blob: 0cc540e0df9b8963272c9b88cbc7bf16eb3d2718 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart' show retry, throws;
Future testBindShared(String host, bool v6Only) async {
final socket = await ServerSocket.bind(host, 0, v6Only: v6Only, shared: true);
Expect.isTrue(socket.port > 0);
final socket2 =
await ServerSocket.bind(host, socket.port, v6Only: v6Only, shared: true);
Expect.equals(socket.address.address, socket2.address.address);
Expect.equals(socket.port, socket2.port);
await socket.close();
await socket2.close();
Future negTestBindSharedMismatch(String host, bool v6Only) async {
final socket = await ServerSocket.bind(host, 0, v6Only: v6Only);
Expect.isTrue(socket.port > 0);
await throws(() => ServerSocket.bind(host, socket.port, v6Only: v6Only),
(error) => error is SocketException && '$error'.contains('shared flag'));
await socket.close();
Future negTestBindV6OnlyMismatch(String host, bool v6Only) async {
final socket = await ServerSocket.bind(host, 0, v6Only: v6Only, shared: true);
Expect.isTrue(socket.port > 0);
await throws(
() => ServerSocket.bind(host, socket.port, v6Only: !v6Only, shared: true),
(error) => error is SocketException && '$error'.contains('v6Only flag'));
await socket.close();
Future testBindDifferentAddresses(InternetAddress addr1, InternetAddress addr2,
bool addr1V6Only, bool addr2V6Only) async {
var socket =
await ServerSocket.bind(addr1, 0, v6Only: addr1V6Only, shared: false);
try {
Expect.isTrue(socket.port > 0);
var socket2 = await ServerSocket.bind(addr2, socket.port,
v6Only: addr2V6Only, shared: false);
try {
Expect.equals(socket.port, socket2.port);
} finally {
await socket2.close();
} finally {
await socket.close();
Future testListenCloseListenClose(String host) async {
ServerSocket socket = await ServerSocket.bind(host, 0, shared: true);
ServerSocket socket2 =
await ServerSocket.bind(host, socket.port, shared: true);
var subscription = socket.listen((_) {
throw 'error';
await socket.close();
// The second socket should have kept the OS socket alive. We can therefore
// test if it is working correctly.
// For robustness we ignore any clients unrelated to this test.
final receivedClientPorts = <int>[];
socket2.listen((Socket client) async {
await Future.wait([client.drain(), client.close()]);
final client = await Socket.connect(host, socket2.port);
final clientPort = client.port;
await client.close();
await client.drain();
// Close the second server socket.
await socket2.close();
main() async {
await retry(() async {
await testBindDifferentAddresses(
InternetAddress.anyIPv6, InternetAddress.anyIPv4, true, false);
await retry(() async {
await testBindDifferentAddresses(
InternetAddress.anyIPv4, InternetAddress.anyIPv6, false, true);
for (var host in ['', '::1']) {
await testBindShared(host, false);
await testBindShared(host, true);
await negTestBindSharedMismatch(host, false);
await negTestBindSharedMismatch(host, true);
await negTestBindV6OnlyMismatch(host, true);
await negTestBindV6OnlyMismatch(host, false);
await testListenCloseListenClose(host);