blob: f83688a43f1abe99e208325a4251e10d058e47d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/top_level_declaration.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart'
show AnalysisOptions, AnalysisOptionsImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../context/mock_sdk.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class FileSystemStateTest {
final MemoryResourceProvider provider = new MemoryResourceProvider();
MockSdk sdk;
final ByteStore byteStore = new MemoryByteStore();
final FileContentOverlay contentOverlay = new FileContentOverlay();
final StringBuffer logBuffer = new StringBuffer();
final _GeneratedUriResolverMock generatedUriResolver =
new _GeneratedUriResolverMock();
SourceFactory sourceFactory;
PerformanceLog logger;
FileSystemState fileSystemState;
void setUp() {
logger = new PerformanceLog(logBuffer);
sdk = new MockSdk(resourceProvider: provider);
sourceFactory = new SourceFactory([
new DartUriResolver(sdk),
new PackageMapUriResolver(provider, <String, List<Folder>>{
'aaa': [provider.getFolder(_p('/aaa/lib'))],
'bbb': [provider.getFolder(_p('/bbb/lib'))],
new ResourceUriResolver(provider)
], null, provider);
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
fileSystemState = new FileSystemState(logger, byteStore, contentOverlay,
provider, sourceFactory, analysisOptions, new Uint32List(0));
test_definedClassMemberNames() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class A {
int a, b;
d() {}
get e => null;
set f(_) {}
class B {
g() {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
unorderedEquals(['a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g']));
test_definedTopLevelNames() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class A {}
class B = Object with A;
typedef C();
D() {}
get E => null;
set F(_) {}
var G, H;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
unorderedEquals(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']));
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_cycle() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String c = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
export 'b.dart';
class A {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'c.dart';
class B {}
provider.newFile(c, r'''
export 'a.dart';
class C {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(a, ['A', 'B', 'C']);
// We asked for 'a', and it was computed.
// But 'b' and 'c' are not computed, because we detect that there is
// cycle with 'a', so we cannot get all exported declarations of 'a'.
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_cycle_anotherOutsideCycle() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String c = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String d = _p('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
export 'b.dart';
class A {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'c.dart';
class B {}
provider.newFile(c, r'''
export 'b.dart';
export 'd.dart';
class C {}
provider.newFile(d, r'''
class D {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(a, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']);
// To compute 'a' we compute 'b'.
// But 'c' is not computed, because of the cycle [b, c].
// However 'd' is not a part of a cycle, so it is computed too.
_assertHasComputedExportedDeclarations([a, b, d]);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_cycle_onSequence() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String c = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String d = _p('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
String e = _p('/aaa/lib/e.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
export 'b.dart';
class A {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'c.dart';
class B {}
provider.newFile(c, r'''
export 'd.dart';
class C {}
provider.newFile(d, r'''
export 'e.dart';
class D {}
provider.newFile(e, r'''
export 'c.dart';
class E {}
// We compute 'a'.
// To compute it we also compute 'b' and 'c'.
// But 'd' and 'e' are not computed, because of the cycle [c, d, e].
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(a, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']);
_assertHasComputedExportedDeclarations([a, b, c]);
// We compute 'd', and try to compute 'e', because 'd' needs 'e'; 'e' can
// be computed because 'c' is ready, so the cycle [c, d, e] is broken.
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(d, ['C', 'D', 'E']);
_assertHasComputedExportedDeclarations([a, b, c, d, e]);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class A {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'a.dart';
class B {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(b, ['A', 'B']);
_assertHasComputedExportedDeclarations([a, b]);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export2_show() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String c = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class A1 {}
class A2 {}
class A3 {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'a.dart' show A1, A2;
class B1 {}
class B2 {}
provider.newFile(c, r'''
export 'b.dart' show A2, A3, B1;
class C {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(c, ['A2', 'B1', 'C']);
_assertHasComputedExportedDeclarations([a, b, c]);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export_flushOnChange() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class A {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'a.dart';
class B {}
// Initial exported declarations.
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(b, ['A', 'B']);
// Update a.dart, so a.dart and b.dart exported declarations are flushed.
provider.newFile(a, 'class A {} class A2 {}');
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(b, ['A', 'A2', 'B']);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export_hide() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class A1 {}
class A2 {}
class A3 {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'a.dart' hide A2;
class B {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(b, ['A1', 'A3', 'B']);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export_preferLocal() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class V {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'a.dart';
int V;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(b);
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> declarations =
expect(declarations.keys, unorderedEquals(['V']));
expect(declarations['V'].kind, TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export_show() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class A1 {}
class A2 {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'a.dart' show A2;
class B {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(b, ['A2', 'B']);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_export_show2() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String c = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String d = _p('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
export 'b.dart' show Foo;
export 'c.dart' show Bar;
provider.newFile(b, r'''
export 'd.dart';
provider.newFile(c, r'''
export 'd.dart';
provider.newFile(d, r'''
class Foo {}
class Bar {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(a, ['Foo', 'Bar']);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_import() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
class A {}
provider.newFile(b, r'''
import 'a.dart';
class B {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(b, ['B']);
test_exportedTopLevelDeclarations_parts() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String a2 = _p('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
library lib;
part 'a2.dart';
class A1 {}
provider.newFile(a2, r'''
part of lib;
class A2 {}
_assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(a, ['A1', 'A2']);
test_getFileForPath_doesNotExist() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.path, path);
expect(file.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a.dart'));
expect(file.content, '');
expect(file.contentHash, _md5(''));
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles), isEmpty);
expect(file.exportedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(file.partedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(file.libraryFiles, [file]);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.directReferencedFiles), isEmpty);
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
expect(file.library, isNull);
expect(file.unlinked, isNotNull);
expect(file.unlinked.classes, isEmpty);
test_getFileForPath_emptyUri() {
String path = _p('/test.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
import '';
export '';
part '';
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
test_getFileForPath_hasLibraryDirective_hasPartOfDirective() {
String a = _p('/test/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
library L;
part of L;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
test_getFileForPath_invalidUri() {
String a = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String a1 = _p('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
String a2 = _p('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
String a3 = _p('/aaa/lib/a3.dart');
String content_a1 = r'''
import 'package:aaa/a1.dart';
import '[invalid uri]';
export 'package:aaa/a2.dart';
export '[invalid uri]';
part 'a3.dart';
part '[invalid uri]';
provider.newFile(a, content_a1);
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.importedFiles[0].path, a1);
expect(file.importedFiles[0].uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a1.dart'));
expect(file.importedFiles[0].source, isNotNull);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.exportedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0].path, a2);
expect(file.exportedFiles[0].uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a2.dart'));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0].source, isNotNull);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.partedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.partedFiles[0].path, a3);
expect(file.partedFiles[0].uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a3.dart'));
expect(file.partedFiles[0].source, isNotNull);
test_getFileForPath_library() {
String a1 = _p('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
String a2 = _p('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
String a3 = _p('/aaa/lib/a3.dart');
String a4 = _p('/aaa/lib/a4.dart');
String b1 = _p('/bbb/lib/b1.dart');
String b2 = _p('/bbb/lib/b2.dart');
String content_a1 = r'''
import 'package:aaa/a2.dart';
import 'package:bbb/b1.dart';
export 'package:bbb/b2.dart';
export 'package:aaa/a3.dart';
part 'a4.dart';
class A1 {}
provider.newFile(a1, content_a1);
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a1);
expect(file.path, a1);
expect(file.content, content_a1);
expect(file.contentHash, _md5(content_a1));
expect(file.isPart, isFalse);
expect(file.library, isNull);
expect(file.unlinked, isNotNull);
expect(file.unlinked.classes, hasLength(1));
expect(file.unlinked.classes[0].name, 'A1');
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles), hasLength(2));
expect(file.importedFiles[0].path, a2);
expect(file.importedFiles[0].uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a2.dart'));
expect(file.importedFiles[0].source, isNotNull);
expect(file.importedFiles[1].path, b1);
expect(file.importedFiles[1].uri, Uri.parse('package:bbb/b1.dart'));
expect(file.importedFiles[1].source, isNotNull);
expect(file.exportedFiles, hasLength(2));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0].path, b2);
expect(file.exportedFiles[0].uri, Uri.parse('package:bbb/b2.dart'));
expect(file.exportedFiles[0].source, isNotNull);
expect(file.exportedFiles[1].path, a3);
expect(file.exportedFiles[1].uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a3.dart'));
expect(file.exportedFiles[1].source, isNotNull);
expect(file.partedFiles, hasLength(1));
expect(file.partedFiles[0].path, a4);
expect(file.partedFiles[0].uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a4.dart'));
expect(file.libraryFiles, [file, file.partedFiles[0]]);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.directReferencedFiles), hasLength(5));
expect(fileSystemState.getFilesForPath(a1), [file]);
test_getFileForPath_onlyDartFiles() {
String not_dart = _p('/test/lib/not_dart.txt');
String a = _p('/test/lib/a.dart');
String b = _p('/test/lib/b.dart');
String c = _p('/test/lib/c.dart');
String d = _p('/test/lib/d.dart');
provider.newFile(a, r'''
library lib;
import 'dart:math';
import 'b.dart';
import 'not_dart.txt';
export 'c.dart';
export 'not_dart.txt';
part 'd.dart';
part 'not_dart.txt';
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a);
expect(_excludeSdk(file.importedFiles).map((f) => f.path),
unorderedEquals([b, not_dart]));
expect( => f.path), unorderedEquals([c, not_dart]));
expect( => f.path), unorderedEquals([d, not_dart]));
unorderedEquals([a, b, c, d, not_dart]));
test_getFileForPath_part() {
String a1 = _p('/aaa/lib/a1.dart');
String a2 = _p('/aaa/lib/a2.dart');
provider.newFile(a1, r'''
library a1;
part 'a2.dart';
provider.newFile(a2, r'''
part of a1;
class A2 {}
FileState file_a2 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a2);
expect(file_a2.path, a2);
expect(file_a2.uri, Uri.parse('package:aaa/a2.dart'));
expect(file_a2.unlinked, isNotNull);
expect(file_a2.unlinked.classes, hasLength(1));
expect(file_a2.unlinked.classes[0].name, 'A2');
expect(_excludeSdk(file_a2.importedFiles), isEmpty);
expect(file_a2.exportedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(file_a2.partedFiles, isEmpty);
expect(_excludeSdk(file_a2.directReferencedFiles), isEmpty);
// The library is not known yet.
expect(file_a2.isPart, isTrue);
expect(file_a2.library, isNull);
// Ask for the library.
FileState file_a1 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(a1);
expect(file_a1.partedFiles, hasLength(1));
expect(file_a1.partedFiles[0], same(file_a2));
_excludeSdk(file_a1.directReferencedFiles), unorderedEquals([file_a2]));
// Now the part knows its library.
expect(file_a2.library, same(file_a1));
// Now update the library, and refresh its file.
// The 'a2.dart' is not referenced anymore.
// So the part file does not have the library anymore.
provider.newFile(a1, r'''
library a1;
part 'not-a2.dart';
expect(file_a2.library, isNull);
test_getFileForPath_samePath() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
FileState file1 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
FileState file2 = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file2, same(file1));
test_getFileForUri_packageVsFileUri() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
var packageUri = Uri.parse('package:aaa/a.dart');
var fileUri = provider.pathContext.toUri(path);
// The files with `package:` and `file:` URIs are different.
FileState filePackageUri = fileSystemState.getFileForUri(packageUri);
FileState fileFileUri = fileSystemState.getFileForUri(fileUri);
expect(filePackageUri, isNot(same(fileFileUri)));
expect(filePackageUri.path, path);
expect(filePackageUri.uri, packageUri);
expect(fileFileUri.path, path);
expect(fileFileUri.uri, fileUri);
// The file with the `package:` style URI is canonical, and is the first.
var files = fileSystemState.getFilesForPath(path);
expect(files, [filePackageUri, fileFileUri]);
test_hasUri() {
Uri uri = Uri.parse('package:aaa/foo.dart');
String templatePath = _p('/aaa/lib/foo.dart');
String generatedPath = _p('/generated/aaa/lib/foo.dart');
Source generatedSource = new _SourceMock(generatedPath, uri);
generatedUriResolver.resolveAbsoluteFunction =
(uri, actualUri) => generatedSource;
expect(fileSystemState.hasUri(templatePath), isFalse);
expect(fileSystemState.hasUri(generatedPath), isTrue);
test_referencedNames() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
A foo(B p) {
C c = new C(p);
return c;
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.referencedNames, unorderedEquals(['A', 'B', 'C']));
test_refresh_differentApiSignature() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class A {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.unlinked.classes[0].name, 'A');
List<int> signature = file.apiSignature;
// Update the resource and refresh the file state.
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class B {}
bool apiSignatureChanged = file.refresh();
expect(apiSignatureChanged, isTrue);
expect(file.unlinked.classes[0].name, 'B');
expect(file.apiSignature, isNot(signature));
test_refresh_sameApiSignature() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class C {
foo() {
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
List<int> signature = file.apiSignature;
// Update the resource and refresh the file state.
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class C {
foo() {
bool apiSignatureChanged = file.refresh();
expect(apiSignatureChanged, isFalse);
expect(file.apiSignature, signature);
test_subtypedNames() {
String path = _p('/test.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class X extends A {}
class Y extends A with B {}
class Z implements C, D {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
expect(file.referencedNames, unorderedEquals(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']));
test_topLevelDeclarations() {
String path = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
provider.newFile(path, r'''
class C {}
typedef F();
enum E {E1, E2}
void f() {}
var V1;
get V2 => null;
set V3(_) {}
get V4 => null;
set V4(_) {}
class _C {}
typedef _F();
enum _E {E1, E2}
void _f() {}
var _V1;
get _V2 => null;
set _V3(_) {}
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> declarations = file.topLevelDeclarations;
void assertHas(String name, TopLevelDeclarationKind kind) {
expect(declarations[name]?.kind, kind);
unorderedEquals(['C', 'F', 'E', 'f', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4']));
assertHas('C', TopLevelDeclarationKind.type);
assertHas('F', TopLevelDeclarationKind.type);
assertHas('E', TopLevelDeclarationKind.type);
assertHas('f', TopLevelDeclarationKind.function);
assertHas('V1', TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable);
assertHas('V2', TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable);
assertHas('V3', TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable);
assertHas('V4', TopLevelDeclarationKind.variable);
test_transitiveFiles() {
String pa = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String pb = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String pc = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String pd = _p('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
FileState fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
FileState fb = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pb);
FileState fc = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pc);
FileState fd = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pd);
// Compute transitive closures for all files.
_excludeSdk(fileSystemState.test.filesWithoutTransitiveFiles), isEmpty);
// No imports, so just a single file.
provider.newFile(pa, "");
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa]);
// Import b.dart into a.dart, two files now.
provider.newFile(pa, "import 'b.dart';");
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa, fb]);
// Update b.dart so that it imports c.dart now.
provider.newFile(pb, "import 'c.dart';");
_assertFilesWithoutTransitiveFiles([fa, fb]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa, fb, fc]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fb, [fb, fc]);
// Update b.dart so that it exports d.dart instead.
provider.newFile(pb, "export 'd.dart';");
_assertFilesWithoutTransitiveFiles([fa, fb]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa, fb, fd]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fb, [fb, fd]);
// Update a.dart so that it does not import b.dart anymore.
provider.newFile(pa, "");
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa]);
test_transitiveFiles_cycle() {
String pa = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String pb = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
provider.newFile(pa, "import 'b.dart';");
provider.newFile(pb, "import 'a.dart';");
FileState fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
FileState fb = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pb);
// Compute transitive closures for all files.
// It's a cycle.
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa, fb]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fb, [fa, fb]);
// Update a.dart so that it does not import b.dart anymore.
provider.newFile(pa, "");
_assertFilesWithoutTransitiveFiles([fa, fb]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fa, [fa]);
_assertTransitiveFiles(fb, [fa, fb]);
test_transitiveSignature() {
String pa = _p('/aaa/lib/a.dart');
String pb = _p('/aaa/lib/b.dart');
String pc = _p('/aaa/lib/c.dart');
String pd = _p('/aaa/lib/d.dart');
provider.newFile(pa, "class A {}");
provider.newFile(pb, "import 'a.dart';");
provider.newFile(pc, "import 'b.dart';");
provider.newFile(pd, "class D {}");
FileState fa = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pa);
FileState fb = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pb);
FileState fc = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pc);
FileState fd = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(pd);
// Compute transitive closures for all files.
expect(fa.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
expect(fb.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
expect(fc.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
expect(fd.transitiveSignature, isNotNull);
_excludeSdk(fileSystemState.test.filesWithoutTransitiveFiles), isEmpty);
// Make an update to a.dart that does not change its API signature.
// All transitive signatures are still valid.
provider.newFile(pa, "class A {} // the same API signature");
_excludeSdk(fileSystemState.test.filesWithoutTransitiveFiles), isEmpty);
// Change a.dart API signature, also flush signatures of b.dart and c.dart,
// but d.dart is still OK.
provider.newFile(pa, "class A2 {}");
_assertFilesWithoutTransitiveSignatures([fa, fb, fc]);
void _assertExportedTopLevelDeclarations(String path, List<String> expected) {
FileState file = fileSystemState.getFileForPath(path);
Map<String, TopLevelDeclaration> declarations =
expect(declarations.keys, unorderedEquals(expected));
void _assertFilesWithoutTransitiveFiles(List<FileState> expected) {
var actual = fileSystemState.test.filesWithoutTransitiveFiles;
expect(_excludeSdk(actual), unorderedEquals(expected));
void _assertFilesWithoutTransitiveSignatures(List<FileState> expected) {
var actual = fileSystemState.test.filesWithoutTransitiveSignature;
expect(_excludeSdk(actual), unorderedEquals(expected));
void _assertHasComputedExportedDeclarations(List<String> expectedPathList) {
FileSystemStateTestView test = fileSystemState.test;
expect( => f.path),
void _assertIsUnresolvedFile(FileState file) {
expect(file.path, isNull);
expect(file.uri, isNull);
expect(file.source, isNull);
void _assertTransitiveFiles(FileState file, List<FileState> expected) {
expect(_excludeSdk(file.transitiveFiles), unorderedEquals(expected));
List<T> _excludeSdk<T>(Iterable<T> files) {
return files.where((Object file) {
if (file is FileState) {
return file.uri?.scheme != 'dart';
} else {
return !(file as String).startsWith(_p('/sdk'));
String _p(String path) => provider.convertPath(path);
static String _md5(String content) {
return hex.encode(md5.convert(utf8.encode(content)).bytes);
class _GeneratedUriResolverMock implements UriResolver {
Source Function(Uri, Uri) resolveAbsoluteFunction;
Uri Function(Source) restoreAbsoluteFunction;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw new StateError('Unexpected invocation of ${invocation.memberName}');
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
if (resolveAbsoluteFunction != null) {
return resolveAbsoluteFunction(uri, actualUri);
return null;
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
if (restoreAbsoluteFunction != null) {
return restoreAbsoluteFunction(source);
return null;
class _SourceMock implements Source {
final String fullName;
final Uri uri;
_SourceMock(this.fullName, this.uri);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
throw new StateError('Unexpected invocation of ${invocation.memberName}');