blob: a02847949e7df9113956d0d3d297e12beb440660 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/globals.h" // For INCLUDE_IL_PRINTER
#include "vm/compiler/api/print_filter.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/compiler/compiler_pass.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
namespace dart {
"Print only IR of functions with matching names");
namespace compiler {
// Checks whether function's name matches the given filter, which is
// a comma-separated list of strings.
static bool PassesFilter(const char* filter,
const Function& function,
uint8_t** compiler_pass_filter) {
if (filter == nullptr) {
return true;
if (strcmp(filter, "@pragma") == 0) {
Object& pass_filter = Object::Handle();
const auto has_pragma =
Library::FindPragma(dart::Thread::Current(), /*only_core=*/false,
function, Symbols::vm_testing_print_flow_graph(),
/*multiple=*/false, &pass_filter);
if (has_pragma && !pass_filter.IsNull() &&
compiler_pass_filter != nullptr) {
*compiler_pass_filter = dart::CompilerPass::ParseFiltersFromPragma(
return has_pragma;
char* save_ptr; // Needed for strtok_r.
const char* scrubbed_name = function.QualifiedScrubbedNameCString();
const char* function_name = function.ToFullyQualifiedCString();
intptr_t function_name_len = strlen(function_name);
intptr_t len = strlen(filter) + 1; // Length with \0.
char* filter_buffer = new char[len];
strncpy(filter_buffer, filter, len); // strtok modifies arg 1.
char* token = strtok_r(filter_buffer, ",", &save_ptr);
bool found = false;
while (token != nullptr) {
if ((strstr(function_name, token) != nullptr) ||
(strstr(scrubbed_name, token) != nullptr)) {
found = true;
const intptr_t token_len = strlen(token);
if (token[token_len - 1] == '%') {
if (function_name_len > token_len) {
const char* suffix =
function_name + (function_name_len - token_len + 1);
if (strncmp(suffix, token, token_len - 1) == 0) {
found = true;
token = strtok_r(nullptr, ",", &save_ptr);
delete[] filter_buffer;
return found;
bool PrintFilter::ShouldPrint(const Function& function,
uint8_t** compiler_pass_filter /* = nullptr */) {
return PassesFilter(FLAG_print_flow_graph_filter, function,
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart
#endif // defined(INCLUDE_IL_PRINTER)