blob: 2c38d28bfb2bd62f57e27a76414e234d7e979f55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Handling of native code and entry points.
library vm.transformations.type_flow.native_code;
import 'dart:convert' show json;
import 'dart:core' hide Type;
import 'dart:io' show File;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart' show CoreTypes;
import 'package:kernel/library_index.dart' show LibraryIndex;
import 'calls.dart';
import 'types.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
abstract class EntryPointsListener {
/// Add call by the given selector with arbitrary ('raw') arguments.
void addRawCall(Selector selector);
/// Sets the type of the given field.
void addDirectFieldAccess(Field field, Type value);
/// Add instantiation of the given class.
ConcreteType addAllocatedClass(Class c);
abstract class ParsedPragma {}
enum PragmaEntryPointType { Always, GetterOnly, SetterOnly }
class ParsedEntryPointPragma extends ParsedPragma {
final PragmaEntryPointType type;
class ParsedResultTypeByTypePragma extends ParsedPragma {
final DartType type;
class ParsedResultTypeByPathPragma extends ParsedPragma {
final String path;
const kEntryPointPragmaName = "vm:entry-point";
const kExactResultTypePragmaName = "vm:exact-result-type";
abstract class PragmaAnnotationParser {
/// May return 'null' if the annotation does not represent a recognized
/// @pragma.
ParsedPragma parsePragma(Expression annotation);
class ConstantPragmaAnnotationParser extends PragmaAnnotationParser {
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
ParsedPragma parsePragma(Expression annotation) {
InstanceConstant pragmaConstant;
if (annotation is ConstantExpression) {
Constant constant = annotation.constant;
if (constant is InstanceConstant) {
if (constant.classReference.node == coreTypes.pragmaClass) {
pragmaConstant = constant;
if (pragmaConstant == null) return null;
String pragmaName;
Constant name = pragmaConstant.fieldValues[coreTypes.pragmaName.reference];
if (name is StringConstant) {
pragmaName = name.value;
} else {
return null;
Constant options =
assertx(options != null);
switch (pragmaName) {
case kEntryPointPragmaName:
PragmaEntryPointType type;
if (options is NullConstant) {
type = PragmaEntryPointType.Always;
} else if (options is BoolConstant && options.value == true) {
type = PragmaEntryPointType.Always;
} else if (options is StringConstant) {
if (options.value == "get") {
type = PragmaEntryPointType.GetterOnly;
} else if (options.value == "set") {
type = PragmaEntryPointType.SetterOnly;
} else {
throw "Error: string directive to @pragma('$kEntryPointPragmaName', ...) "
"must be either 'get' or 'set'.";
return type != null ? new ParsedEntryPointPragma(type) : null;
case kExactResultTypePragmaName:
if (options == null) return null;
if (options is TypeLiteralConstant) {
return new ParsedResultTypeByTypePragma(options.type);
} else if (options is StringConstant) {
return new ParsedResultTypeByPathPragma(options.value);
throw "ERROR: Unsupported option to '$kExactResultTypePragmaName' "
"pragma: $options";
return null;
class PragmaEntryPointsVisitor extends RecursiveVisitor {
final EntryPointsListener entryPoints;
final NativeCodeOracle nativeCodeOracle;
final PragmaAnnotationParser matcher;
Class currentClass = null;
this.entryPoints, this.nativeCodeOracle, this.matcher) {
assertx(matcher != null);
PragmaEntryPointType _annotationsDefineRoot(List<Expression> annotations) {
for (var annotation in annotations) {
ParsedPragma pragma = matcher.parsePragma(annotation);
if (pragma == null) continue;
if (pragma is ParsedEntryPointPragma) return pragma.type;
return null;
visitClass(Class klass) {
var type = _annotationsDefineRoot(klass.annotations);
if (type != null) {
if (type != PragmaEntryPointType.Always) {
throw "Error: pragma entry-point definition on a class must evaluate "
"to null, true or false. See";
currentClass = klass;
visitProcedure(Procedure proc) {
var type = _annotationsDefineRoot(proc.annotations);
if (type != null) {
if (type != PragmaEntryPointType.Always) {
throw "Error: pragma entry-point definition on a procedure (including"
"getters and setters) must evaluate to null, true or false. "
var callKind = proc.isGetter
? CallKind.PropertyGet
: (proc.isSetter ? CallKind.PropertySet : CallKind.Method);
? new InterfaceSelector(proc, callKind: callKind)
: new DirectSelector(proc, callKind: callKind));
visitConstructor(Constructor ctor) {
var type = _annotationsDefineRoot(ctor.annotations);
if (type != null) {
if (type != PragmaEntryPointType.Always) {
throw "Error: pragma entry-point definition on a constructor must "
"evaluate to null, true or false. See";
.addRawCall(new DirectSelector(ctor, callKind: CallKind.Method));
visitField(Field field) {
var type = _annotationsDefineRoot(field.annotations);
if (type == null) return;
void addSelector(CallKind ck) {
? new InterfaceSelector(field, callKind: ck)
: new DirectSelector(field, callKind: ck));
switch (type) {
case PragmaEntryPointType.GetterOnly:
case PragmaEntryPointType.SetterOnly:
case PragmaEntryPointType.Always:
/// Provides insights into the behavior of native code.
class NativeCodeOracle {
final LibraryIndex _libraryIndex;
final Set<Member> _membersReferencedFromNativeCode = new Set<Member>();
final PragmaAnnotationParser _matcher;
NativeCodeOracle(this._libraryIndex, this._matcher) {
assertx(_matcher != null);
void setMemberReferencedFromNativeCode(Member member) {
bool isMemberReferencedFromNativeCode(Member member) =>
/// Simulate the execution of a native method by adding its entry points
/// using [entryPointsListener]. Returns result type of the native method.
Type handleNativeProcedure(
Member member, EntryPointsListener entryPointsListener) {
Type returnType = null;
for (var annotation in member.annotations) {
ParsedPragma pragma = _matcher.parsePragma(annotation);
if (pragma == null) continue;
if (pragma is ParsedResultTypeByTypePragma ||
pragma is ParsedResultTypeByPathPragma) {
// We can only use the 'vm:exact-result-type' pragma on methods in core
// libraries for safety reasons. See '', detail 1.2
// for explanation.
if (member.enclosingLibrary.importUri.scheme != "dart") {
throw "ERROR: Cannot use $kExactResultTypePragmaName "
"outside core libraries.";
if (pragma is ParsedResultTypeByTypePragma) {
var type = pragma.type;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
returnType = entryPointsListener.addAllocatedClass(type.classNode);
throw "ERROR: Invalid return type for native method: ${pragma.type}";
} else if (pragma is ParsedResultTypeByPathPragma) {
List<String> parts = pragma.path.split("#");
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw "ERROR: Could not parse native method return type: ${pragma.path}";
String libName = parts[0];
String klassName = parts[1];
// Error is thrown on the next line if the class is not found.
Class klass = _libraryIndex.getClass(libName, klassName);
Type concreteClass = entryPointsListener.addAllocatedClass(klass);
returnType = concreteClass;
if (returnType != null) {
return returnType;
} else {
return new Type.fromStatic(member.function.returnType);
/// Reads JSON files [jsonFiles] describing entry points and native methods.
/// Currently just checks that JSON file is empty as it is deprecated.
void processEntryPointsJSONFiles(
List<String> jsonFiles, EntryPointsListener entryPointsListener) {
for (var file in jsonFiles) {
String jsonString = new File(file).readAsStringSync();
final jsonObject = json.decode(jsonString);
final roots = jsonObject['roots'];
if (roots != null && roots.isNotEmpty) {
throw "Error: Found non-empty entry points JSON file $file."
" Use the @pragma('vm:entry-point') annotation instead.";