[VM / Runtime] Remove Class::ApplyPatch which is dead code now.

All application of patches is now done in the front end there
are no callers to Class::ApplyPatch, deleting it.

Change-Id: I84857ea49463faea8df6ce1ce88c0f704a893e65
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/88426
Reviewed-by: Ryan Macnak <rmacnak@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Siva Annamalai <asiva@google.com>
diff --git a/runtime/vm/object.cc b/runtime/vm/object.cc
index 906ea2e..3882361 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/object.cc
+++ b/runtime/vm/object.cc
@@ -3209,116 +3209,6 @@
   StorePointer(&raw_ptr()->dependent_code_, array.raw());
-// Apply the members from the patch class to the original class.
-bool Class::ApplyPatch(const Class& patch, Error* error) const {
-  ASSERT(error != NULL);
-  ASSERT(!is_finalized());
-  // Shared handles used during the iteration.
-  String& member_name = String::Handle();
-  const PatchClass& patch_class = PatchClass::Handle(
-      PatchClass::New(*this, Script::Handle(patch.script())));
-  Array& orig_list = Array::Handle(functions());
-  intptr_t orig_len = orig_list.Length();
-  Array& patch_list = Array::Handle(patch.functions());
-  intptr_t patch_len = patch_list.Length();
-  Function& func = Function::Handle();
-  Function& orig_func = Function::Handle();
-  // Lookup the original implicit constructor, if any.
-  member_name = Name();
-  member_name = String::Concat(member_name, Symbols::Dot());
-  Function& orig_implicit_ctor = Function::Handle(LookupFunction(member_name));
-  if (!orig_implicit_ctor.IsNull() &&
-      !orig_implicit_ctor.IsImplicitConstructor()) {
-    // Not an implicit constructor, but a user declared one.
-    orig_implicit_ctor = Function::null();
-  }
-  const GrowableObjectArray& new_functions =
-      GrowableObjectArray::Handle(GrowableObjectArray::New(orig_len));
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < orig_len; i++) {
-    orig_func ^= orig_list.At(i);
-    member_name ^= orig_func.name();
-    func = patch.LookupFunction(member_name);
-    if (func.IsNull()) {
-      // Non-patched function is preserved, all patched functions are added in
-      // the loop below.
-      // However, an implicitly created constructor should not be preserved if
-      // the patch provides a constructor or a factory. Wait for now.
-      if (orig_func.raw() != orig_implicit_ctor.raw()) {
-        new_functions.Add(orig_func);
-      }
-    } else if (func.UserVisibleSignature() !=
-               orig_func.UserVisibleSignature()) {
-      // Compare user visible signatures to ignore different implicit parameters
-      // when patching a constructor with a factory.
-      *error = LanguageError::NewFormatted(
-          *error,  // No previous error.
-          Script::Handle(patch.script()), func.token_pos(), Report::AtLocation,
-          Report::kError, Heap::kNew, "signature mismatch: '%s'",
-          member_name.ToCString());
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < patch_len; i++) {
-    func ^= patch_list.At(i);
-    if (func.IsGenerativeConstructor() || func.IsFactory()) {
-      // Do not preserve the original implicit constructor, if any.
-      orig_implicit_ctor = Function::null();
-    }
-    func.set_owner(patch_class);
-    new_functions.Add(func);
-  }
-  if (!orig_implicit_ctor.IsNull()) {
-    // Preserve the original implicit constructor.
-    new_functions.Add(orig_implicit_ctor);
-  }
-  Array& new_list = Array::Handle(Array::MakeFixedLength(new_functions));
-  SetFunctions(new_list);
-  // Merge the two list of fields. Raise an error when duplicates are found or
-  // when a public field is being added.
-  orig_list = fields();
-  orig_len = orig_list.Length();
-  patch_list = patch.fields();
-  patch_len = patch_list.Length();
-  Field& field = Field::Handle();
-  Field& orig_field = Field::Handle();
-  new_list = Array::New(patch_len + orig_len);
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < patch_len; i++) {
-    field ^= patch_list.At(i);
-    field.set_owner(patch_class);
-    member_name = field.name();
-    // TODO(iposva): Verify non-public fields only.
-    // Verify no duplicate additions.
-    orig_field ^= LookupField(member_name);
-    if (!orig_field.IsNull()) {
-      *error = LanguageError::NewFormatted(
-          *error,  // No previous error.
-          Script::Handle(patch.script()), field.token_pos(), Report::AtLocation,
-          Report::kError, Heap::kNew, "duplicate field: %s",
-          member_name.ToCString());
-      return false;
-    }
-    new_list.SetAt(i, field);
-  }
-  for (intptr_t i = 0; i < orig_len; i++) {
-    field ^= orig_list.At(i);
-    new_list.SetAt(patch_len + i, field);
-  }
-  SetFields(new_list);
-  // The functions and fields in the patch class are no longer needed.
-  // The patch class itself is also no longer needed.
-  patch.SetFunctions(Object::empty_array());
-  patch.SetFields(Object::empty_array());
-  Library::Handle(patch.library()).RemovePatchClass(patch);
-  return true;
 // Conventions:
 // * For throwing a NSM in a class klass we use its runtime type as receiver,
 //   i.e., klass.RareType().
diff --git a/runtime/vm/object.h b/runtime/vm/object.h
index b3b6831..66dd582 100644
--- a/runtime/vm/object.h
+++ b/runtime/vm/object.h
@@ -1206,10 +1206,6 @@
   void Finalize() const;
-  // Apply given patch class to this class.
-  // Return true on success, or false and error otherwise.
-  bool ApplyPatch(const Class& patch, Error* error) const;
   RawObject* Invoke(const String& selector,
                     const Array& arguments,
                     const Array& argument_names,