blob: f66d81e4ab532d2c6614b44ad9ddedc80cf4a5af [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
/// Replaces invocation of `List` factory constructors with factories of
/// dart2wasm-specific classes.
/// ```
/// List.empty() => _List.empty()
/// List.empty(growable: false) => _List.empty()
/// List.empty(growable: true) => _GrowableList.empty()
/// List.filled(n, null, growable: true) => _GrowableList(n)
/// List.filled(n, x, growable: true) => _GrowableList.filled(n, x)
/// List.filled(n, null) => _List(n)
/// List.filled(n, x) => _List.filled(n, x)
/// List.generate(n, y) => _GrowableList.generate(n, y)
/// List.generate(n, y, growable: false) => _List.generate(n, y)
/// ```
class ListFactorySpecializer {
final Map<Member, TreeNode Function(StaticInvocation node)> _transformers =
final Procedure _fixedListEmptyFactory;
final Procedure _fixedListFactory;
final Procedure _fixedListFilledFactory;
final Procedure _fixedListGenerateFactory;
final Procedure _growableListEmptyFactory;
final Procedure _growableListFactory;
final Procedure _growableListFilledFactory;
final Procedure _growableListGenerateFactory;
final Procedure _listEmptyFactory;
final Procedure _listFilledFactory;
final Procedure _listGenerateFactory;
ListFactorySpecializer(CoreTypes coreTypes)
: _listEmptyFactory =
coreTypes.index.getProcedure('dart:core', 'List', 'empty'),
_listFilledFactory =
coreTypes.index.getProcedure('dart:core', 'List', 'filled'),
_listGenerateFactory =
coreTypes.index.getProcedure('dart:core', 'List', 'generate'),
_growableListFactory =
coreTypes.index.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'GrowableList', ''),
_growableListEmptyFactory =
coreTypes.index.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'GrowableList', 'empty'),
_growableListFilledFactory = coreTypes.index
.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'GrowableList', 'filled'),
_growableListGenerateFactory = coreTypes.index
.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'GrowableList', 'generate'),
_fixedListFactory = coreTypes.index
.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'ModifiableFixedLengthList', ''),
_fixedListEmptyFactory = coreTypes.index
.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'ModifiableFixedLengthList', 'empty'),
_fixedListFilledFactory = coreTypes.index
.getProcedure('dart:_list', 'ModifiableFixedLengthList', 'filled'),
_fixedListGenerateFactory = coreTypes.index.getProcedure(
'dart:_list', 'ModifiableFixedLengthList', 'generate') {
_transformers[_listFilledFactory] = _transformListFilledFactory;
_transformers[_listEmptyFactory] = _transformListEmptyFactory;
_transformers[_listGenerateFactory] = _transformListGenerateFactory;
TreeNode transformStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation invocation) {
final target =;
final transformer = _transformers[target];
if (transformer != null) {
return transformer(invocation);
return invocation;
// List.filled(n, null, growable: true) => _GrowableList(n)
// List.filled(n, x, growable: true) => _GrowableList.filled(n, x)
// List.filled(n, null) => _List(n)
// List.filled(n, x) => _List.filled(n, x)
TreeNode _transformListFilledFactory(StaticInvocation node) {
final args = node.arguments;
assert(args.positional.length == 2);
final length = args.positional[0];
final fill = args.positional[1];
final fillingWithNull = _isNullConstant(fill);
// Null when the argument is not a constant or a `bool` literal, e.g.
// `List.filled(..., growable: f())`.
final bool? growable =
_getConstantOptionalArgument(args, 'growable', false);
if (growable == null) {
return node;
if (growable) {
if (fillingWithNull) {
// List.filled(n, null, growable: true) => _GrowableList(n)
return StaticInvocation(
_growableListFactory, Arguments([length], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
} else {
// List.filled(n, x, growable: true) => _GrowableList.filled(n, x)
return StaticInvocation(_growableListFilledFactory,
Arguments([length, fill], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
} else {
if (fillingWithNull) {
// List.filled(n, null, growable: false) => _List(n)
return StaticInvocation(
_fixedListFactory, Arguments([length], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
} else {
// List.filled(n, x, growable: false) => _List.filled(n, x)
return StaticInvocation(_fixedListFilledFactory,
Arguments([length, fill], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
// List.empty() => _List.empty()
// List.empty(growable: false) => _List.empty()
// List.empty(growable: true) => _GrowableList.empty()
TreeNode _transformListEmptyFactory(StaticInvocation node) {
final args = node.arguments;
final bool? growable =
_getConstantOptionalArgument(args, 'growable', false);
if (growable == null) {
return node;
if (growable) {
// List.empty(growable: true) => _GrowableList.empty()
return StaticInvocation(
_growableListEmptyFactory, Arguments([], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
} else {
// List.empty() => _List.empty()
// List.empty(growable: false) => _List.empty()
return StaticInvocation(
_fixedListEmptyFactory, Arguments([], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
// List.generate(n, y) => _GrowableList.generate(n, y)
// List.generate(n, y, growable: false) => _List.generate(n, y)
TreeNode _transformListGenerateFactory(StaticInvocation node) {
final args = node.arguments;
assert(args.positional.length == 2);
final length = args.positional[0];
final generator = args.positional[1];
final bool? growable = _getConstantOptionalArgument(args, 'growable', true);
if (growable == null) {
return node;
if (growable) {
// List.generate(n, y) => _GrowableList.generate(n, y)
return StaticInvocation(_growableListGenerateFactory,
Arguments([length, generator], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
} else {
// List.generate(n, y, growable: false) => _List.generate(n, y)
return StaticInvocation(_fixedListGenerateFactory,
Arguments([length, generator], types: args.types))
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
/// Returns constant value of the only optional argument in [args], or null
/// if it is not a constant. Returns [defaultValue] if optional argument is
/// not passed. Argument is asserted to have the given [name].
bool? _getConstantOptionalArgument(
Arguments args, String name, bool defaultValue) {
if (args.named.isEmpty) {
return defaultValue;
final namedArg = args.named.single;
assert( == name);
final value = _unwrapFinalVariableGet(namedArg.value);
if (value is BoolLiteral) {
return value.value;
} else if (value is ConstantExpression) {
final constant = value.constant;
if (constant is BoolConstant) {
return constant.value;
return null;
bool _isNullConstant(Expression value) {
value = _unwrapFinalVariableGet(value);
return value is NullLiteral ||
(value is ConstantExpression && value.constant is NullConstant);
// Front-end can create extra temporary variables ("Let v = e, call(v)") to
// hoist expressions when rearraning named parameters. Unwrap such variables
// and return their initializers.
Expression _unwrapFinalVariableGet(Expression expr) {
if (expr is VariableGet) {
final variable = expr.variable;
// This optimization does not apply to parameters because they
// get their value set by the caller and their initializers
// are default values rather than true initializers.
final parent = variable.parent;
if (variable.isFinal && parent is! FunctionNode) {
final initializer = variable.initializer;
if (initializer != null) {
return initializer;
return expr;