| // Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // Dart test program for testing file I/O. |
| |
| // OtherResources=empty_file |
| // OtherResources=file_test.txt |
| // OtherResources=fixed_length_file |
| // OtherResources=read_as_text.dat |
| // OtherResources=readline_test1.dat |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:convert'; |
| import 'dart:collection'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import "package:async_helper/async_helper.dart"; |
| import "package:expect/expect.dart"; |
| import "package:path/path.dart"; |
| |
| class MyListOfOneElement extends Object |
| with ListMixin<int> |
| implements List<int> { |
| int _value; |
| MyListOfOneElement(this._value); |
| int get length => 1; |
| operator [](int index) => _value; |
| void set length(int index) { |
| throw "Unsupported"; |
| } |
| |
| operator []=(int index, value) { |
| if (index != 0) { |
| throw "Unsupported"; |
| } else { |
| _value = value; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class FileTest { |
| static Directory tempDirectory; |
| static int numLiveAsyncTests = 0; |
| |
| static void asyncTestStarted() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| ++numLiveAsyncTests; |
| } |
| |
| static void asyncTestDone(String name) { |
| asyncEnd(); |
| --numLiveAsyncTests; |
| if (numLiveAsyncTests == 0) { |
| deleteTempDirectory(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void createTempDirectory(Function doNext) { |
| Directory.systemTemp.createTemp('dart_file').then((temp) { |
| tempDirectory = temp; |
| doNext(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void deleteTempDirectory() { |
| tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file read functionality. |
| static void testReadStream() { |
| // Read a file and check part of it's contents. |
| String filename = getFilename("file_test.txt"); |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| Expect.isTrue('$file'.contains(file.path)); |
| var subscription; |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(); |
| subscription = file.openRead().listen((d) { |
| buffer.addAll(d); |
| if (buffer.length >= 12) { |
| subscription.cancel(); |
| Expect.equals(47, buffer[0]); // represents '/' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(47, buffer[1]); // represents '/' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(32, buffer[2]); // represents ' ' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(67, buffer[3]); // represents 'C' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(111, buffer[4]); // represents 'o' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(112, buffer[5]); // represents 'p' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(121, buffer[6]); // represents 'y' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(114, buffer[7]); // represents 'r' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(105, buffer[8]); // represents 'i' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(103, buffer[9]); // represents 'g' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(104, buffer[10]); // represents 'h' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(116, buffer[11]); // represents 't' in the file. |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file read and write functionality. |
| static void testReadWriteStream() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| |
| // Read a file. |
| String inFilename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| File file; |
| int bytesRead; |
| |
| var file1 = new File(inFilename); |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(); |
| file1.openRead().listen((d) { |
| buffer.addAll(d); |
| }, onDone: () { |
| Expect.equals(42, buffer.length); |
| // Write the contents of the file just read into another file. |
| String outFilename = tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_write_stream"; |
| var file2 = new File(outFilename); |
| var output = file2.openWrite(); |
| output.add(buffer); |
| output.flush().then((_) => output.close()); |
| output.done.then((_) { |
| // Now read the contents of the file just written. |
| List<int> buffer2 = new List<int>(); |
| new File(outFilename).openRead().listen((d) { |
| buffer2.addAll(d); |
| }, onDone: () { |
| Expect.equals(42, buffer2.length); |
| // Now compare the two buffers to check if they are |
| // identical. |
| for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { |
| Expect.equals(buffer[i], buffer2[i]); |
| } |
| // Delete the output file. |
| file2.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(file2.existsSync()); |
| asyncTestDone("testReadWriteStream"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file stream buffered handling of large files. |
| static void testReadWriteStreamLargeFile() { |
| // Create the test data - arbitrary binary data. |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(100000); |
| for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { |
| buffer[i] = i % 256; |
| } |
| String filename = tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_write_stream_large_file"; |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| IOSink output = file.openWrite(); |
| output.add(buffer); |
| output.add(buffer); |
| output.flush().then((_) => output.close()); |
| |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| output.done |
| .then((_) { |
| Stream input = file.openRead(); |
| int position = 0; |
| final int expectedLength = 200000; |
| |
| // Start an independent asynchronous check on the length. |
| Future lengthTest() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| return file.length().then((len) { |
| Expect.equals(expectedLength, len); |
| asyncTestDone('testReadWriteStreamLargeFile: length check'); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Immediate read should read 0 bytes. |
| Future contentTest() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var completer = new Completer(); |
| input.listen((data) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { |
| Expect.equals(buffer[(i + position) % buffer.length], data[i]); |
| } |
| position += data.length; |
| }, onError: (error, trace) { |
| print('Error on input in testReadWriteStreamLargeFile'); |
| print('with error $error'); |
| if (trace != null) print("StackTrace: $trace"); |
| throw error; |
| }, onDone: () { |
| Expect.equals(expectedLength, position); |
| testPipe(file, buffer).then((_) { |
| asyncTestDone('testReadWriteStreamLargeFile: main test'); |
| }).catchError((error, trace) { |
| print('Exception while deleting ReadWriteStreamLargeFile file'); |
| print('Exception $error'); |
| if (trace != null) print("StackTrace: $trace"); |
| throw error; |
| }).whenComplete(completer.complete); |
| }); |
| return completer.future; |
| } |
| |
| return Future.forEach([lengthTest, contentTest], (test) => test()); |
| }) |
| .whenComplete(file.delete) |
| .whenComplete(() { |
| asyncTestDone('testReadWriteStreamLargeFile finished'); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static Future testPipe(File file, buffer) { |
| String outputFilename = '${file.path}_copy'; |
| File outputFile = new File(outputFilename); |
| var input = file.openRead(); |
| var output = outputFile.openWrite(); |
| Completer done = new Completer(); |
| input.cast<List<int>>().pipe(output).then((_) { |
| var copy = outputFile.openRead(); |
| int position = 0; |
| copy.listen((d) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { |
| Expect.equals(buffer[(position + i) % buffer.length], d[i]); |
| } |
| position += d.length; |
| }, onDone: () { |
| Expect.equals(2 * buffer.length, position); |
| outputFile.delete().then((ignore) { |
| done.complete(); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| return done.future; |
| } |
| |
| static void testRead() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| // Read a file and check part of it's contents. |
| String filename = getFilename("file_test.txt"); |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.read).then((RandomAccessFile file) { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| file.readInto(buffer, 0, 5).then((bytes_read) { |
| Expect.equals(5, bytes_read); |
| file.readInto(buffer, 5, 10).then((bytes_read) { |
| Expect.equals(5, bytes_read); |
| Expect.equals(47, buffer[0]); // represents '/' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(47, buffer[1]); // represents '/' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(32, buffer[2]); // represents ' ' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(67, buffer[3]); // represents 'C' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(111, buffer[4]); // represents 'o' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(112, buffer[5]); // represents 'p' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(121, buffer[6]); // represents 'y' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(114, buffer[7]); // represents 'r' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(105, buffer[8]); // represents 'i' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(103, buffer[9]); // represents 'g' in the file. |
| file.close().then((ignore) => asyncEnd()); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadSync() { |
| // Read a file and check part of it's contents. |
| String filename = getFilename("file_test.txt"); |
| RandomAccessFile raf = (new File(filename)).openSync(); |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(42); |
| int bytes_read = 0; |
| bytes_read = raf.readIntoSync(buffer, 0, 12); |
| Expect.equals(12, bytes_read); |
| bytes_read = raf.readIntoSync(buffer, 12, 42); |
| Expect.equals(30, bytes_read); |
| Expect.equals(47, buffer[0]); // represents '/' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(47, buffer[1]); // represents '/' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(32, buffer[2]); // represents ' ' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(67, buffer[3]); // represents 'C' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(111, buffer[4]); // represents 'o' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(112, buffer[5]); // represents 'p' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(121, buffer[6]); // represents 'y' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(114, buffer[7]); // represents 'r' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(105, buffer[8]); // represents 'i' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(103, buffer[9]); // represents 'g' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(104, buffer[10]); // represents 'h' in the file. |
| Expect.equals(116, buffer[11]); // represents 't' in the file. |
| raf.closeSync(); |
| |
| filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| int len = file.lengthSync(); |
| int read(int length) { |
| var f = file.openSync(); |
| int res = f.readSync(length).length; |
| f.closeSync(); |
| return res; |
| } |
| |
| Expect.equals(0, read(0)); |
| Expect.equals(1, read(1)); |
| Expect.equals(len - 1, read(len - 1)); |
| Expect.equals(len, read(len)); |
| Expect.equals(len, read(len + 1)); |
| Expect.equals(len, read(len * 2)); |
| Expect.equals(len, read(len * 10)); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file read and write functionality. |
| static void testReadWrite() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| // Read a file. |
| String inFilename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| final File file = new File(inFilename); |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.read).then((openedFile) { |
| List<int> buffer1 = new List<int>(42); |
| openedFile.readInto(buffer1, 0, 42).then((bytes_read) { |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes_read); |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| // Write the contents of the file just read into another file. |
| String outFilename = tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_write"; |
| final File file2 = new File(outFilename); |
| file2.create().then((ignore) { |
| file2.resolveSymbolicLinks().then((s) { |
| Expect.isTrue(new File(s).existsSync()); |
| if (s[0] != '/' && s[0] != '\\' && s[1] != ':') { |
| Expect.fail("Not a full path"); |
| } |
| file2.open(mode: FileMode.write).then((openedFile2) { |
| openedFile2.writeFrom(buffer1, 0, bytes_read).then((ignore) { |
| openedFile2.close().then((ignore) { |
| List<int> buffer2 = new List<int>(bytes_read); |
| final File file3 = new File(outFilename); |
| file3.open(mode: FileMode.read).then((openedFile3) { |
| openedFile3.readInto(buffer2, 0, 42).then((bytes_read) { |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes_read); |
| openedFile3.close().then((ignore) { |
| // Now compare the two buffers to check if they |
| // are identical. |
| Expect.equals(buffer1.length, buffer2.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < buffer1.length; i++) { |
| Expect.equals(buffer1[i], buffer2[i]); |
| } |
| // Delete the output file. |
| final file4 = file3; |
| file4.delete().then((ignore) { |
| file4.exists().then((exists) { |
| Expect.isFalse(exists); |
| asyncTestDone("testReadWrite"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWriteAppend() { |
| String content = "foobar"; |
| String filename = tempDirectory.path + "/write_append"; |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| file.createSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(new File(filename).existsSync()); |
| List<int> buffer = content.codeUnits; |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 0, buffer.length); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| // Reopen the file in write mode to ensure that we overwrite the content. |
| openedFile = (new File(filename)).openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 0, buffer.length); |
| Expect.equals(content.length, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| // Open the file in append mode and ensure that we do not overwrite |
| // the existing content. |
| openedFile = (new File(filename)).openSync(mode: FileMode.append); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 2, buffer.length - 2); |
| Expect.equals(content.length + content.length - 4, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| Expect.equals(content + content.substring(2, content.length - 2), |
| file.readAsStringSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testOutputStreamWriteAppend() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| String content = "foobar"; |
| String filename = tempDirectory.path + "/outstream_write_append"; |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| file.createSync(); |
| List<int> buffer = content.codeUnits; |
| var output = file.openWrite(); |
| output.add(buffer); |
| output.close(); |
| output.done.then((_) { |
| File file2 = new File(filename); |
| var appendingOutput = file2.openWrite(mode: FileMode.append); |
| appendingOutput.add(buffer); |
| appendingOutput.close(); |
| appendingOutput.done.then((_) { |
| File file3 = new File(filename); |
| file3.open(mode: FileMode.read).then((RandomAccessFile openedFile) { |
| openedFile.length().then((int length) { |
| Expect.equals(content.length * 2, length); |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| file3.delete().then((ignore) { |
| asyncTestDone("testOutputStreamWriteAppend"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file read and write functionality. |
| static void testOutputStreamWriteString() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| String content = "foobar"; |
| String filename = tempDirectory.path + "/outstream_write_string"; |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| file.createSync(); |
| List<int> buffer = content.codeUnits; |
| var output = file.openWrite(); |
| output.write("abcdABCD"); |
| output.encoding = utf8; |
| output.write("abcdABCD"); |
| output.encoding = latin1; |
| output.write("abcdABCD"); |
| output.encoding = ascii; |
| output.write("abcdABCD"); |
| output.encoding = utf8; |
| output.write("æøå"); |
| output.close(); |
| output.done.then((_) { |
| RandomAccessFile raf = file.openSync(); |
| Expect.equals(38, raf.lengthSync()); |
| raf.close().then((ignore) { |
| asyncTestDone("testOutputStreamWriteString"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadWriteSync() { |
| // Read a file. |
| String inFilename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| RandomAccessFile file = (new File(inFilename)).openSync(); |
| List<int> buffer1 = new List<int>(42); |
| int bytes_read = 0; |
| int bytes_written = 0; |
| bytes_read = file.readIntoSync(buffer1, 0, 42); |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes_read); |
| file.closeSync(); |
| // Write the contents of the file just read into another file. |
| String outFilename = tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_write_sync"; |
| File outFile = new File(outFilename); |
| outFile.createSync(); |
| String path = outFile.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); |
| if (path[0] != '/' && path[0] != '\\' && path[1] != ':') { |
| Expect.fail("Not a full path"); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(new File(path).existsSync()); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = outFile.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer1, 0, bytes_read); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| // Now read the contents of the file just written. |
| List<int> buffer2 = new List<int>(bytes_read); |
| openedFile = (new File(outFilename)).openSync(); |
| bytes_read = openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer2, 0, 42); |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes_read); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| // Now compare the two buffers to check if they are identical. |
| Expect.equals(buffer1.length, buffer2.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < buffer1.length; i++) { |
| Expect.equals(buffer1[i], buffer2[i]); |
| } |
| // Delete the output file. |
| outFile.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(outFile.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadWriteNoArgsSync() { |
| // Read a file. |
| String inFilename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| RandomAccessFile file = (new File(inFilename)).openSync(); |
| List<int> buffer1 = new List<int>(42); |
| int bytes_read = 0; |
| int bytes_written = 0; |
| bytes_read = file.readIntoSync(buffer1); |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes_read); |
| file.closeSync(); |
| // Write the contents of the file just read into another file. |
| String outFilename = tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_write_sync"; |
| File outFile = new File(outFilename); |
| outFile.createSync(); |
| String path = outFile.resolveSymbolicLinksSync(); |
| if (path[0] != '/' && path[0] != '\\' && path[1] != ':') { |
| Expect.fail("Not a full path"); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(new File(path).existsSync()); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = outFile.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer1); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| // Now read the contents of the file just written. |
| List<int> buffer2 = new List<int>(bytes_read); |
| openedFile = (new File(outFilename)).openSync(); |
| bytes_read = openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer2, 0); |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes_read); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| // Now compare the two buffers to check if they are identical. |
| Expect.equals(buffer1.length, buffer2.length); |
| for (int i = 0; i < buffer1.length; i++) { |
| Expect.equals(buffer1[i], buffer2[i]); |
| } |
| // Delete the output file. |
| outFile.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(outFile.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadEmptyFileSync() { |
| String fileName = tempDirectory.path + "/empty_file_sync"; |
| File file = new File(fileName); |
| file.createSync(); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = file.openSync(); |
| Expect.equals(-1, openedFile.readByteSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadEmptyFile() { |
| String fileName = tempDirectory.path + "/empty_file"; |
| File file = new File(fileName); |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| file.create().then((ignore) { |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.read).then((RandomAccessFile openedFile) { |
| var readByteFuture = openedFile.readByte(); |
| readByteFuture.then((int byte) { |
| Expect.equals(-1, byte); |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| asyncTestDone("testReadEmptyFile"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file write of different types of lists. |
| static void testWriteVariousLists() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| final String fileName = "${tempDirectory.path}/testWriteVariousLists"; |
| final File file = new File(fileName); |
| file.create().then((ignore) { |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.write).then((RandomAccessFile openedFile) { |
| // Write bytes from 0 to 7. |
| openedFile.writeFromSync([0], 0, 1); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(const [1], 0, 1); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(new MyListOfOneElement(2), 0, 1); |
| var x = -259; |
| var y = 0; |
| openedFile.writeFromSync([y - x], 0, 1); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync([260], 0, 1); // 260 = 256 + 4 = 0x104. |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(const [261], 0, 1); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(new MyListOfOneElement(262), 0, 1); |
| x = 0; |
| y = 263; |
| openedFile.writeFrom([y - x], 0, 1).then((ignore) { |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| // Check the written bytes. |
| final File file2 = new File(fileName); |
| var openedFile2 = file2.openSync(); |
| var length = openedFile2.lengthSync(); |
| Expect.equals(8, length); |
| var data = new List<int>(length); |
| openedFile2.readIntoSync(data, 0, length); |
| for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
| Expect.equals(i, data[i]); |
| } |
| openedFile2.closeSync(); |
| file2.deleteSync(); |
| asyncTestDone("testWriteVariousLists"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWriteFromOffset() { |
| Directory tmp; |
| RandomAccessFile raf; |
| try { |
| tmp = tempDirectory.createTempSync('write_from_offset_test_'); |
| File f = new File('${tmp.path}/file')..createSync(); |
| f.writeAsStringSync('pre-existing content\n', flush: true); |
| raf = f.openSync(mode: FileMode.append); |
| String truth = "Hello world"; |
| raf.writeFromSync(utf8.encode('Hello world'), 2, 5); |
| raf.flushSync(); |
| Expect.equals(f.readAsStringSync(), 'pre-existing content\nllo'); |
| } finally { |
| if (raf != null) { |
| raf.closeSync(); |
| } |
| if (tmp != null) { |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testDirectory() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var tempDir = tempDirectory.path; |
| var file = new File("${tempDir}/testDirectory"); |
| file.create().then((ignore) { |
| Directory d = file.parent; |
| d.exists().then((xexists) { |
| Expect.isTrue(xexists); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.path.endsWith(tempDir)); |
| file.delete().then((ignore) => asyncTestDone("testDirectory")); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDirectorySync() { |
| var tempDir = tempDirectory.path; |
| var file = new File("${tempDir}/testDirectorySync"); |
| // Non-existing file still provides the directory. |
| Expect.equals("${tempDir}", file.parent.path); |
| file.createSync(); |
| // Check that the path of the returned directory is the temp directory. |
| Directory d = file.parent; |
| Expect.isTrue(d.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(d.path.endsWith(tempDir)); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| // The directory getter does not care about file or type of file |
| // system entity. |
| Expect.equals("${tempDir}", file.parent.path); |
| file = new File("foo"); |
| Expect.equals(".", file.parent.path); |
| file = new File("."); |
| Expect.equals(".", file.parent.path); |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file length functionality. |
| static void testLength() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = file.openSync(); |
| openedFile.length().then((length) { |
| Expect.equals(42, length); |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) => asyncTestDone("testLength")); |
| }); |
| file.length().then((length) { |
| Expect.equals(42, length); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLengthSync() { |
| String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| File file = new File(filename); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = file.openSync(); |
| Expect.equals(42, file.lengthSync()); |
| Expect.equals(42, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLengthSyncDirectory() { |
| Directory tmp = tempDirectory.createTempSync('file_length_test_'); |
| String dirPath = '${tmp.path}/dir'; |
| new Directory(dirPath).createSync(); |
| try { |
| new File(dirPath).lengthSync(); |
| Expect.fail('Expected operation to throw'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (e is! FileSystemException) { |
| print(e); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| } finally { |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test for file position functionality. |
| static void testPosition() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| RandomAccessFile input = (new File(filename)).openSync(); |
| input.position().then((position) { |
| Expect.equals(0, position); |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(100); |
| input.readInto(buffer, 0, 12).then((bytes_read) { |
| input.position().then((position) { |
| Expect.equals(12, position); |
| input.readInto(buffer, 12, 18).then((bytes_read) { |
| input.position().then((position) { |
| Expect.equals(18, position); |
| input.setPosition(8).then((ignore) { |
| input.position().then((position) { |
| Expect.equals(8, position); |
| input.close().then((ignore) => asyncTestDone("testPosition")); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testPositionSync() { |
| String filename = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| RandomAccessFile input = (new File(filename)).openSync(); |
| Expect.equals(0, input.positionSync()); |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(100); |
| input.readIntoSync(buffer, 0, 12); |
| Expect.equals(12, input.positionSync()); |
| input.readIntoSync(buffer, 12, 18); |
| Expect.equals(18, input.positionSync()); |
| input.setPositionSync(8); |
| Expect.equals(8, input.positionSync()); |
| input.closeSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testTruncate() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_truncate"); |
| List<int> buffer = const [65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65]; |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.write).then((RandomAccessFile openedFile) { |
| openedFile.writeFrom(buffer, 0, 10).then((ignore) { |
| openedFile.length().then((length) { |
| Expect.equals(10, length); |
| openedFile.truncate(5).then((ignore) { |
| openedFile.length().then((length) { |
| Expect.equals(5, length); |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| file.delete().then((ignore) { |
| file.exists().then((exists) { |
| Expect.isFalse(exists); |
| asyncTestDone("testTruncate"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testTruncateSync() { |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_truncate_sync"); |
| List<int> buffer = const [65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65, 65]; |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 0, 10); |
| Expect.equals(10, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.truncateSync(5); |
| Expect.equals(5, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| bool exceptionCaught = false; |
| bool wrongExceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| openedFile.truncateSync(-5); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(file.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static testReadInto() async { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_into"); |
| |
| var openedFile = await file.open(mode: FileMode.write); |
| await openedFile.writeFrom(const [1, 2, 3]); |
| |
| await openedFile.setPosition(0); |
| var list = <int>[null, null, null]; |
| Expect.equals(3, await openedFile.readInto(list)); |
| Expect.listEquals([1, 2, 3], list); |
| |
| read(int start, int end, int length, List<int> expected) async { |
| var list = <int>[null, null, null]; |
| await openedFile.setPosition(0); |
| Expect.equals(length, await openedFile.readInto(list, start, end)); |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, list); |
| return list; |
| } |
| |
| await read(0, 3, 3, [1, 2, 3]); |
| await read(0, 2, 2, [1, 2, null]); |
| await read(1, 2, 1, [null, 1, null]); |
| await read(1, 3, 2, [null, 1, 2]); |
| await read(2, 3, 1, [null, null, 1]); |
| await read(0, 0, 0, [null, null, null]); |
| |
| await openedFile.close(); |
| |
| asyncTestDone("testReadInto"); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadIntoSync() { |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_read_into_sync"); |
| |
| var openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(const [1, 2, 3]); |
| |
| openedFile.setPositionSync(0); |
| var list = <int>[null, null, null]; |
| Expect.equals(3, openedFile.readIntoSync(list)); |
| Expect.listEquals([1, 2, 3], list); |
| |
| read(start, end, length, expected) { |
| var list = <int>[null, null, null]; |
| openedFile.setPositionSync(0); |
| Expect.equals(length, openedFile.readIntoSync(list, start, end)); |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, list); |
| return list; |
| } |
| |
| read(0, 3, 3, [1, 2, 3]); |
| read(0, 2, 2, [1, 2, null]); |
| read(1, 2, 1, [null, 1, null]); |
| read(1, 3, 2, [null, 1, 2]); |
| read(2, 3, 1, [null, null, 1]); |
| read(0, 0, 0, [null, null, null]); |
| |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static testWriteFrom() async { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_write_from"); |
| |
| var buffer = const [1, 2, 3]; |
| var openedFile = await file.open(mode: FileMode.write); |
| |
| await openedFile.writeFrom(buffer); |
| var result = []..addAll(buffer); |
| ; |
| |
| write([start, end]) async { |
| var returnValue = await openedFile.writeFrom(buffer, start, end); |
| Expect.identical(openedFile, returnValue); |
| result.addAll(buffer.sublist(start, end)); |
| } |
| |
| await write(0, 3); |
| await write(0, 2); |
| await write(1, 2); |
| await write(1, 3); |
| await write(2, 3); |
| await write(0, 0); |
| |
| var bytesFromFile = await file.readAsBytes(); |
| Expect.listEquals(result, bytesFromFile); |
| |
| await openedFile.close(); |
| |
| asyncTestDone("testWriteFrom"); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWriteFromSync() { |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_write_from_sync"); |
| |
| var buffer = const [1, 2, 3]; |
| var openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer); |
| var result = []..addAll(buffer); |
| ; |
| |
| write([start, end]) { |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, start, end); |
| result.addAll(buffer.sublist(start, end)); |
| } |
| |
| write(0, 3); |
| write(0, 2); |
| write(1, 2); |
| write(1, 3); |
| write(2, 3); |
| |
| var bytesFromFile = file.readAsBytesSync(); |
| Expect.listEquals(result, bytesFromFile); |
| |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests exception handling after file was closed. |
| static void testCloseException() { |
| bool exceptionCaught = false; |
| bool wrongExceptionCaught = false; |
| File input = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_close_exception"); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = input.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| try { |
| openedFile.readByteSync(); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| openedFile.writeByteSync(1); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| openedFile.writeStringSync("Test"); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(100); |
| openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer, 0, 10); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(100); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 0, 10); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| openedFile.positionSync(); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| openedFile.lengthSync(); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| openedFile.flushSync(); |
| } on FileSystemException catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| input.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests stream exception handling after file was closed. |
| static void testCloseExceptionStream() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(42); |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_close_exception_stream"); |
| file.createSync(); |
| var output = file.openWrite(); |
| output.close(); |
| Expect.throws(() { |
| output.add(buffer); |
| }); |
| output.done.then((_) { |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| asyncTestDone("testCloseExceptionStream"); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests buffer out of bounds exception. |
| static void testBufferOutOfBoundsException() { |
| bool exceptionCaught = false; |
| bool wrongExceptionCaught = false; |
| File file = new File(tempDirectory.path + "/out_buffer_out_of_bounds"); |
| RandomAccessFile openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer, 0, 12); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer, 6, 12); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer, -1, 1); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.readIntoSync(buffer, 0, -1); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 0, 12); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 6, 12); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, -1, 1); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| exceptionCaught = false; |
| try { |
| List<int> buffer = new List<int>(10); |
| openedFile.writeFromSync(buffer, 0, -1); |
| } on RangeError catch (ex) { |
| exceptionCaught = true; |
| } on Exception catch (ex) { |
| wrongExceptionCaught = true; |
| } |
| Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaught); |
| Expect.equals(true, !wrongExceptionCaught); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| |
| static void testOpenDirectoryAsFile() { |
| var f = new File('.'); |
| var future = f.open(mode: FileMode.read); |
| future |
| .then((r) => Expect.fail('Directory opened as file')) |
| .catchError((e) {}); |
| } |
| |
| static void testOpenDirectoryAsFileSync() { |
| var f = new File('.'); |
| try { |
| f.openSync(); |
| Expect.fail("Expected exception opening directory as file"); |
| } catch (e) { |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsBytes() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var name = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| var f = new File(name); |
| f.readAsBytes().then((bytes) { |
| Expect.isTrue(new String.fromCharCodes(bytes).endsWith("42 bytes.")); |
| Expect.equals(42, bytes.length); |
| asyncTestDone("testReadAsBytes"); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsBytesEmptyFile() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var name = getFilename("empty_file"); |
| var f = new File(name); |
| f.readAsBytes().then((bytes) { |
| Expect.equals(0, bytes.length); |
| asyncTestDone("testReadAsBytesEmptyFile"); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsBytesSync() { |
| var name = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| var bytes = new File(name).readAsBytesSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(new String.fromCharCodes(bytes).endsWith("42 bytes.")); |
| Expect.equals(bytes.length, 42); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsBytesSyncEmptyFile() { |
| var name = getFilename("empty_file"); |
| var bytes = new File(name).readAsBytesSync(); |
| Expect.equals(bytes.length, 0); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsText() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var name = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| var f = new File(name); |
| f.readAsString(encoding: utf8).then((text) { |
| Expect.isTrue(text.endsWith("42 bytes.")); |
| Expect.equals(42, text.length); |
| var name = getFilename("read_as_text.dat"); |
| var f = new File(name); |
| f.readAsString(encoding: utf8).then((text) { |
| Expect.equals(6, text.length); |
| var expected = [955, 120, 46, 32, 120, 10]; |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, text.codeUnits); |
| f.readAsString(encoding: latin1).then((text) { |
| Expect.equals(7, text.length); |
| var expected = [206, 187, 120, 46, 32, 120, 10]; |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, text.codeUnits); |
| var readAsStringFuture = f.readAsString(encoding: ascii); |
| readAsStringFuture.then((text) { |
| Expect.fail("Non-ascii char should cause error"); |
| }).catchError((e) { |
| asyncTestDone("testReadAsText"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsTextEmptyFile() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var name = getFilename("empty_file"); |
| var f = new File(name); |
| f.readAsString(encoding: utf8).then((text) { |
| Expect.equals(0, text.length); |
| asyncTestDone("testReadAsTextEmptyFile"); |
| return true; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsTextSync() { |
| var name = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| var text = new File(name).readAsStringSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(text.endsWith("42 bytes.")); |
| Expect.equals(42, text.length); |
| name = getFilename("read_as_text.dat"); |
| text = new File(name).readAsStringSync(); |
| Expect.equals(6, text.length); |
| var expected = [955, 120, 46, 32, 120, 10]; |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, text.codeUnits); |
| // First character is not ASCII. The default ASCII decoder will throw. |
| Expect.throws(() => new File(name).readAsStringSync(encoding: ascii), |
| (e) => e is FileSystemException); |
| // We can use an ASCII decoder that inserts the replacement character. |
| var lenientAscii = const AsciiCodec(allowInvalid: true); |
| text = new File(name).readAsStringSync(encoding: lenientAscii); |
| // Default replacement character is the Unicode replacement character. |
| expected = [ |
| unicodeReplacementCharacterRune, |
| unicodeReplacementCharacterRune, |
| 120, |
| 46, |
| 32, |
| 120, |
| 10 |
| ]; |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, text.codeUnits); |
| text = new File(name).readAsStringSync(encoding: latin1); |
| expected = [206, 187, 120, 46, 32, 120, 10]; |
| Expect.equals(7, text.length); |
| Expect.listEquals(expected, text.codeUnits); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsTextSyncEmptyFile() { |
| var name = getFilename("empty_file"); |
| var text = new File(name).readAsStringSync(); |
| Expect.equals(0, text.length); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsLines() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var name = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| var f = new File(name); |
| f.readAsLines(encoding: utf8).then((lines) { |
| Expect.equals(1, lines.length); |
| var line = lines[0]; |
| Expect.isTrue(line.endsWith("42 bytes.")); |
| Expect.equals(42, line.length); |
| asyncTestDone("testReadAsLines"); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsLinesSync() { |
| var name = getFilename("fixed_length_file"); |
| var lines = new File(name).readAsLinesSync(); |
| Expect.equals(1, lines.length); |
| var line = lines[0]; |
| Expect.isTrue(line.endsWith("42 bytes.")); |
| Expect.equals(42, line.length); |
| name = getFilename("readline_test1.dat"); |
| lines = new File(name).readAsLinesSync(); |
| Expect.equals(10, lines.length); |
| } |
| |
| static void testReadAsErrors() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var f = new File('.'); |
| Expect.throws(f.readAsBytesSync, (e) => e is FileSystemException); |
| Expect.throws(f.readAsStringSync, (e) => e is FileSystemException); |
| Expect.throws(f.readAsLinesSync, (e) => e is FileSystemException); |
| var readAsBytesFuture = f.readAsBytes(); |
| readAsBytesFuture |
| .then((bytes) => Expect.fail("no bytes expected")) |
| .catchError((e) { |
| var readAsStringFuture = f.readAsString(encoding: utf8); |
| readAsStringFuture |
| .then((text) => Expect.fail("no text expected")) |
| .catchError((e) { |
| var readAsLinesFuture = f.readAsLines(encoding: utf8); |
| readAsLinesFuture |
| .then((lines) => Expect.fail("no lines expected")) |
| .catchError((e) { |
| asyncTestDone("testReadAsLines"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLastModified() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| new File(Platform.executable).lastModified().then((modified) { |
| Expect.isTrue(modified is DateTime); |
| Expect.isTrue(modified.isBefore(new DateTime.now())); |
| asyncTestDone("testLastModified"); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLastAccessed() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| new File(Platform.executable).lastAccessed().then((accessed) { |
| Expect.isTrue(accessed is DateTime); |
| Expect.isTrue(accessed.isBefore(new DateTime.now())); |
| asyncTestDone("testLastAccessed"); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testDoubleAsyncOperation() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var file = new File(Platform.executable).openSync(); |
| var completer = new Completer(); |
| int done = 0; |
| bool error = false; |
| void getLength() { |
| file.length().catchError((e) { |
| error = true; |
| }).whenComplete(() { |
| if (++done == 2) { |
| asyncTestDone("testDoubleAsyncOperation"); |
| Expect.isTrue(error); |
| file.lengthSync(); |
| file.closeSync(); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| getLength(); |
| getLength(); |
| Expect.throws(() => file.lengthSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLastModifiedSync() { |
| var modified = new File(Platform.executable).lastModifiedSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(modified is DateTime); |
| Expect.isTrue(modified.isBefore(new DateTime.now())); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLastAccessedSync() { |
| var accessed = new File(Platform.executable).lastAccessedSync(); |
| Expect.isTrue(accessed is DateTime); |
| Expect.isTrue(accessed.isBefore(new DateTime.now())); |
| } |
| |
| static void testLastModifiedSyncDirectory() { |
| Directory tmp = tempDirectory.createTempSync('file_last_modified_test_'); |
| String dirPath = '${tmp.path}/dir'; |
| new Directory(dirPath).createSync(); |
| try { |
| new File(dirPath).lastModifiedSync(); |
| Expect.fail('Expected operation to throw'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (e is! FileSystemException) { |
| print(e); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| } finally { |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testLastAccessedSyncDirectory() { |
| Directory tmp = tempDirectory.createTempSync('file_last_accessed_test_'); |
| String dirPath = '${tmp.path}/dir'; |
| new Directory(dirPath).createSync(); |
| try { |
| new File(dirPath).lastAccessedSync(); |
| Expect.fail('Expected operation to throw'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (e is! FileSystemException) { |
| print(e); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| } finally { |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testSetLastModifiedSync() { |
| String newFilePath = '${tempDirectory.path}/set_last_modified_sync_test'; |
| File file = new File(newFilePath); |
| file.createSync(); |
| DateTime modifiedTime = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1); |
| file.setLastModifiedSync(modifiedTime); |
| FileStat stat = file.statSync(); |
| Expect.equals(2016, stat.modified.year); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.modified.month); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.modified.day); |
| } |
| |
| static testSetLastModified() async { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| String newFilePath = '${tempDirectory.path}/set_last_modified_test'; |
| File file = new File(newFilePath); |
| file.createSync(); |
| DateTime modifiedTime = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1); |
| await file.setLastModified(modifiedTime); |
| FileStat stat = await file.stat(); |
| Expect.equals(2016, stat.modified.year); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.modified.month); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.modified.day); |
| asyncTestDone("testSetLastModified"); |
| } |
| |
| static void testSetLastModifiedSyncDirectory() { |
| Directory tmp = tempDirectory.createTempSync('file_last_modified_test_'); |
| String dirPath = '${tmp.path}/dir'; |
| new Directory(dirPath).createSync(); |
| try { |
| DateTime modifiedTime = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1); |
| new File(dirPath).setLastModifiedSync(modifiedTime); |
| Expect.fail('Expected operation to throw'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (e is! FileSystemException) { |
| print(e); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| } finally { |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void testSetLastAccessedSync() { |
| String newFilePath = '${tempDirectory.path}/set_last_accessed_sync_test'; |
| File file = new File(newFilePath); |
| file.createSync(); |
| DateTime accessedTime = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1); |
| file.setLastAccessedSync(accessedTime); |
| FileStat stat = file.statSync(); |
| Expect.equals(2016, stat.accessed.year); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.accessed.month); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.accessed.day); |
| } |
| |
| static testSetLastAccessed() async { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| String newFilePath = '${tempDirectory.path}/set_last_accessed_test'; |
| File file = new File(newFilePath); |
| file.createSync(); |
| DateTime accessedTime = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1); |
| await file.setLastAccessed(accessedTime); |
| FileStat stat = await file.stat(); |
| Expect.equals(2016, stat.accessed.year); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.accessed.month); |
| Expect.equals(1, stat.accessed.day); |
| asyncTestDone("testSetLastAccessed"); |
| } |
| |
| static void testSetLastAccessedSyncDirectory() { |
| Directory tmp = tempDirectory.createTempSync('file_last_accessed_test_'); |
| String dirPath = '${tmp.path}/dir'; |
| new Directory(dirPath).createSync(); |
| try { |
| DateTime accessedTime = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1); |
| new File(dirPath).setLastAccessedSync(accessedTime); |
| Expect.fail('Expected operation to throw'); |
| } catch (e) { |
| if (e is! FileSystemException) { |
| print(e); |
| } |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| } finally { |
| tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Test that opens the same file for writing then for appending to test |
| // that the file is not truncated when opened for appending. |
| static void testAppend() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var file = new File('${tempDirectory.path}/out_append'); |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.write).then((openedFile) { |
| openedFile.writeString("asdf").then((ignore) { |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.append).then((openedFile) { |
| openedFile.length().then((length) { |
| Expect.equals(4, length); |
| openedFile.writeString("asdf").then((ignore) { |
| openedFile.length().then((length) { |
| Expect.equals(8, length); |
| openedFile.close().then((ignore) { |
| file.delete().then((ignore) { |
| file.exists().then((exists) { |
| Expect.isFalse(exists); |
| asyncTestDone("testAppend"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testAppendSync() { |
| var file = new File('${tempDirectory.path}/out_append_sync'); |
| var openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeStringSync("asdf"); |
| Expect.equals(4, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.setPositionSync(4); |
| openedFile.writeStringSync("asdf"); |
| Expect.equals(8, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(file.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWriteStringUtf8() { |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| var file = new File('${tempDirectory.path}/out_write_string'); |
| var string = new String.fromCharCodes([0x192]); |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.write).then((openedFile) { |
| openedFile.writeString(string).then((_) { |
| openedFile.length().then((l) { |
| Expect.equals(2, l); |
| openedFile.close().then((_) { |
| file.open(mode: FileMode.append).then((openedFile) { |
| openedFile.setPosition(2).then((_) { |
| openedFile.writeString(string).then((_) { |
| openedFile.length().then((l) { |
| Expect.equals(4, l); |
| openedFile.close().then((_) { |
| file.readAsString().then((readBack) { |
| Expect.stringEquals(readBack, '$string$string'); |
| file.delete().then((_) { |
| file.exists().then((e) { |
| Expect.isFalse(e); |
| asyncTestDone("testWriteStringUtf8"); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testWriteStringUtf8Sync() { |
| var file = new File('${tempDirectory.path}/out_write_string_sync'); |
| var string = new String.fromCharCodes([0x192]); |
| var openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.write); |
| openedFile.writeStringSync(string); |
| Expect.equals(2, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| openedFile = file.openSync(mode: FileMode.append); |
| openedFile.setPositionSync(2); |
| openedFile.writeStringSync(string); |
| Expect.equals(4, openedFile.lengthSync()); |
| openedFile.closeSync(); |
| var readBack = file.readAsStringSync(); |
| Expect.stringEquals(readBack, '$string$string'); |
| file.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(file.existsSync()); |
| } |
| |
| static void testRename({bool targetExists}) { |
| lift(Function f) => (futureValue) => futureValue.then((value) => f(value)); |
| asyncTestStarted(); |
| |
| String source = join(tempDirectory.path, 'rename_${targetExists}_source'); |
| String dest = join(tempDirectory.path, 'rename_${targetExists}_dest'); |
| var file = new File(source); |
| var newfile = new File(dest); |
| file |
| .create() |
| .then((_) => targetExists ? newfile.create() : null) |
| .then((_) => file.rename(dest)) |
| .then((_) => lift(Expect.isFalse)(file.exists())) |
| .then((_) => lift(Expect.isTrue)(newfile.exists())) |
| .then((_) => newfile.delete()) |
| .then((_) => lift(Expect.isFalse)(newfile.exists())) |
| .then((_) { |
| if (Platform.operatingSystem != "windows") { |
| new Link(source).create(dest).then((_) => file.rename("xxx")).then((_) { |
| throw "Rename of broken link succeeded"; |
| }).catchError((e) { |
| Expect.isTrue(e is FileSystemException); |
| asyncTestDone("testRename$targetExists"); |
| }); |
| } else { |
| asyncTestDone("testRename$targetExists"); |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static void testRenameSync({bool targetExists}) { |
| String source = join(tempDirectory.path, 'rename_source'); |
| String dest = join(tempDirectory.path, 'rename_dest'); |
| var file = new File(source); |
| var newfile = new File(dest); |
| file.createSync(); |
| if (targetExists) { |
| newfile.createSync(); |
| } |
| var result = file.renameSync(dest); |
| Expect.isFalse(file.existsSync()); |
| Expect.isTrue(newfile.existsSync()); |
| Expect.equals(result.path, newfile.path); |
| newfile.deleteSync(); |
| Expect.isFalse(newfile.existsSync()); |
| if (Platform.operatingSystem != "windows") { |
| var brokenLink = new Link(source); |
| brokenLink.createSync(dest); |
| Expect.throws(() => file.renameSync('xxx')); |
| brokenLink.deleteSync(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static String getFilename(String path) { |
| return Platform.script.resolve(path).toFilePath(); |
| } |
| |
| // Main test entrypoint. |
| static testMain() { |
| asyncStart(); |
| |
| testRead(); |
| testReadSync(); |
| testReadStream(); |
| testLengthSync(); |
| testPositionSync(); |
| testOpenDirectoryAsFile(); |
| testOpenDirectoryAsFileSync(); |
| testReadAsBytesSync(); |
| testReadAsBytesSyncEmptyFile(); |
| testReadAsTextSync(); |
| testReadAsTextSyncEmptyFile(); |
| testReadAsLinesSync(); |
| testLastModifiedSync(); |
| testLastAccessedSync(); |
| |
| createTempDirectory(() { |
| testLength(); |
| testLengthSyncDirectory(); |
| testReadWrite(); |
| testReadWriteSync(); |
| testReadWriteNoArgsSync(); |
| testReadWriteStream(); |
| testReadEmptyFileSync(); |
| testReadEmptyFile(); |
| testReadWriteStreamLargeFile(); |
| testReadAsBytes(); |
| testReadAsBytesEmptyFile(); |
| testReadAsText(); |
| testReadAsTextEmptyFile(); |
| testReadAsLines(); |
| testReadAsErrors(); |
| testPosition(); |
| testTruncate(); |
| testTruncateSync(); |
| testReadInto(); |
| testReadIntoSync(); |
| testWriteFrom(); |
| testWriteFromSync(); |
| testCloseException(); |
| testCloseExceptionStream(); |
| testBufferOutOfBoundsException(); |
| testAppend(); |
| testAppendSync(); |
| testWriteAppend(); |
| testOutputStreamWriteAppend(); |
| testOutputStreamWriteString(); |
| testWriteVariousLists(); |
| testWriteFromOffset(); |
| testDirectory(); |
| testDirectorySync(); |
| testWriteStringUtf8(); |
| testWriteStringUtf8Sync(); |
| testRename(targetExists: false); |
| testRenameSync(targetExists: false); |
| testRename(targetExists: true); |
| testRenameSync(targetExists: true); |
| testLastModified(); |
| testLastAccessed(); |
| testLastModifiedSyncDirectory(); |
| testLastAccessedSyncDirectory(); |
| testSetLastModified(); |
| testSetLastModifiedSync(); |
| testSetLastModifiedSyncDirectory(); |
| testSetLastAccessed(); |
| testSetLastAccessedSync(); |
| testSetLastAccessedSyncDirectory(); |
| testDoubleAsyncOperation(); |
| asyncEnd(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| main() { |
| FileTest.testMain(); |
| } |