blob: 0e2043ebeb91cea8faf32961b34a00c51287a745 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart';
import 'common/test_helper.dart';
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String ascii;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String latin1;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String unicode;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String hebrew;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String singleQuotes;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String doubleQuotes;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String newLines;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String tabs;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String surrogatePairs;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String nullInTheMiddle;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String escapedUnicodeEscape;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String longStringEven;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String longStringOdd;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String malformedWithLeadSurrogate;
@pragma('vm:entry-point') // Prevent obfuscation
late String malformedWithTrailSurrogate;
void script() {
ascii = 'Hello, World!';
latin1 = 'blåbærgrød';
unicode = 'Îñţérñåţîöñåļîžåţîờñ';
hebrew = 'שלום רב שובך צפורה נחמדת'; // Right-to-left text.
singleQuotes = "'One,' he said.";
doubleQuotes = '"Two," he said.';
newLines = 'Windows\r\nSmalltalk\rUnix\n';
tabs = 'One\tTwo\tThree';
surrogatePairs = '1𝄞2𝄞𝄞3𝄞𝄞𝄞';
nullInTheMiddle = 'There are four\u0000 words.';
escapedUnicodeEscape = 'Should not be A: \\u0041';
// A surrogate pair will cross the preferred truncation boundary.
longStringEven = '..';
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
longStringEven += '𝄞';
longStringOdd = '.';
for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) {
longStringOdd += '𝄞';
malformedWithLeadSurrogate = 'before${'𝄞'[0]}after';
malformedWithTrailSurrogate = 'before${'𝄞'[1]}after';
Future<void> testStrings(VmService service, IsolateRef isolateRef) async {
final isolateId =!;
final isolate = await service.getIsolate(isolateId);
final rootLib = await service.getObject(
) as Library;
final variables = <Field>[
for (final variable in rootLib.variables!)
await service.getObject(
) as Field,
void expectFullString(String varName, String varValueAsString) {
final field = variables.singleWhere((v) => == varName);
final value = field.staticValue as InstanceRef;
expect(value.valueAsString, varValueAsString);
expect(value.valueAsStringIsTruncated, isNull);
void expectTruncatedString(String varName, String varValueAsString) {
final field = variables.singleWhere((v) => == varName);
final value = field.staticValue as InstanceRef;
expect(varValueAsString, startsWith(value.valueAsString!));
expect(value.valueAsStringIsTruncated, true);
script(); // Need to initialize variables in the testing isolate.
expectFullString('ascii', ascii);
expectFullString('latin1', latin1);
expectFullString('unicode', unicode);
expectFullString('hebrew', hebrew);
expectFullString('singleQuotes', singleQuotes);
expectFullString('doubleQuotes', doubleQuotes);
expectFullString('newLines', newLines);
expectFullString('tabs', tabs);
expectFullString('surrogatePairs', surrogatePairs);
expectFullString('nullInTheMiddle', nullInTheMiddle);
expectTruncatedString('longStringEven', longStringEven);
expectTruncatedString('longStringOdd', longStringOdd);
expectFullString('malformedWithLeadSurrogate', malformedWithLeadSurrogate);
expectFullString('malformedWithTrailSurrogate', malformedWithTrailSurrogate);
final tests = <IsolateTest>[
void main([args = const <String>[]]) => runIsolateTests(
testeeBefore: script,