassIdInstr(call->ArgumentValueAt(0)->CopyWithType(Z));
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, load_cid, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = load_cid;
*result = load_cid->AsDefinition();
return true;
// Returns the LoadIndexedInstr.
static Definition* PrepareInlineStringIndexOp(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
intptr_t cid,
Definition* str,
Definition* index,
Instruction* cursor) {
LoadFieldInstr* length = new (Z) LoadFieldInstr(
new (Z) Value(str), Slot::GetLengthFieldForArrayCid(cid), str->source());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, length, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
// Bounds check.
if (CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
// Add a null-check in case the index argument is known to be compatible
// but possibly nullable. By inserting the null-check, we can allow the
// unbox instruction later inserted to be non-speculative.
auto* const null_check = new (Z)
CheckNullInstr(new (Z) Value(index), Symbols::Index(), call->deopt_id(),
call->source(), CheckNullInstr::kArgumentError);
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, null_check, call->env(),
index = flow_graph->CreateCheckBound(length, index, call->deopt_id());
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, index, call->env(), FlowGraph::kValue);
LoadIndexedInstr* load_indexed = new (Z) LoadIndexedInstr(
new (Z) Value(str), new (Z) Value(index), /*index_unboxed=*/false,
compiler::target::Instance::ElementSizeFor(cid), cid, kAlignedAccess,
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
cursor =
flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, load_indexed, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
auto box = BoxInstr::Create(kUnboxedIntPtr, new Value(load_indexed));
cursor = flow_graph->AppendTo(cursor, box, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
ASSERT(box == cursor);
return box;
static bool InlineStringBaseCharAt(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t cid,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (cid != kOneByteStringCid) {
return false;
Definition* str = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = PrepareInlineStringIndexOp(flow_graph, call, cid, str, index, *entry);
OneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr* char_at = new (Z)
OneByteStringFromCharCodeInstr(new (Z) Value((*last)->AsDefinition()));
flow_graph->AppendTo(*last, char_at, nullptr, FlowGraph::kValue);
*last = char_at;
*result = char_at->AsDefinition();
return true;
static bool InlineStringBaseCodeUnitAt(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
Definition* receiver,
intptr_t cid,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result) {
if (cid == kDynamicCid) {
return false;
} else if ((cid != kOneByteStringCid) && (cid != kTwoByteStringCid)) {
return false;
Definition* str = receiver;
Definition* index = call->ArgumentAt(1);
*entry =
new (Z) FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry, flow_graph->allocate_block_id(),
call->GetBlock()->try_index(), DeoptId::kNone);
(*entry)->InheritDeoptTarget(Z, call);
*last = PrepareInlineStringIndexOp(flow_graph, call, cid, str, index, *entry);
*result = (*last)->AsDefinition();
return true;
// Only used for monomorphic calls.
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceInstanceCallWithInline(
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
ForwardInstructionIterator* iterator,
InstanceCallInstr* call,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* policy) {
const CallTargets& targets = call->Targets();
const intptr_t receiver_cid = targets.MonomorphicReceiverCid();
const Function& target = targets.FirstTarget();
const auto exactness = targets.MonomorphicExactness();
ExactnessInfo exactness_info{exactness.IsExact(), false};
FunctionEntryInstr* entry = nullptr;
Instruction* last = nullptr;
Definition* result = nullptr;
if (CallSpecializer::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(
flow_graph, receiver_cid, target, call,
call->Receiver()->definition(), call->source(), call->ic_data(),
/*graph_entry=*/nullptr, &entry, &last, &result, policy,
&exactness_info)) {
// The empty Object constructor is the only case where the inlined body is
// empty and there is no result.
ASSERT((last != nullptr && result != nullptr) ||
(target.recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kObjectConstructor));
// Determine if inlining instance methods needs a check.
// StringBase.codeUnitAt is monomorphic but its implementation is selected
// based on the receiver cid.
FlowGraph::ToCheck check = FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck;
if (target.is_polymorphic_target() ||
(target.recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kStringBaseCodeUnitAt)) {
check = FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckCid;
} else {
check = flow_graph->CheckForInstanceCall(call, target.kind());
// Insert receiver class or null check if needed.
switch (check) {
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckCid: {
Instruction* check_class = flow_graph->CreateCheckClass(
call->Receiver()->definition(), targets, call->deopt_id(),
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, check_class, call->env(),
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kCheckNull: {
Instruction* check_null = new (Z) CheckNullInstr(
call->Receiver()->CopyWithType(Z), call->function_name(),
call->deopt_id(), call->source());
flow_graph->InsertBefore(call, check_null, call->env(),
case FlowGraph::ToCheck::kNoCheck:
if (exactness_info.emit_exactness_guard && exactness.IsTriviallyExact()) {
flow_graph->AddExactnessGuard(call, receiver_cid);
// Replace all uses of this definition with the result.
if (call->HasUses()) {
ASSERT(result != nullptr && result->HasSSATemp());
// Finally insert the sequence other definition in place of this one in the
// graph.
if (entry->next() != nullptr) {
entry->UnuseAllInputs(); // Entry block is not in the graph.
if (last != nullptr) {
ASSERT(call->GetBlock() == last->GetBlock());
// Remove through the iterator.
ASSERT(iterator->Current() == call);
return true;
return false;
bool CallSpecializer::TryReplaceStaticCallWithInline(
FlowGraph* flow_graph,
ForwardInstructionIterator* iterator,
StaticCallInstr* call,
SpeculativeInliningPolicy* policy) {
FunctionEntryInstr* entry = nullptr;
Instruction* last = nullptr;
Definition* result = nullptr;
Definition* receiver = nullptr;
intptr_t receiver_cid = kIllegalCid;
if (!call->function().is_static()) {
receiver = call->Receiver()->definition();
receiver_cid = call->Receiver()->Type()->ToCid();
if (CallSpecializer::TryInlineRecognizedMethod(
flow_graph, receiver_cid, call->function(), call, receiver,
call->source(), call->ic_data(), /*graph_entry=*/nullptr, &entry,
&last, &result, policy)) {
// The empty Object constructor is the only case where the inlined body is
// empty and there is no result.
ASSERT((last != nullptr && result != nullptr) ||
(call->function().recognized_kind() ==
// Replace all uses of this definition with the result.
if (call->HasUses()) {
// Finally insert the sequence other definition in place of this one in the
// graph.
if (entry != nullptr) {
if (entry->next() != nullptr) {
entry->UnuseAllInputs(); // Entry block is not in the graph.
if (last != nullptr) {
BlockEntryInstr* link = call->GetBlock();
BlockEntryInstr* exit = last->GetBlock();
if (link != exit) {
// Dominance relation and SSA are updated incrementally when
// conditionals are inserted. But succ/pred and ordering needs
// to be redone. TODO(ajcbik): do this incrementally too.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = link->dominated_blocks().length(); i < n;
++i) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = entry->dominated_blocks().length(); i < n;
++i) {
Instruction* scan = exit;
while (scan->next() != nullptr) {
scan = scan->next();
} else {
// Remove through the iterator.
if (iterator != nullptr) {
ASSERT(iterator->Current() == call);
} else {
return true;
return false;
static bool CheckMask(Definition* definition, intptr_t* mask_ptr) {
if (!definition->IsConstant()) return false;
ConstantInstr* constant_instruction = definition->AsConstant();
const Object& constant_mask = constant_instruction->value();
if (!constant_mask.IsSmi()) return false;
const intptr_t mask = Smi::Cast(constant_mask).Value();
if ((mask < 0) || (mask > 255)) {
return false; // Not a valid mask.
*mask_ptr = mask;
return true;
class SimdLowering : public ValueObject {
SimdLowering(FlowGraph* flow_graph,
Instruction* call,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
FunctionEntryInstr** entry,
Instruction** last,
Definition** result)
: flow_graph_(flow_graph),
result_(result) {
*entry_ = new (zone())
FunctionEntryInstr(graph_entry_, flow_graph_->allocate_block_id(),
call_->GetBlock()->try_index(), call_->deopt_id());
*last = *entry_;
bool TryInline(MethodRecognizer::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
// ==== Int32x4 ====
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4FromInts:
UnboxScalar(0, kUnboxedInt32, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedInt32, 4);
UnboxScalar(2, kUnboxedInt32, 4);
UnboxScalar(3, kUnboxedInt32, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4FromBools:
UnboxBool(0, 4);
UnboxBool(1, 4);
UnboxBool(2, 4);
UnboxBool(3, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagX:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagY:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagZ:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetFlagW:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagX:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
UnboxBool(1, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagY:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
UnboxBool(1, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagZ:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
UnboxBool(1, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4WithFlagW:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
UnboxBool(1, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4Shuffle: {
Definition* mask_definition =
call_->ArgumentAt(call_->ArgumentCount() - 1);
intptr_t mask = 0;
if (!CheckMask(mask_definition, &mask)) {
return false;
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4ShuffleMix: {
Definition* mask_definition =
call_->ArgumentAt(call_->ArgumentCount() - 1);
intptr_t mask = 0;
if (!CheckMask(mask_definition, &mask)) {
return false;
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
UnboxVector(1, kUnboxedInt32, kMintCid, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedInt32, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4GetSignMask:
case MethodRecognizer::kInt32x4Select:
// TODO(riscv)
return false;
// ==== Float32x4 ====
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Abs:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Negate:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Sqrt:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Reciprocal:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ReciprocalSqrt:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GetSignMask:
// TODO(riscv)
return false;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Equal:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GreaterThan:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GreaterThanOrEqual:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4LessThan:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4LessThanOrEqual:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Add:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Sub:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Mul:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Div:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Min:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Max:
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Scale:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BinaryDoubleOp(Token::kMUL, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Splat:
UnboxScalar(0, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithX:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithY:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithZ:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4WithW:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Zero:
UnboxDoubleZero(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4FromDoubles:
UnboxScalar(0, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
UnboxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
UnboxScalar(2, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
UnboxScalar(3, kUnboxedFloat, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GetX:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
BoxScalar(0, kUnboxedFloat);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GetY:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
BoxScalar(1, kUnboxedFloat);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GetZ:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
BoxScalar(2, kUnboxedFloat);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4GetW:
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
BoxScalar(3, kUnboxedFloat);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4Shuffle: {
Definition* mask_definition =
call_->ArgumentAt(call_->ArgumentCount() - 1);
intptr_t mask = 0;
if (!CheckMask(mask_definition, &mask)) {
return false;
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat32x4ShuffleMix: {
Definition* mask_definition =
call_->ArgumentAt(call_->ArgumentCount() - 1);
intptr_t mask = 0;
if (!CheckMask(mask_definition, &mask)) {
return false;
UnboxVector(0, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
UnboxVector(1, kUnboxedFloat, kDoubleCid, 4);
BoxVector(kUnboxedFloat, 4);
return true;
// ==== Float64x2 ====
case MethodRecognizer::kFloat64x2Abs:
return true;