| include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.1.8.0.yaml |
| |
| analyzer: |
| # This currently finds ~4,500 implicit-casts issues when enabled. |
| # strong-mode: |
| # implicit-casts: false |
| errors: |
| # Increase the severity of the unused_import hint. |
| unused_import: warning |
| # There are currently 140 violations in lib/. |
| always_declare_return_types: ignore |
| # There are currently 5500 violations in lib/. This just does not fit well |
| # with the analyzer team's style. |
| omit_local_variable_types: ignore |
| # There are currently 3360 violations in lib/. |
| prefer_single_quotes: ignore |
| # Ignoring "style" lint rules from pedantic for now. There are pre-existing |
| # violations that need to be cleaned up. Each one can be cleaned up and |
| # enabled according to the value provided. |
| # TODO(srawlins): At the time of writing, 1700 violations in lib/. The fix |
| # is mechanical, via `dartfmt --fix-doc-comments`, but not worth the churn |
| # today. |
| slash_for_doc_comments: ignore |
| # There are currently 1980 violations in lib/. |
| unnecessary_this: ignore |
| |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - avoid_unused_constructor_parameters |
| - empty_statements |
| - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps |
| - # TODO(scheglov) Remove these when pedantic is updated to include them |
| - annotate_overrides |