blob: dee6d102c392c9767f51ed56d0dc04f07bebfa9a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
final PACKAGE_URI = "package:foo/bar.dart";
final PACKAGE_PATH = "file:///no/such/directory/bar.dart";
main([args, port]) async {
if (port != null) {
var p = new RawReceivePort();
Isolate.spawnUri(Platform.script, [], p.sendPort,
automaticPackageResolution: true);
p.handler = (msg) {
if (msg is! List) {
throw "Failure return from spawned isolate:\n\n$msg";
var child_pkg_config = Platform.script.resolve(".packages");
if (msg[0] != child_pkg_config.toString()) {
throw "Bad package config in child isolate: ${msg[0]}\n"
"Expected: $child_pkg_config";
if (msg[1] != PACKAGE_PATH) {
throw "Package path not matching: ${msg[1]}";
print("Spawning isolate's package root: ${await Isolate.packageRoot}");
testPackageResolution(port) async {
try {
var packageRootStr = Platform.packageRoot;
var packageConfigStr = Platform.packageConfig;
var packageConfig = await Isolate.packageConfig;
var resolvedPkg = await Isolate.resolvePackageUri(Uri.parse(PACKAGE_URI));
print("Spawned isolate's package root flag: $packageRootStr");
print("Spawned isolate's package config flag: $packageConfigStr");
print("Spawned isolate's loaded package config: $packageConfig");
print("Spawned isolate's resolved package path: $resolvedPkg");
port.send([packageConfig?.toString(), resolvedPkg?.toString()]);
} catch (e, s) {