blob: ef74e021bd1c8a4f5d3210f43583b043389d156e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Compare the old and new test results and list tests that pass the filters.
// The output contains additional details in the verbose mode. There is a human
// readable mode that explains the results and how they changed.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:test_runner/bot_results.dart';
class Event {
final Result before;
final Result after;
Event(this.before, this.after);
bool get isNew => before == null;
bool get isNewPassing => before == null && after.matches;
bool get isNewFailing => before == null && !after.matches;
bool get changed => !unchanged;
bool get unchanged => before != null && before.outcome == after.outcome;
bool get remainedPassing => before.matches && after.matches;
bool get remainedFailing => !before.matches && !after.matches;
bool get flaked => after.flaked;
bool get fixed => !before.matches && after.matches;
bool get broke => before.matches && !after.matches;
String get description {
if (isNewPassing) {
return "is new and succeeded";
} else if (isNewFailing) {
return "is new and failed";
} else if (remainedPassing) {
return "succeeded again";
} else if (remainedFailing) {
return "failed again";
} else if (fixed) {
return "was fixed";
} else if (broke) {
return "broke";
} else {
throw new Exception("Unreachable");
bool firstSection = true;
bool search(
String description,
String searchForStatus,
List<Event> events,
ArgResults options,
Map<String, Map<String, dynamic>> logs,
List<String> logSection) {
bool judgement = false;
bool beganSection = false;
int count = options["count"] != null ? int.parse(options["count"]) : null;
final configurations = => event.after.configuration).toSet();
for (final event in events) {
if (searchForStatus == "passing" &&
(event.after.flaked || !event.after.matches)) {
if (searchForStatus == "flaky" && !event.after.flaked) {
if (searchForStatus == "failing" &&
(event.after.flaked || event.after.matches)) {
if (options["unchanged"] && !event.unchanged) continue;
if (options["changed"] && !event.changed) continue;
if (!beganSection) {
if (options["human"] && !options["logs-only"]) {
if (!firstSection) {
firstSection = false;
beganSection = true;
final before = event.before;
final after = event.after;
// The --flaky option is used to get a list of tests to deflake within a
// single named configuration. Therefore we can't right now always emit
// the configuration name, so only do it if there's more than one in the
// results being compared (that won't happen during deflaking.
final name =
configurations.length == 1 ? : event.after.key;
if (!after.flaked && !after.matches) {
judgement = true;
if (count != null) {
if (--count <= 0) {
if (options["human"]) {
print("(And more)");
String output;
if (options["verbose"]) {
if (options["human"]) {
String expect = after.matches ? "" : ", expected ${after.expectation}";
if (before == null || before.outcome == after.outcome) {
output = "$name ${event.description} "
} else {
output = "$name ${event.description} "
"(${event.before?.outcome} -> ${event.after.outcome}${expect})";
} else {
output = "$name ${before?.outcome} ${after.outcome} "
"${before?.expectation} ${after.expectation} "
"${before?.matches} ${after.matches} "
"${before?.flaked} ${after.flaked}";
} else {
output = name;
if (logs != null) {
final log = logs[event.after.key];
final bar = '=' * (output.length + 2);
if (log != null) {
logSection?.add("\n\n/$bar\\\n| $output |\n\\$bar/\n\n${log["log"]}");
if (!options["logs-only"]) {
return judgement;
main(List<String> args) async {
final parser = new ArgParser();
abbr: 'c',
negatable: false,
help: "Show only tests that changed results.");
abbr: "C",
help: "Upper limit on how many tests to report in each section");
abbr: 'f', negatable: false, help: "Show failing tests.");
abbr: 'd', help: "File containing flakiness data");
abbr: 'j',
negatable: false,
help: "Exit 1 only if any of the filtered results failed.");
abbr: 'F', negatable: false, help: "Show flaky tests.");
parser.addFlag("help", help: "Show the program usage.", negatable: false);
parser.addFlag("human", abbr: "h", negatable: false);
abbr: 'p', negatable: false, help: "Show passing tests.");
abbr: 'u',
negatable: false,
help: "Show only tests with unchanged results.");
abbr: "v",
help: "Show the old and new result for each test",
negatable: false);
abbr: "l", help: "Path to file holding logs of failing and flaky tests.");
help: "Only print logs of failing and flaky tests, no other output",
negatable: false);
final options = parser.parse(args);
if (options["help"]) {
Usage: compare_results.dart [OPTION]... BEFORE AFTER
Compare the old and new test results and list tests that pass the filters.
All tests are listed if no filters are given.
The options are as follows:
if (options["changed"] && options["unchanged"]) {
"error: The options --changed and --unchanged are mutually exclusive");
exitCode = 2;
final parameters =;
if (parameters.length != 2) {
print("error: Expected two parameters "
"(results before, results after)");
exitCode = 2;
// Load the input and the flakiness data if specified.
final before = await loadResultsMap(parameters[0]);
final after = await loadResultsMap(parameters[1]);
final logs = options['logs'] == null
? <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{}
: await loadResultsMap(options['logs']);
final flakinessData = options["flakiness-data"] != null
? await loadResultsMap(options["flakiness-data"])
: <String, Map<String, dynamic>>{};
// The names of every test that has a data point in the new data set.
final names = new SplayTreeSet<String>.from(after.keys);
final events = <Event>[];
for (final name in names) {
final mapBefore = before[name];
final mapAfter = after[name];
final resultBefore = mapBefore != null
? new Result.fromMap(mapBefore, flakinessData[name])
: null;
final resultAfter = new Result.fromMap(mapAfter, flakinessData[name]);
final event = new Event(resultBefore, resultAfter);
final filterDescriptions = {
"passing": {
"unchanged": "continued to pass",
"changed": "began passing",
null: "passed",
"flaky": {
"unchanged": "are known to flake but didn't",
"changed": "flaked",
null: "are known to flake",
"failing": {
"unchanged": "continued to fail",
"changed": "began failing",
null: "failed",
null: {
"unchanged": "had the same result",
"changed": "changed result",
null: "ran",
final searchForStatuses =
["passing", "flaky", "failing"].where((option) => options[option]);
// Report tests matching the filters.
final logSection = <String>[];
bool judgement = false;
for (final searchForStatus
in searchForStatuses.isNotEmpty ? searchForStatuses : <String>[null]) {
final searchForChanged = options["unchanged"]
? "unchanged"
: options["changed"] ? "changed" : null;
final aboutStatus = filterDescriptions[searchForStatus][searchForChanged];
final sectionHeader = "The following tests $aboutStatus:";
final logSectionArg =
searchForStatus == "failing" || searchForStatus == "flaky"
? logSection
: null;
bool possibleJudgement = search(
sectionHeader, searchForStatus, events, options, logs, logSectionArg);
if ((searchForStatus == null || searchForStatus == "failing")) {
judgement = possibleJudgement;
if (logSection.isNotEmpty) {
// Exit 1 only if --judgement and any test failed.
if (options["judgement"]) {
if (options["human"] && !options["logs-only"] && !firstSection) {
String oldNew =
options["unchanged"] ? "old " : options["changed"] ? "new " : "";
if (judgement) {
if (options["human"] && !options["logs-only"]) {
print("There were ${oldNew}test failures.");
exitCode = 1;
} else {
if (options["human"] && !options["logs-only"]) {
print("No ${oldNew}test failures were found.");