blob: 403bed7c9db3a847571ce295bfef884488d9c37d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// ignore_for_file: require_trailing_commas
// Verifies that debugger does not pause when exception is caught by stream
// onError.
// Regression test for
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'common/service_test_common.dart';
import 'common/test_helper.dart';
import 'pause_on_unhandled_async_exceptions6_test.dart' as test6;
Future<int> alwaysThrow() async {
// Ensure that we suspend at least once and throw an error asynchronously.
await Future.delayed(;
throw 'Error';
Future<void> throwSomeCaughtAsyncErrors() async {
await test6.testeeMain(shouldTestUncaught: false);
try {
await Future.error('Error!').then((value) => value);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore.
await Future.error('Error!').then((value) => value).catchError((_) {});
await Future.error('Error!')
.catchError((_) {});
try {
await alwaysThrow();
} catch (_) {
// Ignore.
try {
await (alwaysThrow(), alwaysThrow()).wait;
} catch (_) {
// Ignore.
for (var makeStream in test6.streamFactories) {
await makeStream('Error!')
.map((v) => v)
.catchError((_) => <int>[]);
print('http request');
final client = HttpClient();
try {
final rq = await client.get('invalid.invalid', 80, '/index.html');
await rq.close();
} catch (_) {
// Ignore.
} finally {
print('ignoring an error (1)');
final c = Completer<void>();
// Here async unwinder might follow awaiter chain to `await c.future`
// because it detects forwarding automatically.
await c.future;
print('ignoring an error (2)');
final c = Completer<void>();
alwaysThrow().whenComplete(() {
await c.future;
Future<void> testeeMain() async {
await throwSomeCaughtAsyncErrors();
await Chain.capture(() async {
await throwSomeCaughtAsyncErrors();
// This test verifies that we behave conservatively: if we can't unwind
// the async stack because `Zone` does not cooperate with us we treat
// exception as caught.
await runInOpaqueZone(() async {
await throwSomeCaughtAsyncErrors();
throw 'LastUncaughtException';
R runInOpaqueZone<R>(R Function() body) {
final zone = Zone.current.fork(
specification: ZoneSpecification(
registerUnaryCallback: _registerUnaryCallback,
registerBinaryCallback: _registerBinaryCallback,
ZoneUnaryCallback<R, T> _registerUnaryCallback<R, T>(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function(T) f) {
return parent.registerUnaryCallback(zone, (v) => f(v));
ZoneBinaryCallback<R, T1, T2> _registerBinaryCallback<R, T1, T2>(
Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, R Function(T1, T2) f) {
return parent.registerBinaryCallback(zone, (a, b) => f(a, b));
final tests = [
exceptionAsString: 'LastUncaughtException',
Future<void> main([args = const <String>[]]) => runIsolateTests(
pauseOnUnhandledExceptions: true,
testeeConcurrent: testeeMain,