blob: 784165124691e4a8964dc6992cd4918f76326eb5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--enable-isolate-groups
// VMOptions=--no-enable-isolate-groups
// OtherResources=readline_test1.dat
// VMOptions=
// VMOptions=--short_socket_read
// VMOptions=--short_socket_write
// VMOptions=--short_socket_read --short_socket_write
library ServerTest;
import "dart:async";
import "dart:io";
import "dart:isolate";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart";
part "testing_server.dart";
String getDataFilename(String path) =>
bool compareFileContent(String fileName1, String fileName2) {
var contents1 = new File(fileName1).readAsStringSync();
var contents2 = new File(fileName2).readAsStringSync();
return contents1 == contents2;
// This test does:
// 1. Opens a socket to the testing server.
// 2. Pipes the content of a file to that sockets input stream.
// 3. Creates a temp file.
// 4. Pipes the socket output stream to the temp file.
// 5. Expects the original file and the temp file to be equal.
class PipeServerGame {
int count = 0;
PipeServerGame.start() : _messages = 0 {
void runTest() {
void connectHandler() {
String srcFileName = getDataFilename("readline_test1.dat");
Stream fileInput = new File(srcFileName).openRead();
fileInput.cast<List<int>>().pipe(_socket).then((_) {
var tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dart_pipe_server');
var dstFileName = tempDir.path + "/readline_test1.dat";
var dstFile = new File(dstFileName);
var fileOutput = dstFile.openWrite();
_socket.cast<List<int>>().pipe(fileOutput).then((_) {
// Check that the resulting file is equal to the initial
// file.
bool result = compareFileContent(srcFileName, dstFileName);
new File(dstFileName).deleteSync();
// Run this twice.
if (count++ < 2) {
} else {
// Connect to the server.
Socket.connect(TestingServer.HOST, _port).then((s) {
_socket = s;
void initialize() {
var receivePort = new ReceivePort();
var remote = Isolate.spawn(startPipeServer, receivePort.sendPort);
receivePort.first.then((msg) {
this._port = msg[0];
this._closeSendPort = msg[1];
void shutdown() {
int _port;
SendPort _closeSendPort;
Socket _socket;
int _messages;
void startPipeServer(Object replyPortObj) {
SendPort replyPort = replyPortObj;
var server = new PipeServer();
server.init().then((port) {
replyPort.send([port, server.closeSendPort]);
// The testing server will simply pipe each connecting sockets input
// stream to its output stream.
class PipeServer extends TestingServer {
void onConnection(Socket connection) {
main() {
PipeServerGame echoServerGame = new PipeServerGame.start();