blob: b971e1b0d6bb4a7dc4310f1d678e47e2b936f1f7 [file] [log] [blame]
main = main::main;
library from "org-dartlang-test:///lib.dart" as lib {
// Problems in library:
// org-dartlang-test:///lib.dart:1:1: Error: Can't export this file because it contains a 'part of' declaration.
// export 'part.dart';
// ^^^^^^
// org-dartlang-test:///part.dart: Context: This is the file that can't be exported.
// org-dartlang-test:///lib.dart:2:1: Error: Can't export this file because it contains a 'part of' declaration.
// export 'part.dart';
// ^^^^^^
// org-dartlang-test:///part.dart: Context: This is the file that can't be exported.
// org-dartlang-test:///lib.dart:3:1: Error: Can't export this file because it contains a 'part of' declaration.
// export 'part.dart';
// ^^^^^^
// org-dartlang-test:///part.dart: Context: This is the file that can't be exported.
additionalExports = (main::main,
export "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart";
export "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart";
export "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart";
static method libMethod() void {}
library from "org-dartlang-test:///main.dart" as main {
import "org-dartlang-test:///lib.dart" as lib;
part part.dart;
static method main() void {
static method /* from org-dartlang-test:///part.dart */ partMethod() void {}