blob: 9ab518294c417587c1f21b200f6e1a2f42c97554 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart'
show CompilerOptions, DiagnosticMessage, computePlatformBinariesLocation;
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as json_rpc;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart';
import 'package:vm/incremental_compiler.dart';
import 'package:vm/target/vm.dart';
import 'common_test_utils.dart';
main() {
final platformKernel =
final sdkRoot = computePlatformBinariesLocation();
CompilerOptions getFreshOptions() {
return new CompilerOptions()
..sdkRoot = sdkRoot = new VmTarget(new TargetFlags())
..additionalDills = <Uri>[platformKernel]
..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage message) {
fail("Compilation error: ${message.plainTextFormatted.join('\n')}");
..environmentDefines = const {};
final options = getFreshOptions();
group('basic', () {
Directory mytest;
File main;
setUpAll(() {
mytest = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('incremental');
main = new File('${mytest.path}/main.dart')..createSync();
main.writeAsStringSync("main() {}\n");
tearDownAll(() {
try {
mytest.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
test('compile', () async {
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, main.uri);
Component component = await compiler.compile();
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
new Printer(buffer, showMetadata: true)
'import self as self;\n'
'static method main() → dynamic {}\n'));
test('compile exclude sources', () async {
CompilerOptions optionsExcludeSources = getFreshOptions()
..embedSourceText = false;
IncrementalCompiler compiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(optionsExcludeSources, main.uri);
Component component = await compiler.compile();
for (Source source in component.uriToSource.values) {
expect(source.source.length, equals(0));
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
new Printer(buffer, showMetadata: true)
'import self as self;\n'
'static method main() → dynamic {}\n'));
test('compile expressions errors are not re-reported', () async {
var errorsReported = 0;
CompilerOptions optionsAcceptErrors = getFreshOptions()
..onDiagnostic = (DiagnosticMessage message) {
IncrementalCompiler compiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(optionsAcceptErrors, main.uri);
await compiler.compile();
Procedure procedure = await compiler.compileExpression(
'main', <String>[], <String>[], main.uri.toString(), null, true);
expect(procedure, isNotNull);
expect(errorsReported, equals(0));
Procedure procedure = await compiler.compileExpression(
'main1', <String>[], <String>[], main.uri.toString(), null, true);
expect(procedure, isNotNull);
expect(errorsReported, equals(1));
errorsReported = 0;
await compiler.compile();
expect(errorsReported, equals(0));
/// Collects coverage for "main.dart", "lib.dart", "lib1.dart" and "lib2.dart"
/// checks that all tokens can be translated to line and column,
/// return the hit positions for "lib1.dart".
/// If [getAllSources] is false it will ask specifically for report
/// (and thus hits) for "lib1.dart" only.
Future<Set<int>> collectAndCheckCoverageData(int port, bool getAllSources,
{bool resume: true}) async {
RemoteVm remoteVm = new RemoteVm(port);
// Wait for the script to have finished.
while (true) {
Map isolate = await remoteVm.getIsolate();
Map pauseEvent = isolate["pauseEvent"];
if (pauseEvent["kind"] == "PauseExit") break;
// Collect coverage for the two user scripts.
List<Map> sourceReports = new List<Map>();
if (getAllSources) {
Map sourceReport = await remoteVm.getSourceReport();
} else {
Map scriptsMap = await remoteVm.getScripts();
List scripts = scriptsMap["scripts"];
Set<String> scriptIds = new Set<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
Map script = scripts[i];
String scriptUri = script["uri"];
if (scriptUri.contains("lib1.dart")) {
for (String scriptId in scriptIds) {
Map sourceReport = await remoteVm.getSourceReport(scriptId);
List<String> errorMessages = new List<String>();
Set<int> hits = new Set<int>();
// Ensure that we can get a line and column number for all reported
// positions in the scripts we care about.
for (Map sourceReport in sourceReports) {
List scripts = sourceReport["scripts"];
Map<String, int> scriptIdToIndex = new Map<String, int>();
Set<int> lib1scriptIndices = new Set<int>();
int i = 0;
for (Map script in scripts) {
if (script["uri"].toString().endsWith("main.dart") ||
script["uri"].toString().endsWith("lib.dart") ||
script["uri"].toString().endsWith("lib1.dart") ||
script["uri"].toString().endsWith("lib2.dart")) {
scriptIdToIndex[script["id"]] = i;
if (script["uri"].toString().endsWith("lib1.dart")) {
if (getAllSources) {
expect(scriptIdToIndex.length >= 2, isTrue);
// Ensure the scripts all have a non-null 'tokenPosTable' entry.
Map<int, Map> scriptIndexToScript = new Map<int, Map>();
for (String scriptId in scriptIdToIndex.keys) {
Map script = await remoteVm.getObject(scriptId);
int scriptIdx = scriptIdToIndex[scriptId];
scriptIndexToScript[scriptIdx] = script;
List tokenPosTable = script["tokenPosTable"];
if (tokenPosTable == null) {
errorMessages.add("Script with uri ${script['uri']} "
"and id ${script['id']} "
"has null tokenPosTable.");
} else if (tokenPosTable.isEmpty) {
errorMessages.add("Script with uri ${script['uri']} "
"and id ${script['id']} "
"has empty tokenPosTable.");
List ranges = sourceReport["ranges"];
Set<int> scriptIndexesSet = new Set<int>.from(scriptIndexToScript.keys);
for (Map range in ranges) {
if (scriptIndexesSet.contains(range["scriptIndex"])) {
Set<int> positions = new Set<int>();
Map coverage = range["coverage"];
for (int pos in coverage["hits"]) {
if (lib1scriptIndices.contains(range["scriptIndex"])) {
for (int pos in coverage["misses"]) positions.add(pos);
for (int pos in range["possibleBreakpoints"]) positions.add(pos);
Map script = scriptIndexToScript[range["scriptIndex"]];
Set<int> knownPositions = new Set<int>();
if (script["tokenPosTable"] != null) {
for (List tokenPosTableLine in script["tokenPosTable"]) {
for (int i = 1; i < tokenPosTableLine.length; i += 2) {
for (int pos in positions) {
if (!knownPositions.contains(pos)) {
errorMessages.add("Script with uri ${script['uri']} "
"and id ${script['id']} "
"references position $pos which cannot be translated to "
"line and column.");
expect(errorMessages, isEmpty);
if (resume) {
return hits;
group('multiple kernels', () {
Directory mytest;
File main;
File lib;
Process vm;
setUpAll(() {
mytest = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('incremental');
main = new File('${mytest.path}/main.dart')..createSync();
import 'lib.dart';
main() => print(foo());
class C1 extends Object with C2, C3 {
c1method() {
class C3 {
c3method() {
lib = new File('${mytest.path}/lib.dart')..createSync();
import 'main.dart';
foo() => 'foo';
main() => print('bar');
class C2 extends Object with C3 {
c2method() {
tearDownAll(() {
try {
mytest.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
try {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
File mainDill, File libDill, IncrementalCompiler compiler) async {
Component component = await compiler.compile();
new BinaryPrinter(new DevNullSink<List<int>>())
IOSink sink = mainDill.openWrite();
BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink,
libraryFilter: (lib) => lib.fileUri.path.endsWith("main.dart"));
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
sink = libDill.openWrite();
printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink,
libraryFilter: (lib) => lib.fileUri.path.endsWith("lib.dart"));
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
test('main first, lib second', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(main.path + ".dill")));
File libDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(lib.path + ".dill")));
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, main.uri);
await compileAndSerialize(mainDill, libDill, compiler);
var list = new File(p.join(dir.path, 'myMain.dilllist'))..createSync();
vm =
await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[list.path]);
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
vm.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
expect(await portLineCompleter.future, equals('foo'));
print("Compiler terminated with ${await vm.exitCode} exit code");
test('main second, lib first', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(main.path + ".dill")));
File libDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(lib.path + ".dill")));
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, lib.uri);
await compileAndSerialize(mainDill, libDill, compiler);
var list = new File(p.join(dir.path, 'myMain.dilllist'))..createSync();
vm =
await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[list.path]);
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
vm.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
expect(await portLineCompleter.future, equals('bar'));
print("Compiler terminated with ${await vm.exitCode} exit code");
test('empty list', () async {
var list = new File(p.join(mytest.path, 'myMain.dilllist'))..createSync();
vm =
await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[list.path]);
Completer<int> exitCodeCompleter = new Completer<int>();
vm.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
print("Compiler terminated with $exitCode exit code");
expect(await exitCodeCompleter.future, equals(254));
test('fallback to source compilation if fail to load', () async {
var list = new File('${mytest.path}/myMain.dilllist')..createSync();
list.writeAsStringSync("main() => print('baz');\n");
vm =
await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[list.path]);
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
vm.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
expect(await portLineCompleter.future, equals('baz'));
print("Compiler terminated with ${await vm.exitCode} exit code");
test('relative paths', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(main.path + ".dill")));
File libDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(lib.path + ".dill")));
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, main.uri);
await compileAndSerialize(mainDill, libDill, compiler);
var list = new File(p.join(dir.path, 'myMain.dilllist'))..createSync();
Directory runFrom = new Directory(dir.path + "/runFrom")..createSync();
vm = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[list.path],
workingDirectory: runFrom.path);
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
vm.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
expect(await portLineCompleter.future, equals('foo'));
print("Compiler terminated with ${await vm.exitCode} exit code");
test('collect coverage', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(main.path + ".dill")));
File libDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(lib.path + ".dill")));
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, main.uri);
await compileAndSerialize(mainDill, libDill, compiler);
var list = new File(p.join(dir.path, 'myMain.dilllist'))..createSync();
vm = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[
const kObservatoryListening = 'Observatory listening on ';
final RegExp observatoryPortRegExp =
new RegExp("Observatory listening on\([0-9]*\)/");
int port;
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
.listen((String s) async {
if (s.startsWith(kObservatoryListening)) {
expect(observatoryPortRegExp.hasMatch(s), isTrue);
final match = observatoryPortRegExp.firstMatch(s);
port = int.parse(;
await collectAndCheckCoverageData(port, true);
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
await portLineCompleter.future;
print("Compiler terminated with ${await vm.exitCode} exit code");
group('multiple kernels 2', () {
Directory mytest;
File main;
File lib1;
File lib2;
Process vm;
setUpAll(() {
mytest = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('incremental');
main = new File('${mytest.path}/main.dart')..createSync();
import 'lib1.dart';
import 'lib2.dart';
void main() {
class TestA with A {}
lib1 = new File('${mytest.path}/lib1.dart')..createSync();
mixin A {
void foo() {
void bar() {
lib2 = new File('${mytest.path}/lib2.dart')..createSync();
import 'lib1.dart';
void bar() {
class TestB with A {}
tearDownAll(() {
try {
mytest.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
try {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
compileAndSerialize(File mainDill, File lib1Dill, File lib2Dill,
IncrementalCompiler compiler) async {
Component component = await compiler.compile();
new BinaryPrinter(new DevNullSink<List<int>>())
IOSink sink = mainDill.openWrite();
BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink,
libraryFilter: (lib) => lib.fileUri.path.endsWith("main.dart"));
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
sink = lib1Dill.openWrite();
printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink,
libraryFilter: (lib) => lib.fileUri.path.endsWith("lib1.dart"));
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
sink = lib2Dill.openWrite();
printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink,
libraryFilter: (lib) => lib.fileUri.path.endsWith("lib2.dart"));
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
test('collect coverage hits', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainDill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(main.path + ".dill")));
File lib1Dill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(lib1.path + ".dill")));
File lib2Dill = File(p.join(dir.path, p.basename(lib2.path + ".dill")));
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, main.uri);
await compileAndSerialize(mainDill, lib1Dill, lib2Dill, compiler);
var list = new File(p.join(dir.path, 'myMain.dilllist'))..createSync();
vm = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[
const kObservatoryListening = 'Observatory listening on ';
final RegExp observatoryPortRegExp =
new RegExp("Observatory listening on\([0-9]*\)/");
int port;
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
.listen((String s) async {
if (s.startsWith(kObservatoryListening)) {
expect(observatoryPortRegExp.hasMatch(s), isTrue);
final match = observatoryPortRegExp.firstMatch(s);
port = int.parse(;
Set<int> hits1 =
await collectAndCheckCoverageData(port, true, resume: false);
Set<int> hits2 =
await collectAndCheckCoverageData(port, false, resume: true);
expect(hits1.toList()..sort(), equals(hits2.toList()..sort()));
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
await portLineCompleter.future;
print("Compiler terminated with ${await vm.exitCode} exit code");
group('reload', () {
Directory mytest;
setUpAll(() {
mytest = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('incremental');
tearDownAll(() {
try {
mytest.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
test('picks up after rejected delta', () async {
var file = new File('${mytest.path}/foo.dart')..createSync();
file.writeAsStringSync("import 'bar.dart';\n"
"import 'baz.dart';\n"
"main() {\n"
" new A();\n"
" openReceivePortSoWeWontDie();"
var fileBar = new File('${mytest.path}/bar.dart')..createSync();
fileBar.writeAsStringSync("class A<T> { int _a; }\n");
var fileBaz = new File('${mytest.path}/baz.dart')..createSync();
fileBaz.writeAsStringSync("import 'dart:isolate';\n"
"openReceivePortSoWeWontDie() { new RawReceivePort(); }\n");
IncrementalCompiler compiler = new IncrementalCompiler(options, file.uri);
Component component = await compiler.compile();
File outputFile = new File('${mytest.path}/foo.dart.dill');
await _writeProgramToFile(component, outputFile);
final List<String> vmArgs = [
'--enable-vm-service=0', // Note: use 0 to avoid port collisions.
final vm = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, vmArgs);
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
vm.exitCode.then((exitCode) {
print("Compiler terminated with $exitCode exit code");
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
vm.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stdout: $s");
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
String portLine = await portLineCompleter.future;
final RegExp observatoryPortRegExp =
new RegExp("Observatory listening on\([0-9]*\)/");
expect(observatoryPortRegExp.hasMatch(portLine), isTrue);
final match = observatoryPortRegExp.firstMatch(portLine);
final port = int.parse(;
var remoteVm = new RemoteVm(port);
await remoteVm.resume();
// Confirm that without changes VM reloads nothing.
component = await compiler.compile();
await _writeProgramToFile(component, outputFile);
var reloadResult = await remoteVm.reload(new Uri.file(outputFile.path));
expect(reloadResult['success'], isTrue);
expect(reloadResult['details']['loadedLibraryCount'], equals(0));
// Introduce a change that force VM to reject the change.
fileBar.writeAsStringSync("class A<T,U> { int _a; }\n");
component = await compiler.compile();
await _writeProgramToFile(component, outputFile);
reloadResult = await remoteVm.reload(new Uri.file(outputFile.path));
expect(reloadResult['success'], isFalse);
// Fix a change so VM is happy to accept the change.
fileBar.writeAsStringSync("class A<T> { int _a; hi() => _a; }\n");
component = await compiler.compile();
await _writeProgramToFile(component, outputFile);
reloadResult = await remoteVm.reload(new Uri.file(outputFile.path));
expect(reloadResult['success'], isTrue);
expect(reloadResult['details']['loadedLibraryCount'], equals(2));
group('reject', () {
Directory mytest;
setUpAll(() {
mytest = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('incremental_reject');
tearDownAll(() {
try {
mytest.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
test('compile, reject, compile again', () async {
var packageUri = Uri.file('${mytest.path}/.packages');
new File(packageUri.toFilePath()).writeAsStringSync('foo:lib/\n');
new Directory(mytest.path + "/lib").createSync();
var fooUri = Uri.file('${mytest.path}/lib/foo.dart');
new File(fooUri.toFilePath())
.writeAsStringSync("import 'package:foo/bar.dart';\n"
"import 'package:foo/baz.dart';\n"
"main() {\n"
" new A();\n"
" openReceivePortSoWeWontDie();"
var barUri = Uri.file('${mytest.path}/lib/bar.dart');
new File(barUri.toFilePath())
.writeAsStringSync("class A { static int a; }\n");
var bazUri = Uri.file('${mytest.path}/lib/baz.dart');
new File(bazUri.toFilePath()).writeAsStringSync("import 'dart:isolate';\n"
"openReceivePortSoWeWontDie() { new RawReceivePort(); }\n");
Uri packageEntry = Uri.parse('package:foo/foo.dart');
CompilerOptions optionsModified = getFreshOptions()
..packagesFileUri = packageUri;
IncrementalCompiler compiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(optionsModified, packageEntry);
Component component = await compiler.compile(entryPoint: packageEntry);
File outputFile = new File('${mytest.path}/foo.dart.dill');
await _writeProgramToFile(component, outputFile);
Procedure procedure = await compiler.compileExpression(
'a', <String>[], <String>[], 'package:foo/bar.dart', 'A', true);
expect(procedure, isNotNull);
new File(barUri.toFilePath())
.writeAsStringSync("class A { static int b; }\n");
Component component = await compiler.compile(entryPoint: packageEntry);
File outputFile = new File('${mytest.path}/foo1.dart.dill');
await _writeProgramToFile(component, outputFile);
await compiler.reject();
Procedure procedure = await compiler.compileExpression(
'a', <String>[], <String>[], 'package:foo/bar.dart', 'A', true);
expect(procedure, isNotNull);
group('expression evaluation', () {
Directory mytest;
Process vm;
setUpAll(() {
mytest = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('expression_evaluation');
tearDownAll(() {
try {
mytest.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
try {
} catch (_) {
// Ignore errors;
launchBreakAndEvaluate(File scriptOrDill, String scriptUriToBreakIn,
int lineToBreakAt, List<String> expressionsAndExpectedResults,
{Future Function(RemoteVm remoteVm) callback}) async {
vm = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, <String>[
const kObservatoryListening = 'Observatory listening on ';
final RegExp observatoryPortRegExp =
new RegExp("Observatory listening on\([0-9]*\)/");
int port;
final splitter = new LineSplitter();
Completer<String> portLineCompleter = new Completer<String>();
.listen((String s) async {
print("vm stdout: $s");
if (s.startsWith(kObservatoryListening)) {
expect(observatoryPortRegExp.hasMatch(s), isTrue);
final match = observatoryPortRegExp.firstMatch(s);
port = int.parse(;
RemoteVm remoteVm = new RemoteVm(port);
// Wait for the script to have loaded.
while (true) {
Map isolate = await remoteVm.getIsolate();
Map pauseEvent = isolate["pauseEvent"];
if (pauseEvent["kind"] == "PauseStart") break;
var breakpoint = await findScriptAndBreak(
remoteVm, scriptUriToBreakIn, lineToBreakAt);
await remoteVm.resume();
await waitForScriptToHavePaused(remoteVm);
await evaluateExpressions(expressionsAndExpectedResults, remoteVm);
await deletePossibleBreakpoint(remoteVm, breakpoint);
if (callback != null) {
await callback(remoteVm);
await remoteVm.resume();
if (!portLineCompleter.isCompleted) {
bool gotStdErrOutput = false;
vm.stderr.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(splitter).listen((String s) {
print("vm stderr: $s");
gotStdErrOutput = true;
await portLineCompleter.future;
int exitCode = await vm.exitCode;
print("Compiler terminated with ${exitCode} exit code");
expect(exitCode, equals(0));
expect(gotStdErrOutput, isFalse);
test('from source', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainFile = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve("main.dart"));
var hello = "Hello";
main() {
var s = "$hello world!";
int extra() { return 22; }
await launchBreakAndEvaluate(mainFile, mainFile.uri.toString(), 4, [
// 1st expression
// 2nd expression
"Hello world!",
// 3rd expression
// 4th expression
test('from dill', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainFile = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve("main.dart"));
var hello = "Hello";
main() {
var s = "$hello world!";
int extra() { return 22; }
IncrementalCompiler compiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(options, mainFile.uri);
Component component = await compiler.compile();
File mainDill = new File.fromUri(mainFile.uri.resolve("main.dill"));
IOSink sink = mainDill.openWrite();
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeComponentFile(component);
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
await launchBreakAndEvaluate(mainDill, mainFile.uri.toString(), 4, [
// 1st expression
// 2nd expression
"Hello world!",
// 3rd expression
// 4th expression
test('from dill with reload', () async {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainFile = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve("main.dart"));
import 'dart:async';
import 'helper.dart';
main() {
int latestReloadTime;
int noChangeCount = 0;
int numChanges = 0;
new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 5), (timer) async {
var result = reloadTime();
if (latestReloadTime != result) {
latestReloadTime = result;
} else {
if (latestReloadTime == 42) {
if (numChanges > 20) {
if (noChangeCount >= 400) {
// ~2 seconds with no change.
throw "Expected to be done but wasn't";
File helperFile = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve("helper.dart"));
int reloadTime() {
return 0;
void helperMethod() {
var hello = "Hello";
var s = "$hello world!";
IncrementalCompiler compiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(options, mainFile.uri);
Component component = await compiler.compile();
File mainDill = new File.fromUri(mainFile.uri.resolve("main.dill"));
IOSink sink = mainDill.openWrite();
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeComponentFile(component);
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
print("=> Notice main file has size ${mainDill.lengthSync()}");
int reloadTime() {
return 1;
void helperMethod() {
var hello = "Hello";
var s = "$hello world!!!";
int helperMethod2() {
return 42;
component = await compiler.compile();
File partial1Dill =
new File.fromUri(mainFile.uri.resolve("partial1.dill"));
sink = partial1Dill.openWrite();
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeComponentFile(component);
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
print("=> Notice partial file #1 has size ${partial1Dill.lengthSync()}");
int reloadTime() {
return 2;
void helperMethod() {
var hello = "Hello";
var s = "$hello world!!!!";
int helperMethod2() {
return 21;
int helperMethod3() {
return 84;
component = await compiler.compile();
File partial2Dill =
new File.fromUri(mainFile.uri.resolve("partial2.dill"));
sink = partial2Dill.openWrite();
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeComponentFile(component);
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
print("=> Notice partial file #2 has size ${partial2Dill.lengthSync()}");
await launchBreakAndEvaluate(mainDill, helperFile.uri.toString(), 7, [
// 1st expression
// 2nd expression
"Hello world!",
// 3rd expression
// 4th expression
], callback: (RemoteVm remoteVm) async {
for (int q = 0; q < 10; q++) {
var reloadResult = await remoteVm.reload(partial1Dill.uri);
expect(reloadResult is Map, isTrue);
expect(reloadResult["success"], equals(true));
await remoteVm.forceGc();
var breakpoint =
await findScriptAndBreak(remoteVm, helperFile.uri.toString(), 7);
await remoteVm.resume();
await waitForScriptToHavePaused(remoteVm);
await evaluateExpressions([
// 1st expression
// 2nd expression
"Hello world!!!",
// 3rd expression
// 4th expression
// 5th expression
], remoteVm);
await deletePossibleBreakpoint(remoteVm, breakpoint);
reloadResult = await remoteVm.reload(partial2Dill.uri);
expect(reloadResult is Map, isTrue);
expect(reloadResult["success"], equals(true));
await remoteVm.forceGc();
breakpoint =
await findScriptAndBreak(remoteVm, helperFile.uri.toString(), 7);
await remoteVm.resume();
await waitForScriptToHavePaused(remoteVm);
await evaluateExpressions([
// 1st expression
// 2nd expression
"Hello world!!!!",
// 3rd expression
// 4th expression
// 5th expression
// 6th expression
], remoteVm);
await deletePossibleBreakpoint(remoteVm, breakpoint);
test('from dill with package uri', () async {
// 2 iterations: One where the .packages file is deleted, and one where
// it is not.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Directory dir = mytest.createTempSync();
File mainFile = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve("main.dart"));
var hello = "Hello";
main() {
var s = "$hello world!";
int extra() { return 22; }
File packagesFile = new File.fromUri(dir.uri.resolve(".packages"));
Uri mainUri = Uri.parse("package:foo/main.dart");
CompilerOptions optionsModified = getFreshOptions()
..packagesFileUri = packagesFile.uri;
IncrementalCompiler compiler =
new IncrementalCompiler(optionsModified, mainUri);
Component component = await compiler.compile();
File mainDill = new File.fromUri(mainFile.uri.resolve("main.dill"));
IOSink sink = mainDill.openWrite();
new BinaryPrinter(sink).writeComponentFile(component);
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
if (i == 0) {
await launchBreakAndEvaluate(mainDill, mainUri.toString(), 4, [
// 1st expression
// 2nd expression
"Hello world!",
// 3rd expression
// 4th expression
try {
dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} catch (e) {
// ignore.
Future evaluateExpressions(
List<String> expressionsAndExpectedResults, RemoteVm remoteVm) async {
for (int i = 0; i < expressionsAndExpectedResults.length; i += 2) {
String expression = expressionsAndExpectedResults[i];
String expectedResult = expressionsAndExpectedResults[i + 1];
print("Evaluating $expression (expecting $expectedResult)");
var result = await remoteVm.evaluateInFrame(expression);
expect(result is Map, isTrue);
expect(result["type"], equals("@Instance"));
expect(result["valueAsString"], equals(expectedResult));
Future waitForScriptToHavePaused(RemoteVm remoteVm) async {
// Wait for the script to have paused.
while (true) {
Map isolate = await remoteVm.getIsolate();
Map pauseEvent = isolate["pauseEvent"];
if (pauseEvent["kind"] == "PauseBreakpoint") break;
Future findScriptAndBreak(
RemoteVm remoteVm, String scriptUriToBreakIn, int lineToBreakAt) async {
Map scriptsMap = await remoteVm.getScripts();
List scripts = scriptsMap["scripts"];
String scriptId;
for (int i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
Map script = scripts[i];
String scriptUri = script["uri"];
if (scriptUri == scriptUriToBreakIn) {
scriptId = script["id"];
expect(scriptId, isNotNull);
return await remoteVm.addBreakpoint(scriptId, lineToBreakAt);
Future deletePossibleBreakpoint(
RemoteVm remoteVm, dynamic possibleBreakpoint) async {
if (possibleBreakpoint is Map && possibleBreakpoint["id"] is String) {
return await remoteVm.removeBreakpoint(possibleBreakpoint["id"]);
_writeProgramToFile(Component component, File outputFile) async {
final IOSink sink = outputFile.openWrite();
final BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink);
await sink.flush();
await sink.close();
/// APIs to communicate with a remote VM via the VM's service protocol.
/// Only supports APIs to resume the program execution (when isolates are paused
/// at startup) and to trigger hot reloads.
class RemoteVm {
/// Port used to connect to the vm service protocol, typically 8181.
final int port;
/// An peer point used to send service protocol messages. The service
/// protocol uses JSON rpc on top of web-sockets.
json_rpc.Peer get rpc => _rpc ??= _createPeer();
json_rpc.Peer _rpc;
/// The main isolate ID of the running VM. Needed to indicate to the VM which
/// isolate to reload.
FutureOr<String> get mainId async => _mainId ??= await _computeMainId();
String _mainId;
RemoteVm([this.port = 8181]);
/// Establishes the JSON rpc connection.
json_rpc.Peer _createPeer() {
var socket = new IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://$port/ws');
var peer = new json_rpc.Peer(socket.cast<String>());
peer.listen().then((_) {
print('connection to vm-service closed');
return disconnect();
}).catchError((e) {
print('error connecting to the vm-service');
return disconnect();
return peer;
/// Retrieves the ID of the main isolate using the service protocol.
Future<String> _computeMainId() async {
var vm = await rpc.sendRequest('getVM');
var isolates = vm['isolates'];
for (var isolate in isolates) {
if (isolate['name'].contains(r'$main')) {
return isolate['id'];
return isolates.first['id'];
/// Send a request to the VM to reload sources from [entryUri].
/// This will establish a connection with the VM assuming it is running on the
/// local machine and listening on [port] for service protocol requests.
/// The result is the JSON map received from the reload request.
Future<Map> reload(Uri entryUri) async {
var id = await mainId;
print("got $id, sending reloadSources rpc request");
var result = await rpc.sendRequest('reloadSources', {
'isolateId': id,
'rootLibUri': entryUri.toString(),
print("got rpc result $result");
return result;
Future resume() async {
var id = await mainId;
await rpc.sendRequest('resume', {'isolateId': id});
Future getIsolate() async {
var id = await mainId;
return await rpc.sendRequest('getIsolate', {'isolateId': id});
Future getScripts() async {
var id = await mainId;
return await rpc.sendRequest('getScripts', {
'isolateId': id,
Future getSourceReport([String scriptId]) async {
var id = await mainId;
if (scriptId != null) {
return await rpc.sendRequest('getSourceReport', {
'isolateId': id,
'scriptId': scriptId,
'reports': ['Coverage', 'PossibleBreakpoints'],
'forceCompile': true
return await rpc.sendRequest('getSourceReport', {
'isolateId': id,
'reports': ['Coverage', 'PossibleBreakpoints'],
'forceCompile': true
Future getObject(String objectId) async {
var id = await mainId;
return await rpc.sendRequest('getObject', {
'isolateId': id,
'objectId': objectId,
Future addBreakpoint(String scriptId, int line) async {
var id = await mainId;
return await rpc.sendRequest('addBreakpoint', {
'isolateId': id,
'scriptId': scriptId,
'line': line,
Future removeBreakpoint(String breakpointId) async {
var id = await mainId;
return await rpc.sendRequest('removeBreakpoint', {
'isolateId': id,
'breakpointId': breakpointId,
Future evaluateInFrame(String expression) async {
var id = await mainId;
var frameIndex = 0;
return await rpc.sendRequest('evaluateInFrame', {
'isolateId': id,
"frameIndex": frameIndex,
'expression': expression,
Future forceGc() async {
int expectGcAfter = new;
while (true) {
var id = await mainId;
Map result = await rpc.sendRequest('getAllocationProfile', {
'isolateId': id,
"gc": true,
String lastGc = result["dateLastServiceGC"];
if (lastGc != null && int.parse(lastGc) >= expectGcAfter) return;
/// Close any connections used to communicate with the VM.
Future disconnect() async {
if (_rpc == null) return null;
this._mainId = null;
if (!_rpc.isClosed) {
var future = _rpc.close();
_rpc = null;
return future;
return null;