blob: a76259f4169a3768615000700cbde7f8fdd1a26d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library implements a kernel2kernel constant evaluation transformation.
/// Even though it is expected that the frontend does not emit kernel AST which
/// contains compile-time errors, this transformation still performs some
/// valiation and throws a [ConstantEvaluationError] if there was a compile-time
/// errors.
/// Due to the lack information which is is only available in the front-end,
/// this validation is incomplete (e.g. whether an integer literal used the
/// hexadecimal syntax or not).
/// Furthermore due to the lowering of certain constructs in the front-end
/// (e.g. '??') we need to support a super-set of the normal constant expression
/// language. Issue(
library kernel.transformations.constants;
import 'dart:io' as io;
import '../ast.dart';
import '../class_hierarchy.dart';
import '../core_types.dart';
import '../external_name.dart' show getExternalName;
import '../kernel.dart';
import '../type_algebra.dart';
import '../type_environment.dart';
Component transformComponent(
Component component, ConstantsBackend backend, ErrorReporter errorReporter,
{bool keepFields: false,
bool legacyMode: false,
bool enableAsserts: false,
bool evaluateAnnotations: true,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy}) {
coreTypes ??= new CoreTypes(component);
hierarchy ??= new ClassHierarchy(component);
final typeEnvironment =
new TypeEnvironment(coreTypes, hierarchy, legacyMode: legacyMode);
component.libraries, backend, coreTypes, typeEnvironment, errorReporter,
keepFields: keepFields,
legacyMode: legacyMode,
enableAsserts: enableAsserts,
evaluateAnnotations: evaluateAnnotations);
return component;
void transformLibraries(
List<Library> libraries,
ConstantsBackend backend,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment,
ErrorReporter errorReporter,
{bool keepFields: false,
bool legacyMode: false,
bool keepVariables: false,
bool evaluateAnnotations: true,
bool enableAsserts: false}) {
final ConstantsTransformer constantsTransformer = new ConstantsTransformer(
legacyMode: legacyMode);
for (final Library library in libraries) {
class ConstantsTransformer extends Transformer {
final ConstantEvaluator constantEvaluator;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment;
/// Whether to preserve constant [Field]s. All use-sites will be rewritten.
final bool keepFields;
final bool keepVariables;
final bool evaluateAnnotations;
ConstantsBackend backend,
bool enableAsserts,
ErrorReporter errorReporter,
{bool legacyMode: false})
: constantEvaluator = new ConstantEvaluator(
backend, typeEnvironment, coreTypes, enableAsserts, errorReporter,
legacyMode: legacyMode);
// Transform the library/class members:
void convertLibrary(Library library) {
transformAnnotations(library.annotations, library);
transformList(library.dependencies, this, library);
transformList(, this, library);
transformList(library.typedefs, this, library);
transformList(library.classes, this, library);
transformList(library.procedures, this, library);
transformList(library.fields, this, library);
if (!keepFields) {
// The transformer API does not iterate over `Library.additionalExports`,
// so we manually delete the references to shaken nodes.
library.additionalExports.removeWhere((Reference reference) {
return reference.canonicalName == null;
visitLibraryPart(LibraryPart node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
return node;
visitLibraryDependency(LibraryDependency node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
return node;
visitClass(Class node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
transformList(node.fields, this, node);
transformList(node.typeParameters, this, node);
transformList(node.constructors, this, node);
transformList(node.procedures, this, node);
transformList(node.redirectingFactoryConstructors, this, node);
return node;
visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
node.function = node.function.accept(this)..parent = node;
return node;
visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
transformList(node.initializers, this, node);
node.function = node.function.accept(this)..parent = node;
return node;
visitTypedef(Typedef node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
transformList(node.typeParameters, this, node);
transformList(node.typeParametersOfFunctionType, this, node);
transformList(node.positionalParameters, this, node);
transformList(node.namedParameters, this, node);
return node;
visitRedirectingFactoryConstructor(RedirectingFactoryConstructor node) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
transformList(node.typeParameters, this, node);
transformList(node.positionalParameters, this, node);
transformList(node.namedParameters, this, node);
return node;
visitTypeParameter(TypeParameter node) {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
return node;
void transformAnnotations(List<Expression> nodes, TreeNode parent) {
if (evaluateAnnotations && nodes.length > 0) {
transformExpressions(nodes, parent);
void transformExpressions(List<Expression> nodes, TreeNode parent) {
constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
nodes[i] = tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(parent, nodes[i])
..parent = parent;
// Handle definition of constants:
visitFunctionNode(FunctionNode node) {
final positionalParameterCount = node.positionalParameters.length;
for (int i = node.requiredParameterCount;
i < positionalParameterCount;
++i) {
final VariableDeclaration variable = node.positionalParameters[i];
transformAnnotations(variable.annotations, variable);
if (variable.initializer != null) {
variable.initializer =
tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(variable, variable.initializer)
..parent = node;
for (final VariableDeclaration variable in node.namedParameters) {
transformAnnotations(variable.annotations, variable);
if (variable.initializer != null) {
variable.initializer =
tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(variable, variable.initializer)
..parent = node;
if (node.body != null) {
node.body = node.body.accept(this)..parent = node;
return node;
visitVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration node) {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
if (node.initializer != null) {
if (node.isConst) {
final Constant constant =
tryEvaluateWithContext(node, node.initializer);
// If there was a constant evaluation error we will not continue and
// simply keep the old [node].
if (constant != null) {
constantEvaluator.env.addVariableValue(node, constant);
if (keepVariables) {
// So the value of the variable is still available for debugging
// purposes we convert the constant variable to be a final variable
// initialized to the evaluated constant expression.
node.initializer = new ConstantExpression(constant)..parent = node;
node.isFinal = true;
node.isConst = false;
} else {
// Since we convert all use-sites of constants, the constant
// [VariableDeclaration] is unused and we'll therefore remove it.
return null;
} else {
node.initializer = node.initializer.accept(this)..parent = node;
return node;
visitField(Field node) {
return constantEvaluator.withNewEnvironment(() {
if (node.isConst) {
// Since we convert all use-sites of constants, the constant [Field]
// cannot be referenced anymore. We therefore get rid of it if
// [keepFields] was not specified.
if (!keepFields) {
return null;
// Otherwise we keep the constant [Field] and convert it's initializer.
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
if (node.initializer != null) {
node.initializer =
tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node.initializer)
..parent = node;
} else {
transformAnnotations(node.annotations, node);
if (node.initializer != null) {
node.initializer = node.initializer.accept(this)..parent = node;
return node;
// Handle use-sites of constants (and "inline" constant expressions):
visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
return new ConstantExpression(constantEvaluator.evaluate(node));
visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
final Member target =;
if (target is Field && target.isConst) {
final Constant constant =
tryEvaluateWithContext(node, target.initializer);
return constant != null ? new ConstantExpression(constant) : node;
} else if (target is Procedure && target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
return tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node);
return super.visitStaticGet(node);
visitSwitchCase(SwitchCase node) {
transformExpressions(node.expressions, node);
return super.visitSwitchCase(node);
visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
if (node.variable.isConst) {
return tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node);
return super.visitVariableGet(node);
visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node);
return super.visitListLiteral(node);
visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node);
return super.visitMapLiteral(node);
visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node);
return super.visitConstructorInvocation(node);
visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
if (node.isConst) {
return tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(node, node);
return super.visitStaticInvocation(node);
tryEvaluateAndTransformWithContext(TreeNode treeContext, Expression node) {
final Constant constant = tryEvaluateWithContext(treeContext, node);
return constant != null ? new ConstantExpression(constant) : node;
tryEvaluateWithContext(TreeNode treeContext, Expression node) {
if (treeContext == node) {
return constantEvaluator.evaluate(node);
return constantEvaluator.runInsideContext(treeContext, () {
return constantEvaluator.evaluate(node);
class ConstantEvaluator extends RecursiveVisitor {
final ConstantsBackend backend;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
final TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment;
final bool legacyMode;
final bool enableAsserts;
final ErrorReporter errorReporter;
final isInstantiated = new IsInstantiatedVisitor().isInstantiated;
final Map<Constant, Constant> canonicalizationCache;
final Map<Node, Object> nodeCache;
final NullConstant nullConstant = new NullConstant();
final BoolConstant trueConstant = new BoolConstant(true);
final BoolConstant falseConstant = new BoolConstant(false);
final List<TreeNode> contextChain = [];
InstanceBuilder instanceBuilder;
EvaluationEnvironment env;
ConstantEvaluator(this.backend, this.typeEnvironment, this.coreTypes,
this.enableAsserts, this.errorReporter,
{this.legacyMode: false})
: canonicalizationCache = <Constant, Constant>{},
nodeCache = <Node, Constant>{};
/// Evaluates [node] and possibly cache the evaluation result.
Constant evaluate(Expression node) {
try {
return _evaluateSubexpression(node);
} on _AbortCurrentEvaluation catch (e) {
return new UnevaluatedConstant(new InvalidExpression(e.message));
/// Evaluates [node] and possibly cache the evaluation result.
/// @throws _AbortCurrentEvaluation if expression can't be evaluated.
Constant _evaluateSubexpression(Expression node) {
if (node == null) return nullConstant;
if (env.isEmpty) {
// We only try to evaluate the same [node] *once* within an empty
// environment.
if (nodeCache.containsKey(node)) {
final Constant constant = nodeCache[node];
if (constant == null) throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation('circularity');
return constant;
nodeCache[node] = null;
return nodeCache[node] = node.accept(this);
return node.accept(this);
Constant runInsideContext(TreeNode node, Constant fun()) {
try {
return fun();
} finally {
Constant runInsideContextIfNoContext(TreeNode node, Constant fun()) {
if (contextChain.isEmpty) {
return runInsideContext(node, fun);
} else {
return fun();
pushContext(TreeNode contextNode) {
popContext(TreeNode contextNode) {
assert(contextChain.last == contextNode);
contextChain.length = contextChain.length - 1;
defaultTreeNode(Node node) {
// Only a subset of the expression language is valid for constant
// evaluation.
throw 'Constant evaluation has no support for ${node.runtimeType} yet!';
visitNullLiteral(NullLiteral node) => nullConstant;
visitBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral node) {
return node.value ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
visitIntLiteral(IntLiteral node) {
// The frontend will ensure the integer literals are in signed 64-bit
// range.
return canonicalize(new IntConstant(node.value));
visitDoubleLiteral(DoubleLiteral node) {
return canonicalize(new DoubleConstant(node.value));
visitStringLiteral(StringLiteral node) {
return canonicalize(new StringConstant(node.value));
visitTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral node) {
final DartType type = evaluateDartType(node, node.type);
return canonicalize(new TypeLiteralConstant(type));
visitConstantExpression(ConstantExpression node) {
// If there were already constants in the AST then we make sure we
// re-canonicalize them. After running the transformer we will therefore
// have a fully-canonicalized constant DAG with roots coming from the
// [ConstantExpression] nodes in the AST.
return canonicalize(node.constant);
visitListLiteral(ListLiteral node) {
if (!node.isConst) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.nonConstLiteral(contextChain, node, 'List'));
final List<Constant> entries = new List<Constant>(node.expressions.length);
for (int i = 0; i < node.expressions.length; ++i) {
entries[i] = node.expressions[i].accept(this);
final DartType typeArgument = evaluateDartType(node, node.typeArgument);
final ListConstant listConstant = new ListConstant(typeArgument, entries);
return canonicalize(backend.lowerListConstant(listConstant));
visitMapLiteral(MapLiteral node) {
if (!node.isConst) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.nonConstLiteral(contextChain, node, 'Map'));
final Set<Constant> usedKeys = new Set<Constant>();
final List<ConstantMapEntry> entries =
new List<ConstantMapEntry>(node.entries.length);
for (int i = 0; i < node.entries.length; ++i) {
final key = node.entries[i].key.accept(this);
final value = node.entries[i].value.accept(this);
if (!usedKeys.add(key)) {
// TODO(kustermann): We should change the context handling from just
// capturing the `TreeNode`s to a `(TreeNode, String message)` tuple and
// report where the first key with the same value was.
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.duplicateKey(contextChain, node.entries[i], key));
entries[i] = new ConstantMapEntry(key, value);
final DartType keyType = evaluateDartType(node, node.keyType);
final DartType valueType = evaluateDartType(node, node.valueType);
final MapConstant mapConstant =
new MapConstant(keyType, valueType, entries);
return canonicalize(backend.lowerMapConstant(mapConstant));
visitFunctionExpression(FunctionExpression node) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.nonConstLiteral(contextChain, node, 'Function'));
visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
final Constructor constructor =;
final Class klass = constructor.enclosingClass;
if (!constructor.isConst) {
throw 'The front-end should ensure we do not encounter a '
'constructor invocation of a non-const constructor.';
if (constructor.function.body != null &&
constructor.function.body is! EmptyStatement) {
throw 'Constructor "$node" has non-trivial body "${constructor.function.body.runtimeType}".';
if (klass.isAbstract) {
throw 'Constructor "$node" belongs to abstract class "${klass}".';
final typeArguments = evaluateTypeArguments(node, node.arguments);
final positionals = evaluatePositionalArguments(node.arguments);
final named = evaluateNamedArguments(node.arguments);
// Fill in any missing type arguments with "dynamic".
for (int i = typeArguments.length; i < klass.typeParameters.length; i++) {
typeArguments.add(const DynamicType());
// Start building a new instance.
return withNewInstanceBuilder(klass, typeArguments, () {
return runInsideContextIfNoContext(node, () {
// "Run" the constructor (and any super constructor calls), which will
// initialize the fields of the new instance.
constructor, typeArguments, positionals, named);
final InstanceConstant result = instanceBuilder.buildInstance();
// Special case the dart:core's Symbol class here and convert it to a
// [SymbolConstant]. For invalid values we report a compile-time error.
if (result.klass == coreTypes.internalSymbolClass) {
// The dart:_internal's Symbol class has only the name field.
.where((f) => !f.isStatic)
.length ==
final nameValue = result.fieldValues.values.single;
if (nameValue is StringConstant &&
isValidSymbolName(nameValue.value)) {
return canonicalize(new SymbolConstant(nameValue.value, null));
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidSymbolName(
contextChain, node.arguments.positional.first, nameValue));
return canonicalize(result);
bool isValidSymbolName(String name) {
// See
// A qualified name is a valid name preceded by a public identifier name and
// a '.', e.g., is a qualified version of baz=.
// That means that the content of the name String must be either
// - a valid public Dart identifier (that is, an identifier not
// starting with "_"),
// - such an identifier followed by "=" (a setter name),
// - the name of a declarable operator,
// - any of the above preceded by any number of qualifiers, where a
// qualifier is a non-private identifier followed by '.',
// - or the empty string (the default name of a library with no library
// name declaration).
const operatorNames = const <String>[
if (name == null) return false;
if (name == '') return true;
final parts = name.split('.');
// Each qualifier must be a public identifier.
for (int i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; ++i) {
if (!isValidPublicIdentifier(parts[i])) return false;
String last = parts.last;
if (operatorNames.contains(last)) {
return true;
if (last.endsWith('=')) {
last = last.substring(0, last.length - 1);
if (!isValidPublicIdentifier(last)) return false;
return true;
/// From the Dart Language specification:
/// LETTER | '_'
static final publicIdentifierRegExp =
new RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*$');
static const nonUsableKeywords = const <String>[
bool isValidPublicIdentifier(String name) {
return publicIdentifierRegExp.hasMatch(name) &&
Constructor constructor,
List<DartType> typeArguments,
List<Constant> positionalArguments,
Map<String, Constant> namedArguments) {
return runInsideContext(constructor, () {
return withNewEnvironment(() {
final Class klass = constructor.enclosingClass;
final FunctionNode function = constructor.function;
// We simulate now the constructor invocation.
// Step 1) Map type arguments and normal arguments from caller to callee.
for (int i = 0; i < klass.typeParameters.length; i++) {
env.addTypeParameterValue(klass.typeParameters[i], typeArguments[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < function.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
final VariableDeclaration parameter =
final Constant value = (i < positionalArguments.length)
? positionalArguments[i]
: _evaluateSubexpression(parameter.initializer);
env.addVariableValue(parameter, value);
for (final VariableDeclaration parameter in function.namedParameters) {
final Constant value = namedArguments[] ??
env.addVariableValue(parameter, value);
// Step 2) Run all initializers (including super calls) with environment setup.
for (final Field field in klass.fields) {
if (!field.isStatic) {
field, _evaluateSubexpression(field.initializer));
for (final Initializer init in constructor.initializers) {
if (init is FieldInitializer) {
init.field, _evaluateSubexpression(init.value));
} else if (init is LocalInitializer) {
final VariableDeclaration variable = init.variable;
variable, _evaluateSubexpression(variable.initializer));
} else if (init is SuperInitializer) {
init, constructor.enclosingClass.supertype),
} else if (init is RedirectingInitializer) {
// Since a redirecting constructor targets a constructor of the same
// class, we pass the same [typeArguments].
} else if (init is AssertInitializer) {
if (enableAsserts) {
final Constant condition = init.statement.condition.accept(this);
if (condition is BoolConstant) {
if (!condition.value) {
final Constant message = init.statement.message?.accept(this);
if (message == null) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
contextChain, init.statement.condition, null));
} else if (message is StringConstant) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
init.statement.condition, message.value));
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
} else {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidDartType(
} else {
throw new Exception(
'No support for handling initializer of type "${init.runtimeType}".');
visitInvalidExpression(InvalidExpression node) {
// Invalid expressions are always distinct, we do not canonicalize them.
return new UnevaluatedConstant(node);
visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
// We have no support for generic method invocation atm.
final Constant receiver = _evaluateSubexpression(node.receiver);
final List<Constant> arguments =
// TODO( Ensure we only invoke ==/!= on
// null/bool/int/double/String objects.
// Handle == and != first (it's common between all types).
if (arguments.length == 1 && == '==') {
final right = arguments[0];
return receiver == right ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
if (arguments.length == 1 && == '!=') {
final right = arguments[0];
return receiver != right ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
// This is a white-listed set of methods we need to support on constants.
if (receiver is StringConstant) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
switch ( {
case '+':
final Constant other = arguments[0];
if (other is StringConstant) {
return canonicalize(
new StringConstant(receiver.value + other.value));
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
} else if (receiver is BoolConstant) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
switch ( {
case '!':
return !receiver.value ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
} else if (arguments.length == 2) {
final right = arguments[0];
if (right is BoolConstant) {
switch ( {
case '&&':
return (receiver.value && right.value)
? trueConstant
: falseConstant;
case '||':
return (receiver.value || right.value)
? trueConstant
: falseConstant;
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
} else if (receiver is IntConstant) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
switch ( {
case 'unary-':
return canonicalize(new IntConstant(-receiver.value));
case '~':
return canonicalize(new IntConstant(~receiver.value));
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
final Constant other = arguments[0];
final op =;
if (other is IntConstant) {
if ((op == '<<' || op == '>>') && other.value < 0) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.negativeShift(
switch (op) {
case '|':
return canonicalize(
new IntConstant(receiver.value | other.value));
case '&':
return canonicalize(
new IntConstant(receiver.value & other.value));
case '^':
return canonicalize(
new IntConstant(receiver.value ^ other.value));
case '<<':
return canonicalize(
new IntConstant(receiver.value << other.value));
case '>>':
return canonicalize(
new IntConstant(receiver.value >> other.value));
if (other is IntConstant) {
if (other.value == 0 && (op == '%' || op == '~/')) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.zeroDivisor(
contextChain, node.arguments.positional.first, receiver, op));
return evaluateBinaryNumericOperation(, receiver.value, other.value, node);
} else if (other is DoubleConstant) {
return evaluateBinaryNumericOperation(, receiver.value, other.value, node);
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
} else if (receiver is DoubleConstant) {
if (arguments.length == 0) {
switch ( {
case 'unary-':
return canonicalize(new DoubleConstant(-receiver.value));
} else if (arguments.length == 1) {
final Constant other = arguments[0];
if (other is IntConstant || other is DoubleConstant) {
final num value = (other is IntConstant)
? other.value
: (other as DoubleConstant).value;
return evaluateBinaryNumericOperation(, receiver.value, value, node);
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidMethodInvocation(
contextChain, node, receiver,;
visitLogicalExpression(LogicalExpression node) {
final Constant left = _evaluateSubexpression(node.left);
switch (node.operator) {
case '||':
if (left is BoolConstant) {
if (left.value) return trueConstant;
final Constant right = _evaluateSubexpression(node.right);
if (right is BoolConstant) {
return right;
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidMethodInvocation(
contextChain, node, left, '${node.operator}'));
case '&&':
if (left is BoolConstant) {
if (!left.value) return falseConstant;
final Constant right = _evaluateSubexpression(node.right);
if (right is BoolConstant) {
return right;
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidMethodInvocation(
contextChain, node, left, '${node.operator}'));
case '??':
return (left is! NullConstant)
? left
: _evaluateSubexpression(node.right);
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidMethodInvocation(
contextChain, node, left, '${node.operator}'));
visitConditionalExpression(ConditionalExpression node) {
final Constant constant = _evaluateSubexpression(node.condition);
if (constant == trueConstant) {
return _evaluateSubexpression(node.then);
} else if (constant == falseConstant) {
return _evaluateSubexpression(node.otherwise);
} else {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidDartType(
contextChain, node, constant, typeEnvironment.boolType));
visitPropertyGet(PropertyGet node) {
if (node.receiver is ThisExpression) {
// Access "this" during instance creation.
for (final Field field in instanceBuilder.fields.keys) {
if ( == {
return instanceBuilder.fields[field];
throw 'Could not evaluate field get ${} on incomplete instance';
final Constant receiver = _evaluateSubexpression(node.receiver);
if (receiver is StringConstant && == 'length') {
return canonicalize(new IntConstant(receiver.value.length));
} else if (receiver is InstanceConstant) {
for (final Reference fieldRef in receiver.fieldValues.keys) {
if ( == {
return receiver.fieldValues[fieldRef];
throw 'Could not evaluate property get on $receiver.';
visitLet(Let node) {
node.variable, _evaluateSubexpression(node.variable.initializer));
return node.body.accept(this);
visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
// Not every variable which a [VariableGet] refers to must be marked as
// constant. For example function parameters as well as constructs
// desugared to [Let] expressions are ok.
// TODO(kustermann): The heuristic of allowing all [VariableGet]s on [Let]
// variables might allow more than it should.
final VariableDeclaration variable = node.variable;
if (variable.parent is Let || _isFormalParameter(variable)) {
final Constant constant = env.lookupVariable(node.variable);
if (constant == null) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.nonConstantVariableGet(
contextChain, node,;
return constant;
if (variable.isConst) {
return _evaluateSubexpression(variable.initializer);
throw new Exception('The front-end should ensure we do not encounter a '
'variable get of a non-const variable.');
visitStaticGet(StaticGet node) {
return withNewEnvironment(() {
final Member target =;
if (target is Field) {
if (target.isConst) {
return runInsideContext(target, () {
return _evaluateSubexpression(target.initializer);
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.invalidStaticInvocation(contextChain, node, target));
} else if (target is Procedure) {
if (target.kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
return canonicalize(new TearOffConstant(target));
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.invalidStaticInvocation(contextChain, node, target));
} else {
throw new Exception(
'No support for ${target.runtimeType} in a static-get.');
visitStringConcatenation(StringConcatenation node) {
final String value = node) {
final Constant constant = node.accept(this);
if (constant is NullConstant) {
return 'null';
} else if (constant is BoolConstant) {
return constant.value ? 'true' : 'false';
} else if (constant is IntConstant) {
return constant.value.toString();
} else if (constant is DoubleConstant) {
return constant.value.toString();
} else if (constant is StringConstant) {
return constant.value;
} else {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter
.invalidStringInterpolationOperand(contextChain, node, constant));
return canonicalize(new StringConstant(value));
visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
final Procedure target =;
if (target.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory) {
final String nativeName = getExternalName(target);
if (nativeName != null) {
final Constant constant = backend.buildConstantForNative(
evaluateTypeArguments(node, node.arguments),
(String message) => throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(message));
assert(constant != null);
return canonicalize(constant);
} else if ( == 'identical') {
// Ensure the "identical()" function comes from dart:core.
final parent = target.parent;
if (parent is Library && parent == coreTypes.coreLibrary) {
final positionalArguments = evaluatePositionalArguments(node.arguments);
final Constant left = positionalArguments[0];
final Constant right = positionalArguments[1];
// Since we canonicalize constants during the evaluation, we can use
// identical here.
return identical(left, right) ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.invalidStaticInvocation(contextChain, node, target));
visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
final Constant constant = node.operand.accept(this);
ensureIsSubtype(constant, evaluateDartType(node, node.type), node);
return constant;
visitNot(Not node) {
final Constant constant = node.operand.accept(this);
if (constant is BoolConstant) {
return constant == trueConstant ? falseConstant : trueConstant;
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(errorReporter.invalidDartType(
contextChain, node, constant, typeEnvironment.boolType));
visitSymbolLiteral(SymbolLiteral node) {
final libraryReference =
node.value.startsWith('_') ? libraryOf(node).reference : null;
return canonicalize(new SymbolConstant(node.value, libraryReference));
visitInstantiation(Instantiation node) {
final Constant constant = _evaluateSubexpression(node.expression);
if (constant is TearOffConstant) {
if (node.typeArguments.length ==
constant.procedure.function.typeParameters.length) {
final typeArguments = evaluateDartTypes(node, node.typeArguments);
return canonicalize(
new PartialInstantiationConstant(constant, typeArguments));
throw new Exception(
'The number of type arguments supplied in the partial instantiation '
'does not match the number of type arguments of the $constant.');
throw new Exception(
'Only tear-off constants can be partially instantiated.');
visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(CheckLibraryIsLoaded node) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.deferredLibrary(contextChain, node,;
// Helper methods:
void ensureIsSubtype(Constant constant, DartType type, TreeNode node) {
DartType constantType;
if (constant is NullConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.nullClass);
} else if (constant is BoolConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.boolClass);
} else if (constant is IntConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.intClass);
} else if (constant is DoubleConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.doubleClass);
} else if (constant is StringConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.stringClass);
} else if (constant is MapConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.mapClass, <DartType>[constant.keyType, constant.valueType]);
} else if (constant is ListConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(
coreTypes.stringClass, <DartType>[constant.typeArgument]);
} else if (constant is InstanceConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(constant.klass, constant.typeArguments);
} else if (constant is TearOffConstant) {
constantType = constant.procedure.function.functionType;
} else if (constant is TypeLiteralConstant) {
constantType = new InterfaceType(coreTypes.typeClass);
} else {
throw new Exception('No support for ${constant.runtimeType}.runtimeType');
if (!typeEnvironment.isSubtypeOf(constantType, type)) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.invalidDartType(contextChain, node, constant, type));
List<DartType> evaluateTypeArguments(TreeNode node, Arguments arguments) {
return evaluateDartTypes(node, arguments.types);
List<DartType> evaluateSuperTypeArguments(TreeNode node, Supertype type) {
return evaluateDartTypes(node, type.typeArguments);
List<DartType> evaluateDartTypes(TreeNode node, List<DartType> types) {
// TODO: Once the frontend gurantees that there are no free type variables
// left over after stubstitution, we can enable this shortcut again:
// if (env.isEmpty) return types;
return => evaluateDartType(node, t)).toList();
DartType evaluateDartType(TreeNode node, DartType type) {
final result = env.subsituteType(type);
if (!isInstantiated(result)) {
throw new _AbortCurrentEvaluation(
errorReporter.freeTypeParameter(contextChain, node, type));
return result;
List<Constant> evaluatePositionalArguments(Arguments arguments) {
return node) {
return node.accept(this) as Constant;
Map<String, Constant> evaluateNamedArguments(Arguments arguments) {
if (arguments.named.isEmpty) return const <String, Constant>{};
final Map<String, Constant> named = {};
arguments.named.forEach((NamedExpression pair) {
named[] = pair.value.accept(this);
return named;
canonicalize(Constant constant) {
return canonicalizationCache.putIfAbsent(constant, () => constant);
withNewInstanceBuilder(Class klass, List<DartType> typeArguments, fn()) {
InstanceBuilder old = instanceBuilder;
try {
instanceBuilder = new InstanceBuilder(klass, typeArguments);
return fn();
} finally {
instanceBuilder = old;
withNewEnvironment(fn()) {
final EvaluationEnvironment oldEnv = env;
try {
env = new EvaluationEnvironment();
return fn();
} finally {
env = oldEnv;
evaluateBinaryNumericOperation(String op, num a, num b, TreeNode node) {
num result;
switch (op) {
case '+':
result = a + b;
case '-':
result = a - b;
case '*':
result = a * b;
case '/':
result = a / b;
case '~/':
result = a ~/ b;
case '%':
result = a % b;
if (result != null) {
return canonicalize(result is int
? new IntConstant(_wrapAroundInteger(result))
: new DoubleConstant(result as double));
switch (op) {
case '<':
return a < b ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
case '<=':
return a <= b ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
case '>=':
return a >= b ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
case '>':
return a > b ? trueConstant : falseConstant;
throw new Exception("Unexpected binary numeric operation '$op'.");
int _wrapAroundInteger(int value) {
if (!legacyMode) {
return value.toSigned(64);
return value;
Library libraryOf(TreeNode node) {
// The tree structure of the kernel AST ensures we always have an enclosing
// library.
while (true) {
if (node is Library) return node;
node = node.parent;
/// Holds the necessary information for a constant object, namely
/// * the [klass] being instantiated
/// * the [typeArguments] used for the instantiation
/// * the [fields] the instance will obtain (all fields from the
/// instantiated [klass] up to the [Object] klass).
class InstanceBuilder {
/// The class of the new instance.
final Class klass;
/// The values of the type parameters of the new instance.
final List<DartType> typeArguments;
/// The field values of the new instance.
final Map<Field, Constant> fields = <Field, Constant>{};
InstanceBuilder(this.klass, this.typeArguments);
void setFieldValue(Field field, Constant constant) {
fields[field] = constant;
InstanceConstant buildInstance() {
final Map<Reference, Constant> fieldValues = <Reference, Constant>{};
fields.forEach((Field field, Constant value) {
fieldValues[field.reference] = value;
return new InstanceConstant(klass.reference, typeArguments, fieldValues);
/// Holds an environment of type parameters, parameters and variables.
class EvaluationEnvironment {
/// The values of the type parameters in scope.
final Map<TypeParameter, DartType> _typeVariables =
<TypeParameter, DartType>{};
/// The values of the parameters/variables in scope.
final Map<VariableDeclaration, Constant> _variables =
<VariableDeclaration, Constant>{};
/// Whether the current environment is empty.
bool get isEmpty => _typeVariables.isEmpty && _variables.isEmpty;
void addTypeParameterValue(TypeParameter parameter, DartType value) {
_typeVariables[parameter] = value;
void addVariableValue(VariableDeclaration variable, Constant value) {
_variables[variable] = value;
DartType lookupParameterValue(TypeParameter parameter) {
final DartType value = _typeVariables[parameter];
assert(value != null);
return value;
Constant lookupVariable(VariableDeclaration variable) {
return _variables[variable];
DartType subsituteType(DartType type) {
if (_typeVariables.isEmpty) return type;
return substitute(type, _typeVariables);
abstract class ConstantsBackend {
Constant buildConstantForNative(
String nativeName,
List<DartType> typeArguments,
List<Constant> positionalArguments,
Map<String, Constant> namedArguments,
List<TreeNode> context,
StaticInvocation node,
ErrorReporter errorReporter,
void abortEvaluation(String message));
Constant lowerListConstant(ListConstant constant);
Constant lowerMapConstant(MapConstant constant);
// Used as control-flow to abort the current evaluation.
class _AbortCurrentEvaluation {
final String message;
abstract class ErrorReporter {
const ErrorReporter();
Uri getFileUri(TreeNode node) {
while (node is! FileUriNode) {
node = node.parent;
return (node as FileUriNode).fileUri;
int getFileOffset(TreeNode node) {
while (node.fileOffset == TreeNode.noOffset) {
node = node.parent;
return node == null ? TreeNode.noOffset : node.fileOffset;
String freeTypeParameter(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, DartType type);
String invalidDartType(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node,
Constant receiver, DartType expectedType);
String invalidBinaryOperandType(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node,
Constant receiver, String op, DartType expectedType, DartType actualType);
String invalidMethodInvocation(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant receiver, String op);
String invalidStaticInvocation(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Member target);
String invalidStringInterpolationOperand(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant constant);
String invalidSymbolName(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant constant);
String zeroDivisor(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, IntConstant receiver, String op);
String negativeShift(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node,
IntConstant receiver, String op, IntConstant argument);
String nonConstLiteral(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String klass);
String duplicateKey(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant key);
String failedAssertion(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String message);
String nonConstantVariableGet(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String variableName);
String deferredLibrary(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String importName);
class SimpleErrorReporter extends ErrorReporter {
const SimpleErrorReporter();
String report(List<TreeNode> context, String what, TreeNode node) {
io.exitCode = 42;
final Uri uri = getFileUri(node);
final int fileOffset = getFileOffset(node);
final String message = '$uri:$fileOffset Constant evaluation error: $what';
return message;
String freeTypeParameter(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, DartType type) {
return report(
context, 'Expected type to be instantiated but was ${type}', node);
String invalidDartType(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node,
Constant receiver, DartType expectedType) {
return report(
'Expected expression to evaluate to "$expectedType" but got "$receiver.',
String invalidBinaryOperandType(
List<TreeNode> context,
TreeNode node,
Constant receiver,
String op,
DartType expectedType,
DartType actualType) {
return report(
'Calling "$op" on "$receiver" needs operand of type '
'"$expectedType" (but got "$actualType")',
String invalidMethodInvocation(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant receiver, String op) {
return report(context,
'Cannot call "$op" on "$receiver" in constant expression', node);
String invalidStaticInvocation(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Member target) {
return report(
context, 'Cannot invoke "$target" inside a constant expression', node);
String invalidStringInterpolationOperand(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant constant) {
return report(
'Only null/bool/int/double/String values are allowed as string '
'interpolation expressions during constant evaluation (was: "$constant").',
String invalidSymbolName(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant constant) {
return report(
'The symbol name must be a valid public Dart member name, public '
'constructor name, or library name, optionally qualified.',
String zeroDivisor(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, IntConstant receiver, String op) {
return report(
"Binary operator '$op' on '${receiver.value}' requires non-zero "
"divisor, but divisor was '0'.",
String negativeShift(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node,
IntConstant receiver, String op, IntConstant argument) {
return report(
"Binary operator '$op' on '${receiver.value}' requires non-negative "
"operand, but was '${argument.value}'.",
String nonConstLiteral(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String klass) {
return report(
'Cannot have a non-constant $klass literal within a const context.',
String duplicateKey(List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, Constant key) {
return report(
'Duplicate keys are not allowed in constant maps (found duplicate key "$key")',
String failedAssertion(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String message) {
return report(
'The assertion condition evaluated to "false" with message "$message"',
String nonConstantVariableGet(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String variableName) {
return report(
'The variable "$variableName" cannot be used inside a constant '
String deferredLibrary(
List<TreeNode> context, TreeNode node, String importName) {
return report(
'Deferred "$importName" cannot be used inside a constant '
class IsInstantiatedVisitor extends DartTypeVisitor<bool> {
final _availableVariables = new Set<TypeParameter>();
bool isInstantiated(DartType type) {
return type.accept(this);
bool defaultDartType(DartType node) {
throw 'A visitor method seems to be unimplemented!';
bool visitInvalidType(InvalidType node) => true;
bool visitDynamicType(DynamicType node) => true;
bool visitVoidType(VoidType node) => true;
bool visitBottomType(BottomType node) => true;
bool visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType node) {
return _availableVariables.contains(node.parameter);
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType node) {
return node.typeArguments
.every((DartType typeArgument) => typeArgument.accept(this));
bool visitFunctionType(FunctionType node) {
final parameters = node.typeParameters;
final bool result = node.returnType.accept(this) &&
node.positionalParameters.every((p) => p.accept(this)) &&
node.namedParameters.every((p) => p.type.accept(this));
return result;
bool visitTypedefType(TypedefType node) {
return node.unalias.accept(this);
bool _isFormalParameter(VariableDeclaration variable) {
final parent = variable.parent;
if (parent is FunctionNode) {
return parent.positionalParameters.contains(variable) ||
return false;