blob: 5bafc0e376a44bbb45e9d3f0b563e820afa652e4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
namespace dart {
V(AllocateArray) \
V(AllocateContext) \
V(AllocateObject) \
V(AllocateSubtypeTestCache) \
V(BreakpointRuntimeHandler) \
V(SingleStepHandler) \
V(CloneContext) \
V(ExtractMethod) \
V(GetFieldForDispatch) \
V(ResolveCallFunction) \
V(FixCallersTarget) \
V(FixAllocationStubTarget) \
V(InlineCacheMissHandlerOneArg) \
V(InlineCacheMissHandlerTwoArgs) \
V(StaticCallMissHandlerOneArg) \
V(StaticCallMissHandlerTwoArgs) \
V(Instanceof) \
V(SubtypeCheck) \
V(TypeCheck) \
V(BadTypeError) \
V(NonBoolTypeError) \
V(InstantiateType) \
V(InstantiateTypeArguments) \
V(InvokeClosureNoSuchMethod) \
V(InvokeNoSuchMethodDispatcher) \
V(MegamorphicCacheMissHandler) \
V(OptimizeInvokedFunction) \
V(TraceICCall) \
V(PatchStaticCall) \
V(RangeError) \
V(NullError) \
V(NullErrorWithSelector) \
V(ArgumentError) \
V(ArgumentErrorUnboxedInt64) \
V(IntegerDivisionByZeroException) \
V(ReThrow) \
V(StackOverflow) \
V(Throw) \
V(DeoptimizeMaterialize) \
V(RewindPostDeopt) \
V(UpdateFieldCid) \
V(InitStaticField) \
V(CompileFunction) \
V(MonomorphicMiss) \
V(SingleTargetMiss) \
V(void, PrintStopMessage, const char*) \
V(intptr_t, DeoptimizeCopyFrame, uword, uword) \
V(void, DeoptimizeFillFrame, uword) \
V(void, StoreBufferBlockProcess, Thread*) \
V(void, MarkingStackBlockProcess, Thread*) \
V(void, RememberCard, RawObject*, RawObject**) \
V(double, LibcPow, double, double) \
V(double, DartModulo, double, double) \
V(double, LibcFloor, double) \
V(double, LibcCeil, double) \
V(double, LibcTrunc, double) \
V(double, LibcRound, double) \
V(double, LibcCos, double) \
V(double, LibcSin, double) \
V(double, LibcTan, double) \
V(double, LibcAcos, double) \
V(double, LibcAsin, double) \
V(double, LibcAtan, double) \
V(double, LibcAtan2, double, double) \
V(RawBool*, CaseInsensitiveCompareUC16, RawString*, RawSmi*, RawSmi*, RawSmi*)
} // namespace dart