Remove unused SubtypeManager.

Change-Id: I4ec2bec51912817621361bf170257c6dfe972189
Reviewed-by: Brian Wilkerson <>
Commit-Queue: Konstantin Shcheglov <>
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart
index 7d74d96..8eed8da 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/lib/src/generated/resolver.dart
@@ -7850,175 +7850,6 @@
- * Instances of this class manage the knowledge of what the set of subtypes are for a given type.
- */
-class SubtypeManager {
-  /**
-   * A map between [ClassElement]s and a set of [ClassElement]s that are subtypes of the
-   * key.
-   */
-  Map<ClassElement, HashSet<ClassElement>> _subtypeMap =
-      new HashMap<ClassElement, HashSet<ClassElement>>();
-  /**
-   * The set of all [LibraryElement]s that have been visited by the manager. This is used both
-   * to prevent infinite loops in the recursive methods, and also as a marker for the scope of the
-   * libraries visited by this manager.
-   */
-  HashSet<LibraryElement> _visitedLibraries = new HashSet<LibraryElement>();
-  /**
-   * Given some [ClassElement], return the set of all subtypes, and subtypes of subtypes.
-   *
-   * @param classElement the class to recursively return the set of subtypes of
-   */
-  HashSet<ClassElement> computeAllSubtypes(ClassElement classElement) {
-    // Ensure that we have generated the subtype map for the library
-    _computeSubtypesInLibrary(classElement.library);
-    // use the subtypeMap to compute the set of all subtypes and subtype's
-    // subtypes
-    HashSet<ClassElement> allSubtypes = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
-    _safelyComputeAllSubtypes(
-        classElement, new HashSet<ClassElement>(), allSubtypes);
-    return allSubtypes;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Given some [LibraryElement], visit all of the types in the library, the passed library,
-   * and any imported libraries, will be in the [visitedLibraries] set.
-   *
-   * @param libraryElement the library to visit, it it hasn't been visited already
-   */
-  void ensureLibraryVisited(LibraryElement libraryElement) {
-    _computeSubtypesInLibrary(libraryElement);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Given some [ClassElement], this method adds all of the pairs combinations of itself and
-   * all of its supertypes to the [subtypeMap] map.
-   *
-   * @param classElement the class element
-   */
-  void _computeSubtypesInClass(ClassElement classElement) {
-    InterfaceType supertypeType = classElement.supertype;
-    if (supertypeType != null) {
-      ClassElement supertypeElement = supertypeType.element;
-      if (supertypeElement != null) {
-        _putInSubtypeMap(supertypeElement, classElement);
-      }
-    }
-    List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes = classElement.interfaces;
-    int interfaceLength = interfaceTypes.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < interfaceLength; i++) {
-      InterfaceType interfaceType = interfaceTypes[i];
-      ClassElement interfaceElement = interfaceType.element;
-      if (interfaceElement != null) {
-        _putInSubtypeMap(interfaceElement, classElement);
-      }
-    }
-    List<InterfaceType> mixinTypes = classElement.mixins;
-    int mixinLength = mixinTypes.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < mixinLength; i++) {
-      InterfaceType mixinType = mixinTypes[i];
-      ClassElement mixinElement = mixinType.element;
-      if (mixinElement != null) {
-        _putInSubtypeMap(mixinElement, classElement);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Given some [CompilationUnitElement], this method calls
-   * [computeAllSubtypes] on all of the [ClassElement]s in the
-   * compilation unit.
-   *
-   * @param unitElement the compilation unit element
-   */
-  void _computeSubtypesInCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement unitElement) {
-    List<ClassElement> classElements = unitElement.types;
-    int length = classElements.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
-      ClassElement classElement = classElements[i];
-      _computeSubtypesInClass(classElement);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Given some [LibraryElement], this method calls
-   * [computeAllSubtypes] on all of the [ClassElement]s in the
-   * compilation unit, and itself for all imported and exported libraries. All visited libraries are
-   * added to the [visitedLibraries] set.
-   *
-   * @param libraryElement the library element
-   */
-  void _computeSubtypesInLibrary(LibraryElement libraryElement) {
-    if (libraryElement == null || _visitedLibraries.contains(libraryElement)) {
-      return;
-    }
-    _visitedLibraries.add(libraryElement);
-    _computeSubtypesInCompilationUnit(libraryElement.definingCompilationUnit);
-    List<CompilationUnitElement> parts =;
-    int partLength = parts.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < partLength; i++) {
-      CompilationUnitElement part = parts[i];
-      _computeSubtypesInCompilationUnit(part);
-    }
-    List<LibraryElement> imports = libraryElement.importedLibraries;
-    int importLength = imports.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < importLength; i++) {
-      LibraryElement importElt = imports[i];
-      _computeSubtypesInLibrary(importElt.library);
-    }
-    List<LibraryElement> exports = libraryElement.exportedLibraries;
-    int exportLength = exports.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < exportLength; i++) {
-      LibraryElement exportElt = exports[i];
-      _computeSubtypesInLibrary(exportElt.library);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Add some key/ value pair into the [subtypeMap] map.
-   *
-   * @param supertypeElement the key for the [subtypeMap] map
-   * @param subtypeElement the value for the [subtypeMap] map
-   */
-  void _putInSubtypeMap(
-      ClassElement supertypeElement, ClassElement subtypeElement) {
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypes = _subtypeMap[supertypeElement];
-    if (subtypes == null) {
-      subtypes = new HashSet<ClassElement>();
-      _subtypeMap[supertypeElement] = subtypes;
-    }
-    subtypes.add(subtypeElement);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Given some [ClassElement] and a [HashSet<ClassElement>], this method recursively
-   * adds all of the subtypes of the [ClassElement] to the passed array.
-   *
-   * @param classElement the type to compute the set of subtypes of
-   * @param visitedClasses the set of class elements that this method has already recursively seen
-   * @param allSubtypes the computed set of subtypes of the passed class element
-   */
-  void _safelyComputeAllSubtypes(ClassElement classElement,
-      HashSet<ClassElement> visitedClasses, HashSet<ClassElement> allSubtypes) {
-    if (!visitedClasses.add(classElement)) {
-      // if this class has already been called on this class element
-      return;
-    }
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypes = _subtypeMap[classElement];
-    if (subtypes == null) {
-      return;
-    }
-    for (ClassElement subtype in subtypes) {
-      _safelyComputeAllSubtypes(subtype, visitedClasses, allSubtypes);
-    }
-    allSubtypes.addAll(subtypes);
-  }
  * Instances of the class `ToDoFinder` find to-do comments in Dart code.
 class ToDoFinder {
diff --git a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/resolver_test.dart b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/resolver_test.dart
index 0b44b59..0f806d1 100644
--- a/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/resolver_test.dart
+++ b/pkg/analyzer/test/generated/resolver_test.dart
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@
-    defineReflectiveTests(SubtypeManagerTest);
@@ -752,107 +751,6 @@
-class SubtypeManagerTest {
-  /**
-   * The inheritance manager being tested.
-   */
-  SubtypeManager _subtypeManager;
-  /**
-   * The compilation unit element containing all of the types setup in each test.
-   */
-  CompilationUnitElementImpl _definingCompilationUnit;
-  void setUp() {
-    MemoryResourceProvider resourceProvider = new MemoryResourceProvider();
-    AnalysisContext context = AnalysisContextFactory.contextWithCore(
-        resourceProvider: resourceProvider);
-    Source source = new FileSource(resourceProvider.getFile("/test.dart"));
-    _definingCompilationUnit = new CompilationUnitElementImpl("test.dart");
-    _definingCompilationUnit.librarySource =
-        _definingCompilationUnit.source = source;
-    LibraryElementImpl definingLibrary =
-        ElementFactory.library(context, "test");
-    definingLibrary.definingCompilationUnit = _definingCompilationUnit;
-    _subtypeManager = new SubtypeManager();
-  }
-  void test_computeAllSubtypes_infiniteLoop() {
-    //
-    // class A extends B
-    // class B extends A
-    //
-    ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
-    ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
-    classA.supertype = classB.type;
-    _definingCompilationUnit.types = <ClassElement>[classA, classB];
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypesOfA =
-        _subtypeManager.computeAllSubtypes(classA);
-    List<ClassElement> arraySubtypesOfA = new List.from(subtypesOfA);
-    expect(subtypesOfA, hasLength(2));
-    expect(arraySubtypesOfA, unorderedEquals([classA, classB]));
-  }
-  void test_computeAllSubtypes_manyRecursiveSubtypes() {
-    //
-    // class A
-    // class B extends A
-    // class C extends B
-    // class D extends B
-    // class E extends B
-    //
-    ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
-    ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
-    ClassElementImpl classC = ElementFactory.classElement("C", classB.type);
-    ClassElementImpl classD = ElementFactory.classElement("D", classB.type);
-    ClassElementImpl classE = ElementFactory.classElement("E", classB.type);
-    _definingCompilationUnit.types = <ClassElement>[
-      classA,
-      classB,
-      classC,
-      classD,
-      classE
-    ];
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypesOfA =
-        _subtypeManager.computeAllSubtypes(classA);
-    List<ClassElement> arraySubtypesOfA = new List.from(subtypesOfA);
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypesOfB =
-        _subtypeManager.computeAllSubtypes(classB);
-    List<ClassElement> arraySubtypesOfB = new List.from(subtypesOfB);
-    expect(subtypesOfA, hasLength(4));
-    expect(arraySubtypesOfA, unorderedEquals([classB, classC, classD, classE]));
-    expect(subtypesOfB, hasLength(3));
-    expect(arraySubtypesOfB, unorderedEquals([classC, classD, classE]));
-  }
-  void test_computeAllSubtypes_noSubtypes() {
-    //
-    // class A
-    //
-    ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
-    _definingCompilationUnit.types = <ClassElement>[classA];
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypesOfA =
-        _subtypeManager.computeAllSubtypes(classA);
-    expect(subtypesOfA, hasLength(0));
-  }
-  void test_computeAllSubtypes_oneSubtype() {
-    //
-    // class A
-    // class B extends A
-    //
-    ClassElementImpl classA = ElementFactory.classElement2("A");
-    ClassElementImpl classB = ElementFactory.classElement("B", classA.type);
-    _definingCompilationUnit.types = <ClassElement>[classA, classB];
-    HashSet<ClassElement> subtypesOfA =
-        _subtypeManager.computeAllSubtypes(classA);
-    List<ClassElement> arraySubtypesOfA = new List.from(subtypesOfA);
-    expect(subtypesOfA, hasLength(1));
-    expect(arraySubtypesOfA, unorderedEquals([classB]));
-  }
 class TypeOverrideManagerTest extends EngineTestCase {
   void test_exitScope_noScopes() {
     TypeOverrideManager manager = new TypeOverrideManager();