blob: a29b60746ff5289d0a766b5a11cb5e26719ef991 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
// Typed as dynamic to also test spreading a value of type dynamic.
const dynamic list = [1, 2, 3, 4];
const dynamic map = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4};
const dynamic set = {1, 2, 3, 4};
void main() {
void testList() {
// Only spread.
Expect.identical(list, const <int>[...list]);
Expect.identical(list, const <int>[...set]);
// Spread at beginning.
Expect.identical(list, const <int>[...<int>[1, 2], 3, 4]);
// Spread in middle.
Expect.identical(list, const <int>[1, ...<int>[2, 3], 4]);
// Spread at end.
Expect.identical(list, const <int>[1, 2, ...<int>[3, 4]]);
// Empty spreads.
const <int>[...<int>[], 1, 2, ...<int>[], 3, 4, ...<int>[]]);
// Multiple spreads.
const <int>[...<int>[1], 2, ...<int>[3, 4]]);
// Nested spreads.
const <int>[...<int>[...<int>[1, 2], ...<int>[3, 4]]]);
// Null-aware.
const <int>[1, ...?<int>[2, 3], ...?(null), ...?<int>[4]]);
// Does not deep flatten.
const <Object>[1, 2, <int>[3], 4],
const <Object>[1, ...<Object>[2, <int>[3], 4]]);
// Establishes const context.
Expect.identical(const <Symbol>[Symbol("sym")],
const <Symbol>[...<Symbol>[Symbol("sym")]]);
void testMap() {
// Only spread.
Expect.identical(map, const <int, int>{});
// Spread at beginning.
const <int, int>{...<int, int>{1: 1, 2: 2}, 3: 3, 4: 4});
// Spread in middle.
const <int, int>{1: 1, ...<int, int>{2: 2, 3: 3}, 4: 4});
// Spread at end.
const <int, int>{1: 1, 2: 2, ...<int, int>{3: 3, 4: 4}});
// Empty spreads.
Expect.identical(map, const <int, int>{
...<int, int>{},
1: 1,
2: 2,
...<int, int>{},
3: 3,
4: 4,
...<int, int>{}
// Multiple spreads.
const <int, int>{...<int, int>{1: 1}, 2: 2, ...<int, int>{3: 3, 4: 4}});
// Nested spreads.
Expect.identical(map, const <int, int>{
...<int, int>{
...<int, int>{1: 1, 2: 2},
...<int, int>{3: 3, 4: 4}
// Null-aware.
Expect.identical(map, const <int, int>{
1: 1,
...?<int, int>{2: 2, 3: 3},
...?<int, int>{4: 4}
// Does not deep flatten.
Expect.identical(const <int, Object>{
1: 1,
2: 2,
3: <int, int>{3: 3},
4: 4
}, const <int, Object>{
1: 1,
...<int, Object>{
2: 2,
3: <int, int>{3: 3},
4: 4
// Establishes const context.
Expect.identical(const <Symbol, Symbol>{
Symbol("sym"): Symbol("bol")
}, const <Symbol, Symbol>{
...<Symbol, Symbol>{Symbol("sym"): Symbol("bol")}
void testSet() {
// Only spread.
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{...set});
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{...list});
// Spread at beginning.
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{...<int>[1, 2], 3, 4});
// Spread in middle.
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{1, ...<int>[2, 3], 4});
// Spread at end.
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{1, 2, ...<int>[3, 4]});
// Empty spreads.
const <int>{...<int>[], 1, 2, ...<int>[], 3, 4, ...<int>[]});
// Multiple spreads.
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{...<int>[1], 2, ...<int>[3, 4]});
// Nested spreads.
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{...<int>{...<int>[1, 2], ...<int>[3, 4]}});
// Null-aware.
const <int>{1, ...?<int>[2, 3], ...?(null), ...?<int>[4]});
// Does not deep flatten.
Expect.identical(const <Object>{1, 2, <int>{3}, 4},
const <Object>{1, ...<Object>{2, <int>{3}, 4}});
// Establishes const context.
Expect.identical(const <Symbol>{Symbol("sym")},
const <Symbol>{...<Symbol>{Symbol("sym")}});
void testKeyOrder() {
// Canonicalization isn't affected by which elements are spread.
const <int, int>{1: 1, ...<int, int>{2: 2, 3: 3}, 4: 4});
const <int, int>{1: 1, ...<int, int>{2: 2}, 3: 3, ...<int, int>{4: 4}});
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{1, ...<int>{2, 3}, 4});
Expect.identical(set, const <int>{1, ...<int>{2}, 3, ...<int>{4}});
// Ordering does affect canonicalization.
Expect.notIdentical(const <int, int>{1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3},
const <int, int>{1: 1, ...<int, int>{3: 3, 2: 2}});
Expect.notIdentical(const <int>{1, 2, 3}, const <int>{1, ...<int>{3, 2}});