blob: 4e837248c076a8b7ad37f7af3915958675bdffe8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:status_file/expectation.dart';
import 'package:status_file/status_file.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'environment.dart';
/// Tracks the [Expectation]s associated with a set of file paths.
/// For any given file path, returns the expected test results for that file.
/// A set can be loaded from a collection of status files. A file path may
/// exist in multiple files (or even multiple sections within the file). When
/// that happens, all of the expectations of every entry are unioned together
/// and the test is considered to pass if the outcome is any of those
/// expectations.
class ExpectationSet {
static final _passSet = [Expectation.pass].toSet();
/// A cache of path component glob strings (like "b*r") that we've previously
/// converted to regexes. This ensures we collapse multiple globs from the
/// same string to the same map key in [_PathNode.regExpChildren].
final Map<String, RegExp> _globCache = {};
/// The root of the expectation tree.
final _PathNode _tree = new _PathNode();
/// Reads the expectations defined by the status files at [statusFilePaths]
/// when in [configuration].
List<String> statusFilePaths, TestConfiguration configuration) {
try {
var environment = new ConfigurationEnvironment(configuration);
for (var path in statusFilePaths) {
var file = new;
for (var section in file.sections) {
if (section.isEnabled(environment)) {
for (var entry in section.entries) {
} on SyntaxError catch (error) {
throw "unreachable";
/// Add [entry] to the set of expectations.
void addEntry(StatusEntry entry) {
var tree = _tree;
for (var part in entry.path.split('/')) {
if (part.contains("*")) {
var regExp = _globCache.putIfAbsent(part, () {
return new RegExp("^" + part.replaceAll("*", ".*") + r"$");
tree = tree.regExpChildren.putIfAbsent(regExp, () => new _PathNode());
} else {
tree = tree.stringChildren.putIfAbsent(part, () => new _PathNode());
/// Get the expectations for the test at [path].
/// For every (key, expectation) pair, matches the key with the file name.
/// Returns the union of the expectations for all the keys that match.
/// Normal matching splits the key and the filename into path components and
/// checks that the anchored regular expression "^$keyComponent\$" matches
/// the corresponding filename component.
Set<Expectation> expectations(String path) {
var result = new Set<Expectation>();
_tree.walk(path.split('/'), 0, result);
// If no status files modified the expectation, default to the test passing.
if (result.isEmpty) return _passSet;
return result;
/// A single file system path component in the tree of expectations.
/// Given a list of status file entry paths (which may contain globs at various
/// parts), we parse it into a tree of nodes. Then, later, when looking up the
/// status for a single test, this lets us quickly consider only the status
/// file entries that relate to that test.
class _PathNode {
/// The non-glob child directory and file paths within this directory.
final Map<String, _PathNode> stringChildren = {};
/// The glob child directory and file paths within this directory.
final Map<RegExp, _PathNode> regExpChildren = {};
/// The test expectatations that any test within this directory should
/// include.
final Set<Expectation> expectations = new Set();
/// Walks the list of path [parts], starting at [index] adding any
/// expectations to [result] from this node and any of its matching children.
/// We need to include all matching children because multiple children may
/// match a single test, as in:
/// foo/bar/baz: Timeout
/// foo/b*r/baz: Skip
/// foo/*ar/baz: SkipByDesign
/// Assuming this node is for "foo" and we are walking ["bar", "baz"], all
/// three of the above should match and the resulting expectation set should
/// include all three.
/// Also if a status file entry is a prefix of the test's path, that matches
/// too:
/// foo/bar: Skip
/// If the test path is "foo/baz/baz", the above entry will match it.
void walk(List<String> parts, int index, Set<Expectation> result) {
// We've reached this node itself, so add its expectations.
// If this is a leaf node, stop traversing.
if (index >= parts.length) return;
var part = parts[index];
// Look for a non-glob child directory.
if (stringChildren.containsKey(part)) {
stringChildren[part].walk(parts, index + 1, result);
// Look for any matching glob directories.
for (var regExp in regExpChildren.keys) {
if (regExp.hasMatch(part)) {
regExpChildren[regExp].walk(parts, index + 1, result);